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Chapter 164 Power

Hearing Garcia's sarcasm, Renne laughed loudly: "That's right, who can't shout slogans? It doesn't matter what sounds good.

Whether it's smearing or whitewashing, in the final analysis, who has the right to speak and who stands on the moral high ground."

What happened today also reminded him that there must be some channels for speaking out.

Whether it is to have counterattacks in the face of slander, or to beautify and package yourself, to guide public opinion, you need to have some mouthpieces.

There is a proverb in the West on earth: Information is power──Information is power.

Ren swayed the red wine in the glass, showed a meaningful smile, stared at Susanna and said: "Go and find out if there are any small newspapers that are not viable or have just been established, and buy one or two."

The first batch of Kangao people will arrive in the afternoon, which also means that the first pot of gold is coming.

Everyone was thoughtful, only Wen Xi scratched his head and asked naively: "Boss, why are you buying a newspaper? If you want to read the newspaper, just order a few copies."

After patting him on the head, Sig said angrily: "Stupid, of course it's propaganda."

The main business of Thorns Security Company in the future is not community property management, but private bodyguards and mercenaries.

Especially for mercenaries, if they make war profits, their reputation will not be very good, but if they keep clean, they will not be easily ruined.

After all, we are fighting demons now, not interfering in the battle between human countries.

Renn put down his wine glass, crossed his fingers, looked at Susanna with a smile, and said righteously: "After buying a few small newspapers, hire a few street writers or simply let the newspaper reporters write in the newspapers every day. It will be beneficial to us.

Soft articles.

Then, find a few cultural figures to package it up, stand out as a human rights fighter, give the Kanggao people a platform, and vigorously promote ideas such as letting go of grudges, understanding and tolerating each other, and overcoming difficulties."

Ren's words were sonorous and powerful, and he looked upright.

Isn't it just a matter of comparing who has better propaganda and acting skills? The public's position is actually easily affected.

As long as you don't be too desperate, lose your temper or completely stink, a really black person can be turned into a white person. In the same way, a white person can also be slandered and turned into a black person. Trolls, trolls, idiot fans, etc. are so scary.

No need to emphasize too much.

Garcia looked at Renne and asked with a half-smile: "Boss, do you like Kangao people?"


Ren said bluntly that he was not Dennis, a folklorist, and he could not appreciate the cultural customs of the Kangao people.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kangao people would not conflict with the locals and affect their business after moving into the Sunshine Community, he would not bother to take care of these things.

Seeing the undisguised disdain and ridicule on his face, Susanna snorted and laughed: "Then you were so sanctimonious just now, making you look like a holy mother. How hypocritical."

Ren snorted disdainfully, "Holy shit, if it wasn't the wave period now and the people we had to deal with were the Kangao people, he would immediately change his face."

Advocating for people who are not our own race must have a different mentality. The barbaric indigenous people should obediently give up their land to civilized people.

"My deeds don't matter my heart. You don't care whether I'm hypocritical or sincere, as long as I make money." Ren said nonchalantly.


Reality does not depend on human will. No matter how much the citizens hate the indigenous people, at three o'clock in the afternoon, 10,000 Kangao people arrived in Diramo City on time.

Like a long queue, indigenous people wearing animal skins, coarse linen clothes and straw sandals poured into the city, and the streets were suddenly overcrowded.

They were carrying large and small bags and holding various strange objects in their hands, including beast bones, horns, feathers, snake skins, etc.

It has to be said that there is a reason why the citizens hate them. Women are fine, but many male natives are not groomed at all, like savages, smelly and look very sloppy.

Moreover, some indigenous people did not wear shoes, were shirtless, with disheveled hair, and stared at passers-by fiercely, scaring many people on both sides of the street.

The citizens talked a lot, and many people looked at them with disgust and hostility. Some even yelled at them and told them to get out.

Mounted policemen from the Public Security Bureau and deacons from the 7th Bureau maintained order on both sides of the road and promptly stopped people who wanted to throw garbage and stones at the indigenous people.

Many tribal chiefs and witch doctors also calmed down the emotions of the few tribesmen who looked fiercely, and did not let them go berserk.

It should be said that both sides were well prepared and controlled the situation, at least without triggering any violent conflicts.

Renn and the others were in the conference room on the second floor, standing by the window and watching this group of indigenous people swaggering through the city.

Under the leadership of Zaro, they arrived at Sunshine Community and began to allocate residences.

Not long after, Zaro asked people from the city hall to send gold coins and silver notes to Thorns Security Company, totaling 4,386 gold coins.

At this moment, in the rest hall on the third floor of the Thorn Security Company, there was a continuous sound of crisp metal collisions.

Wen Xi picked up dozens of glittering gold coins from the glass table with both hands, and sprinkled them from his head like a bath.


"Haha, we are rich!"

Wen Xi smiled like a child. He knew that the boss was going to raise his salary. In the future, it would not be a dream to be popular, drink hot food, and have three wives and four concubines.

Sigg was not much better either. He picked up a bottle of champagne and opened it directly, spraying the wine all over Wen Xi.

"From today on, I will use my banknotes as my pillow!"

Sigg cheered, he would get a share of the investment, and after one year, the 4,000 gold coins invested would probably have multiplied several times.

With a smile on his face, Garcia slowly rolled up a 10-denomination banknote, held it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter:

"Ah, what a charming fragrance, even Fengchun cigarettes have to give way to it.

After all, this is what it feels like to burn money!”

Jenny was also there. She had become the manager of Thorns Security Company. She was laughing so hard as she looked at the people having fun.

Ren slumped on the sofa, holding up the empty wine glass, and said to Susanna: "Secretary, why are you standing there, didn't you see that the boss's wine glass is empty?"

With a snort, Susanna picked up the wine bottle, poured him a glass of red wine, and teased: "Ren, for a while, I thought you looked a lot like my ex-boyfriend.

But now, I am awake, what about you? Do you really want to be involved in the mercenary business? This is different from what we said at the beginning."

After drinking all the red wine in the glass, Ren said with a smile: "Haha, my mind is very clear, look around you, this is our world.

The world of ordinary people is no longer applicable to us. It is luxurious, false, hypocritical, artificial... This is the real world that belongs to the extraordinary.

More direct, more cruel, without any unrealistic illusions, what is believed here is the law of the jungle, the stronger you can control more resources, you can control more people!

Susanna, you obviously don't understand that the true foundation of extraordinary beings is one's own strength."

After all, this is not the earth. Business alone cannot survive in troubled times. Extraordinary power itself is the greatest power!

This chapter has been completed!
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