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Chapter 28 Fantasy Showdown (1)


Ani coughed a few times, lay on the ground for a while, and then slowly got up. Renne, who was not completely devoid of emotional intelligence, stepped forward to give him a hand. At this time, there was some dust on the uniforms of both training soldiers.

"Where did you learn this unreasonable boxing technique?" Arnie could feel that this set of moves belonged to a system and was quite violent.

The collision just now made her almost breathless. She secretly scolded Ren for being a reckless man who didn't understand the beauty of women and was a little curious at the same time.

Ren smiled and said something perfunctory: "This is the eighth set of fighting skills. I learned them from a senior. I just practice them casually."

Do I have to tell you that I graduated from the Karan Empire Royal Knight Academy?

Arnie was surprised: "The eighth set, is there a ninth set?"

Ren was stunned. Of course there was a ninth broadcast body... fighting skills. He couldn't help but think back to the afternoon when Captain Gray took him to visit the leader of the Rose Knights.

He, who was still called Karen at the time, couldn't suppress his curiosity and had the courage to ask Captain Gray why he couldn't defeat Princess Karin.

Gray had a look on his face: "The Frontier Knights have been established for nearly a thousand years, and every one hundred years or so they will summarize and improve their fighting skills. However, in the past two hundred years, the fighting skills have been perfected to a certain level, and some of them cannot be upgraded.


After a pause, Captain Gray's expression became serious: "Karin is the main person in charge of creating the ninth set of fighting skills in this era, and it has already achieved initial results! In order to further integrate the sacred fighting energy or the energy of life into fists, feet and even swords

In the attack, Karin has carefully studied and summarized dozens of fighting techniques, sword techniques, knife techniques, etc., and is truly a master!"

"Can I learn it? The ninth set of fighting skills?" Karen was fascinated.

Gray chuckled softly: "I just have something to ask her about. Come with me. Maybe she will be willing to teach you a few tricks when she is happy."

That day, Captain Gray took him to White Tower City to visit the newly "married" Princess Karin.

In a simple yet gorgeous small courtyard, Captain Gray just wanted to give Karin a hug as she walked towards him, but the hug was in vain.

She nimbly dodged Gray's hug, walked up to Karen with a smile, and pinched his somewhat immature face.

Karen, who was teased, slapped her "slutty finger" off.

"Haha! Gray, where did you get this little follower? It's so cute!" As she said that, Karin hugged Karen into her arms. Karen was surprised to find that he couldn't get away.

After a while, Princess Carin let go of Karen, who was a little "suffocated" by the two balls.

"Cough! Cough!" Karen coughed a few times and took a breath of air. No wonder Gray couldn't forget about Karin. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also...a good ball! The ball was so big that it couldn't be held in one hand!

Gray smiled bitterly: "Karin, you know, I..."

Karin was very impatient: "Needless to say, I don't like rough men, and you are not a cultured person. Of course, if you don't mind, I can marry you!"

Gray suddenly stopped talking. Karen didn't know what they talked about afterwards. After hearing that he wanted to learn the ninth set of martial arts, Karin threw a first draft to him and told him not to be too ambitious.

It's not enough to practice the ninth set of fighting skills.

Ren was a little distracted, and it took him a while to react: "Yes, but I didn't learn it, otherwise you would lose even more miserably today."

Ani lowered his head, suddenly feeling stupid. Why would he ask such a question to a stupid young man? It would make him unhappy.

Seeing the dust on Ani's body and his somewhat disheveled hair, Renn couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Was he too harsh?

He stretched out his hand to smooth Ani's messy blond hair. This action was a bit intimate.

Ani was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to react. He slapped Ren's hand away and took a step back, his expression a little unnatural.

Ren was speechless. He really didn't think much about it just now, but afterwards he felt that he was a bit cruel, and he seemed to have been misunderstood.

The onlookers booed, and Berthold's face turned pale. He gradually returned to normal after seeing Arnie smacking away Ren's "slutty hand".

Ymir looked sarcastic and stabbed her directly: "Go pick her up right after you beat her. You can't do such a thing!"

It was such a sharp complaint that Ren was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer it. Fortunately, instructor Keith helped him out.

"Bah bang bang!"

Don't get me wrong, it's just applause.

A burst of applause suddenly sounded from behind. Everyone looked back and saw that Instructor Keith and several combat instructors were walking over.

Instructor Keith nodded to Ren and Arnie and glanced at everyone: "You have seen it, those who are lazy and playing, don't blush? There are no points for fighting training, but we spend a year training.

It’s not a waste of time. Ask yourself, do you have any chance of winning against an enemy with such fighting skills?

The enemies are not just giants, and you may not always have weapons in hand. Remember, practice hard and don’t be lazy!"

Instructor Keith paused, pointed at Ren and Ani and said, "If you are at this level, I can pretend I didn't see it!"

