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Chapter 103 Red A and Wu Ming

In the woods, the sound of blades clashing broke the silence of the night.

The two figures were fighting together, the blades in their hands constantly clashing.

Wisps of cold light draw a heart-stopping arc, like countless shining threads intertwining in the night sky, shooting out strings of flying sparks!


With a crisp cry, Ren raised the knife with his right hand to hold the incoming man's blade, and Moye with his left hand slashed his neck with the knife.

The person wearing a gray-white robe, covering his face, made a flexible leap and backed away like a light swallow.

Ren immediately stepped forward and moved forward like lightning.

His sword skills, strength and agility were superior to his opponent's. In the previous round of fighting, he had already hit the opponent twice with his sword, but it did not cause much damage to him.

Clang Clang Clang!

While the two were still in mid-air, the four scimitars waved out a burst of afterimages and countless sparks!

The moment he landed, Ren's eyes narrowed, and the energy of the stars in his body spread to his arms like a floodgate, and then penetrated into the sword!


There were two metallic roars, and the veins in Ren's arms jumped. His two swords smashed the blade in the white-robed man's hand!

Little bits of cold light emerged, and dozens of blade fragments scattered out.

This result obviously stunned the opponent, and then he reacted very quickly and started to retreat, but Renn had already raised his foot.


A fierce side kick passed through the low altitude, stirring up turbulent air waves. The man in white robe was unable to dodge, and flew backwards with a bang like a discharged cannonball!

After breaking several trees along the way, he hit the trunk of a big tree before he stopped.

Click click click~

The bark of the tree behind the white-robed man is cracking and leaves are falling.

Before he could take a breath, Ren jumped up like a flying swallow, his body still in the air, and his two swords whirled and tore through the night.

With the force of the body's falling, the blade struck down like thunder!

At the critical moment, the man in white robe almost instinctively rolled his body quickly, grazing the blade filled with cold light, and narrowly avoided the fatal blow!


The light of the knife immediately tore the tree trunk behind him, and when the wood chips spattered, a concave crack was cut on the ground!

Although the blow missed, Renn's movements did not stop at all.

With just one step, he got close to the slightly embarrassed man in white robes. The cold double knives cut through the void again, mercilessly slashing at the opponent's neck and heart.

"trace on."

The man in white robe chanted softly, and instantly grasped two new knives, accurately holding Ren's double blades!


There were two sounds of swords and sparks bursting out.

The astonishing force from his wrist made his muscles numb, but he used this force to fly away like a cunning rabbit.

They quickly opened the distance between them, and the man in white robe lightly jumped with his strong legs, jumping up to a big tree like a flying swallow.

He held two swords as if they were weightless, standing on a branch with his toes, his back facing the bright moon.

Slender body, lonely shadow.

"With such superb swordsmanship and superb fighting skills, he really doesn't look like a magician."

The man's clear voice echoed in the forest.

"He is obviously an archer who is good at using arrows, but he insists on engaging in close combat and killing people with a knife. Don't you think he is putting the cart before the horse?"

Ren held General Moye in his hand and looked up at the man in white robe.

"It's just a habit. I don't think I can defeat you with just a few arrows. Wu Ming, you don't belong to this world. Why are you here?"

The man in white robe spoke with a steady and powerful voice, staring at Wu Ming.

He learned from his "boss" that the guy in front of him who looked very similar to him was a visitor from a parallel world.

As for the specific origin of Wu Ming and his relationship with him, the boss was also unclear. He only said to observe the other party's behavior and had no specific requirements.

"I don't know why I appeared here. Some unknown circumstances happened. When I woke up, I had already participated in the Holy Grail War as a Caster."

Ren's tone was very calm and he explained casually.

Parallel worlds are not a secret. Gemstone Man's second magic can observe countless parallel worlds and travel between different worlds at will.

Although his situation is rare, it is not incomprehensible to some beings.

The system's cover-up was perfect. As long as Ren didn't take the initiative to reveal that he was from a completely different universe, no one would be able to detect the anomaly.

Any memory that relates to the system itself or might reveal secrets is protected by the system.

Moreover, the Moon World is already very magical, and his multiple identities and some strange experiences are really nothing.

Some people in this world have stories that are no less twisty and bizarre than his.

"It's you, Emiya. I originally thought you came to me because of personal issues, but unexpectedly you came to me as a guardian."


The man in white robe suddenly laughed heartily. He took off the hood of his gray-white robe, revealing a very handsome face, but his skin was slightly darker.

