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Chapter 83 Drama queen, shoot at me!

"Brother, do you think that if the boss does this, will Count Ange's family be wiped out by these angry natives?"

Such a huge momentum made the pornographic author Wen Xi speechless. He walked towards the crowded crowd on one side.

On the other side, on a simple wooden platform, the indigenous people's stone-making speech had already begun.

The sonorous tone and passionate words gradually pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

"This is impossible. Although I very much expect this to be the case, this ragtag group of people cannot attack this castle. Moreover, there are several fourth-level transcendent beings in the Ange family... We just need to fan the flames as much as possible."

Staring at the immobile, simple and majestic noble castle in the night, Berserker Sigg shook his head.

The castle in front of you is made of solid granite and is integrated. It was built by mages and warlocks using the magic of "turning mud into stone". It has many defensive runes engraved on it, and there are multiple rune arrays at the bottom.

Coupled with several arrow towers and the artillery fire on the city wall... it can be said that it is a military fortress, impregnable.

After all, it is an earl family that has spent hundreds of years building fortresses and bases. If they can be easily breached, then the Ange family will be too weak.

"That's such a pity. I also wanted to take away a few art collections, precious jewelry and the like from the castle, but it seems there is no hope."

Wen Xi, the author of the pornographic article, said with a little regret.

"Hey, there's no need to feel pity. Let's perform well tonight. As long as we make the boss happy, we don't have to worry about getting any rewards."

Berserker Sigg showed a cruel smile, and he and the author Wen Xi squeezed through the crowd and came to the middle of the crowd.

Not far away, on a simple wooden platform, the indigenous people's stonework is getting better and better.

He seemed to be possessed by his ancestors, holding the leaflet "I Have a Dream", and the tone of his speech became more and more impassioned:

"Compatriots! In a sense, today we are here to demand the fulfillment of the promise of equality and to save a compatriot who has been framed and unfairly treated.

When the founders of our kingdom drew up their laws, they made a promise to every Faroran. They promised to give all people the inalienable rights of life, liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness!

But as far as the Kangao people are concerned, Farolan obviously did not fulfill her promise.

Instead of fulfilling this sacred obligation, Farrowland simply wrote a bad check to the Kangao people, which was returned with the stamp "insufficient funds."

But we do not believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt!

So today we demand that the check be cashed - a check that will give us precious freedoms and the security of justice!

My fellow citizens! Now is the time to fulfill our promise!

Now is the time for us to show our resolve!

Save the kingdom from the quicksands of racial injustice! Save our brothers from the prison of death! Remove everything that stands in our way..."

"Rescue Zamo!"

"Save our brethren!"

As the native speaker on the wooden platform gave a speech, the crowd became more and more excited, and the crowd was excited, shouting, yelling, and roaring... all in one continuous voice.

Lane's otherworldly version of "I Have a Dream" article has been revised and polished.

Eliminating the need to fight for rights in a reasonable and appropriate manner, it instead emphasizes the spirit of struggle and the act of fighting to the end with force.

"Old housekeeper, no, we can't let that native talk like that, or something will happen."

Among the guards guarding the castle, a knight with a resolute face clenched his sword and looked a little anxious.

He is the captain of the escort and knows that the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous.

"However, he is surrounded by the crowd in the middle. Our people can't get close at all. If we attack from a distance, doesn't it mean that we are actively starting a war..."

The old housekeeper of the Ange family had a headache and was very worried.

He was wearing a mage robe embroidered with delicate branches and arabesques, and he was clearly a third-level peak [mage].

Although he could use a "exploding fireball" to burn the noisy native who was giving a speech, in this extreme situation, he did not dare to act rashly.

Handing over the imprisoned indigenous Zamo is the best way.

But the earl had just experienced the pain of losing his son, and he wanted to torture the murderer to death and refused to let him go...

Reality does not depend on people's will. No matter how anxious they are, the atmosphere at the scene becomes more and more fanatical.

