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Chapter 20: Prepare for war, go with the boss

Seeing Renn casually taking out a Holy Grail, Fujimaru Ritsuka and his schoolmates were a little confused.

When did the Holy Grail become so worthless if only one person could own one?

"What does this mean? The Holy Grail has no effect on me."

Ozymandias took the artificial Holy Grail, but his expression was a little confused.

He previously occupied the Holy Grail because he needed to use it to collect and store enough magic power in order to maintain the fire survival plan of the "Grand Composite Temple of Glory" against solemn defense, that is, to protect his people.

Now that he has given up on this idea, he himself is not afraid of a life-and-death battle with the Lion King, and he really doesn't care about a mere Holy Grail.

"Sun, don't underestimate the Lion King. After she evolved into a goddess, she also has advanced clairvoyance and can detect some things through future vision. She will not just sit back and watch us join forces to attack the Holy City...

The environment at the singularity is no longer suitable for survival, and the vitality of the soil is gradually disappearing. It will not be easy for you to maintain this oasis around the temple that can still be planted and produced, right?

Your strength is indispensable.

This Holy Grail will allow you to maintain your peak condition on the day of the decisive battle!"

Ren's expression was a little serious. It was impossible for the Holy City side to know nothing about the alliance between Egypt and the people of the mountains.

He still remembers that the Lion King also has a Holy Grail in his hand!

Of course, that is not the Holy Grail of the Magic King, but what she obtained as the immortal King of the Undead over a long period of more than 1,500 years. She gave the Knights of the Round Table a "blessing" with the power of the goddess + the Holy Grail.

Don't be surprised, there has been more than one Holy Grail in history.

It's perfectly normal for the Lion King to accidentally collect a Holy Grail.

Don't think that the Lion King, who has A-level clairvoyance and a divine perspective, is stupid enough to wait for others to join forces to destroy her.

Moreover, this time there is a demon pillar coming to disrupt the situation...

"Yes, it seems that Yu took it for granted before."

La Er nodded and then looked at the Holy Grail in his hand.

Golden light flows on the outer wall of the cup, and the inside is engraved with characters that look like the original runes. It is dazzling and different from the one made by the Magic King.

The mass seems to be heavier, and it contains some substantial magic crystals inside.

After observing the Holy Grail for a moment, La Er's golden eyes looked directly at Ren:

"Dear Xingchen, you must have made this Holy Grail. You are indeed the greatest...magician with amazing skills. Now I understand why that guy doesn't like you."

The Lord of Soldiers, qualified as a Caster, possesses EX-level clairvoyance to see the past and future, and can also make the Holy Grail... isn't this another Magic King?

Putting himself in his shoes, La Er felt that he couldn't stand a pharaoh who also had a large temple and whose strength and ability were comparable to his own...

He was relatively calm, but his words shocked the people of Chaldea.

"Ahem...He made...the Holy Grail?!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka coughed several times, as if he was choking on food.

He stared at Ren beside him with wide eyes, the expression on his face was full of surprise. The schoolmates and even Leonardo da Vinci showed a hint of shock.

Making the Holy Grail, what kind of boss is this?

Isn't Assassin's performance the same as that of the Magic King?

"It's okay, this Holy Grail is not very powerful, and the Magic King's is the same. It is far from the Holy Grail of Christ in history."

Ren was very calm and didn't think it was anything.

The Holy Grail has long been devalued, and the functions of different Holy Grails are also very different.

The Holy Grail that he and Mr. Gai rubbed was not very good. Strictly speaking, it was just a high-level magic crystal. Most of the time, it could only serve as a source of magic power. It was not a "universal wishing machine."

Anyway, it is not as good as the real Holy Grail of Christ or the Great Holy Grail of Fuyuki City.


Assassin looked disapproving, leaving the Chaldeans speechless.

If you despise it so much, why don't you give us a few gifts? And the Magic King's Holy Grail. You don't like us, but we need it very much.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Reciprocity is reciprocal. Taeyang's, you can also have a taste of my treasures."

After saying that, Ren smiled and stretched out his palm, and a bottle of red wine floated out of a blue swirling space door above.


He unscrewed the wooden cork, and a refreshing and mellow smell of wine overflowed. Just smelling it made people feel refreshed and their pores dilated.

This is "Crimson Moon", a top-notch red wine from the main world that even Jin Shining didn't hesitate to praise after drinking it.

Renn placed the Magic King's Holy Grail on the table, poured a glass of red wine into it, and poured another glass into Raji's artificial Holy Grail.

He smiled and raised the chalice filled with red wine and said to the Pharaoh beside him:

"Inferior imitation, just fine for drinking. Come on, cheers!"

"...Yes, this cup is only suitable for pouring wine, haha..."

