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Chapter 82 Full of gunpowder

Upon hearing the emperor's words, Jin Shining's expression turned cold instantly:

"Stop giving orders, miscellaneous cultivator. First, the premise of competing for the Holy Grail is wrong."

"Huh?!" The emperor didn't react for a moment.

Seeing his frown and surprised expression, Jin Shining sighed helplessly.

"Really speaking, it was originally an item that belonged to me. Looking back on the origin, there is no real object in the world that did not come from my king's treasure house.

Although time has passed and some things will always be lost, those treasures still belong to me."

"Oh, so have you ever held the Holy Grail before? You mean, do you know what the Holy Grail really is?"

"have no idea."

Jin Xingxin flatly denied Rider's questioning.

Then, Mr. Jin began to show off his wealth in an inhumane way:

"Don't judge by the standards of miscellaneous cultivators. The total amount of wealth I possess has already far exceeded what I know.

But as long as that item is a treasure, it can definitely belong to me, but you want to take away my treasure without permission. You thieves are a bit brave!"

To translate, I don’t even know how rich I am.

The emperor's expression was stunned, he remembered the legend of "The King's Treasure", touched his chin, and remained silent for a moment.

Saber's lips moved, but she didn't know what to say. The momentum of the two kings was temporarily dampened by Jin Shining's words.

Shining's identity was exposed a long time ago. Not to mention other worlds, Gilgamesh has a top reputation in the Moon World. His Noble Phantasm "The King's Treasure" is not a secret. Even Emiya Young Hero knows about it.


In fact, compared to the Sword of Oblivion and the Lock of Heaven, the Treasure of the King is truly heaven-defying, and defies nature to the point of being unreasonable.

"The King's Treasure" contains the prototypes of all noble phantoms, or the prototypes of human inventions, as well as treasures or treasures from the past and present. Rather than being the treasures stored by Gilgamesh, it is better to say that it is the "Original Book of Human Wisdom" itself.


Mr. Jin’s extremely arrogant words appear to be fine on the surface, but in fact there are still serious logical loopholes.

Master Renn smiled contemptuously and said unceremoniously:

"King of Heroes, stop being ridiculous. Does the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City have anything to do with you?"

"Miscellaneous Cultivator, are you questioning the treasure I possess?" Jin Shining had a stern expression, staring at him with a pair of scarlet vertical pupils.

The Emperor and Saber looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

Just now the emperor even wanted to admit that the Holy Grail was shining, and then expressed his intention to plunder it with the "tyranny" of a conquering king.

Now they both just looked at Wuming quietly, waiting for the next question.

Renn looked at the King of Heroes with an indifferent expression:

"I know that the King's Treasure will automatically include treasures in the world. I don't deny that there is a Holy Grail in your treasure house, but does this have anything to do with the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City?"

"Zhaixiu, what do you mean?" Jin Shining's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to realize something.

"It's very simple. It doesn't matter if you have the Holy Grail in your treasure house. You can just play behind closed doors. Use it to drink wine or play football with it. It's up to you.

But why do you say that the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City is yours?

Among the initial three royal families, the Einzbern family constructed the Holy Grail system, the Tosaka family was responsible for providing the land, and the Matou family created the Servant system (command spell).

Excuse me, does this have anything to do with you Gilgamesh?

What qualifications do you have to say that the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City is yours? Just how many Holy Grails have you collected in your treasury?

Then I would like to ask, have you paid royalties to Yusanjia?"

Lane was not pushy and stated the facts in plain words.

Jin Shining is a typical gangster logic.

If there is a god, you can worship by yourself behind closed doors. If there is a Holy Grail in the treasure house, you can play by yourself.

But does this have a necessary relationship with the Holy Grail that others have worked so hard to build?

If you really want to say plagiarism, King's Treasure is plagiarism.

It contains many treasures of heroes, as well as various treasures created by people in human history.

Even if it is claimed to be a prototype, it is exactly the same as the real thing. But it still cannot be concealed. It is essentially a copy and a record.

For example, if Jin Shining takes out the "Red Rose that Breaks Demons" from the King's Treasure, it is exactly the same as the one in Diarmuid's hand.

But who is the real owner of the Noble Phantasm "The Red Rose that Breaks Demons"?

Does anyone really think that Gilgamesh is more qualified to own the copyright of the Noble Phantasm than Diarmuid?

So what about the original book of human wisdom? A copy is a copy. Can you still claim to the original owner who created the treasure that you are the one who owns it?

