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Chapter 110 Return of the Holy Sword and Correction

"Is this... boiling big bones into soup?"

Renn looked at the sea of ​​light rising from the ruins, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Those collapsed buildings, piled rubble, and fallen green plants were covered and rendered bit by bit by the gorgeous golden light. They were so sacred and brilliant. There was new life in the dilapidation, giving people warmth and hope.

I don’t know why, but it feels like I’ve seen it before in “The Final Crusade” or the finale of Ultraman.

Most of the vast night was dispersed by the sacred light, and the lonely city echoed with the singing of the wind, like an ancient ceremony to worship the gods.

On the piled gravel, Ren stepped on the tips of his toes and jumped into the blurry night as nimbly as a dragonfly touching water.

Curious about what happened, the afterimage flashed by and he sped towards the place where the light rose.


A quarter of an hour ago.

The cold moonlight passed through many collapsed buildings, and Arturia, Beckham and Chaldea came to the jade throne that stood quietly among the ruins, emitting silver brilliance like a white lotus in the mud.

The goddess leaned back on the throne and supported her head with her right hand. There was still a lot of blood on her fair face, and her messy blond hair covered in dust and blood was swaying gently in the wind.

Tired, embarrassed.

This is the impression she gives people, but it still does not detract from her otherworldly beauty.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she opened her eyes. A pair of golden eyes that were originally filled with the supreme majesty of a god were now slightly dim, like the fading sun.

"You are here."

The Lion King stared at everyone, his voice was cold, like the wind blowing across the glacial land, giving people a feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold at high places.

Her Furui Muha gaze swept over Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and Leonardo da Vinci one by one, and paused for a moment on the sad and guilty face of the Knight of the Round Table Bedivere, her eyes a little confused.

This knight seemed a bit familiar... The goddess's eyes finally settled on another King Arthur.

"We are here, and this proves you wrong."

Arturia stared at the goddess on the throne and spoke first, a pair of holy blue eyes glowing with a stunning light.

"Well, I was wrong."

The goddess nodded slightly, with a look of contemplation on her flawless face, "You defeated me. The courage and blood to break through difficulties, turn the impossible into the possible, and the belief to open the way with the most heroic and decisive sacrifice have succeeded.

Passed it to me."


Arturia's expression was slightly surprised, as if she didn't expect her to admit her mistake so frankly, "I thought you would be a little unwilling and wanted to defend yourself."

She knows how stubborn her character is... Well, the other person is very stubborn.

"I can't argue with that."

The goddess's eyebrows were lowered, and a trace of confusion and melancholy flashed through her beautiful golden eyes. This made her regular and meticulous white face lose a bit of majesty and solemnity, and add a bit of humanity to an ordinary woman, "Actually... I used to...


Since coming into contact with you, this body's original consciousness has begun to revive.

To be precise, it is the recovery of emotions and memories, and consciousness has long been integrated.

Although I can suppress it, I am no longer pure, and the errors and omissions caused by emotional fluctuations have little by little interfered with my rational judgment.

I quickly developed the emotion of regret, regretting killing too many civilians... This is very strange. I have doubts about the results of decisions that have been made after perfect calculation and become reality, and even self-denial and want to repent... This

It's pointless and a waste of time.

Also, I started to lose my mind and think about things that were unnecessary for me before.

For example, I want to talk to those chosen people with innocent souls, whether they like me and whether they will agree with me...

But I didn't dare to try it before going to war with you because I was scared.

I don’t think they will agree with me, they hate me, and they may even tell me that the so-called love for mankind and preserving fire for mankind are all my personal wishful thinking.”

"So you just went to... talk?"

The King of Knights' eyes were a bit complicated, and she knew that the outcome of the conversation would never be good.

"Well, they threw rocks at me."

The goddess's face remained calm, but everyone was keenly aware of a tremor in her voice.

She closed her eyes slightly, and people's resentful, painful and angry expressions emerged one by one, so ferocious, so twisted...

The person with an "innocent soul" whom she personally selected completely rejected her with her actions.