Ozymandias was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Come on, cheers!"

He raised the artificial Holy Grail, clinked a glass with Ren, and drank the red wine in one gulp.

He didn't have time to taste the taste carefully. He shook the Holy Grail calmly and praised it in time, "Yes, this wine is sweet and refreshing, from the stars. It is worthy of your collection..."

What he said was like this, but in La Er's heart he thought - it's over. Yu's reaction just now was a beat too slow, and he didn't pretend to be wrong.

The two of them continued to drink and brag, and Ren always belittled the Holy Grail intentionally or unintentionally, almost saying that the Holy Grail of the Magic King was only worthy of being used as a trash can for waste.

In this way, La Er's previous behavior of "valuing" the Holy Grail seemed a bit low and undervalued.

Sure enough, the smile on Ozymandias's face became less natural after that, and he could only join in and belittle the Holy Grail.

Someone finally gained a slight upper hand in the king-forcing competition.

Guda: "..."

Matthew: "..."

Fufu: "Fufu~"

Seeing these two people drinking from the Holy Grail, devaluing the Magic King and the Holy Grail he made as worthless, and occasionally bursting into heart-wrenching, demonic laughter, one can easily imagine the terrible mood of Chaldea's group.

It is estimated that when they go to the 7th Singularity in the future and meet Gilgamesh, they will definitely think of what happened today.

Happy time is always short-lived. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the party ended.

"Xingchen, come back quickly, I want to continue drinking with you!"

La Er put his arm around Ren's shoulders, walked through the building complex, and sent him all the way outside the temple.

"No problem, Taiyang, just concentrate on preparing for the battle. Our soldiers and horses will be hidden in the great temple. On the day of the decisive battle, we will move the temple directly to the front of the Holy Capital and confront the Lion King! Let her see the power of our cooperation!

I am a soldier, born for the battlefield!

This time, we want everyone to know that the North American mythical war at the last singularity is nothing at all! Let us teach them what a mythical war is!"

Master Renn patted his good brother on the shoulder, showing his domineering and unspeakable iron-bloodedness.

"Hahahaha... OK, OK! Yu Tai likes this battle plan! To be honest, Yu has tolerated that stinky woman for a long time!"

La Er laughed heartily.

Directly drive over to the Great Temple, send out troops, form an array, and form a battle to the death with the Holy City... This violent battle plan made his blood boil.

Domineering, heroic, and desperate!

In such a fierce and grand battlefield, even life and death are not worth mentioning.

La Er was in a very good mood, but there was nothing he could do about it, the soldier master really liked him, no matter his words, deeds or thoughts.

Of course, Renn also admires La Er very much.

When the two met this time, after a meal of wine, they cherished each other and felt like they were close friends who regretted meeting each other so late, and they almost gave up.

However, there is always a banquet in the world, so everyone will have to go their separate ways.

Hassan Baimei will continue to stay in the desert temple and discuss with the Egyptian side the specific matters of cooperation in attacking the Holy Capital.

After all, the coming war is a legion-level war. It is not enough to just attack together. Even if the main combat power is the Servant, the Sphinx Legion, the Mountain People and the Holy Knights are not just decorations.

Regarding men and horses, tactics, some necessary formations and material supplies, these must at least be discussed.

Otherwise, it would be too rough to fight without even a formation.

The Lion King is a commander who has experienced hundreds of battles. In terms of troop formation and military strategy, he is absolutely at the top level. The Knights of the Round Table are also born for the battlefield. They are first-rate generals, and La Er and Renn do not dare to be careless in the slightest.

On the other side, everyone in Chaldea also said goodbye to the female pharaoh Nitocris.

After that, the Chaldean group chose to continue their journey to the Holy Capital to check the situation. Also traveling with them was Ren!

Guda and the school girl naturally welcomed this.

Renn's previous series of pretentious behaviors have already raised his pretense to the sky. Even if they don't know the specific origin, they know that this is a big boss.

Of course, Leonardo da Vinci had a little problem with him:

"Hey, Ren, why do you want to stop me from using the materials provided by the Pharaoh to make an off-road vehicle? Physical exercise is very tiring. This place is far from the Holy Capital. Walk there..."

"Because it's a waste of time, it's unnecessary."

Ren's expression was indifferent, "Infinite Arms" was activated, and he pulled out a sword from the space door at hand.

The sword is extremely sharp, the blade is filled with cold light, and arcs of electricity are lingering on it.


He raised the Emperor's "Sword of Cyprus" and slashed forward.

The void sparkled with electric arcs, and a hole opened. Two strong sacred cows pulled a simple and magnificent chariot, which descended from the torrent of magic power!

He jumped on the "Divine Wheel", and the two sacred cows immediately stepped on their hooves a few times with electric light, making them a little restless.

