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Chapter 37: Aokiji: I have a bold idea

Along the coast, the sky is clear and the blue waves are rippling.

Compared to Kizaru, who encountered the King of Artillery ahead of time and almost scolded his mother after getting into a tough fight, Aokiji's mood was as clear as the weather.

Look, the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and the sun is so bright...

He hummed a little tune, pedaled his bicycle, and walked leisurely on the sea along an ice road that continued to freeze forward.

Apart from anything else, "frozen fruit" is really convenient. It is not afraid of sea waves, capsizes and shipwrecks. It can be said to be very practical especially in this world where seas and islands are the main landforms.

Of course, in terms of power and lethality, the Frozen Fruit is tied with Fire Fist Ace's Burning Fruit, and is inferior to Akainu's Rock Berry Fruit and Kizaru's Shining Fruit.

Aokiji is evenly matched with Akainu because of his superior strength and extremely high degree of fruit development.

"Ha~ I'm a little sleepy."

Aoki yawned lazily and looked like he hadn't woken up.

He hates working overtime, especially this kind of overtime work that he is unprepared for. Apart from an affair, it is best not to have anything unexpected happen to disturb his sleep.

His lazy and careless appearance perfectly illustrates what it means to be a salted fish, just like a veteran of the system.

'What should I eat for lunch?'

Riding a bicycle, Aokiji was not in a hurry and was still thinking about lunch.

He's a little hungry. Maybe he can buy some chicken legs, skewers or steamed buns on the way to cope with it?

Well, there's nothing wrong with this idea. It won't waste much time anyway. He will only arrive half an hour later than Taotu at most.

It was only delayed for half an hour. Is it possible that Porusalino could have been blown up by the artillery king in this short time?


Moreover, Aokiji also felt that Marshal Sengoku and Wulaoxing were a little too cautious.

He can have a slight upper hand in a battle with an admiral. The bloodthirsty swordsman is indeed extremely powerful... but no matter how hard he forces Gion and Porusalino to join forces, it will be enough to deal with it.

It doesn't matter if he slows down a bit, letting Zhu Yuan and Porusalino join forces to beat the cannon king first.

Anyway, after he passes by and the enemy is encircled, the beaten and paralyzed Artillery King can be made into a human ice sculpture.

Qing Pheasant: This wave is as steady as an old dog, you win the game by lying down.

He even sympathized a little with the artillery king. He was besieged by two admirals and a candidate for admiral. Even the four emperors had not enjoyed this kind of VIP treatment. How could it be so miserable?

The Artillery King is also young and energetic, and is living a good life, so why bother with those scumbags from the Tianlong people...ahem.


Just as Qing Zhi was thinking this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a spear as red as blood shot towards him like lightning. It was a flame condensed and compressed to the extreme. The terrifying high temperature instantly caused the sea water along the way to boil!

‘Gan…who is it?!’

When danger struck, he stepped on it almost subconsciously, started "shaving" and jumped up from the pedals of the bicycle!

Users with natural abilities are immune to physical attacks, non-dominant attacks, and most energy attacks.

But it doesn't mean that it won't take any damage. Just like "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile is restrained by water or blood, the elemental Aoki Pheasant is not immune to attacks from fire and high-temperature objects.

Moreover, this flame spear is still full of armed domineering energy!


The flame spear hit Aoki's bicycle, and something terrible happened. The red flame quickly ignited the bicycle like a maggot attached to the bone. The seat, armrests and even the steel frame of the bicycle were instantly twisted and melted!

Not only that, the expanding fireball set off by the explosion of the spear evaporated a piece of the ice track and seawater under the bicycle!


It was as if someone had suddenly dug up the surface of the sea, and then the waves rolled over and smoothed out the depression.

'There's something wrong with this flame...'

This situation made Qing Pheasant's pupils shrink.

Additional Haki will not increase the temperature of the flame.

Therefore, this is the special nature of the flame itself. Ordinary flames do not have this kind of power. Such high temperature and powerful power even reminded him directly of a certain annoying colleague...

Qing Zhi stepped on the moon steps a few times and fell from the air. As soon as he landed on the sea, a terrifying cold air spread across his feet like a shock wave!