In the midst of the boiling crowd, on a simple wooden platform, an indigenous man named Zashi held a speech in his hand, and his voice became more and more passionate:

"Friends! Today I want to say to you that at this moment, although we are suffering from all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, I still have a dream, and this dream is deeply rooted in the dream of the kingdom.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will stand up and truly live out the true meaning of its creed--we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal!

I have a dream that one day our children will live in a country where they will be judged not by their race, but by the quality of their character.

I have a dream that one day, even the Pugni Plain, a desert-like place where justice disappears and oppression prevails, will become an oasis of freedom and justice!

I dream that one day, the valleys will rise and the mountains will descend; the rough and tortuous roads will become smooth, and the Holy Light will be revealed and shine on the world!

If Farolland is to become a great nation, this dream must come true.

This is our hope, and we want to spread this belief to every part of the Kingdom of Falorland.

Let freedom ring from the red gorges of the Pugny plain! Let freedom ring from the desolate hills of Durhamo!... Let freedom ring from the winding banks of the Lore.


Let the voice of freedom ring from the brilliant morning sun of Merova City! Let the voice of freedom ring from the wisteria garden..."

The night was vast, and finally, in the large courtyard under the castle, the feverish and noisy atmosphere reached its peak.

"Oh...oh oh!"

People cheered, and the indigenous people Zashi shouted with the same passion.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zashi waved the speech in his hand, with a fanatical expression and a crazy tone. He felt that his youth, life and spirit were burning, enemies, injustice, discrimination...

…These will all be reduced to ashes in this flame.

The ideal world will be born tomorrow in his boiling blood.

He was intoxicated in this bright red dream...Many indigenous people were also infected by the atmosphere, looking at him feverishly, as if they were looking at a spiritual leader.


Sudden gunshots rang out from the crowd, and an armor-piercing bullet pierced Martin Luther... ahem, shot through the native's stone-studded chest.

The sudden change made everyone present look shocked. The native Zashi who was giving a speech lowered his head and looked at his chest in confusion.


Countless bright blood splashed out from his broken heart, instantly dyeing his clothes red.


The vitality left his body, and his strong body seemed to turn into a piece of rotten dead wood. He instantly fell onto the wooden platform, causing a wave of air.

In the crowd, at the moment when the shot was fired, the killer Bessie instantly activated the two shadow warrior skills of "Shadow Body" and "Blending into the Environment", and disappeared into the shadows under people's feet.

The surroundings became completely silent for an instant, and you could hear a pin drop.

No one seemed to have recovered from the sudden change, until the blood-stained speech fell to the ground like fallen leaves in the air.

Anger, hatred, and murderous intent... burned in the eyes of the indigenous people.

They were silent, staring at the stone-pricked corpse. The depressing feeling like the eruption of a volcano made the noble guards on the other side look pale, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"not us……"

Opposite, a guard was about to explain, but he didn't know that the indigenous people had lost their minds in this atmosphere.

"Kill! They murdered him to avenge the stone stabbing!"

In the center of the crowd, the berserker Sigg, dressed in indigenous clothes and with disheveled hair, roared angrily.

"Kill! Save Zamo and avenge the stone stabbing!" Wen Xi, a writer with an animal skin tied around his waist, shouted.

"Brothers, charge!" x2

The two men possessed by the drama spirit shouted, like a little flame falling into the oil tank, completely detonating the silent indigenous people.

The dark crowd suddenly became restless, and everyone rushed forward with crazy faces!

"Draw your sword and stop them!"

Someone shouted, and at this moment, even though their scalps were numb, more than a hundred noble guards still drew their swords filled with cold light or raised their firearms.


A series of loud noises, bullets, sword auras, and continuous fireballs exploded in the dark crowd. Blood and stumps were splashed, and shouts and screams were heard continuously.

Occasionally, flames and lightning flashed, illuminating the people who died tragically.

The aboriginal people who were rushing forward crazily suddenly fell into a large area, and the bloody killing slightly dampened the momentum of the fanatical crowd.

"Comrades, move forward, move forward!

Don’t be afraid of the enemy’s sword, don’t be afraid of sacrifice!”

