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Chapter 55 Small Top

The battle was about to break out, the giant rushed over, and a howling wind blew through Ren's black hair.

"Dong dong~"

Several giants had already rushed in front of them. Among them, the 11-meter-tall strange-shaped giant jumped forward fiercely, stretched out one hand, and grabbed Ren on the wooden pole with its huge palm like a claw.


A little further away, Christa saw the six giants surrounding Renn. One of them had already jumped over and almost caught him, and couldn't help but scream.

Renn could no longer hear Christa's reminder. At this moment, his concentration was unprecedentedly high, and time seemed to slow down all of a sudden.

The strong wind caused by the giant running towards him blew across his face. He stared at the enlarged palm in front of his eyes, his pupils narrowed and his eyes became sharp.

The left hand holds the knife backwards, with the blade facing outwards in front of the chest. The right hand holds the knife backwards and placed behind the back. The blades of the right hand and the blade of the left hand are parallel. The sacred fighting energy is fully mobilized and flows through the body, limbs and bones.


The strange-shaped giant grabbed Ren and was about to touch him. At the moment, Ren jumped up!

The person is in the air, leans forward, and presses the handle switch.


The holder in the three-dimensional mobile device transmitter flew out and was nailed to the forehead of the strange-shaped giant, causing gas to spray out wildly.

Under the huge tension of the gas jet and the explosion of fighting spirit, Ren jumped up, and his slightly arched body almost parallel to the ground began to spin crazily!

Drive the reverse-held double swords to rotate rapidly like a top!

'Tornado top!'


The rolling double knives rotated from the back of the giant's hand to slashing through its entire arm, leaving a long blood groove! Blood spattered all the way from the giant's arm.

Renn followed the giant's arm to the odd-shaped giant's back shoulder, and his remaining power remained unabated!

Renn, who stopped spinning, jumped up. Driven by the huge inertia, he slashed the back of the odd-shaped giant with a spinning slash!

Blood splashed all over him, and Ren closed his eyes in time, quickly wiped his eyelids with his arm and opened them again.

This 11-meter-tall strange-shaped giant fell forward, its body was supported by the 7-meter-tall wooden pole on which Ren was standing, and its chest did not fall for a while, but the steam coming out of its body proved that it had hung up.

Ren squatted on the back of the dead odd-shaped species. There was no time to rest. The holder of the three-dimensional mobile device on the right flew out and nailed the side face of an 8-meter giant, and he rushed forward.


He lowered his head and ducked to avoid the other giant's grasp. He controlled the gas jet and flew around in a circle until he landed in the air behind the 8-meter giant.


Before the giant could grab the side of the face, he retracted the telescopic rope, pressed the handle of his left hand, and the fixator in the left transmitter was nailed to the back of the giant's neck!


Ren's body rose rapidly, his sword flashed, and he slashed the back of the giant's neck with his two swords in a half-turn.

Because he was cutting upwards, the blood on his body had not evaporated completely, and the blood from the back of the giant's neck spattered all over him. However, Ren didn't have the soldier's mysophobia, but he just felt a little hot.


The second giant fell to the ground and began to emit steam. Ren stood on the giant's body and took a look at the blade, which was already worn out even if it was protected by fighting spirit.

A giant squatted down and stretched out his hand to hold him. Ren turned his body halfway, swung the knife hard, and aimed at the giant in an instant!

At the moment when the power is completely released, buckle the mechanism on the handle of the knife.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The two blades flew out like arrows and pierced the giant's eyes almost at the same time! There was a burst of blood.

This is also one of the soldier's special skills, because he has practiced it before, and Ren can use his fighting spirit to focus on the surface of the blade. He can do this trick a little more slippery than the soldier.

The giant whose eyes were punctured immediately covered his eyes with his hands and howled in pain. Don't think that giants can quickly repair their bodies except for the back of their necks, just because they don't feel pain. They will still feel pain if they are chopped.


After throwing out the broken knife, Ren immediately replaced the blade, nailed the holder directly to the side of the blind giant's head, quickly flew over and killed the third giant with a spinning chop!