The temperature dropped sharply, and with a few clicks, the vast expanse of blue sea was instantly covered by the extremely cold air and began to freeze and harden!

Time seemed to be suspended for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, the entire dock area of ​​the Shampoo Islands froze, turning into a glacier surging with cold air.

The surrounding area became covered with snow and the wind was freezing, as if we had arrived at the polar continent.

Qing Zhi stared forward with a bit of confusion. The white suit and navy coat were filled with cold air and a little frost appeared, making him look a little more cold.

Da da da……

The sound of light footsteps echoed on the glacier, and a little girl appeared.

She wore blue-gray leather armor with exquisite patterns. The skin on her face was white and rosy, making her look very cute and cute. Her long fiery red hair seemed to be burning.

She was still holding marshmallows in her hand, eating them deliciously as she walked.


Qing Zhi scratched his head, looking confused.

His attacker turned out to be a cute little girl?

But he didn't let his guard down, there were all kinds of strange things and phenomena in the sea, and Devil Fruit abilities were also diverse.

She looks like a little girl, but maybe if she takes off the disguise, she turns out to be a foot-picking man weighing several hundred pounds...

The feeling of danger is undeniable, this little girl is definitely stronger than Vice Admirals such as Huo Shaoshan and Flying Squirrel.

Moreover, her pupils were as crystal clear as emeralds and emitted a bright blue light... They really didn't look like human eyes.

However, Aokiji is not as ruthless as Akainu. When he saw that the other person was a cute little girl, even though she had just attacked him once, he did not attack her directly.

"Little girl, you are armed and domineering. Why did you stop my brother?"

He asked with a smile on his face and a kind attitude.

Ask about the situation and then talk about it.

If it's just a naughty child, forget it.

"a little cold."

Nana didn't seem to like glaciers and low-temperature environments, and she frowned cutely.

This person seemed to have a good temper, but it was shameless to pretend to be soft in front of a little girl like her, even though he was almost five years old.

She raised her head and stared at the tall man with messy hair in front of her, raised her chubby white face and asked:

"You are that old pervert... cough, old popsicle, admiral green chicken?"

Huh, maybe he's a weird copper smelter. She doesn't need to be polite.

Qing Pheasant: "..."

(?˙ー˙?), it’s a green pheasant, not a green chicken. Although the meaning is similar, the green chicken sounds too vulgar.

Moreover, the old pervert... ahem, what the hell is the old popsicle?

It's so ugly.

"Just call me Qing Pheasant."

Qingzhi's face twitched a few times, he corrected him, then stared down at her and said seriously, "Little girl, do you know what you are doing? Attacking a naval admiral is a felony..."

"As long as it's a green chicken."

Nana puffed up her face, tilted her head and said, "What nonsense, I'm going to hit you today!"

Qing Pheasant: "..."

Well, I got it right, I came here specifically to beat him.

But this still feels too fucked up. Is he so incapable of deterrence?

Qing Pheasant slowly exhaled a breath of cold air and asked:

"Little girl, what is your name, and who sent you here?"

"I am Nana, just call me Sister Na... The swordsman Ren sent me here, he is my boss!"

Nana put on the posture of being the eldest sister on the street and said in an old-fashioned way.

White Bear Peibo calls her Sister Na, and she likes this title very much.


Qingzhi was speechless, and his eyes instantly froze when he heard the name of the swordsman Ren.

How did the Artillery King know that he was coming to the Chambord Islands?

He came here alone on a bicycle. He didn't even ride on a warship. How could the news leak out?


Qingzhi looked at the little girl, who was about eight or nine years old, and his face turned cold. It was not directed at her, but he was dissatisfied with the artillery king for kidnapping the little girl to be a thug.

The bloodthirsty swordsman is also a big shot. Wouldn't he recruit a few adults as his subordinates?

He felt carefully that Nana was really young and not pretending to be an adult. Her pure eyes and vitality were unmistakable.

Qingzhi felt that she might be too naive and was deceived by the shameless and despicable guy Pao Wang, so he tried to persuade her:

"Nana, you may have been deceived. Not everyone is as handsome and upright as my brother...my brother is a navy, and pirates cannot be trusted..."