Of course he knew that Ren and Arnie were slacking off, but he didn't care because they didn't need to. It wasn't that they were very good at paddling. How could they hide it from him no matter how good they were?

Keith continued to look at everyone, his expression became serious: "We have taught you the key points of fighting, right? The punch does not leave the heart, the elbow does not leave the ribs, the punch does not leave the elbow, the elbow does not leave the chest. It is better to receive ten hands than one elbow... Every time

The instructor will teach you some basic movements and techniques, remember them all! Practice more, ask for more advice, and study hard. Otherwise, even if you become a military policeman, you don't want to be knocked down by a thief, right?"

After Instructor Keith finished speaking, he left. Many people lowered their heads. Indeed, many people were paddling in this class, and at least nearly half of them did not train seriously.

After that, the class became a little lively. Allen and Amin changed their opponents. Allen began to ask Amin for advice. Of course, he also invited Ren to fight from time to time.

Even though they were all taught a terrible lesson, Ren showed no mercy and almost taught him everything he had. He wished that in the future when Eren became a giant, he would directly beat the Armored Titan and the Female Titan.

He didn't know yet that the giantess was Ani, whom he had beaten not long ago.

Then Ren's sparring partner Jean and Allen got into a fight again, and Jean was surprised to find that he was gradually unable to beat Allen.

One day on the training field, Allen gripped the wooden knife and stabbed at Arnie at full speed, but Arnie nimbly dodged.


Allen tripped over Arnie's kick and fell out.

"Ahem! Arnie, your movements are still so sharp." Allen slowly got up.

"You are merciless. You rush at me with all your strength every time. Shouldn't you be gentler to girls?" Ani's expression was slightly weak.

Allen disagreed: "I think Renn is right. You shouldn't be merciful just because your opponent is a girl. Going all out is the only way to respect your opponent."

Ani looked helpless: "Don't listen to his fallacies. Did you learn this from him?"

"Ren's boxing technique is too difficult. I can't understand it very well, so I have to ask you for advice."

Ani: Does it mean mine is easier to learn? It’s really depressing, meeting two idiots with no grace at all in a row!

"Really? Then you should learn from it!" Arnie rushed towards Allen and punched Allen in the face with his left hand. Allen's face changed and he subconsciously raised his hand to block. Arnie suddenly changed his move and bent down.

He lowered his head, passed his left arm under Allen's left arm, and wrapped his arm around Allen's neck! Then he slammed him to the ground with all his strength: "I also learned how to talk to girls by the way!"

Allen fell firmly to the ground, his face turned red from being strangled.

"I want to learn this trick too, teach me how to do it!" At some point, Mikasa came over with a murderous look on her face.

Ani let go of Allen, turned to look at Mikasa, their eyes met, both of them looked a little cold.

Both of them are one of the best female soldiers in this class. They have actually noticed each other before, but they have not communicated much.

Ani looked at the expressionless Mikasa: "Forget it, you don't seem to need to learn this, these moves are only useful for people."

Mikasa didn't speak, just stared at Ani indifferently.

Allen has been learning fighting skills from Arnie recently, and they have become quite close.

Although Allen often learns from Ren, that annoying brat is a boy, but Ani is different. Not only is he powerful, he is also a beauty... To put it bluntly, there are only four words - he is jealous or she is unhappy!

Arnie put on a fighting stance: "But I'm also curious about whether this has any effect on beasts."

Mikasa was unmoved and looked at Ani coldly. It was obvious that she was about to tear... ahem, about to do it.

Allen stood up, looked at Mikasa and Ani, and murmured to himself: "Are they about to confront each other?"

With a strong desire to survive, he subconsciously took two steps back, and then felt that he had bumped into someone. When he turned around, he found that a group of people had gathered to watch the excitement.

Reiner looked at the confrontation between Mikasa and Ani: "I wonder who will win?"

The last time he challenged Mikasa, he was beaten badly. Unfortunately, he was also beaten by Ani. He tried his best both times, but the result was not ideal!

"Ani." Marco said with some uncertainty.

His good friend Rang was upset: "Mikasa, it must be Mikasa, I bet today's dinner!"

Connie reached out and poked Ren on the side: "Who do you think will win?"

Ren pretended to be very calm... and said: "They are free to do whatever they want, but I am invincible anyway!"

He looked at his empty hands with regret. It would have been nice to have popcorn and Coke at this time.

Rennes: Messi and Ronaldo are going to have sex! Three goals, a hat trick, yeah, the ball was scored!

Christa glanced at Ren with a cute look, and Ymir sneered: "What an arrogant brat."

Renn ignored the old lady's sarcasm and stared at the tearing... contest in front of him!

Ignoring everyone's comments, Mikasa slowly walked towards Ani. She wouldn't do anything if she could. The third master is such a straightforward person.

This chapter has been completed!
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