Rarely gave Renn a moment to breathe. A giant rushed towards him. Renn nailed the jet to the giant's crotch.

Dodging the other giant's grasp, Renn quickly swung from between the giant's legs like a swing into the air behind the giant!

Because of the obstruction of this giant's body, the other giant who had just caught the empty space was a little at a loss.

After retracting the telescopic rope, Renren forcedly adjusted his body according to the inertia while still in the air and turned around.


The jet was nailed to the back of the giant's neck, the gas was ejected, and the huge force brought by the rapid retrieval of the telescopic rope made Renne rush towards the giant's back like a sharp arrow.


The sound of the blade entering flesh was heard, and the blade passed across the back of the giant's neck, bringing up a stream of blood. The fourth giant that came around fell to the ground with a bang.


As soon as Ren landed, a shadow hit him. He almost instinctively jumped forward and rolled like a donkey to avoid being stepped on by a 12-meter-tall giant!

Rubbles flew and smoke flew everywhere. A sharp piece of stone scratched the left side of Ren's forehead, and blood flowed into his left eye.

There was no time to wipe it, so Ren closed his left eye and ran towards the giant's side.


Pressing the handle switch, the holder flew out and nailed the giant's thigh, and his body flew behind the giant in a circle.

The extension rope was retracted, and the anchor anchor fired the nail into the back of the giant's head again.


With a spinning slash, the giant's neck was splashed with blood on Ren's body, and the fifth giant was killed!

At this time, Renn had time to wipe the blood stains on his left eye and face.

He opened his eyes again, only to feel that his eyes were blood red, and everything he looked at was glowing red, as if he was in purgatory, and time seemed to have returned to the bloody dusk!

The last 4-meter-tall giant ran over when Renn stopped and grabbed him with his right hand!

Ren showed a cold smile and poured invisible fighting spirit into the blades. Due to the change in air density, the light on the cold-glowing blades was somewhat distorted!


The palms and knives struck each other, and the right palm of this 4-meter-level giant disappeared together with a small half of his arm!

The giant's movements froze, and his expression was a little painful. It was obvious that this giant had a strong sense of pain.

Before it could react, it saw a sharp flash of sword light!


The four fingers of this four-meter-tall giant's left hand were neatly cut off!

With its hands crippled, the giant was in pain and wanted to open its mouth to bite Renn. Renn jumped up and slashed its neck with a knife full of fighting spirit!


The sword flashed, the giant's body trembled, and it fell to the ground with a bang. Blood spurted out from its neck. Its head fell to the ground and rolled a few times before stopping.

Ren was relieved at this moment and couldn't help but feel dizzy. It wasn't because of excessive physical exertion, but because he just recalled a very unpleasant memory.

He laughed at himself: "Six kills in a wave, I think my performance today was pretty good."

The small whirlwind spinning top quickly eliminated the most threatening strange species, helping the giant's body to dodge and move, and combined with the flying knife skills to kill 5 ordinary giants. Even so, he was almost caught twice and almost crushed once!

But Ren was proud enough. The wave of giants just attacked him almost at the same time. From beginning to end, he only used a wooden pole to defeat 6 giants, including a strange-shaped species, on the flat ground. It took less than two minutes.

Only the forehead was scratched. Except for the soldier commander, no one could do better than him.

Beside the front door.


Rico slashed the back of the neck of the giant that was chasing Mikasa, who was running on the ground without gas. The giant fell on the ground, steaming.

On the other side, two members of Mitabiban met with Ianban, and the four of them worked together to kill another giant. At this time, there were no giants in front of the gate.

Allen roared angrily, slowly lifted the big stone, and took a few steps forward, roaring crazily in his heart!

'Fight! Fight! Fight!!!'


Almost ten seconds after Ren chopped down the last giant, he heard an earth-shaking loud noise.

When he turned around, he saw that the Attack on Titan transformed by Allen had smashed the boulder into the door that the super giant had kicked down!

The huge boulders completely blocked the damaged door, even with some excessive force, but the walls still stood. Obviously these walls were not shoddy construction!

This chapter has been completed!
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