This incident had a greater impact on her than her defeat by the war leader and King Hassan, and being shot down by Arash. Her pain, loss, and confusion... shattered her persistence and dignity bit by bit.

This incident is equivalent to her using her own standards to deny her own behavior.

If there were other mistakes she could make excuses for, and she could still stick to her point of view and ignore the opponents, but not this one.

Even if we discard the emotional factors, logically, this is a paradox.

"Return the Holy Sword."

Looking at the goddess who couldn't hide the loss and confusion in her eyes, Artoria took a breath and said, "Let her wake up completely and regain her emotions and lost memories."

Bedivere behind her suddenly became excited.

Traveling around, sleeping in the open air, and countless nights of tossing and turning seem like yesterday.

He couldn't remember when it started. After fifteen hundred years of arduous pursuit, he traveled to countless foreign countries and experienced countless struggles. This time he finally reached the end of the journey.

"Your Majesty, please take a look at this glory that once belonged to you and belonged to King Arthur."

With tears in his eyes, Xiaobei's magic power began to burn. He raised the shining silver arm in his hand and shouted, "Swallow my soul and gallop, silver meteor! "Flash away, silver arm (Dead End Agateram)"



The light tore through the night, and the Silver Arm fell directly from his hand!

It shot out like a shooting star from the sky, and when the golden light touched the goddess, it did not cause any harm, but integrated into her body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! She was wrapped in the brilliant light released by the holy sword, and her aura gradually recovered.


Bedivere's knees weakened and he fell to the ground after exerting all his strength.

Golden fly ash floated from his body, and no blood could be seen flowing out of the broken shoulder. The flesh and blood began to turn into golden clods.

In fact, his body had already reached its limit.

When Merlin found Beckham, he had turned into a sculpture in the sea of ​​flowers. Merlin later reawakened him, used magic to disguise him as a Servant, and disguised the holy sword Excalibur as the Silver Arm.

Help Xiao Bei, this is a rare discovery of conscience by the old liar.

"Hmm! This sword, these extra memories..."

Although he did not suffer any physical damage, the Lion King obviously underwent some changes after the return of the holy sword.

Her originally indifferent expression became richer, and complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

"I remembered..."

The goddess put down her left hand covering her forehead and looked at Xiaobei in a daze as his life was passing by rapidly. "In the end, in that ancient and quiet forest, the knight whose eyes were red from crying did not want to return the holy sword."

"Great, you finally remembered."

Xiaobei's obsession for many years was finally completed, and a gentle and relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was only through the power of the Holy Sword that he was able to survive as a human until now. After returning the Holy Sword, the vitality of his body was extracted, and his flesh and blood body gradually disintegrated into gray soil.

"Thank you, my last and most loyal knight."

The goddess immediately stood up from the white throne and hugged the knight who fell because his legs turned into soil little by little.

A soft smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which instantly eclipsed the stars and the bright moon in the sky. "You have completed the order given to you by the king, Bedivere. There is no need to blame yourself or worry. I will not be lost again."

"I understand, Your Majesty, I am a little tired. I will probably rest longer this time."

Xiaobei's expression was peaceful and his smile was pure and gentle. He slowly closed his eyes in the arms of the king and disappeared into smoke and dust.

At this point, the pursuit that lasted for 1,500 years officially ended in one moment.

This also marks the end of the story of the Sixth Singularity.

The goddess closed her eyes and mourned for the knight for a moment. She held the brilliant Holy Sword of Stars with her five fingers, stood up straight again, and faced Si Dai and Chaldea.

The sword light flashes, the momentum picks up, and the fighting spirit is rekindled.

Da Vinci, who had already relaxed his body and mind, felt the renewed fighting spirit in the Lion King, and exclaimed in surprise: "You... still want to fight? Now that you have recovered your memory, you are no longer bound by the Holy Spear, right?"

At this time, the Lion King can no longer be called the goddess Lungominiad.

With the Holy City shattered and the Holy Sword returned, the Lion King regained his lost memories and feelings.

