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Chapter 3 The Copycat King is not weaker than anyone else in his life

The Tao is as high as the devil, and Master Lane once again dispelled Tohsaka Rin's doubts with his actor-level performance.

'Small, I've fooled more people than I can count.'

Looking at the apologetic girl, Ren smiled secretly in his heart, but said calmly: "It's okay, I have been in ruins for more than a thousand years, and I have long been used to it."


Hey, you were not this heartless a few seconds ago!

Seeing "King Arthur" seemed to really not care, as if he was not the one who destroyed the country... The girl had a feeling of doubting life.

After that, she seemed to have figured out some of his temper. Rin began to ask about Ren's Noble Phantasm, the role and power of its unique skills, and then she introduced the magic she was good at, and the two briefly discussed some tactics.

"Saber, I will arrange the tactics, is that okay?"

Rin Tosaka took a sip of black tea gracefully and stared at him with bright eyes.

For girls, this issue is very important, as it determines who is the leader when fighting other servants and masters.

Rin's attitude towards Ren was a little different from that towards Red A. First of all, it was his cool appearance that left a deep impression on her, and secondly, his identity as King Arthur.

Just look at Tokiomi's attitude towards the King of Heroes.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, Tokiomi is almost impeccable in terms of etiquette, traditional concepts, and upholding elegance... which makes him respect the king of noble status and blood.

And Rin is also very particular about his manners in front of "King Arthur".

"No problem, Rin. I can feel the abundant supply of magic power. There is no doubt that you are a very good master. I trust your judgment."

Renn was generous with his praise and looked very talkative.

For him, tactics are not important at all.

It's not entirely because of his confidence in his own strength, but because he knows very well what abilities and treasures other servants have...

Since Rin wants to take charge, let her have fun.

"Of course...Saber, I will try my best!"

Sure enough, the girl blushed a little after being praised and affirmed by the famous "King of Knights", but she was obviously in a good mood and the smile on her face was very sweet.

"Rin, go to bed early. Leave the security to me." Seeing that it was getting late, Ren said considerately.

"Hmm~, I'm a little sleepy. Good night, Saber."

When he said this, Rin realized that it was already two o'clock in the morning. She suddenly felt sleepy. Her eyelids trembled, she got up from the sofa, yawned and went up to the second floor.

After the girl came to the bedroom, she did a few sets of sit-ups as usual, and then fell on the bed with a tired look on her face.

Lying lazily on the warm and comfortable big bed, Rin blinked his eyes with a satisfied smile on his lips:

"Father, after ten years of preparation, my Holy Grail War is about to begin... The holy relic you left behind is really great. I successfully summoned Saber..."

Rin is very satisfied with the "King of Knights", this is how she sees Lei.

Name: Arthur Pendragon

Identity: Knight King of Britain (still a little doubtful about this)

Class: Saber (This is confirmed, I have summoned the strongest Servant!)

Various ability value data: Strength B+, Durability B, Agility A, Magic A+++, Luck D.

(As expected of Saber, the values ​​are generally very high, but isn’t that magic value too exaggerated...)

Unique skills: Sword Master (A), Magic Power Release (A), Eye of the Mind (A).

(There are not many skills, but they are all of high level and practical!)

Noble Phantasm:

Eye of Deception (A++, special advanced clairvoyance, also has the effect of a powerful magic eye, and the level is also very high)

Excalibur (A++, anti-city treasure, the famous Sword in the Lake, it is simply awesome, it can be called a trump card!),

Wind King's Barrier (C, an auxiliary anti-personnel Noble Phantasm, Saber said it is used to hide the Holy Sword, so it's okay).

Impression: gentle, calm, rational, obedient.

'It's just that his character is really weird, he can't figure it out, he's a little out of touch, and his brain circuit is also very strange. He actually wants to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union...

Moreover, I don’t see his majesty as King Arthur at all! He feels more like the kind of bad boy next door...'

Rin was just wandering with his thoughts, and after feeling sleepy, he happily fell asleep.

Saber's power makes her full of confidence in the Holy Grail War.

How to lose when flying dragon rides on the face?

Although strictly speaking, the face that Ren currently displays in front of Tohsaka Rin is probably similar to that of a normal stupid king.

But Landai is already very powerful!

Even without the scabbard Avalon, she is still a genuine top-level servant.

