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Chapter 40 Rennes new vest

“The Lord is my shepherd,

I will not be in want,

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

Lead me beside the waters of rest,

He revives my soul,

The way you lead me for your name’s sake,

Although I walked through the valley of the shadow of death,

nor fear of harm,

Because you are with me!"

The morning light dispersed the night, and a bright ray of morning sun shone through the skylight on the top of the church, reflecting the tall and strong back of Kotomine Kirei.

He holds scriptures in his hands and stands as tall and straight as a green pine.

The holy words of blessing came out of the priest's mouth, sonorous, powerful and catchy.

The psalms of prayer echoed in the empty church, and the golden morning light projected down like a few light beams on the stage, making this slightly ancient church clear away the gloom and giving it a more sacred and solemn feeling.

Of course, from Brother Gou's point of view, this scene is unspeakably ironic.

Just like a bitch setting up an archway, a thief catching a thief, or a deserter on the battlefield singing a poem praising courage while escaping, it's inexplicably funny.

"Your rod and your staff comfort me.

in the presence of my enemies,

You prepare a banquet for me,

You combed my hair with ointment,

Make my cup of blessing overflow.

Grace and love will follow me all the days of my life..."

Holding scriptures in his hands, Father Mapo looked serious, as if he were a devout believer, and finally finished reciting Chapter 23 of the Psalm of the Old Testament.

Seeing that he had finished praying and was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, the big dog finally couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"Tsk, it's really boring. Fake priest, if it's as beautiful as the psalms say, God will bless you, then he is really blind."

This is very rude, but Cu Chulainn is the son of Lugh mac Ethlenn, the Irish sun god in European Celtic mythology. As the son of God, it is normal for him to not believe in and disrespect God.

Hearing the taunting words with a gun and a stick, Kotomine Kirei slowly closed the book and turned around with his tall body.

However, Mapo was not angry at all, and looked calm. He was a Servant who had been taken by force. Of course, the other party was not ashamed of his sneak attack on that stupid woman Bazett.

It should be said that seeing Lancer Cu Chulainn being dissatisfied but having to obey orders made the priest feel a little happy.

"Lancer, are you feeling impatient? What have you discovered in the past few days?"

"...According to your request, I inspected various locations. The night before yesterday at Liudong Temple, there was a mess outside the mountain gate, and there was no trace of Caster."

The big dog wearing the blue knight armor crossed his legs and said calmly.

The Irish "Child of Light" put his elbows on the back of the chair and rested his chin on his palms, looking bored and showing little respect for Kotomine Kirei, the Master.

Time flies by like a flash, and it has been two days since Ren and Emiya Shirou attacked Ryudou Temple that night.

In the past few days, Fuyuki City has been as peaceful as ever. Except for the steps outside Ryudou Temple that collapsed due to soil erosion and landslides... there are no rumors circulating.

However, the underlying undercurrent is slowly fermenting.

Kotomine Kirei showed a smile, looked at Cu Chulainn and asked:

"So, it seems that the woman Caster was forced to abandon her magic workshop... Then what about the Assassin she summoned illegally?"

"Based on the traces at the scene, it is no accident that Assassin, who is suspected to be an earthbound spirit, is dead."

The big dog's red eyes flashed and he shook his head.

He was slightly surprised that Kotomine Kirei had asked him to fight against other Servants.

He had also fought against the weird Assassin in front of the mountain gate, or rather the swordsman, and he knew very well how difficult and tricky the opponent's swordsmanship was. Without the use of a Noble Phantasm, there was no advantage in close combat.

"Dead? It seems that one of the riders was eliminated." Mapo's expression remained unchanged and she continued to ask, "Can you find out who did it?"

Liudong Temple is Caster Medea's home base, so it is difficult to place familiars at close range, and he doesn't know the specific situation.

The big dog shrugged lightly:

"Who else, either Archer or Berserker, can force the witch to abandon the magic workshop and Assassin to escape.

Based on the traces at the scene, I judge that Archer did it."

'Archer again?'

Kotomine Kirei frowned, thinking of Tohsaka Rin and the still mysterious male Arthur, and finally felt a strong fear in his heart:

"Lancer, you have fought against Archer, can you judge his strength?"

"No." The big dog shook his head, his face a little solemn, "In addition to King Arthur's holy sword Excalibur, he also took out the Indestructible Lake Light of Lancelot, the Knight of the Round Table... I don't know how many treasures he has.