Now she is the goddess Artoria with richer emotions and memories, and she is also the King of Knights of Britain.

"of course."

The corners of the goddess Arturia's mouth slightly raised: "I have the holy sword in my hand, why don't you continue to fight? I can remember exactly how you beat me before. Now I decide to beat you back one by one!"

da Vinci:"……"

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "..."

Matthew: "..."

So vindictive?

After recovering my memory and emotions, I feel like the goddess is even more stingy and strong.

"Hey, stop."

Looking at the goddess who raised the holy sword and sneered, Da Vinci sweated on his forehead, "It's unnecessary, fighting is meaningless now! It won't help if you kill us."

"Hmph, so what, I'm happy as long as I'm happy." Goddess Artoria snorted coldly, "Do you know why I lost before? Because she wouldn't even admit defeat!

Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, I’ll beat you until three-quarters of you are dead.”

da Vinci:"……"

Was the goddess (King Arthur) originally so stubborn and stubborn?

She could only look at Si Dai with pleading eyes.

Si Dai's expression was a little weird: "Well, it's nothing to do with saving people right now, it's just a personal grudge, I don't care..."

Huh, why does she want to help outsiders beat her? She's not a masochist.

Da Vinci:?(;′Д`?)

Just because of a personal grudge, the King of Knights sold them out?

Looking at Si Dai who turned his face away a little arrogantly and stepped back to watch, and then looked at the goddess with golden brilliance blooming on the holy sword, Da Vinci was dumbfounded.

Damn...she feels like a fucked up dog.

These two King Arthurs must have done it on purpose.

The goddess Artoria pointed her sword at the Chaldean people with a pretty face:

"Restorer of human nature, since you have challenged me, then as the King of Britain, I am naturally obliged to respond to you. Suffer death! If you dare to provoke..."

"Roman! Quick, let us leave!"

Seeing that she really wanted to take action, Da Vinci shouted.

Slipping away.


Doctor Roman's projection appeared, and at the same time, Fufu jumped out from the side and jumped into Matthew's arms.

"Start the spirit transfer and start returning!"

Doctor Roman gave an order, and the bodies of Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu, Da Vinci, and Fufu quickly transformed into spiritual beings, turning into light spots and dissipating.

The holy sword is returned, and the source of the singularity distortion disappears.

The human order of this era is about to be restored, and it is natural that the three Chaldeans can return to their own era.

As for staying and competing with the goddess Artoria because of personal grudges?

How is this possible? Even if the goddess doesn't kill her, who in the right mind would want to be beaten?


The goddess Arturia was in good condition at the moment. She tore the night apart with a sword. The bright golden sword light penetrated the shadows of the three Chaldeans and split a wall in half!


"Bye bye, goddess." The figure quickly disappeared, and Leonardo da Vinci's cheerful laughter still lingered in the night sky.

Damn, it’s so exciting to run away after pretending to be cool.

"It ran pretty fast."

The enemy is so slippery, which makes the goddess a little unhappy.

It's not a joke, she was really ready to beat someone up. After regaining all her memories and emotions, she was holding back her anger.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Without it, she would have been "bullied" terribly during this period.

Losing her target, the goddess suddenly turned her eyes and focused on her other self.

"Want to fight?"

Sidai was happy and undaunted, and raised the new holy sword. The "Valkyrie Armor" covering her body was flowing with a mysterious blue-gold light, making her seem to have turned into a heroic female war goddess.

There was still a bit of excitement in her eyes.

Smashing another King Arthur, I'm a little excited just thinking about it...ahem.

The return of the holy sword allowed the goddess to recover a lot, but she was still far from her peak, and she was strong enough to fight her.

"I really want to do this." Goddess Artoria looked up at the sky and sighed, "However, there is no time, the restoration of the power of the world has begun."

As soon as the words fell, a vast and boundless force of correction, more majestic than the sea but invisible and immaterial, swept across the sky, valleys, and wastelands...

In just a few seconds, it spread throughout the sixth singularity point.