Even though Artoria is always weak, it seems like anyone can bully her. That's all because in the two Holy Grail Wars in Fuyuki City, her initial state was not very good.

At the beginning of the fourth battle, Brother Brush used Huang Qiangwei to injure his wrist, so that he couldn't fire the light cannon, and he was beaten all the way.

During the Fifth War, Emiya Shirou could not supply her with magic power, which resulted in the decline of various statistics. She did not dare to use the Noble Phantasm easily, and she often suffered from deficiencies.

If it was Rin who summoned King Dumao, or Shirou Emiya could provide her with sufficient magic power, then in the early and middle stages of the Holy Grail War, this combination would be a sweep!

Against C's mother, Da Maowang has A-level magic power. He can stand up and fuck her with the magic attack, and harvest her with a light cannon.

Against Sister R, Dai Mao Wang is stronger in melee combat, A level can resist petrified magic eyes, and the curry stick can defeat Pegasus.

Facing the gatekeeper, release the magic power and bless the holy sword to bully him for his lack of weapons. The Wind King blasts him with hammers and light cannons.

Against Red A, King Dumao is stronger in melee combat. Go up and chop him, just bombard him...

These are not even tactics, as long as King Daimao has enough magic power to start fighting.

The above four servants do not mean that they have no chance of winning, but their winning rate against Artoria, who is not lacking in demons, is very low.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The only ones that are really difficult to deal with are Big Dog and Uncle B. They are both "Europe's Three Shinings" and top servants. When faced with the two of them, King Da Mao has no choice.

Too big an advantage.

Especially Uncle B, who is said to be invincible in hand-to-hand combat and has 12 lives left, making him a rather difficult enemy for Artoria.

But even so, excluding the King of Heroes, an exceptional servant who survived the Fourth World War, King Da Mao, who is not lacking in demons, ranked among the top three in strength during the 5th Holy Grail War.

Guaranteeing three and fighting for two, her probability of getting the Holy Grail in the end is not low.

The reason why Artoria's performance looks awkward and unsatisfactory at first glance is because she is really unlucky.

Even though her luck value seems to be quite high, every start is actually very bad. Needless to say, Emiya Kiritsugu is easy to get along with, but Shirou is easy to get along with, but as a master, he can't provide much magic power... How can she not be frustrated like this?

But now, Ren's appearance and ability revealed in front of Rin are basically equivalent to the stupid king who has no shortage of demons.

It is not difficult to understand why Miss Rin is so happy.

Because under normal circumstances, this is basically stable!

However, did the Holy Grail War go by normally?

"Ah! Damn it, why don't you even have a TV at home?"

Ren suddenly sneezed. He didn't know that Rin was a little swollen and was setting the flag again. He was looking around in the living room but couldn't find the TV set.

Doesn't Rin even watch TV?

There are very few electrical appliances in the house.

Although he came in his true form this time, after the system adapted for him to become a "servant", he could transform into a spirit body, and he did not need to rest.

Without a TV to watch, the night was going to be too difficult, so Ren was ready to find something to do.

Then, a burst of blue light rain appeared, and his slender figure gradually solidified on the eaves. It was already past two in the morning, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, everything was quiet, and the new capital of Fuyuki City not far away was still brightly lit.

Under the sultry night, the cool breeze was blowing, but the weather was a bit cold in early spring.

"This way it's foolproof."

Renn first used magic and runes to strengthen the defense of Tohsaka House.

In fact, there was no need for him to do anything more. As the magic workshop of the Tosaka family, Tokiomi, the "King of Pots", had made it look like a military fortress and was heavily defended.

This time, Said, the "King of Gymnastics" in the Baimei Tiantian group, did not come to kill someone thousands of miles away.

Assassin in the fifth battle is the gatekeeper, because he cannot leave the gate of Ryudong Temple without fear of assassination.

Therefore, after Ren reinforced the magic workshop, he turned into a spirit and floated away.

He had to make some preparations. His mission was not difficult, but it was different for King Da Mao who went to the sixth singularity point.

He didn't believe she could beat the deified Lion King.


Even though it was ten years later, Ren was still familiar with the geographical location of Fuyuki City, especially those forests.

Under the national road leading to Einzbern Castle, he quietly entered the depths of an undeveloped dense forest.

Standing under a big tree, Ren stretched out his hand and turned on "Infinite Arms". From the blue vortex on his palm, a shining golden cup fell out.

This is the Little Holy Grail!