Really, there are not many people in the sea who are as handsome and good-tempered as him.

"Qing Ji, stop talking nonsense and take action quickly!"

Nana bit off the marshmallow in several bites and chewed it, getting a little impatient, "After I beat you to death, I still have to go have lunch!"

Qing Pheasant: "..."

The little girl has a very bad temper. Besides, are you sure you weren't beaten to death by me?

Nana still looked disgusted and added another blow:

"Besides, you have a generous horse face, so you have the nerve to say you are handsome?"

No matter how good you look, don’t you think you’re 13?

"Horse face?"

Qingzhi seemed to have received a fatal blow, his eyes widened and he half-knelt on the ground, covering his heart, with a look of disbelief.

Tong Yanwuji is probably not lying, but how is this possible, he is obviously so handsome...

"Nana, take a closer look. Every time I look in the mirror, I am fascinated by my handsome appearance... huh?"

Qing Pheasant was very upset about the description of horse face, and tried to save his image with a desperate struggle.

But before he finished speaking, the red lotus condensed, and a blazing fireball hit him in the face!

It is said to be a fireball, but it is made up of the kind of strange flame that can melt or even ignite steel. It is more powerful than the main gun of a warship.

Qing Pheasant didn't panic, the cold air filled his palms, he condensed an ice saber hardened by domineering energy, and aimed it at the fireball!


There was a flash of cold light, and the flames expanded and exploded, slowly dissipating in the air, but the ice saber was also burned and half of it was incomplete!

Aoki glanced at the only half of the ice blade left, and secretly sighed that this little girl was really strong, at the level of an average Shichibukai.

He exhaled a cold breath and persuaded:

"Nana, stop making trouble and surrender. I won't hurt you because you are young..."

Even though he knew that persuasion was probably useless, he still showed great patience.

"Huh? It feels very cold. Surprisingly, he is so warm-hearted." Nana blinked.

As a top-level dragon species, her senses are very keen. The person in front of her is condensed with terrifying cold energy, which seems to be endless and can freeze everything in an instant... It shows how powerful he is, enough to make 99% of people tremble.

Apart from her master, she has never seen anyone better than him in this world.

However, the cold air made her uncomfortable, so she subconsciously thought that he was not a good person.

However, Qing Zhi did have good intentions toward her and did not want to hurt her. He was not pretending. She had already done it twice, but he was still kind and patient.

"Old Popsicle, I know what I'm doing."

Nana pouted and waved her fist, "I will bite you more gently later. Don't worry, I won't bite you to death."

Qing Pheasant: "..."

Little girl, don't be ridiculous, he is the one who needs mercy.

However, seeing that she was very clear-headed and resolute, Qing Pheasant knew that persuasion was probably useless.

His eyes narrowed, and a chill began to appear on his body. Pieces of frost formed on his suit and coat, and he said coldly:

"Nana, since you know how to use Arms and Haki, you should have gone to the new world with the swordsman Ren... Don't you still know my strength?

Just go ahead and capture him, that way you will suffer less."

Although he could feel the threat from her, and the two blows just now were enough to severely injure the Vice Admiral, one can imagine her strength... but he really didn't think that the other party could resist him.

Qingzhi even felt that Pao Wang had sinister intentions and deliberately tricked this powerful but naive little girl into dying.

But he won't kill her, just catch her and teach her a few times.

No, he suddenly had a bold idea.

There doesn't seem to be a bounty on this girl. Maybe she can be caught in the Navy Headquarters Recruit Camp to receive education and training...

It just so happens that Teacher Zefa has complained in recent years that since the days of Bailong and Smoker, there has been a lack of good talents.

Nana has the strength of the Shichibukai at such a young age, and her potential is simply terrifying...

At such a young age, her three views can be completely restored. It is not difficult to wash away the distorted ideas and values ​​​​instilled by Pao Wang.

Renn: She thinks too much, her views are more crooked than mine.

"You want me to catch you without mercy?"

