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Chapter 78 Call it a day

Yuanzang Mountain, inside the underground cave.

Ren's expression was serious, and bright runes flowed from his fingers to the ground. Combined with some magic materials, a complex rune array gradually took shape.

Compared with "the evil in this world", it is more important to prepare a big gift for the King of Heroes. Gilgamesh was a true demigod during his lifetime, with power comparable to that of the gods.

Even if what comes this time is just a copy of the Holy Grail, it should not be underestimated. After all, Servants are also very strong.

He is not afraid of the King of Heroes. After preparing for so long, he has now reached the height of the three golden targets (Golden Shining, Ra Er, Karna) under normal conditions.

(Normal state refers to ordinary spiritual base.)

Of course, if he hadn't accumulated a lot of magic power these days, he would actually be slightly worse than the three of them.

With Ren's character, he will naturally try his best to maximize his advantages and chances of winning. He is not a true servant, and he is truly dead when he dies, so he cannot be careless.

During this period, Xiao An harassed Ren several times, but he was silenced and fell into isolation.

Angola Mainu discovered that Wren was not immune to temptation.

The other party is by no means the kind of saint who has no desires and desires, but his ambition is too great, completely beyond his expectations and the limit that the Holy Grail can reach.

The power of the explosive star is only the minimum requirement, which is barely enough to catch the eye. It is best to be able to chop the solar system into pieces, wipe out the Milky Way, or even destroy the entire universe with one blow.

The more the merrier, there is no upper limit.

Xiaoan: "..."

Even he was a little stunned after hearing the other party's request. He didn't know how to continue to deceive him.

It's useless to lie to others, because the other party simply doesn't believe that he has this ability.

'You are so awesome, why are you still hiding in the Great Holy Grail and pretending to be a grandson? If you have the ability, come out and create new worlds and defeat your inhibitions.'

One sentence stopped all his words.

Xiao An was helpless and could only watch that hateful guy smiling sinisterly, humming a tune, and happily doing things here.

Three hours later, the rune array was fully formed.

Brilliant runes are intertwined, and blue fluorescence is densely covered in the entire underground cavity. Thin threads pierce into the magic circuit of the Great Holy Grail, like a man-eating flower with countless tentacles blooming in the darkness.

When the formation started to operate and steal the magic power of the Great Holy Grail, Angola Mainyu inside finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Stop, Caster, you can't do this!"

"Why not?"

"This... because this may interfere with the operation of the Great Holy Grail and cause problems with the ritual..."

"Stop being ridiculous, who are you kidding? I just absorbed a little magic power. The Great Holy Grail is so fragile that it would have been scrapped long ago."

"But, you can't do that!"

"Oh, what can you do if you do it? Come out and beat me if you can." Renn grinned and continued to bully the evil in this world.

He was not surprised that the other party was impatient.

If Xiao An is the fetus, the Great Holy Grail is the womb, and the magic power inside is the amniotic fluid and nutrients.

Summoning the servants from the Great Holy Grail consumes a lot of magic power, and now that he has extracted part of the magic power into the rune array, it is strange that Xiao An can still sit still.

"Caster, I'm warning you, no matter what you think, if you and your Master still want to get the Holy Grail, stop the formation immediately! Otherwise, even if you win, the Holy Grail will not belong to you!"

"Haha, it's none of my business!"

"Are you crazy? You don't want it at all..."

"Shut up! What's wrong with me lending you some magic power? Stop talking nonsense. If you are a brother, come out and kill me!"


Ren ignored Xiao An's warning, fully activated the formation, continuously extracted the magic power from the Great Holy Grail, and guided it to the surface according to a fixed route.

The danger of "evil in this world" is very high and cannot be underestimated, but the other party cannot get out at this moment and can only give a verbal warning.

It is not that easy for Xiao An to be born. Even after the ceremony is officially launched, it will take some time for him to get out of the hole. It is simply impossible now.

As the formation continued to operate, even though the magic power extracted was not much compared to the amount stored, Xiao An was also a little panicked.

He used all kinds of sweet words, threats, inducements, deceptions, even begged for mercy, surrendered, pretended to be pitiful...but Master Lane still had his own way.

I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I don’t listen…

Later, Ren got fed up and cut off the thread connecting the Great Holy Grail, and his ears suddenly became clear.

Another person might not be able to do such a trick. After all, if Xiao An prefers someone, he can give him the Holy Grail first.

For example, the consciousnesses of Father Mapo and Emiya Kiritsugu originally entered the Holy Grail together, but after Xiao An disguised himself as Irisviel, he chose to let Father Kiritsugu make a wish.

Father Mapo could only stare from the sidelines.

But Renn knows very well what Xiao An is. Yes, the contaminated Holy Grail can still make wishes, but the result...

In short, rubbish.

After setting up the formation, Renn walked away.

It can be expected that the "evil in this world" hates him so much that he probably won't give the Holy Grail to Matou Kariya and him even if he is killed.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, it’s Father Kiritsugu and King Daimo who are making wishes.

When Ren finished bullying Xiao An and came out from his work, Emiya Kiritsugu threw away his cigarette butt and walked over from under the tree:

"That big star formation of yours, is it ready?"

"The underground part is done, don't worry about the surface part, we'll finish the work for the time being."

Ren greeted him with a smile on his face, and the two of them walked down the mountain path paved with bluestone steps.

"Is it really okay to absorb the magic power of the Great Holy Grail?"

Father Kiritsugu seemed a little worried. He knew what Wuming had done. He didn't object because the King of Heroes was indeed difficult to deal with and required some extraordinary measures.

"Don't worry, reaching the source and making a wish are two different things. The latter's requirements are actually much lower than the former. Even if it affects the Great Holy Grail, it just won't reach the source smoothly."

Renn looked at the slightly depressed scenery on the mountain in early winter and explained.

This is true. To reach the source, you must kill all the servants, charge up enough magic power, and let the Great Holy Grail operate at full power.

The reason why Tokiomi took Jin Shining as his father was to save command spells and finally let the King of Heroes commit suicide.

But making a wish is different. Originally, when the guy Jin Shining was still performing a textbook hard-core proposal to Saber, Father Kiritsugu could make a wish.

Killing five followers is actually enough.

Emiya Kiritsugu nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. He was just afraid that Mu Ming would damage the Great Holy Grail, so he asked this question.

When we get to the root cause, we have nothing to do with him.

After going down the mountain, the two separated. Kiritsugu's father continued to monitor Tokiomi, while Ren returned to the castle.

Cooking, basking in the sun, watching TV... From time to time I bickered with the silly king, and the day passed quickly.

Unlike Ren, who was paddling and clocking in, Saber was a model worker and went to search for the Emperor several times during the day.

However, Weber was really unlucky and she still found nothing, but this time she did not insist on staying up all night to search.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ren and Saber were in the kitchen preparing to cook.

"I told you, don't be too nervous, just use a kitchen knife to cut a potato, why are you still using swordsmanship?

Girl, how much hatred do you have against this potato? You cut the cutting board in half."

Ren Xian glanced at King Daimao, looked at the broken chopping board and sighed.

This foodie is very good at cooking.

Arturia stood aside with a slight blush, thinking about how to explain, when her expression suddenly changed.


A huge thunder sounded, and the barrier outside the castle seemed to have suffered a heavy blow and suddenly shattered!

This chapter has been completed!
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