Because although Kimpika is strong, he cannot fight with Kotomine Kirei's allies, and his most important opponent is Archer.

'This performance...seems a bit like the King of Heroes.'

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Mapo's eyes.

Before, he actually didn't pay much attention to other Masters and Masters. It wasn't because he was careless, but because his own advantage was too great.

He has participated in the Holy Grail War, and this time as the supervisor of the Holy Church in the dark, he also knows many inside stories of the Holy Grail War. He has many command spells in his hand, plus Lancer Cu Chulainn and Gilgamesh in the dark.

This huge advantage was far less than that of his teacher Tokiomi Tohsaka ten years ago after many calculations.

However, now that Tohsaka Rin, Archer, and Rider seem to be united, they are quite a threat.

'The top priority is to eliminate the Tohsaka family camp first...'

Thinking of this, Father Mapo felt murderous intent in his heart.

After all, he is a ruthless man who can match wits and courage with Father Kiritsugu. He may be overconfident and unwary because of his huge advantage, but he will not be blindly arrogant.

Father Mapo was naturally not afraid. He showed a pleasant smile and stared at the slender Cu Chulainn:

"Also, Lancer, there seem to be some suspicious rats outside the church in the past two days... Have you found out who they are?"

"I tracked it last night. It's the Einzbern's artificial man in the forest on the outskirts." The big dog replied.

The Einzberns?

This answer seemed a bit unexpected, and Father Mapo had a look of surprise on his face.

Could it be that Illya knew that he and the King of Heroes were planning to attack her?

It's impossible. He was very careful when he placed the familiar a few days ago, and the existence of Gilgamesh is top secret information.

It's really evil... Kotomine Kirei's face changed slightly, and he had a vague feeling in his heart, but he didn't know what the problem was.

After receiving Ren's letter, Illya naturally began to send people to investigate the priest. However, the maid under her command was not cautious enough and her whereabouts had been leaked.

This is not surprising, Mapo is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she will be alert at the slightest sign of trouble.

On the contrary, Sister Ba was hidden deep enough. As a transmitter and a powerful rune user, she used runes to hide her aura and used telescopes to monitor from a distance.

Even Mapo didn't notice it if he calculated it mentally or unintentionally.

However, the discovery of the Einzbern family's android maid peeking into Fuyuki Church was enough to alert Kotomine Kirei.

Interesting, who is behind this?

'Interesting, before I took action, Illya was staring at me instead.'

Keenly aware of the turbulent undercurrent beneath the surface of the peaceful situation, Father Mapo not only did not panic, but showed a pleasant smile on his lips:

"Lancer, Emiya...what's the situation with Shirou?"

"That boy has taken a leave of absence from school and is wandering around Fuyuki City these days, seemingly looking for something. But the most interesting thing is that he doesn't have the Command Seal in his hand."

Lancer replied, a little surprised on his face.

No more Command Seals? Could it be that Saber has been killed?

Another bit of unexpected news, the smile on Kotomine Kirei's lips became even more joyful. This strange situation was even weirder than the 4th Holy Grail War.

Let Lancer continue to inspect various locations. As a supervisor, Mapo issued an order to the personnel of the Holy Church - search Caster's hiding place with all possible strength!


It's noon at Tohsaka House.

The bright sunshine in early spring gave the green vines on the courtyard wall a golden glow, and the blue sky was as clear and transparent as pure sapphire, cloudless.

Miss Rin sat down on the sofa and stretched:

"Ah, I'm so exhausted. We've been searching here in Miyama Town for a day and a half since yesterday morning, and we haven't seen any trace of the witch Caster at all!"

"There is no other way. If it doesn't work, we can only continue to expand the scope."

Ren shrugged, took out the tea leaves, and brewed a pot of black tea with boiling water.

Starting from yesterday morning, he, Tohsaka Rin, Shirou and Rider, who was secretly protecting him, divided into two groups and started searching for traces of Saber and Medea around the Enzo Mountain area.

In the end, nothing was found, and C’s mother just disappeared from the world.

"We still need to expand the scope..."

Miss Rin hit her aching leg with her hand and sighed.

Because she no longer dared to take the transportation driven by Archer, a racing gang, she spent the whole day and a half walking.

As for the Emperor's "Divine Power Wheels", they are not suitable for this kind of search work that goes deep into the streets and alleys. Of course, the main reason is that Ren has no riding skills!

