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Chapter 75 The coming of the Demon King, the Great God Odin

The two people, who were facing each other in tit-for-tat, spontaneously thought of looking up the information on the Holy Spear.

A few nights ago, during the battle at the Round Table Outpost, Morgan used the Holy Spear to defeat Pegasus. In addition, after blocking the Lion King's attack in the Holy City, Renn had already completed the copy of the Holy Spear.

Of course, the fake holy spear is just an A-level anti-city treasure.

Ren is not the Holy Spear Goddess and cannot bypass the "Round Table Conference" to forcibly release the 13 restraints, so he did not use the Holy Spear.

The holy spear is actually quite useless to him, because although his spear skills are not bad, the sword is still sharper.

And the power of the fake holy spear will not be stronger than that of the fake holy sword.

What Ren wants to check this time is not the Noble Phantasm, but the information on the body of the Holy Spear in the Lion King's hand - the Tower of End on the British Isles that fixes the laws of the planet.

If the Tower of End is a base station, the Holy Spear is just a small mobile terminal.

The difference is as big as the difference between the body of the Greek Mecha and the humanoid terminal.

"Check the information about the Holy Spear?" Fujimaru Ritsuka had a little doubt on his face.

Previously in the great temple of the Egyptian Pharaoh, through the exchange between the soldier master and Ozymandias, the purpose of the Lion King and the function of the holy spear had been revealed.

Isn't it just to use the holy spear to retain 500 people as fire?

This news was revealed by the war leader himself. Wouldn't it be a waste of machine energy to check again?

Others were also a little puzzled, but Scathach, who had always looked calm, had a ripple in his beautiful eyes, and was slightly excited.

It's about to begin.

Obtaining the Holy Spear is a vital part of the "Shadow Kingdom Transformation Plan".

Since the death of King Solomon, the mystery has accelerated. In order to adapt to the proliferation of primates and the gradual prosperity of human nature, the planet has given birth to new physical laws.

The laws of physics are like a fragile film that cannot withstand storms and waves.

For this reason, the inhibitory force created the Tower of End, which serves as a "star anchor" to fix this film and maintain the stability of the world.

Essentially, the Tower of End is just a nail.

Since it is a nail that can fix the laws of physics, then with a little modification, it can naturally fix the laws of other properties.

The Kingdom of Shadows is a demonic realm full of death. If we want to completely reverse the situation and turn the underworld into a paradise on earth, it is not enough to purify the undead.

So Lane came up with a bold idea.

Perhaps we can use another force full of vitality to cover the law of death in the underworld, and then use the "Tower of End" to fix it...

It is true that Ren's power is far inferior to his restraint.

However, the scale and size of the Kingdom of Shadows are far inferior to those of the planet.

"There is no need to build a real Tower of Ending. Just do it step by step. Pirates are better than pirates. A low-quality fake tower will be enough for the time being."

The man's words were still in his ears. He was no longer satisfied with plagiarizing various heroic spirits in history, and extended his claws to the creation of restraint.

'You will succeed, definitely...'

Scathach looked at the man's slender back standing in front of the three obelisks, his eyes full of tenderness and sweetness.

He could give her happiness, she gradually believed this.

"Take the old demonic realm as your dowry, marry me, and give you a brand new little world and the position of Queen of Heaven."

This was the promise he made that night when he held her in his arms.

Use a brand new small world as a betrothal gift and as a love nest for the two of you.

This kind of handwriting.

Such courage.

Such romance.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows fell. She put down her reserve, lowered her proud head, and was willing to be captured by him.

She couldn't refuse, and she couldn't refuse.

The man conquered her with the most intense offensive.

The leader of the army is ambitious and aims at the Tower of End, so why did Holmes check the information on the Holy Spear?

Find out the purpose of The Lion King?

This is not impossible. After all, Lao Fu is not cheating. He does not have a God's perspective and may not necessarily know the plans of the Holy Spear Goddess.

Just like he questioned Dr. Roman's ulterior motives.

The great detective doesn't have as much information as Ren, and a lot of it is just speculation.

