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Chapter 129: Get rich!

Firebird Bar has changed its decoration.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when Ren walked in here, he found a painting hanging on the wall.

It was a knight wearing black leather armor and red robes, holding a spear, and riding on a white horse with one horn.

The one-horned white horse is a strange beast and difficult to tame, so there are not many of them.

Because it is a back-view painting of a galloping horse, the appearance of the character cannot be clearly seen. However, the style of the leather armor is very retro, so the painting may be a few years old.

Mr. Philip, the foreman, was sitting at a wooden table in the middle of the bar. When he saw Lane and Garcia behind him, he immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Boss Ackerman, please sit down!"

Renne was not polite, pulled out a cushioned wooden chair and sat across from him, while Garcia stood behind him like a bodyguard.

As a boss, when negotiating, there must be several people behind you, and your personality is what sets it off.

The conversation went smoothly, mainly because the salary offered by Rennes was not low.

Mr. Philip's smile became much more enthusiastic when he heard that a worker could earn 2 silver coins every day by just setting up a tent and simply cleaning the ground.

In Bu Shen City, a month of hard work carrying bricks is only 6 gold coins, but the consumption there is much higher than that in Dilamo City.

He asked happily: "You are so generous. How many people do you need to hire?"

"With 100 people, we have to start construction tomorrow morning. Is that okay?" Ren asked.

Time waits for no one, and others will react later, and the competition will become much more intense.

Susanna has also chosen the land. There is a large vacant land on the edge of the city that no one cares about, and the rental price is very cheap.

"No problem, I'll go to the union to recruit people. Don't worry, there will definitely be enough workers tomorrow!"

Mr. Philip stood up, bowed, and took his leave.

After he left, Garcia sat down, picked up a glass of cold beer, and took a sip.

He was a little confused: "President, I know that many people are stranded in the city and the hotels are full.

But the place where we set up the tent is too far from the city, making life very inconvenient and the sanitary conditions are poor. Will anyone really be willing to live there?

Moreover, 4,000 military tents are a bit too much, aren’t they?”

Garcia now probably understood Renn's idea, which was to provide temporary accommodation for the immigrant population. However, the location chosen was too remote.

Although the contracting price is very cheap, this is no longer in the suburbs, but on the edge of the city.

Ren sneered: "That's not for rich people in the first place. Don't worry, when the time comes, not to mention the tents, the kennels will be robbed!"

War is coming, but the news is still sealed.

The plain is vast and sparsely populated, but there are still more than 300,000 people in total. Once the war starts, refugees will flow into the city of Diramo and surrounding towns.

Do they all sleep in the street? How can they survive the winter? Are they not afraid of wind, rain and thunder?

No matter how bad the accommodation conditions are, it is still better than nothing. What Wren made was war money, and what he earned was dirty money. The longer the war lasted, the more he earned.

By then, just collecting rents will be met with mercy, not to mention that Rennes already has a complete plan.

The one-stop service is guaranteed to squeeze out all the benefits from the refugees. No, it is guaranteed to make them feel at ease and satisfied with their stay.

"Can we really rent them all out? Are there so many people?

Moreover, is that kind of accommodation, with a monthly rent of 2 gold coins, too expensive?" Garcia asked doubtfully, as he could not understand the boss's mysterious confidence.

Don't blame him, Renn didn't tell his men about the war. Keeping it secret would help create prestige.


Renn chuckled: "Don't worry, you will definitely make money this time."

Not to mention whether the refugees will have a choice then, even if it is really expensive, it is not too late to lower the price. Maybe the rent can be lowered midway, which will make them grateful.

Besides, there are also Kangao people. Renn doesn't believe that these indigenous people can withstand this storm.

He had been to the Qingshi Department, where many Kangao people lived in tents and brick houses where witch doctors, chiefs and other high-ranking officials could live.

The worst he could do was rent it to the indigenous people and squeeze them hard, but he had prepared several sets of services so that they wouldn't pay.

Thinking of this, the black-hearted businessman Renn took a sip of beer, and the mellow liquor entered his mouth. He couldn't help but think of a famous saying by an arms dealer in the book "Steam Revolution":

If you don't sell arms to enemy countries to fight against your own country, you don't deserve to be called an international arms dealer.

The story of the arms dealer who made a fortune inspired Renn a lot.

The story happened more than 200 years ago. In the west of the mainland, two countries were at war. Thanks to the advanced arms provided by the arms dealer, the enemy country was the first to be unable to hold on.

Beaten to pieces, ready to surrender.

After discovering this, the arms dealer sold a batch of arms to the enemy country through hidden channels through a third-party neutral country.

Then, the war continued. After that, every time the enemy country could no longer hold on, the arms dealer would generously support a wave of guns and ammunition.

Sometimes when the country is at a disadvantage, the arms dealer will cut off support to the enemy country and increase orders from the country, and even sells it cheaper.

In this way, a war that was supposed to end in three months raged for four full years. Finally, the two countries could no longer hold on and shook hands to make peace.

This war depressed the economies of both countries and displaced many people, but the arms dealer made a lot of money.

Later, the arms dealer who accumulated huge wealth immigrated to the Silver Eagle Federation, and his name was Alberto Farley.

It is very ironic that during the war, the people of this country still supported Alberto, saying that he was a patriotic businessman and a hero.

It is precisely because he sells arms to the country at "low prices" that they can resist the invasion of enemy countries.

Alberto: Thanks to my fellow villagers for their support, this is what I should do.

After the war, Alberto also donated a sum of money to the refugees to support post-war reconstruction efforts.

Now, the crowd was full of praise for him, saying that he was good at charity, generous and compassionate.

Alberto: Thank you for your support. I am just a soft-hearted person who cannot bear to see my compatriots suffer.

Even many years after he immigrated to the Silver Eagle Federation, he was still a hero in that country's history books, and the people said he was the pride of his country.

Until 80 years ago, after the book "Steam Revolution" was published, Alberto was immediately deleted from the history books of that country.

The scholar who wrote this book spoke highly of him:

Alberto was only at the beginning of the fourth level, but he was indispensable for the fact that the Farley family could become a first-class family on the mainland in just over two hundred years, comparable to many families with a history of thousands of years.

Alberto's son is Daniel Farley, a councilor of the Steam Alliance and a fifth-level [Sky Black Warrior].

The grandson is Alfred Farley, who is in charge of the famous gun "Furious Rain".

Thinking of this, Ren sighed: "Sure enough, only with a thick face and a dark heart can you get rich."

This chapter has been completed!
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