The visitor is naturally the heroic spirit Emiya, but he comes as the guardian of suppressive power.

Standing on a branch, his snow-white hair danced gently in the cold wind, and his black pupils stared at Wuming:

"Wu Ming, why should I stop you? No matter what you think, what you are doing now is what I long for."

He had no reason to stop the other party.

He just didn't have the opportunity to come to this point in time as a Servant. Without the Holy Relic, he couldn't participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, otherwise he would have done it himself.

Renn showed a smile and said curiously:

"Hey, there are no righteous partners this time."

"I have a happy family, grow up slowly with my parents, and live an ordinary and warm life, wouldn't it be nice?"

Red A asked in a calm tone. He was not surprised that Wu Ming knew something. The other person might be himself in the parallel world, or even if not, he was very similar.

Besides, he knows the "future", and Wu Ming also knows this, so it is not difficult to understand.

Seeing that Wuming was silent, Hong A suddenly sneered:

"Honestly, I don't have to see someone shouting to be a partner of justice every day, living a hypocritical life until they drown in their ideals, I'm very happy.

Save me the trouble of interfering myself."

His dislike for someone (his former self) was barely concealed in his tone, as if even the mere mention of it made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Ren was speechless. Of course he knew some of Red A's thoughts.

It's not just acting and posturing. During the fifth battle, there were times when he really wanted to kill Shirou, or at least defeat Shirou's belief.

Of course, Red A himself will inevitably have hesitations and hesitations in his heart. After all, he is looking at his past self, and one can imagine how complicated his mood is.

But that's not what Ren asked. His tone was a little confused:

"Now the red-haired boy doesn't even have the idea of ​​a 'partner of justice'. Doesn't it affect you?"

He remembered that the Heroic Spirit Emiya himself said that if Shirou's belief could be defeated, he might "disappear" from the Heroic Spirit Seat and gain liberation.

Nowadays, the name of the red-haired boy is not Emiya, and his faith is even more out of the question.

"I was still looking forward to it, but the result obviously disappointed me. Even if I can't see that guy, it's useless." Heroic Spirit Emiya said in a very regretful voice.

He had long since stopped working as a guardian and worked overtime every day, day and night, for no pay.

What he did was completely contrary to his ideals, which really disgusted him and made him hate that person even more.

But he couldn't even commit suicide.

I originally tried to kill someone, or defeat someone's belief to free myself, but now it seems that these conjecture methods are obviously useless.

Otherwise, Wu Ming should have disappeared long ago after doing so many things.

But not long ago, he was sent by his boss to observe Wu Ming, and he realized that all those efforts were useless. He had to work hard until the earth fell apart and the universe perished before he could be freed.

What a fuck, you son of a bitch Alai...cough cough.

After hearing this, Ren curled his lips. Fortunately, he thought he might accidentally lose the red ace if he caused trouble.

It turned out to be of no use at all.

Yes, if it is useful, in the HF line, Shirou chooses to be only Sakura's righteous partner. Logically speaking, he is far different from Red A.

But the result...

"Brother, then why are you here?" Ren was confused and said after spreading his hands, "I'm just fighting a Holy Grail War. I'm not starting a third world war. It won't affect the survival of mankind, right?"

There is no flaw in his identity. Among the two major inhibitory powers, Gaia has no reason to pay attention to him. Alaya should not pay attention to him either.

For example, during the Fifth War, Mr. Jin had a brain attack and wanted to use black mud to destroy the world, so that he could attract attention.

Maybe Shining will go out on the street and some big boss may be secretly influencing her.

"Just observing the situation." Hong A explained lightly, with a very calm face. His mission was to observe Wu Ming, and he had no other requirements.

After working in this job for so long, he naturally knows that fighting the Holy Grail War is really nothing.

He himself planned to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War, and it was no big deal for visitors from a parallel world at this time.

The boss sent him here just because Wu Ming's appearance was somewhat strange and he wanted to observe it.

After all, Wuming is not a jeweler. Under normal circumstances, he cannot come to this world from a parallel world.

However, as long as Wuming doesn't do anything that endangers the continuation of mankind, and there is no need to deal with it, the boss won't care at all that there is an extra Servant in this world.

"Brother, if it's just observation, you can just watch in secret. Why do you want to show up in front of me?"

Ren stared at the red A on the branch and asked, the other party took the initiative to leak his aura and lured him here.

"Nothing, I just came here to thank you. Of course, I am also a little curious about your identity and origins."


A quarter of an hour later, in a pavilion somewhere at the foot of the mountain.

Ren sat calmly at a projected table, with a teapot and two cups placed on the table.