However, Renn felt that his purpose was not that simple...

"The load of operating this processor is a bit heavy. Commander, please come and help us to share the pressure."

Lao Fu looked at someone beside him and invited with a smile on his face.

The three-pointed Hermes is not as easy to operate as everyone thinks.

The huge flow of data is forced into the brain, and the violent backlash of the machine's energy flow... are all very terrifying. If an ordinary magician does not have supporting equipment, he may vomit blood and die after just one attempt.

Unfortunately, a series of auxiliary equipment in Atlas Hospital have been vacated.

Lao Fu was actually doing it forcefully just now, and the feeling was so good.


Master Ren didn't waste any time. He took a few steps forward and put his hand on the three-pointed Hermes console, using his own magic power to establish contact with the super spirit calculator.

There was no escaping it. Lao Fu was eager to know the last question, but Ren was indifferent and could sit back and watch the show.

But the information about the Holy Spear is something that both of them really want.

He doesn't believe it anymore. Even Lao Fu can resist the backlash, but he can't.

The two stood side by side, looked at each other, and then activated the three-pointed Hermes together.

"Enter the basic command: Retrieve all the data of the Holy Spear 'Lungominiad' at this singular point in time and space."


The machine was running at high speed, and the surface of the three towering obelisks emitted bright blue light, and the bodies of the obelisks began to tremble slightly.

Many data streams and pictures emerge.

At the same time, the huge energy turbulence when the machine is running is also introduced into the user's body through the magic connection!

Click click click~

Ren's throat felt sweet and his body trembled. He even heard the sound of his ribs cracking... The spirit base and the magic power in his body were also vibrating violently and rioting!

It felt like being crushed by a huge boulder, and at the same time, a hundred thousand volts of electric current was connected...

"Friend, how do you feel?

It's just a small backlash, just bear with it and it'll be fine."

Holmes looked at the trembling soldier master and said with a smile.

However, the intonation of his voice was a bit strange, and his throat moved, as if he had swallowed something forcibly.

"Well, it feels great.

It’s like taking a sip of ice water on a hot summer day, refreshing.”

As soon as Ren finished speaking, his body stopped shaking. He swallowed back the blood that surged into his throat and looked sideways at Lao Fu beside him, with a perfect smile on his face.

Lao Fu: "..."

Okay, cruel enough.

Seeing Lao Fu's slightly trembling fingers attached to the monument of Hermes, Ren greeted him warmly:

"Detective, your hand is cramped? Do you want to take a rest?"

In fact, there is no way to rest at all. Stopping means that the search is interrupted and has to be started again.

"No, the machine has some power leakage, a small problem."

Old Fu Feng Danyun smiled softly, moved his throat, and forced to swallow the blood that surged up because his internal organs were slightly ruptured.

Everyone: "..."

I don't know why, but I always feel that the conversation between these two people is weird.

After all, they have never personally operated this processor, and the two Wolf Slayers would rather swallow blood. They all look calm and calm on the surface. Sanzang, Guda, and Tawara Tota don't know how heavy the "burden" is.


Lao Fu smiled and deliberately lowered his voice:

"Soldier, a counterfeit doesn't matter at all. Your purpose of retrieving the holy spear is not that simple, right? For the Tower of End?"

"What about you, Detective."

Ren also lowered his voice and smiled playfully, "You have to know, wallflowers are very annoying."

He didn't know whether Lao Fu was a traitor, but he was definitely not entirely on Chaldea's side.

"He is the arbiter, the interpreter, the mediator...the referee and the grassroots are two different things!" Lao Fu corrected him softly with indifferent eyes.

Renn disagreed:

"Really? But it doesn't seem to be any different. The referee goes off to play football in person. It's simply worse than a wallflower."

"Arrogant people, they simply don't know the heights of the sky. What do you know?"

Holmes said with a sneer, his voice was so loud that everyone was shocked.

Why are they arguing again?

"I would like to hear the details." Ren said without changing his expression.

"Why is contemporary human theory so prosperous?" Lao Fu asked indifferently.

