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Chapter 254 Lets be romantic!

"Hey, Brother Headless, is that you?"

"Are you getting used to living here? Can you tell me how long you want to stay in my storage ring?"

"Hey, why are you mute again? Could you please give me a fucking message?!"

After discovering the abnormality in the ring, Ren kept shaking the storage ring in his hand, and a lot of questions came out of his mouth like a barrage of questions.

It was a rare opportunity, and this fourth-level [cursed spirit] finally had some reaction.

Suddenly, the "Headless Horseman" stammered a few words and then fell into deathly silence.

Its attitude was very cold, and it couldn't even hit a fart with the three sticks. This made Ren extremely depressed and at the same time felt inexplicable.

When they teamed up with Carlos to deal with Frank, the Headless Horseman helped them once and stopped the Blood Duke who was about to use blood escape to escape, so he didn't let Kesha drive the Headless Horseman away from the storage ring.

"Could it be that this bloody love story is true, and that's why it caused the reaction of the Headless Horseman?" Ren rubbed the ring in his hand, then turned to his girlfriend beside him and asked, "Xiaoyue, think about it again,

Who gave this ring?"

Kesha frowned and shook her head slightly:

"I received so many birthday gifts, many of which I didn't need. I opened them and threw them aside. I didn't pay attention to who the gifts came from."

This was a gift she received on her twentieth birthday. The last time she saw Ren didn't have a storage ring, she gave it to him.

A truly rich woman, who owns a mine at home, doesn’t even look at a ring worth thousands of gold coins, and doesn’t even care who gave it to her.

Ren was silent, suddenly feeling that he was so poor and under a lot of pressure.

"What's wrong? You stopped talking all of a sudden?" Kesha blinked and leaned her head on his shoulder, wondering.

Kissing her cheek gently, Ren teased:

"It's nothing, it's just that someone found himself in poverty and felt deeply inferior in front of his white, rich and beautiful girlfriend."

Kesha smiled and reached out to pinch his ears: "The princess in distress met the knight whose family was in decline, and they both fell in love, took adventures together, and finally escaped from danger.

Dramas and novel legends with similar plots have been popular on the mainland for thousands of years and have always been deeply loved by people."

She is a princess. When she was young, she always felt dumbfounded when she saw stories like this.

But now, the relationship between her and Ren more or less falls into this category, and may seem quite romantic to outsiders.

"The more bloody the story, the more people will read it. It is undeniable that most people, including me, are actually very vulgar." Renn laughed at himself.

He thought of the so-called tyrants, orphans, losers, Mary Sues... These are far from elegant or profound, but they are really popular and will probably remain popular for many years to come.

Kesha pouted and shook his arm: "I didn't ask you to say this, don't you think men should be more romantic?"

"I don't think so. In my opinion, that's hypocritical." Ren's answer was very straight-faced.

Kesha was unhappy now. She said angrily: "We are dating, and we are traveling before marriage!"

Ren was stunned for a moment, looking at her with an aggrieved look on her face, and then realized that he seemed to be acting too casually.

She is very serious about this relationship and has sacrificed a lot, and is even ready to entrust her lifelong happiness to him, but he doesn't seem to really consider her feelings.

Thinking of this, Renn took her hand and stood up:

"Xiaoyue, let's go to the dock area!"

Maybe it was because he had been single for a long time and his thoughts were selfish, so he ignored her feelings.

Kesha was confused, but she still followed him obediently, and the two of them ran all the way to the dock area by the lake.

It was already dusk at this time, and the glow of the setting sun fell on the rippling blue water, giving off patches of golden linden-like sheen. The scene of the same color as the water and the sky was very charming.

Ren looked around and found that there were only a few small boats fixed here. He was a little disappointed because the venue was a bit poor.

"What's wrong?" Kesha asked confused.

"It's okay, you can make do with it." Ren replied with a smile, holding her hand and boarding the largest ship among them.

They came to the wooden deck side by side. There were no other tourists here for the time being. He took her towards the bow guardrail.

"Ren, what are we going to do?" Kesha was a little confused.

"Of course it's the most ridiculous...well, the most romantic thing between a couple." Ren smiled evilly, took Kesha's hand, and asked her to stand in front of the bow guardrail. "Be careful where you step, hold on to the railing, and close your eyes."


Although she didn't know why, Kesha still closed her eyes. Under his guidance, she stood behind the railing, held her head high, stretched her arms, and assumed the legendary classic pose.

Ren stood behind her, holding her slender waist with both hands, with a somewhat unnatural expression on his face.

Well, heck, I always feel a bit ashamed.

However, Ren quickly adjusted her mentality and whispered in her ear:

"From now on, I am Jack Dawson and you are Ruth... Ahem, forget it, just pretend I didn't say that.

Now, imagine that you are a bird soaring in the sky, with the boundless sea in front of you, spreading your wings and flying freely..."

After getting rid of distracting thoughts and repeating it a few more times, Kesha seemed to have found some feeling after completely relaxing.

Renn also gradually entered the state, his mentality changed, and he immediately felt the difference.

I used to despise this posture at first, but when I stand here, I don't think about that at all.

The sea... the lake surface is very calm, the sunset is on the side, the clouds are stained with red clouds, the wind is not strong, you can hear... it seems like you can hear the sound of the bow of the boat breaking through the waves.

This feeling was like lying on the grass on a quiet summer night, looking at the starry night sky.

Suddenly there was a throbbing in my heart. It is precisely because of its existence that I can see, hear, touch and feel.

Just like human beings who have been able to recognize themselves for millions of years, they are grateful to exist, grateful to perceive, and grateful to be able to recognize themselves.

However, within a few minutes, Renn entered a state of "random and egg".

'Sure enough, I am just a common man and don't have any artistic talent.'

This thought flashed through Ren's mind, but Kesha seemed intoxicated by it, and a woman's perceptual thinking dominated her.

After a long time, when she opened her eyes, surprise and emotion were still on her face. Ren seized the opportunity, imitated DiCaprio's movements, and kissed his girlfriend's seductive red lips.

For Kesha, this kiss was very emotional, completely different from usual, and she was intoxicated.

For Ren, this kiss was also very emotional, exactly the same as usual, and the taste was still as good.

"Ren, I love you!" Kesha was completely emotional.

Holding her tightly, Ren smiled slightly: "Xiaoyue, I love you!"

He finally grew up and realized he was wrong.

Just because it's bloody doesn't mean it's not easy to use. Being able to move countless crazy men and resentful women around the world is a kind of ability in itself.

PS: Please vote for recommendations~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

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