When Nana heard this, she puffed up her pretty face angrily. Her mental age was indeed equivalent to that of a human little girl, and her emotions, anger, sorrows and joys were directly reflected on her face.

It is indeed possible to reshape your outlook on life, but it is not easy.

Qingzhi began to kidnap the little Loli: "Well, I can guarantee that you will not be harmed in the future. After all, you are not a wanted criminal.

Follow my brother, he is a navy admiral, I guarantee that you will..."

Try to dig into the corner of the artillery king, what if you succeed?


Nana was very unhappy and interrupted him with a pouted mouth: "Is the admiral great? Green Chicken, I know you are very strong, but it seems a bit difficult to beat you to death.

Time is limited, so let’s kill three-quarters of it!”

Qing Pheasant: "..."

Three out of four died? How was this calculated?

"Ah la la~ It seems we can't do it without taking action."

Qingzhi sighed. Sure enough, he was not very good at eloquence and it was difficult for him to deceive even a little girl.

Marshal of the Warring States Period was still very clever. I think back then, he fooled Kate (White Dragon), the daughter of God, who was only 11 years old into the recruit camp, setting a new record for the lowest age of enlistment in the Navy.

He originally wanted to challenge the Marshal's record, but his integrity was not as low as the Marshal's, and he failed shamefully.

"I'm going to do it, freeze the time capsule!"

Qingzhi reminded her, then raised her hand decisively and fired a shock wave of cold air projectiles at Nana.

Freeze them first, then take them back and educate them.

Because he wanted to fight quickly, he was not polite and showed off his proud skills as soon as he made a move.


The Frozen Time Capsule is a very powerful move. An extremely cold air rushes towards your face quickly, and even the air condenses into ice flowers along the way, making Nana feel like her hair is standing on end!

It can be said that any object hit by this shock wave is frozen, and former Vice Admiral Sauro was stumbled by this.

Killing the lieutenant general instantly with one blow, the power can be imagined.

Nana didn't dare to be careless, her eyes focused, red flames burst out from her arms, and she punched the frozen time capsule!


The power of this punch is astonishing, and the flames are so powerful that it instantly condenses into a fire fist flying into the air like a dragon, colliding head-on with the freezing shock wave, interweaving cold and heat, and causing a surging stream of steam!

The fire fist and the cold current cancel each other out, resulting in a stalemate.

Qingzhi was a little surprised that he didn't have the upper hand, but he reacted very quickly and jumped up immediately.


More powerful and icy cold air condensed in an instant. He pointed his palm at Nana and released 5 thick ice and snow pillars!

Not only is this move extremely fast, the five ice and snow pillars can double-team and block movement.


The ice formed a blockade, and Nana's expression changed. Just as she was about to raise her arm to resist, she was hit by a pillar of ice and snow!

Ice condensed on the surface of her body and covered her in layers, and she was soon frozen in a huge and solid ice ball.

This move even froze Whitebeard during the war.


Only then did Aoki Pheasant fall from the sky, staring at the little girl who was frozen by the big ice ball, grinning, "I told you to surrender, do you really think you can beat me?"

Because he was going to support Kizaru, he didn't hold anything back and lost all his skills.

Otherwise, this little girl will not be easy to solve.


As soon as Qing Zhi finished speaking, with a flash of fiery light, the huge ice ball exploded, and the surging crimson flames even evaporated all the ice fragments!

The fire shot up into the sky, and Nana was bathed in the flames. Her limbs had turned into dragon claws covered with blue-gray dragon scales.

Spreading her wings behind her back, she sneered at him: "It's a small trick, do you really think you can solve me like this?"

The power of the dragon is mighty and terrifying. This is the human-animal form of the fire dragon.

"Dragon...phantom beast species?!"

Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, the wings on her back beat with blazing flames and rushed towards the enemy like a rocket!

'Blood Dragon Claw!'

Nana's claws were instantly hardened and dyed black with domineering energy, and condensed with blood-red dragon flames. She slapped Kuzan's head with a slight change of face from above without mercy!

Cold air rolled over Qing Pheasant's palms, and his domineering energy hardened, and he raised his fist to meet the attack.