"Science and technology, technology is the primary productive force."

"Of course, how do you balance mystery and science? How do you maintain stability?"

"The Holy Spear, it fixes the physical laws of the planet and hides the mystery. Fantasy species, dragon species, elves... all go to the inside of the world, while the Hall of Valor is outside the world."

As if a little surprised by his outstanding vision, Lao Fu looked straight:

"Do you want to provoke the general? I take back what I said before. You are a rare sober person."

"Continue." Ren's expression was calm.

Lao Fu took a deep breath and spoke eloquently: "The mystery is hidden, but you can still peek. There is only a thin film between science and mystery, and the balance between the two is very fragile.

Sometimes, some geniuses have outstanding insights and can glimpse the mystery hidden behind science, or some accident or crisis occurs, the membrane somewhere is punctured, the mystery is leaked, leading to a murder..."

Renn: "..."


Membrane, broken, murder...

This...he felt like he was being pressed against his face by the wheels of the car.

Ren glared at him: "I suspect you are driving, but there is no evidence."

"...It's okay if you insist on understanding it this way. The balance between the scientific side and the mysterious side is as fragile as a virgin's membrane." Lao Fu still didn't blush and stepped on the accelerator with a calm expression.

Ren, who was pressed into the face by the wheel of the car again: "..."

is this okay?

This is not good, handcuff him and take him away!

Everyone: "..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and the school girl are fine.

The boys and girls were very pure. Although they felt weird, they didn't react.

The expressions on the faces of the two elders, Touta Touta and Sigurd, were a bit strange. They were both experienced...

Miss Sanzang's face suddenly turned red to her ears, and a blush flashed across Scathach's pretty face as white as snow.

Lao Fu ignored the awkward and weird atmosphere at the scene and continued to step on the accelerator to accelerate: "Soldier, what should I do if the membrane is broken?"

Ask me how I know.

Ren's face twitched and he said tentatively: "Patch?"

Unconsciously, he began to speak down and was intimidated by the boss.

He was the one who had defeated Kesha, and he was still a new driver who had just emerged from the rookie stage. Such unpredictable problems naturally put him under a lot of pressure and required him to rack his brains.

"That's right, I need to make up for it."

Lao Fu drifted through five hairpin turns in a row, showing off his charisma as a mountain car god. "But, how do you ensure that the repaired one is exactly the same as the original one, with no difference at all?"

"It's okay to make do with it, it's broken once anyway, so it's no longer a virgin." Ren said with a little lack of confidence.

Sanzang: "..."

Scathach: "..."

Why are you still talking about this? Isn’t it embarrassing?

Two old gangsters...

"Pfft! Hahaha..." Tawato couldn't help laughing.

He covered his mouth, his abdominal muscles were twitching, and the eyelids of the dragon-slaying hero Sigurd also trembled a few times, feeling very speechless in his heart.

Lao Fu shook his head: "This is not possible. If there is even the slightest flaw in the repaired film, it may eventually lead to a murder."

Well, the repaired one is not as good as the original one after all.

"How serious is it?" Renn touched his chin, thinking.

Lao Fu talked eloquently:

"The struggle and entanglement between the mysterious side and the scientific side has been throughout the entire history of mankind and is an important node above.

Human history is like a wavy line, fixed by nodes to ensure no deviation (quantum record fixed belt).

Because sometimes a slight mistake can lead to a misunderstanding, and even a slight mistake may lead the world to go in a different direction, or even the wrong direction (the Lost Belt)."

"The human reason is incinerated..."

"It's just tearing off a historical line (more than 3,000 years ago)."

"Chaldea just wants to reattach it."

"Yes, then here's the problem." Lao Fu lowered his voice and looked at him coldly, "How do you ensure that the re-fixed line has no deviation from the original one?"


Ren's eyes widened and looked very strange.

He remembered the reason why the Sixth Specialty became what it is today.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The reason lies in a slight deviation. The Knight of the Round Table, Bedivere, did not return the Holy Sword Excalibur, allowing the Knight King Arturia to hold the Holy Spear...