Red A stood aside, brewing high-grade black tea that showed red color with very skillful and smooth movements.

The craftsmanship is amazing, and every move is very interesting to watch. After making the tea, Heroic Spirit Emiya handed him the black tea.

Renn tasted the delicious black tea, stared at the other person's face and complained:

"I feel a little uncomfortable when you hang in front of me. Well, how should I describe it? It's like looking in the mirror all the time."

"I feel uncomfortable too, especially since the person in the mirror has better clothes than me." Heroic Spirit Emiya shrugged.

The two men have exactly the same figure and appearance, the only difference is their coats.

Ren is wearing a black holy cloth and a red coat, and Red A is wearing a black holy cloth and an off-white robe.

"Emiya, I thought you would keep asking me who I am." Renn took a sip of black tea and said with a smile.

"It's not important. Since you said you are not me in another world, I will believe you for now." Red A's attitude was very casual and he raised his eyebrows. "Of course, if you are willing to reveal a little more information, I will be happy to listen."

He didn't care much about Wu Ming's specific origins. After observing him for a while, he determined that what the other party did had no conflict with him.

Not only that, he was really grateful to the other party.

Of course, he had some subtle feelings towards Wu Ming.

He could feel that even if it wasn't another him, some parts were similar to the point where it was difficult to distinguish.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, the howl of a defeated dog, and twice."

Ren said with an indifferent expression, his previous experience was terrible and there was nothing worth boasting about.

"Oh, you failed twice. Is this why you don't want to be a hero?" Red A held up the tea cup with a slightly surprised expression.

His intuition told him that Wuming's "lifetime" memories were not very pleasant either.

"Not entirely, maybe he's not young anymore." Ren crossed his legs and yawned, "When I was a child, I could roll Rasengan, summon the Dragon God, had my own Digimon, and could turn into light. Later,

As people grow up, they lose all their superpowers."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Red A is quite speechless, of course he can understand, he comes from the future, and he has watched all the anime mentioned by Wu Ming.

"Maybe, at least I can no longer look directly at my former self."

"Everyone will have this kind of emotion to some extent when they grow up. I used to be so naive and childish, and I was so middle school. Now when I think about it, I naturally feel a little ashamed."

Ren picked up the teapot, poured another cup of black tea, stared at the other person's slightly aged eyes, and sighed:

"But I think there is no need to be so harsh on a young man, a good old man, and a person who always helps others."

"Oh, Wu Ming, do you recognize the ideal of a righteous partner?"

The actor Hong A's face was neither happy nor worried, and he asked calmly.

"Haha, you know, people's ideas can be funny sometimes.

For a bad guy who always helps others, many people will subconsciously criticize him, call him hypocritical, and call him a bitch.

On the contrary, few people dare to talk about a cold-blooded, selfish, cruel and cruel guy who is quick to behead people with swords and kill people with guns.

It is undeniable that many people bully the weak and fear the strong.

When it comes to good people, they dare to gossip because they won't do anything to them. But when it comes to truly evil people who kill people without blinking an eye, they dare to get angry but dare not speak out.

I respect those kind people, whether they are out of hypocrisy or kindness, at least they are willing to do something good for others.

Who wouldn't know how to scream if people don't do it for themselves? Selfishness, cruelty, greed, laziness...Who wouldn't know these? Isn't it very difficult?

If people who are willing to help others and make selfless sacrifices are ridiculous, then are cold-blooded, selfish, and aggressive behaviors worthy of boasting?

Many people are always like this, holding others to the standards of a saint and holding themselves to the standards of a bitch."

Ren was drinking black tea. After a pause, he continued in a calm tone:

“Only those who have received less severe beatings from society will like those guys who have no feelings and are determined to kill without mercy.

If a normal person were to be surrounded by such guys, he would probably have trouble sleeping and eating.

Of course, if those guys are just illusory characters, it's normal for people to like them. Anyway, it doesn't interfere with daily life, and it's okay to vent their anxiety and anger.

After all, if you give many people a knife or a gun, they will not dare to kill anyone. They will be wronged and angry... They have to endure it in order to live. How can I vent my displeasure? I will chop anyone who offends me.

He slashed.

Just thinking about it. In short, I still like kind people. Although I am not very kind now, I will not advocate those insidious and vicious behaviors."

Red A shook his head slightly when he heard this, raised his head and glanced at the moon in the sky:

"Maybe, I'm sure now that you and I are indeed different, but that's good, there's one less unlucky guy."

This chapter has been completed!
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