The strong wind exploded, and the red dragon claws of the extremely cold fist shook like needles against wheat awns. Qingzhi blocked the falling claws with his fists, but the glacier under his feet was still cracked by the shock, spreading around like a spider web.


'What an amazing brute strength...'

After receiving her blow, Aokiji felt his arms and legs go numb.


Just when he was about to use physical skills to counterattack, Nana suddenly opened her mouth, and a terrifying roar sounded like rolling thunder, which made Qing Pheasant go into a trance!

Overlord color and domineering!

Not only that, but there are also dragon power and sonic attacks like Big Mom's strange voice. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the overlord's domineering power is, it will be difficult to shake the mind of a naval admiral.


Taking this opportunity, after Nana's claws failed, she raised her right leg, which was hardened or entangled by two kinds of domineering energy, and kicked the unconscious Aoki's chest hard!

The strong wind roared, and the violent force kicked him and he flew backwards like a cannonball!

However, with her keen eyes, she noticed that the dark armed domineering look on his chest faded away.

That's right, even in a state of shock, Kuzan can forcefully focus part of his attention to use Haki.

His fighting instincts, reaction speed and willpower can be imagined. He is worthy of being a top powerhouse, and he is definitely not someone who only relies on fruits.


Qing Zhi hit a frozen wave, and the wave glacier and his body were shattered instantly, turning into countless ice chips flying!

However, in the next second, some ice chips condensed into a human form again.

Qing Zhi squatted on the ground, covering his chest with his palms, and a trace of blood flowed from his mouth.

He underestimated the enemy and was slightly injured.

He looked at Nana whose limbs had turned into dragon claws, with a pair of wings lingering in red flames behind her, with surprise in her eyes:

"Dragon? Is it a fire dragon, a fantasy beast?

The color of the weapon is hardened, and the color of the overlord is entangled, this... this is really..."

This is really stupid, this is simply a female version of Kaido!

It's not easy to get him hurt.

Even if she hits, she still needs to be able to break through his Armed Color Haki with one blow. He just experienced it - her Armed Color Haki and Overlord Color Haki are both very strong, and she definitely belongs to the stage of being very high in water.

She may not be as strong as Kaido in the form of a blue dragon, but she is at least on the level of "Fire Calamity" Jhin.

"Old Popsicle, now you know how powerful you are?"

Nana's wings were burning with flames as she floated in the air, and she snorted arrogantly, "Your sister Nana is not at the level of a supernova like Red Flag x Drake, who can be kicked one by one by Kizaru!"

"Ah la la~, it seems I am too arrogant."

Qing Zhi was lifeless and stood up from the ground. At the same time, he put away his contempt, and the cold air lingering in his body instantly doubled several times.

With such a strong domineering power, she is obviously not bad at developing Devil Fruits.

Although he was caught off guard because he underestimated the enemy a little, being able to injure him in a head-on duel proved that he also needed to go all out.

But looking at Nana's height of only 1.35 meters and cute face, Qingzhi still twitched the corner of his mouth:

"Nana, may I ask how you exercise? Did it start in your mother's womb?"

Even though he had initially confirmed her strength, he still had an unreal or even absurd feeling.

If she ate the Fire Dragon Fruit, and the animal Devil Fruit wouldn't make people younger, then she would really be eight or nine years old...

Heck, he was still chasing chickens and dogs in his hometown when he was eight or nine years old.

"Hmph, are you scared? Surrender quickly, Sister Na, I will spare your life!"

Nana had a fierce look on her face and raised her dragon claw, as if to demonstrate to him.

Qing Pheasant: "..."

This little girl is so naughty.

Nana is full of energy at this time. She can defeat the admiral faster than her master, proving that she is better than the Pirate Empress Bichi who only shows off and wastes her time!

Why is that Bichi of Medusa so favored?

The same resources were invested in her, Favna, and she beat Kaidona's grandson, the beast, in minutes...

Humph, she was not convinced. After all, the old pervert of the master was just coveting the body of the two Medusas fused into one.

Qingzhi burst into laughter. This was the first time in these years that he heard someone asking him to surrender.

The next second, his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Surrender is not an option... I'm very curious about your limits, so let me test it."