Then why didn’t Xiaobei in other worlds make this mistake? However, Xiaobei in this world just...

The answer is that the influence of human physiological burnout has loosened people's cognitive wires.

The Sixth Singularity's foundational value of human psychology, EX, has obvious characteristics of the Lostbelt, and the Lion King also looks very much like the King of the Lostbelt.

If the singularity is expanded to the entire world, after the crisis of "Incineration of Humanity" is over, how can we guarantee that this place will not become a Lostbelt world due to minor deviations?

The restoration of inhibition is not a panacea, at least Lao Fu did not disappear because the fourth singularity was corrected.

Even the World Power modifier only does 99.99% of the job.

If the butterfly effect occurs, will it evolve into the world where Ren lives and become a Lost Belt, which will be repaired by Chaldeans from other worlds in the future?

Maybe it's more direct, it was cut directly...

Ren suddenly realized it and glanced at the great detective:

"I see, the truth is revealed, the light of truth illuminates the fog, but it itself is hidden... It's interesting, isn't it?

Balancing mystery (magic) and reality (science)...Walking between the normal human trajectory (pan-human history) and the wrong direction (the Lost Belt)...

Your stage is still behind, the chosen (Ruler)."


Lao Fu remained silent.

Then many things will become clear.

If in the human intubation incident, Dr. Roman is the key hidden figure.

In the future, Holmes will be the key figure in the human freezing incident.

He is an observer, discoverer, interpreter...or mediator in a very delicate situation in the struggle between pan-human history and the Lostbelt.

After the human body was repaired, the original and current straps of the two human body lines were basically reunited, but part of it was still covered and part of it was exposed.

The two traces cannot completely overlap.

He must explain some of the secrets, reveal what has been hidden.

He must cover up some of the secrets and erase what is exposed.

He usually says half and half of his words, the top Riddler.

In the future, some people will definitely suspect that Lao Fu is a traitor.

Or treat him as a wallflower like Ren did before...

Therefore, Holmes is Caster now and Ruler in the future. His stage plays an important role in the future.

As for now, he is relatively pure. He is just a great detective who prepares for the future, helps Chaldea reason, and then waits for human logic to freeze.

After understanding the key point, Ren said with emotion:

"This job is absolutely terrible. If it were me, I would definitely not do it."

He also understood why the great detective was so angry with him.

"Now that you understand, you can stop causing me trouble, because to calculate your variable, my task is several times greater!" Holmes looked very unhappy.

That is to say, he couldn't beat him, otherwise he would kill him first.

"Okay, I promise everything will be done outside the world!"

"It better be so!"

After the two looked at each other, they both turned away and stopped talking.

Everyone: "..."

I feel like they said something very important.

It's a pity that in the fog, the two top-ranked Riddlers are very unfriendly to others.

"Three-Pointed Hermes" was still running at high speed, and information about the Holy Spear and the Tower of End was listed one by one.

In addition to the research materials left by the alchemists, they are basically scenes of the Lion King building the Holy City and her using the "Holy Judgment" to strike from a distance and razing villages to the ground.

Magic power, firepower, strike range, physical destructive power... each data is recorded, deduced and analyzed by the processor...

Soon we arrived at the scene of the last holy battle in the Holy Capital, where the Lion King used all his holy spears to bombard Ren in "Starry Night·Seven Heavens".

Immediately afterwards, there was the battle at the Round Table Outpost, where the enchantress Morgan used the holy spear light cannon to blow up the Pegasus Pegasus.

Then, the Holy City began to alienate...

no no!!

Wren suddenly paused the scene, then backed up, back to the night at Round Table Outpost.

Then, an abnormal situation occurred. The amount of information contained in it, the depth of the inside story, and the power of the big guys involved were shocking.


Ren's pupils bloomed with silver light, and murderous intent broke out. His left hand projected a sword of dusk filled with cold light, and a silver blood armor appeared on his body!

Almost instinctively, he entered fighting mode.

"It's him!"

There was a clear look of surprise on Lao Fu's face, and his eyes became intense, as if he saw a naked and peerless beauty.