"It's time to say goodbye."

Touta Touta did not resist this force of correction, countless white light spots overflowed from his body, a heroic smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and his body gradually became illusory.

"Queen, bid farewell to Master for me."

Looking at the Queen of Demon Realm, Sigurd pushed up his shimmering glasses, and his tall body gradually disappeared.


Scathach nodded slightly, and several shining golden runes appeared on his body, resisting the power of correction.

The power of correction in the world is not very strong at the beginning. If you insist on delaying it, you can still stay there for a few hours using some means.

Of course, not many heroic spirits would choose to stay.

Cursed Wrist Hassan, Hundred-Looking Hassan, and Silent Hassan all had no reason to stay. After looking at each other, their bodies quickly dissipated in the white light.

The same goes for Xiao Mo, Gawain, and Tristan, who are dissipating little by little.

Agguiwen ignored his gradually disillusioning body and looked at the goddess on the throne with a heavy expression. She was also dissipating.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The Daimao King looked surprised and uneasy as he looked at the goddess whose body gradually turned into golden clouds and mist and disappeared, "You should still be alive, why, why did the world want to erase you..."

She could feel that a boundless and powerful force of confinement had sealed the goddess' mobility and was erasing her bit by bit.

But this shouldn't be the case, the goddess came to the sixth singularity from somewhere else.

She gradually became deified because she held the Holy Spear, but her body and soul still existed. She was not a Servant, and there was no return to the Throne of Heroes.

She should not be erased and can leave.

"How could this happen?" Si Dai looked anxious.

The goddess' expression was calm, "I made a mistake. I stood on the opposite side of mankind and the world. I am a traitor to human nature. It is normal for the virus... to be eliminated."

Under normal circumstances, a living person who does not belong to this era can leave, as long as he has this ability.

But the premise is that you are not on the inhibitory blacklist.

Otherwise, like the goddess, they will be locked up and eliminated as moths and viruses.

At this time, she was seriously injured, and the Holy City was destroyed. Without the protection of the imitation Tower of End and the Holy Sheath, she did not have the strength and conditions to directly confront the world's consciousness.

"But haven't you returned to normal? You won't endanger humanity anymore."

King Daimao didn't understand and was impatient. She didn't want to watch the goddess die.

"Because He (inhibition) does not trust me. I am a person who betrayed me once."

There was no hint of fear in the goddess's calm words, but it made King Da Mao feel a chill in his body.

She understood.

For example, you are the head of a national security department, and now there is a traitor who betrayed the country and failed in his attempt to steal the nuclear weapons code and wants to escape.

Do you watch him fly away and flee to a foreign country, or do you block the exit gate and kill him?

As for the traitors who say they repent, change their minds, and give them another chance...

German Head of State: Please, I have repented. Give me a chance to start over. This time I will definitely not engage in mass murder by fascists. I will be a peace messenger spreading love and justice...

Do you believe it?


"He wanted me to be a guardian just now, but I refused." The goddess added.

This is tantamount to rebellion and refusing to recruit people, and the nature can be imagined.

Don't underestimate the cruelty of inhibition. She is not a cute little loli. She doesn't even have basic human emotions. She is even more ruthless than the goddess Lungominiad.

In fact, the Sixth Singularity was originally restored and The Lion King never appeared again.

Even in the ending singularity "Meteor Shower", the person who appears in the Temple of Time is a White Gun Dumb with the memory of the Lion King. This explains something to a certain extent.

This is why Morgan said that the goddess is dead.

The witch knows that the goddess cannot leave the singularity and lives inside the world like other gods. Even if she can leave, I am afraid she has been erased and something has been modified.

"No, it shouldn't be like this..."

King Daimao looked at the goddess whose body was half dissipated, and was extremely anxious.

What to do? What to do? What to do……

[Ding! Main mission one: Self-transcendence, defeat the goddess Lungominiad, and repair the singularity.

Completed, task completion evaluation: B (normal), reward settlement: reward 1 [task point].]

Just then, she heard the mission completion sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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