He no longer held back his hands, and opened his arms to her, stimulating the power of the Devil Fruit to its peak, and the cold air gathered like a hurricane.

"The ice cube bursts into the pheasant's mouth!"

The cold air condensed, lifelike, like a huge ice bird flying forward like a building. When it flapped its wings, the cold wind rolled up, and everything was frozen!

The beak on the ice bird's head is even covered with a layer of armed domineering!

With such a powerful move, Nana didn't dare to be careless. She flapped the fire dragon's wings behind her and surged out with domineering energy. At the same time, two blazing flames burst out instantly like a thousand falling suns!

‘Meteor Fire Wings Slash!’

Her wings expanded and turned into red guillotines, striking the ice bird like a flash of blood and thunder!


The collision of cold air and blood flames set off waves of steam, and a loud roaring sound erupted like iron. The ice bird's solid frozen body persisted for a moment, but it was cut into several large pieces in an X shape by its extremely high-temperature red wings!

"Tsk, this is really amazing."

Kuzan had a little surprise on his face.

Up to now, he has basically nothing to hold back, and the opponent is still not weak.

But this is not his only method. After saying this, the coldness that had been brewing in his body for a long time suddenly dissipated!

He raised his hand and hit another huge ice bird, forcing her to block it.

At the same time, Qingzhi retreated and squatted on the ground, with his hands on the ice, and decisively launched his ultimate move:

"Ice Age!"

An invisible impact spread from his palm, and in the blink of an eye, the entire ice world thousands of meters above the sea seemed to come alive, forming giant pillars under his command.

Countless icicles twisted, rotated and climbed, connecting the sky and the earth like a roaring tornado. Walking on the sea, everything they touched was frozen together with the air. This time, the world was really frozen!

"Is the old popsicle so powerful?"

Such power made Nana slightly shocked.

The ice cubes stretched as far as the sky and the earth as far as the eye could see, and the churning caused the boundless cold air to surround her. This white world was bone-chilling, like the end of destruction!


She roared angrily, the light was blazing, and the surging dragon flames condensed.

Come on then, get all fired up!

In the flames that burned all things, she transformed into an animal form and soared into the sky with the body of an evil dragon. A pair of dragon wings that covered the sky set off rolling air waves. The ferocious dragon head was aimed at the solemn Qing Pheasant, like a rock. His huge turquoise pupils flashed with a fierce light.

The fantasy species, the legendary dragon reappears, and its brutal aura at the top of the food chain makes people almost breathless.

'The flames of disaster will finally bloom!'

The evil dragon opened its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, and the blazing red dragon flames continued to gather in its mouth. The terrifying high temperature of the flames even distorted the surrounding light!

The blood-red flame quickly condensed and compressed into a dragon flame jade that was as bright as a small sun!


The evil dragon opened its mouth and spat out, and the dragon flame jade flew out, shattering like the sun bathing in the East China Sea, evaporating countless ice cones and cold air that rushed towards her crazily. The ultimate collision of ice and fire was so earth-shattering that it resounded through the sky!

Not only that, after the dragon flame jade shattered and burned the ice around Nana, it turned into fireworks and exploded, lighting up the world.

Then, before the "fireworks" had dissipated, red dragon flame bullets roared to the sky and earth and hit the enemy like a rain of meteorites!

'Fuck, why does this move look so like a meteor volcano?'

Qing Zhi's eyelids twitched. Such power immediately reminded him of a certain colleague whom he disliked more and more.

He instantly raised his hands, and on the frozen sea, countless ice spikes suddenly appeared on the originally smooth surface!

Either as thin as an ox hair, or as thick as a beam, the icicles and ice spikes were stacked on top of each other continuously, and the tips were instantly blackened by the domineering force. They continued to climb up and crashed into the falling fantasy beast version of the "Meteor Volcano"!

Bang bang bang!!

The collision of ice and fire was an extremely spectacular scene. An icicle collided with a dragon flame bullet, shattered, and turned into flying ice shards and blooming red lotuses. It was simply more grand and gorgeous than any fireworks display at a festival, and it was so gorgeous that it was terrifying!