Ren immediately concentrated on it and carefully carved runes one by one on the outer wall of the small Holy Grail, which was full of complex and mysterious patterns and flowing with golden light.

Then, combine them into the spirit-devouring array and the spirit-sealing array.

He also opened the "Eye of Deception" to the maximum extent, and suddenly, the structure and mystery of the Little Holy Grail were revealed.

"That's it, that's it. It's such an amazing masterpiece!"

Ren admired, looking enthusiastic.

Like a mad and rational scientist constantly wandering in front of the door of truth, he projected various tools and began to carefully transform the Little Holy Grail.

He participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War last time, and before leaving the Moon World, he obtained some of the Einzbern family's knowledge on alchemy, artificial human technology, and biological modification technology from Irisviel.

Then he obtained part of the Matou family's magic knowledge from Matou Kariya.

Finally, he used the ability of "aura blocking" to sneak into the Tosaka family and gained knowledge related to gem magic.

In this way, he has gathered the core magic knowledge of Yu Sanjia!

Moreover, Ren had studied the Little Holy Grail. After all, he was the one who took out the Little Holy Grail from his wife's body.

He also studied the Great Holy Grail formation under Liudong Temple, laid out a "divine forbidden net", and used the power of the Holy Grail to kill Mr. Jin who was fully fired...

In addition to projection magic, what Ren is best at is converting great sources (referring to the vitality full of the outside world, which also manifests as the vitality of the planet, the vitality of the atmosphere, etc.) into magic power, which is very efficient.

(The small source is the vitality held by the magician himself. Many magicians can only use the small source to generate magic power.)

The function of the Small Holy Grail made by the Einzbern family is actually to collect the souls of defeated servants before the arrival of the Great Holy Grail!

At this time, Renn was doing something very technical.

He used the rune system of the main world, the magic of Yu Sanjia, combined with a small part of the knowledge of the third method, and the principles of the Great Holy Grail formation to transform the Small Holy Grail into an "artificial Holy Grail" with some of the effects of the Holy Grail!

Ren worked meticulously for an hour, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and placed the small Holy Grail on the ground.

"Pseudo Holy Grail──Plunderer No. 1, activate! Absorb and devour the source, convert it into magic power, store it and seal it..."

As he operated, the pseudo-Holy Grail "Predator 1" began to operate.

The runes shine like stars, forming two mysterious blue hexagram patterns, one large and one small. On the golden outer wall of the pseudo-Holy Grail, countless extremely complex lines light up. The small Holy Grail on the ground is like a black hole-like vortex, swallowing

Everything around you is alive and radiant.


A howling whirlwind blew in the dense forest. The green leaves of the evergreen trees gradually turned yellow, and the bark dried and cracked.

The dense, green shrubs and weeds also began to wither quickly, and soon, even some forest birds, rabbits, squirrels and other animals began to die.

Ren's face was indifferent. Under the unique vision of the "Delusion-breaking Eye", he saw the invisible vitality floating in the atmosphere, the vitality contained in plants, and the vitality of animals, and even the souls of animals were constantly struggling... In the end

, they were swallowed up by the false Holy Grail one after another.

"The Matou family's magic is absorption."

Renn began to adjust the soul-devouring array on the pseudo-Holy Grail based on the Matou family's magic. After completing it, the wind of life whistling around him immediately became stronger.

Large areas of yellow and decayed scenes began to appear deep in the forest, and animal carcasses were everywhere.

As time goes by, the scope of this victimization gradually expands outward.


A quarter of an hour later, it seemed that the devouring speed was too fast and could not keep up with the conversion efficiency. Several shocking cracks appeared on the outer wall of the pseudo-Holy Grail that had devoured many sources.

Ren frowned and projected the required materials. After repairing "Predator 1", he started to adjust again:

"The Unsaka family's magic is transformation!"

Converting magic power and storing it in gems is what the Tohsaka family is good at.


After the adjustment, the Pseudo Holy Grail operated again, this time with greater efficiency. Even the large sources in the atmosphere formed whirlwinds and injected them into the "Predator 1".

Half an hour later, the surrounding one kilometer had turned into death. In the small holy grail, the great source had just been inhaled and then overflowed.