The berserker Sigg, who had disheveled hair and wore a skull necklace, glanced at the note in his hand. This was the line prepared by Renne for him.

Swords and swords flashed, and artillery and rockets flew. He stood in the middle of a relatively safe crowd and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Compatriots, we are saving our comrades! We are fighting for the dignity of the ethnic group! Our struggle will benefit tens of millions of ethnic people!... Our cause will continue to exist quietly, but it will last forever.

In the face of our ashes, noble people will shed tears!"

The morale-boosting words made everyone shout again.

The indigenous people are not without fighting ability.


Several totem warriors roared angrily, and blood flowed from the tattoo patterns on their skin. Their arms turned into ferocious tiger claws, tearing apart the armors of several guard knights like tofu and disemboweling them!

A bloody conflict has broken out, and both sides are fighting.

The crowd surged crazily like a tide, and dozens of indigenous people died in the battle. A dozen noble private soldiers in front of them were also killed by indigenous warriors several times their size.

Not long after, the castle's first line of defense had been breached.

Phew! Bang bang bang!

At this time, the indigenous people had entered the arrow tower, and within the shooting range of the guards on the count's castle, silver arrows shot through the air and penetrated the bodies of many indigenous people.

There is also the ruthless shooting of bullets, as well as the fireballs, ice storms, smelly cloud spells of mages and warlocks... baptism.

These bombings caused many people to scream and fall in a pool of blood. The combat effectiveness of this well-trained private army of nobles, relying on the terrain, was simply not comparable to that of the mob in front of them.

However, the advantages of the natives are also obvious. Their numbers are dozens of times that of their opponents, and they are fierce and fierce.

"Compatriots, don't be afraid! Don't flinch! Bloody sacrifice cannot be avoided, but for the sake of justice! For the sake of the ethnic group! We cannot give up any of our compatriots!"

Wen Xi, a pornographic writer, stood in the center of the team, recalling Lane's lines and shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Come on, use our flesh and blood to build a defense line. In order to save our compatriots and our ethnic group, we are fearless... If one of me falls, there are thousands of me!

Come on! I have nothing to fear, shoot at me! Shoot at me!"

These highly inflammatory slogans boosted the morale of everyone, and they continued to charge forward without fear of death.


A certain noble private soldier was waving the blood-stained sword in his hand, slashing and killing the indigenous people. Suddenly, a group of poisonous insects, scorpions, snakes and ants climbed up from under his feet while he was not paying attention, and gnawed at his flesh crazily.


Soon, a bloody corpse was left on the spot.

Not far away, an indigenous witch doctor with an old face and gray hair was playing a black bone flute.

The light of swords, arrows, fireballs, wind blades, shadows of totems, poisonous insects, snakes and scorpions... Both sides showed off their skills and started fighting.

"Shoot at me..."

Wen Xi had a feverish expression and was about to shout again when Berserker Hija grabbed his shoulder and whispered in his ear:

"Remove, we've had enough of the show, it's time for us to leave."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wen Xi, the author of the pornographic article, was a little unfinished, but he still nodded and quietly retreated with Sigg.

Even though the two of them shouted loudly just now, they stood in the center of the crowd looking very cocky from the beginning to the end.

There are people around you as human shields, and as long as you pay attention, it is relatively safe.

The two of them retreated quietly, leaving the war-torn courtyard in front of the castle and entering a bush-covered slope.

"Hey, why are you two so slow?"

Behind the slope, the killer Bessie, wearing a black leather coat, was already waiting for them.

It was she who had just shot and killed the native Zashi who was giving a speech.

"Hey, it's been a while since I've done this kind of work as a professional actor. The boss's script is so exciting that we got a little too into it." Berserker Sigg scratched his head and laughed.

Damn, I feel like doing this kind of work as an actor is addictive and exciting.

Wen Xi, the author of the pornographic article, also nodded, with a look of admiration on his face:

"The person I admire the most is Boss Rennes! It's amazing that he can write such beautiful articles and such classic lines!