While the volcano is erupting, the cold air covers the sky.

The evil dragon shrunk in the firelight, transformed into a little girl again and landed on the ground.

Qingzhi and Nana stood opposite each other, confronting each other in the air, fighting each other's overwhelming momentum, and the terrifying scene of the ice and fire sky was the background.

If it weren't for the huge height difference and mismatched painting styles, I would have thought that the battle for the navy marshal had broken out in advance.


After a moment of silence, Kuzan, as a frozen man, stared at Nana with a fierce breath, and took a deep breath.

After confirming his eyes, he was facing a strong man of the same level!

Just when I thought this world-shattering battle would continue, I don't know why, but for some reason, Aoki Pheasant, who was so cold and looked like a master of ice, suddenly became dejected.

His arms were weak and drooped, looking very unmotivated and unwilling to stand up.

"Old Popsicle, what's wrong with you?"

Nana pouted and asked. In fact, she didn't take advantage of the move just now.


Qingzhi waved his hand and sat down on the ground, "I suddenly want to be quiet."


She was a little confused and her temper became very bad:

"You're not injured, why do you look like you have kidney deficiency? Do you still want to fight?

Your sister Na is very busy and a big shot, earning hundreds of thousands per minute! Can you afford to compensate for wasting my time?"

Qing Pheasant: "..."

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ, little girl, how big of a person do you have to be?

"I stopped fighting and suddenly felt very tired."

Kuzan took off his navy uniform and threw it on the ground, lying on his side like a salted fish.

In fact, it's not that I'm tired, but that I feel useless.

Mmp, a little girl of eight or nine years old has the strength of a navy admiral. How can she be evenly matched with him? How can an old man like him, who has been struggling for most of his life, be embarrassed?

He felt that he was wasting his time and that he had lived like a dog for a long time.

When I thought about it, I suddenly lost all motivation and just wanted to lie down and think about life.

"That's it, Nana, just sit here for a while and we'll have completed our mission." Qing Zhi proactively suggested.

It's not that he wants to be lazy. In this case, it is impossible for him to support Quyuan and the others.

Nana is a fire dragon and can fly. She has higher maneuverability than him. He has the final say whether he can fight her or not.

As for beating her up?

It was too difficult. Even if he thought he was stronger, he wouldn't be able to defeat an opponent of the same level within four or five days.

The prerequisite is that the other party is fighting to the death, standing still and not running away. After all, she can fly...


Nana felt that the other party's proposal was okay, as long as she stopped him anyway, and she added a little unconvinced, "Old Popsicle, you are so awesome.

I feel like I can’t beat you to death within four or five days.”

Qing Pheasant: "..."

(#?Д?), what a coincidence, it turns out she thought so too...

'What a mess.'

Qing Zhi's face twitched and he was speechless. He yawned lazily and started paddling openly.

It's okay, anyway, he has held back "Female Kaido", which is enough to report to the Warring States Marshal.

As for Porusalino and Qu Yuan, two against one, what could happen?

Maybe if they work harder, the artillery king will be disappointed. If he finds a way to abduct Nana to the navy headquarters, it will be a great achievement...

Judging from the way she was slacking off while paddling with peace of mind, her loyalty to the artillery king was probably just that.

Nana also threw away one of her master's windbreakers, sat on it, took out a marshmallow from somewhere, and started licking it.

The owner said that it would not be a problem for her to have a 50-50 draw against that "Fujitora", but her winning rate against Aokiji and Akainu would be slightly lower.

And the Pirate Empress had already surpassed her... She was very unconvinced, but now that she saw it, these words were still very accurate.

Green Pheasant, an old popsicle, was indeed a little more calm when dealing with her attacks.

In the dock area, on the sea covered by glaciers, Qingzhi and Nana began to stare at each other, dozing off and eating snacks, not worrying about the life and death of their teammates on the other side.

Qing Pheasant: Why are you panicking? We'll definitely win over there, just wait and wait for the artillery king to be beaten into a dog.

Nana: What's the hurry? The team is sure to win, just wait for Kizaru to be defeated.

Both sides are mysteriously confident and are just waiting for a good show.

This chapter has been completed!
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