"This storage capacity is still a bit too small. The foundation of the reduced Great Holy Grail formation is still a bit rough. Well, there are also some problems with the circuit structure. After all, it is to store the souls of refining animals, not for servants... By the way,

This part doesn’t need to be so delicate…”

Despite storing all the flora and fauna within one kilometer, and even a large amount of magic in part of the atmosphere, Renn was still not satisfied.

This is far different from the real Great Holy Grail under Ryudou Temple and the Holy Grail made by "Demon King" Goetia.

"The knowledge and technology of the Einzbern family are the basis for constructing Holy Grails of all sizes! We need to redesign and transform..."

The body of a Servant does not need to rest. Renn used the alchemy and related knowledge obtained from the Einzbern family to repeatedly try to transform the pseudo-Holy Grail.


Yuanzang Mountain, Liudong Temple.

The bright moonlight poured down silently, and occasionally a cold wind blew through the ancient Shanmen Mountain, picking up fallen leaves.

Medea, known as the "Betrayal Witch", stood on the mountain gate wearing an indigo and purple hooded cloak and a purple robe, looking into the distance with her beautiful blue eyes.

"What's the matter, you female fox, you are so elegant, you come out to blow the cold wind in the middle of the night? I'm guarding the gate of Liudong Temple, do you have anything to worry about?"

Assassin Sasaki Kojiro is sitting cross-legged on the ground.

He was wearing a kimono, with his sword lying across his knees. He was meditating and opened his eyes, raised his head and glanced at Caster.

Mother C, whose true face was covered by the hood, revealing her sexy thin lips, sneered:

"What do you know about the arty mountain villagers? There are signs of abnormal large source flow in this city. It is suspected that someone is collecting magic power, or building something.

The scale is huge, or the things built are amazing.

Unfortunately, the range is too far and I can't locate it. It seems that he also used some method to interfere with my perception."

It's strange, are there any magicians of this level in this era?

Regardless of anything else, the way she pulled Dayuan out of her hands was even to shame. It was so large that it even affected the distribution of Dayuan in half of the city!

"I don't understand the so-called magic, but mother fox, if you can't find the source of the noise, you're just wasting your time standing here, and it will also affect my practice."

The gatekeeper didn't give her face and said bluntly.

"Hmph, Assassin, watch your words. You are just a watchdog. Don't think that just because you have learned a few tricks, you will become a powerful swordsman!"

Mother C glared at Sasaki Kojiro fiercely and walked away.

With such skill, who is it?

Magicians in this era can only convert their own vitality into magic power through magic circuits, which basically does not involve the use of large sources. Even if they do, the efficiency is very low.

In this era of diminishing mystery, it is becoming more and more difficult to exploit the increasingly rarefied sources.

It is difficult for even her to utilize the Great Source on such a large scale, at least it is difficult for her to utilize the life force floating in the atmosphere.

Therefore, in order to be efficient, she had to take away the life force of urban residents to increase her magic power...

"What a ghost. Could it be some magician?"

C’s mother found it incredible. She didn’t think of her as a Servant. After all, she was Caster. She thought she was some modern magic genius.

And humans with this kind of ability would be top magicians even in the Age of Gods!

However, she was overthinking it. Someone actually knew the three axes of projection enhancement, source transformation, and runes.

The reason why I was able to try to rub the Holy Grail with my hands was also due to the two skills of the heaven-defying projection magic and the "Eye of Breaking Delusion".

Although the evaluation of magic is as high as A+, Renn is very partial to magic. For any magic chant that is more than one verse, he will forget the words when reciting the spell, or pronounce it wrongly, or even bite his tongue.

He also knows nothing about advanced ritual spells and other great magic.

Suppose C's mother is a great magician who graduated from Tsinghua University and Peking University; Ren is a graduate of Lan Xiang, and then learned theoretical knowledge by himself through plug-ins.

Of course, there are specialties in the arts.

At least when it comes to driving an excavator (using Dayuan), of course it is Ren Geng who graduated from Lanxiang Technical School.


"Hahaha... I'm such a genius!"

In the depths of the dead forest, Ren's devilish laughter echoed.

On the ground, "Predator 3" is like a black hole, swallowing up the vitality of surrounding animals and plants, as well as the vitality floating in the atmosphere, and even the light of the stars and moon in the sky...

This artificial Holy Grail is certainly inferior to the real Great Holy Grail under Ryudou Temple, but it is already usable.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the final analysis, the Holy Grail built by Ren only serves as a source of magic power, and does not involve reaching the source, the "universal wishing machine", and realizing the third method on a large scale.