I'm impressed, no matter how hard I try, I still don't have this literary talent... We are all just brick-and-mortar people, why is the gap so big?"

Bessie raised her eyebrows and asked with a playful smile:

"Hey, I remember, didn't you two often eat, drink, whore and gamble with the natives Zashi and Zamo, and you still call yourself brothers?

Why, one of them has been killed by me now, and the other is being imprisoned and probably being tortured. Why don't you seem sad at all?"

Sig snorted coldly:

"Who really calls them brothers? It's just a group of curly baboons. To borrow the words of Boss Ren - I hate racial discrimination and Kangao people the most!"

"Why should we be sad? Why do you think it is called the 'Plastic Brotherhood' project?"

Wen Xi also shrugged and said with great disdain.

While the three of them were talking, a sudden change occurred under the castle.

Just after the indigenous people left hundreds of corpses and broke through the two-layer blockade, the entire castle suddenly shook, and many runes were revealed on the black granite walls.

Gold, blue, purple... runes of various colors shine brightly.

Huge and vast energy formed a network of veins and flowed on the wall. Huge formations were activated, and the shock wave energy flow swept away countless indigenous people!

"Count Ange, that old guy is going to take action!"

Sigg said with a solemn expression, while Wen Xi and Bessie also frowned.

On the castle, Count Ange, who was wearing black leather armor, finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.


The Count soared into the sky from the balcony of the castle, purple thunder surged, and countless electric sparks flashed and spread in the void. Bathed in thunder, he was like a god, making many indigenous people look horrified.

Count Ange is the strongest in the family, a fourth-level peak knight.

"Very well, since you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

His face was ashen as he looked at the courtyard filled with smoke, his eyes eager to devour anyone.

After killing his most beloved son, these natives dared to come to his territory to cause trouble, which made him furious.

A circle of light spread under his feet and spread for hundreds of meters. Count Ange in the sky above the castle gently raised his hand, and hundreds of bucket-thick purple thunder struck down!

Boom... boom!

The terrifying thunder fell, and hundreds of indigenous people were chopped into charcoal before they could even scream. Countless electric sparks raged, and a large number of people fell down wailing!

This is the power of the temple.

Without the restraint of high-level extraordinary beings, it is enough to sweep away a large number of enemies. However, the Kangao people are by no means soft persimmons.


At this time, a huge roar came from the distance and resounded through the sky!

I saw a burly, muscular indigenous man roaring, and a burst of blood energy as vast as a long river burst out from his body, and instantly transformed into a silver giant bear more than 20 meters high and rushed over!

The giant bear is full of oppression, and the ferocious aura of the wild beast makes people feel heart-stopping.

"It's the leader of the Zarro clan of the Yuanshi tribe."

"Chief, please save us!"

Many indigenous people who were knocked down by the electric current cried out, the Yuanshi tribe, the only three holy totem tribes of the Kangao people.


Seeing so many tribesmen injured or dead, the giant silver bear roared up to the sky and punched down with an extremely powerful punch, causing dozens of rays of thunder to be dispersed in an instant!


Count Ange snorted coldly and drew his sword.

The gorgeous long sword in his hand burst out with a bright sword light, and violently collided with the fist as heavy as the mountain of a silver giant bear...

"Hurry up and slip away!"

Behind the bush-covered slope, the berserker Sigg suddenly became excited and fled away with Wen Xi and Bessie.

It wasn't until they left the castle far away that they heard a huge roar:

"Stop it! I'm in the seventh game..."


"Wars, monopolies, power, interests... everything must be carried out in the name of goodness and justice.

Although this does not guarantee that we will definitely win, it can guarantee that we will reduce many obstacles and, by acting in the name of justice, we can achieve the kind of righteousness that can kill the enemy wantonly."

In Crescent Moon Street, inside the villa, Lane closed "The Prince" with a cold-blooded smile on his face.

He picked up the pen and crossed out the words "Aristocratic Alliance" in his notebook.

So, there were two lines left on the notebook, "Killer Hanfeng" and "Revenge of the Ghoul Clan".

This chapter has been completed!
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