Renn has no riding skills, so dead objects are fine, but it is a bit reluctant to control such a living and emotionally intelligent beast.

After all, he is a soldier master, not an animal tamer.

But at this moment, the purple, sexy girl-shaped tattoo on his arm gave off a faint light.

The bodies of the two sacred cows suddenly trembled, and they felt that everything had become boring, no longer excited, and calmed down.

Medusa has an A-level riding ability, so it is not difficult for Ren to borrow her abilities.

At this moment, he has almost a B-level riding ability, and coupled with the characteristics of a soldier master, he is enough to ride the "Divine Wheel" for a long time.

"Get in the car and the old driver will take you flying."

Ren grinned and invited the Chaldeans, who were looking a little confused, to get in the car.

Matthew and Guda looked at each other and sat down with their pet cat Fufu without hesitation.

"This seems to be the Conqueror King's powerful wheel. Why do you have this?"

Da Vinci's expression was a little depressed and he sat on the carriage.

No wonder she looked down on the off-road vehicle she made. It turned out that I brought my own car, and with this A-level riding equipment, there was no need to waste time.

"Is it weird that I have this? It's no less rare than the Holy Grail."

Ren smiled lightly and shook the reins vigorously.


The two-headed god Newton roared several times, and the ox's hooves trampled purple thunder and green lightning as it galloped across the desert at extremely fast speeds.

Although it looks very primitive, this thing is an A-class anti-army weapon comparable to a modern bomber. The speed of 400 to 500 kilometers per hour is not a problem at all. King Da Mao drove the motorcycle until it almost fell apart + "Wind King's Barrier"

’’s boost was enough to barely catch up with it.

"By the way, since you can make the Holy Grail yourself, then the Holy Grail is not uncommon for you. Can you give us the Holy Grail of the Magic King?"

Da Vinci hesitated for a moment, then asked.

Seeing her directly asking for the Holy Grail from Assassin, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the school girl looked a little expectant, but also a little nervous.

"Take it."

A space door opened, and Ren threw the Magic King's Holy Grail directly to her.


Really awesome, the school girl exclaimed softly, and Fujimaru Ritsuka was also stunned.

This is so damn easy.

They gave it to them in just one sentence. Along the way, they had never found the Holy Grail so easily. It was no more difficult than picking up a can on the ground.


Subconsciously accepting the Holy Grail of the Magic King, Leonardo da Vinci also showed a surprised expression on his beautiful face.

She originally thought that the other party would make some requests or decline a few words.

After all, Assassin took the risk of offending the Sun King to ask for the Holy Grail and spent some effort.

"Why, why are you looking at me like this? Are you feeling guilty? Okay, how about you give me 100 million US dollars?"

Renn looked at the surprised Chaldeans and shrugged.

This thing has no effect on him anymore.

At the banquet, he had already finished studying the Holy Grail of the Magic King using projection and the "Eye of Deception". Although it is still a little difficult to copy it now, it is only a matter of time.

The type and principle of Mr. Gai's Holy Grail are indeed very different from his artificial Holy Grail, but the technical content is not much higher.

In other words, his projection magic is so powerful that it is not difficult to pirate it.

"Thank you, Assassin." Mr. Guda thanked him immediately.

"Thank you, senior, you are such a good person." The school girl also smiled sweetly and sent a good person card.

It was completely useless to Ren, but this thing was indeed very important to Chaldea. The school girl and Fujimaru Ritsuka were both surprised and sincerely thanked him.

Renn disagreed and curled his lips:

"I don't like people saying thank you to me. It means that someone has benefited from me but doesn't want to pay any price."

Guda: "..."

School girl: "..."

This process is wrong.

It’s not that you’re welcome, it’s that it’s all for saving people, so just accept it and so on...

Now, the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

But even though he said that, Lane didn't actually ask for $100 million.

It's not that he suddenly became generous and generous. To be precise, Chaldea and his group didn't have anything he wanted, so he couldn't ask Leonardo to sleep with him...

Da Vinci held the Holy Grail in his hand: "Assassin, if you just hand over the Holy Grail to us, aren't you afraid that we will end up on the side of the Holy City?"

"Haha, I won't say anything more, lest you think I'm misleading you, just use your own eyes to judge."

Ren snorted and didn't care at all.

On the side of the Holy City?

Don't be ridiculous, the Lion King is no longer the knight king who pays attention to chivalry.

Don't be sentimental, I don't know how many people have been killed, do you believe that one shot of the Holy Inquisition will send your whole village to heaven on the spot?


The big temple behind him was gradually shrinking, and Renn drove the "Divine Power Wheel" at a fast speed, galloping across the desert.

Maybe it was because there was a lot of movement, but soon, a group of black figures surrounded the front...

This chapter has been completed!
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