Although he could barely use the "Divine Power Wheel" because of his "Soldier Master" characteristic - to control thousands of soldiers (all tools used in battle), it was difficult to last for more than half an hour, and the two bulls pulling the cart seemed to have pink eye.

Just bumping around everywhere.

After accidentally knocking down a wall, Rin didn't want to sit down anymore.

"How about, Rin, let's drive a motorcycle! Shirou knows that riding a small electric car is too stupid to walk."

Ren suggested seriously, but the eager look in his eyes betrayed him.

"No, no, if you beat me to death, I won't take your car anymore!"

Seeing that he was doing this again, Miss Rin snorted and turned her head away as she recalled the extremely sour experiences she had in the last few car rides.

Ren showed a helpless look. He was actually fine. As long as the Servant has a supply of magic power, he won't be tired even if he doesn't eat, drink or sleep.

The main reason is that Rin is exhausted from running errands, but the key point is that she can't drive at all!

He only recently learned that Tohsaka Rin is incompetent with all modern electrical appliances. Except for a hair dryer, she doesn't even seem to know how to use a telephone.

"Rin, then you can rest at home today while I go out to search." Ren said with a smile.

"Okay, I believe you, Archer, you can move freely from now on... I want to sleep for a while."

Rin thought about it for a while, but didn't refuse. Archer had the ability to act alone, and she could show her strength even when she wasn't around.

This is the advantage of the Archer class. The girl even knows that if she is not around, he can fight even more recklessly.

Ren smiled when he heard this, which showed the difference between Rin and Tokiomi.

If Tokiomi hadn't worried so much and made all those gaudy conspiracies, and just let Jin Shining move freely, there probably wouldn't have been so much trouble.

"However, remember to notify me if there is any situation."

Her eyelids twitched, and the girl couldn't help but yawn.

Wearing slippers, she walked upstairs to prepare for a rest. She had been working from yesterday morning to noon today and had not rested at night. Naturally, she was extremely tired at this moment.

As for Archer's safety, she was not worried.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At least so far, he has defeated Lancer Cu Chulainn, the female knight king Saber, Caster Medea, Rider Medusa, and successfully killed

Without Assassin, even top heroes like Berserker Hercules can't suppress him.

It is indeed an SSR, with a record of unmatched victory and almost never a loss. The girl is full of confidence in him.

After watching Miss Rin go to rest, Ren took a sip of black tea and went out.

As for the safety of the Tohsaka family?

There is no need to worry. With the impregnable defense here, we can hold on for a while.

During this period of time, Miss Rin could calmly summon him back with command spells, but she had never used any of the three command spells.

As long as Ren returns to the Tohsaka family, with the help of this magic workshop and the power of the underground spiritual veins here, his strength will even be strengthened.

Any Servant, including Jin Shining, who dares to fight him here will be defeated.


Fuyuki Central Park, the former site of Fuyuki Civic Hall.

One night ten years ago, a sudden fire destroyed everything here. According to statistics, about 500 people died.

However, time is the best antidote, and it has quietly healed the pain of the past, and now a small park has been built here.

The white brick paving is very neat, the leaves of the street trees look green in the sun, and there are many foliage plants and various flowers in the small flower beds.

It's noon now and there's no one here.

Master Renn was walking by the roadside with his hands in his pockets. His appearance had changed a lot. His skin was slightly darker, his figure was slender, and his hair was white under his hood.

Exactly the same look as Brother Red A.

When he is in the moon world, in addition to his original appearance (the leader of the army), he can also use the form of Wuming (nameless heroic spirit).

Of course, when he takes on the form of Wu Ming and Red A, his identity is that of the Magic Association──Ren, the designated executor of the seal!

Since he has this identity, the person he wants to deceive... ahem, the person he wants to meet is self-evident.

"Hello, little girl."

Ren walked to a big tree in the corner. Opposite him, Illya was looking at him with those strange red eyes.

"Are you Rider's master? Ren of the Magic Association?"

The silver-haired loli frowned, always feeling that this person was weird.

"That's right, my dear, little girl, have you decided? Let's attack Fuyuki Church together tonight!"

"Aura Blocking" conceals the aura of being a Servant. Master Renn smiles brightly, like a weird man coaxing a little girl.

The vest of "Old Sword" is no longer fun, it's time to replace it with the one of the designated executor of the seal.

This chapter has been completed!
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