Jin Shining Shining is using this gangster logic now.

Ren's words caused the scene to fall into a strange silence. Jin Shanshan's face was expressionless at the moment, and his eyes were full of indifference when he looked at him.

"It makes sense. Since the Holy Grail was built by the Yusan Family, and the Yusan Family has formulated the rules for the fight, then it does not belong to it and we need to fight for it."

The Emperor touched his chin and acknowledged Ren's words.

Saber hated Jin Shining very much, and even sneered mercilessly:

"The Einzbern family is the main builder of the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. As for who belongs to it, the King of Heroes, me and my Master are more qualified.

Now it’s you who wants to rob our treasure, you’re a thief who’s a bit brave.”

The last sentence of King Da Mao was almost exactly the same as what Twinkle had said before.

Mr. Jin's face had darkened and he was in a very bad mood. He rarely opened his mouth to explain the principle of his Noble Phantasm:

"I collected the prototypes of all the technologies that were produced in my era and kept them as my own. I sealed them. All subsequent treasures made use of these principles. Isn't it an exaggeration to say that they are mine?"

This explanation made everyone stunned. The emperor and Saber frowned. This statement sounded very reasonable.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Master Renn laughed wildly. He was so happy that he almost leaned forward and backward with laughter, holding his stomach, without any scruples.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The Emperor and Saber looked at each other, then looked at him in confusion.

Why is the Prime Minister laughing so much?

Jin Shining's face, which had just returned to normal, suddenly turned dark, and he had laughed so wildly sometimes.

But that was when he was mocking others. It was the first time he was laughed at by others, and the experience was so bad that he almost stood up and wanted to hit someone.

"Zha Xiu, what are you laughing at?"

His red eyes were burning with anger, and his face was frosty. Jin Shining was angry. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his understanding. All the treasures in the world were his.

Ren gradually stopped smiling, curled his lips and said:

"You said you took the prototype of the technology into your own hands, but you didn't invent it. The original inventor of those technologies was not you, you just grabbed it."

"So what, after plundering, those things belong to me!" Jin Shining said with a cruel tone.

In fact, from this perspective, King's Treasure is the real capitalist. It is simply lying on the ground sucking blood from the entire human history, which is extremely shameless.

"So you plan to collect copyright fees for thousands of years? Sorry, Uruk is dead. Who knows where you registered the copyright? Don't you know that the statute of limitations is only a few decades?

You can still use the king's treasure yourself, and no one will care about it. That is your freedom.

But you don’t think that just because you have collected those technological prototypes, you can ignore the inspiration and efforts of future generations, work hard to develop and further develop and create, and regard everything as your own property, right?”

Ren responded mercilessly. Shining himself had died long ago. Even if King's Treasure has been working, which institution in the world would recognize its legitimacy? Who would retain his copyright for thousands of years?

Flash yourself?

Collecting copyright fees does not mean that the entire thing belongs to him, only a part of it.

And those are just conceptual technological prototypes.

"Thermal expansion and contraction, frictional heat generation, lever principle...these basic principles or technological prototypes have no copyright at all.

According to your logic, the first person to use the principle of frictional heat generation to drill wood and make fire was earlier than you. He declared that all the things that used these technologies and principles in later generations were his.

Do you think anyone will pay attention to him? You won't even pay attention to him.

I still say the same thing, just play with your own treasures. It’s good that the heroes of later generations didn’t ask you for the royalties of the Noble Phantasms. You gained the prototype of the technology, and also got the prototype of the Noble Phantasm and other treasures.

Don’t go too far, do you still want to take away the creators’ right of ownership?”

Ren asked unceremoniously, his black eyes and golden blood-red pupils looking at each other, both eyes filled with indifference and piercing murderous intent.

On another occasion, the two would have started fighting.

Shining thinks his logic is fine, and Renn also thinks his logic is fine.

Einstein also told the world that E=mc2 and created the theory of relativity, which is the technical principle of the atomic bomb.

Do all the nuclear bombs in the world belong to him?

Stop being ridiculous, if he dares to say that, the five major rogue countries will be the first to kill him.

Of course, if he has the ability to build an atomic bomb himself, then it belongs to him.

To put it bluntly, when it comes to treasures, Jin Shining is still essentially a slave owner. He subconsciously treats all human beings in future generations as slaves and takes them life and death.

The wealth they create belongs to him of course. As for the material costs, labor costs, and technological innovation costs required for people to build treasures... they are not considered at all.

Speaking of this, tensions were already rising in the hall.

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