This also reduces build requirements.

But even so, Ren is proud enough.

This counter-intuitive technology is enough to drive everyone in the Clock Tower crazy when it comes to the Magicians Association.

"I don't know how different my skills are compared to Demon King Goetia's?"

Renn laughed and held up the "Predator 3" advanced artificial Holy Grail.

The nearby forest for more than ten miles has been reduced to death, but the Holy Grail is only less than one-tenth filled with the extremely compressed, pure and huge magic liquid.

However, the noise made tonight was a bit too big and we can't continue. Although we have set up a barrier, it's better to be cautious.

Last time he was Caster, and he could do whatever he wanted without anyone noticing, but this time Caster was Medea, the witch from the Age of Gods, and he didn't want her to know about it.

"Haha, my copycat king, Ren En, really has the qualifications to be a great emperor!"

Ren was in a great mood, and a blue vortex appeared on his hand.

The space was slightly distorted. He put the "Predator 3" man-made Holy Grail, whose technology had initially matured, into the "Infinite Arms", and then rushed towards the Tohsaka House.

He is not bragging. The strength and ability, wisdom and knowledge he possesses, as well as the core technology he has mastered, can completely put him on an equal footing with the "Hero King" Gilgamesh, the "Sun King" La Er and others.

If nothing else, if he wanted to, he could try to create a singularity now and distort the human history of this world.

Maybe it's not as good as the Demon God King Gai next door who used several Holy Grails to create seven or eight singularities in various important eras of pan-human history in one go and carried out "human incineration", but one is still fine.

For example, Ren desperately went to the underground of Liudong Temple to swallow and absorb the massive magic power and "evil of this world" in the Great Holy Grail, releasing the polluted black mud.

His power will quickly expand to the level of a main god. He is not an ordinary main god. At least he can smash Mr. Jin's head.

Then with the help of the Great Holy Grail formation, he connected and blessed several of his artificial Holy Grails, and frantically extracted the source of Fuyuki City and even the entire island country...

It won't take long for Ren to turn this place into a place similar to Singularity F - "Burning and Dirty Fuyuki City".

Even if no one stops him in time and gives him tens or even hundreds of years to plant man-made Holy Grail nodes that devour the Great Source on the entire planet, he can drain the entire planet and twist it into a Lost Belt...

When the time comes, even Mr. Gai will have to say "Brother Ren, long time no see" when he sees him, and maybe even say something like - "Brother, how about we vote together?"

Of course, Ren wouldn't dare to do this kind of thing.

Not to mention that forcefully swallowing "the evil in this world" and the filthy magic power in the Great Holy Grail will definitely have sequelae. If he does this, the restraining force will definitely send out a crowned servant to fight him. He can't hide in the Temple of Time.


Therefore, seeking death is just a matter of thought.

If you dare to do something, you will definitely die. The only way to fight the Holy Grail War is to fight it honestly.

Although Ren's current strength is very strong, it is not strong enough to crush the enthusiastic citizen Mr. Jin. At most, they will be evenly matched, and there will still be a fierce battle.

‘Forget it, I, the copycat king, will never be weaker than anyone else in my life! It doesn’t matter if I don’t take this shortcut or a dead end, I’ll just do it step by step.

One day, I will step on the King of Heroes and punch King Solomon...Gai Zongti, the Enlightened One, the North American Spider, the Alien God, and You Xing all have to call me big brother when they see me.'

Ren was thinking about how awesome he was becoming, and suppressed the thought of going to the bottom of Liudong Temple and climbing to the sky next.

If there is love in the sky, the sky will also grow old, and the right path in the world will be subject to vicissitudes of life! You cannot always think of wrong ideas...

The night fades, the morning light breaks, and the white fish belly appears in the east.

At dawn, Master Lane started shopping with the projected banknotes.

He bought a TV, some CDs and comics, some food and soda, and a stylish modified motorcycle... and then returned to Tohsaka House.

After waking up from the dream, let’s finish the 5th Holy Grail War seriously first.

Just because you have strength doesn't mean you can be reckless. If you are too careless, Ren may still fall into the hands of other servants.

Think about how many times the enthusiastic citizen Mr. Jin, who is known as the "Strongest Heroic Spirit" and "Servant Killer", overturned his car, had his legs broken, and his elbows chopped off... These are all lessons learned in blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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