"Ku... no, Kami-sama."

Sigurd's paralyzed face couldn't hold back, and he took a breath of air.

The three people who could keep up with the rhythm of the three-pointed Hermes all behaved very abnormally.

The "Eye of Destroying Delusion" is activated at full power, and Ren's eyes reflect everything in the world like a silver mirror, deducing, analyzing, and restoring...

Soon, the scene from that night reappeared.

He struck the ground with the Pseudo-deviant Sword Ea, setting off countless mud blocks to block the pursuing Siegfried, Xiao Mo and others...

Then he fled.

Morgan gave up the pursuit and left with several unwilling-looking Knights of the Round Table and the Demonic Pillars, leaving behind the outpost that had become ruins and littered with countless rubbles and smoke.

But she didn't notice that a small dark red ball fell from the Demon God Pillar walking at the end.

A quarter of an hour later, a sudden change occurred.

The blood ball began to squirm, and the blood waves rolled. The blood waves continued to twist and deform, and gradually condensed into a human form.

Then, a person appeared.

He has regular features, white hair dancing on top of his head, golden pupils and brown complexion, slender figure, and wears an ancient and luxurious white magic robe with many red decorations.

The moonlight was cold and the magician's eyes were indifferent. He stood on the ruins like a god looking down on the world.

No, he is more terrifying than the gods.

The sense of omnipotence that controls all the principles of heaven and earth, and the sense of coercion that hates all human beings, make people suffocate and tremble...

From the appearance, he looks like the Magic King Solomon.

But in essence, it is Beast i, a collection of seventy-two demon gods, one of the seven human evils, a beast that holds the principle of "compassion", and the mastermind behind the Incineration of Humanity──"The Demon King"


Of course, this is not the real person.

According to the analysis of Tricusp Hermes, the energy level of Mr. Gai's temporary body is not as good as that of the Lion King who has not yet become the main god, and at most it is stronger than the ordinary Demon God Pillar.

However, his aura is so strong that even the god-level Lion King cannot match it.

Seeing him in the restored picture just through the "Eye of Deception" analysis made Ren's breath stagnant and he was under great pressure.

"The disgusting smell has been there for so long, and these humans haven't burned out like grass."

This was the first sentence Mr. Gai said after his arrival. It was full of disgust, and the words "Villain Boss" were almost written on his face.

The next second, Mr. Gai looked in the direction away from the soldier master.

The light in his eyes flickered, as if he was capturing his position with EX clairvoyance.

However, soon the Demon King frowned, an image of rune characters was vaguely reflected in his golden pupils, and his vision was blocked by interference.

"Hmph! Very good, I would like to see who dares to block my way!"

With a thought, he activated the space transfer and instantly appeared on the edge of a small slope ten kilometers away.

There are overgrown weeds here, and there are some bloodstains. A humanoid silhouette can be vaguely seen on the ground, which was left by a certain heroic spirit.


As soon as the figure solidified again, Mr. Gai's eyes changed and he seemed slightly surprised.

In the void above the grass, there are strings of golden runes with original aura imprinted on them. The runes flow, the light shines, and the blood on the ground floats up.

Under the illumination and filling of the rune light, the spiritual base of this heroic spirit that should have been overflowing unexpectedly quickly regrouped!

Moreover, there was a change, from Lancer to Caster...

The moment the Demon King arrived, this Caster was completely resurrected.

His slender figure stood on the grass, a pair of red pupils looking directly at the Demon King, holding a wooden staff with gold decorations, and his body was wrapped in a large light blue robe, which was protected from the cold wind

There is a sound of hunting in the middle.

"Good evening, Magic King. Since you like it, I'll call you that."

Caster's voice was calm. He took off his hood, revealing a face that was exactly the same as Cu Chulainn's, but his eyes were deeper.

He does not have the beast-like majesty of Cu Chulainn, but is full of the magnanimity of a sage.

Looking at this uninvited guest blocking his way, Mr. Gai's cold voice slowly came out from between his teeth:


This chapter has been completed!
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