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Chapter 39: Blame the teammates for being too picky and paddling

"Sure enough, people are fastest only when they are running for their lives."

Ren put away the black knife, looked at Kizaru and Momotu who disappeared in the distance in the blink of an eye, and complained.

That's all for Kizaru, Taotu's speed of escaping made him feel ashamed.

She really lives up to her title - "Escape Rabbit", she can indeed escape faster than a rabbit...

If he didn't transform into thunder and teleport, he might not be able to catch up with her.

No wonder it was so difficult to defeat the admiral. When he saw that the situation was not going well, he ran away decisively. He didn't hesitate at all, so he wouldn't fight to the death with the big pirate.

Once the navy retreats, few pirates will actually choose to pursue it.

After all, only officers and soldiers pursue and kill thieves. It is very rare for thieves to chase and kill the officers and soldiers after they have driven them away.

Hearing his sarcasm, Rayleigh on the side smiled:

"Brother, it is rare for people like you to actively attack senior naval generals... Most people go to sea for wealth, power, fame, and women... There is not much benefit in going against the navy."

"I just want to achieve the achievement of defeating the general, or capture Taotu as a maid, but it seems that both goals have failed."

Ren curled his lips and made some nonsense.

His purpose this time was very simple, which was to test the admiral's strength.

Now it seems that it is indeed very difficult to deal with.

Even so, he could not be considered as defeating Kizaru. After all, although the opponent was seriously injured, he was still far from falling.

If they are not defeated, then at most they can be considered forced back.

The war will last less than a day. There will be many strong men and the situation will change rapidly. It may be really difficult to completely defeat a general and complete the main mission.

At least it is impossible to defeat Kizaru.

It's not that Yellow Monkey is so powerful, but that after this attack, the old actor will never fight him to the death.

Green pheasant?

He doesn’t look like the kind of person who works very hard either…

After thinking about it, Rennes realized that there was only one target he could choose - Mr. Sakaski!

Because only Akainu is an honest person who loves his job and is dedicated to his work.

Mr. Sakaski doesn't know how to paddle. No matter how strong the pirate is, he will not choose to evade or retreat. He will probably fight to the end... only then can he be defeated in a short time.

The three generals each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but Akainu is also the most capable of frontal combat among them and the hardest nut to crack.

Akainu's Rockberry Fruit is recognized as the fruit with the highest level of attack power. It is as powerful as the Shock Fruit and has the top attack power among the three series of Devil Fruits.

Akainu has defeated Aokiji, the only record that can be confirmed for defeating the general.

Akainu is the most powerful general. After all, he is sitting in position C and should be better than Yellow Monkey.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find that Akainu>Kizaru, Aokiji, Green Ox, Fujitora, Kurozawafa...

Buddha's Warring States and Iron Fist Garp are also old. No matter how well they recuperate, their physical strength will still decline. In the entire navy camp, I am afraid that only White Dragon is stronger than Akainu.

You may not like Mr. Sakaski, but he is indeed strong enough. Not counting White Dragon, he is almost the strongest navy.

Even Ren, the thought of defeating Akainu makes him a little... excited!

Standing head-on, punching to the flesh, and fighting bloody battles are the romance of men.

This time against Kizaru, the bloodthirsty swordsman showed his full strength.

After repelling the navy, Renn and "Pluto" Rayleigh walked through a street with almost all collapsed buildings and walked towards Area 13.

Along the way, the smoke of gunpowder still lingered, and everything was devastated, with almost no intact ground left.

The destructive power of the strong men in this world is astonishing. Every time the top strong men fight, they will leave a mess, just like Punk Hassad who was beaten into Ice and Fire Island by Akainu and Aokiji.

The Chambord Islands also suffered a disaster this time, trembling in the battle between several top powerhouses.

For example, within a quarter of an hour of their first confrontation between Renn and Kizaru, Area 27 was destroyed.

From the second time he took action against Kizaru, to the time when Peach Rabbit and Pluto Rayleigh joined the battle, it only lasted for more than half an hour. Area 12 followed in the footsteps and was reduced to rubble by the four powerful men.

Especially the last attack jointly launched by Ren and Pluto Rayleigh, the destructive power was astonishing, and the sword energy shock wave created a canyon that ran through the entire 12 areas.

Because the Shampoo Islands are on mangroves, you can see the crushed mangrove roots under the cracks in the canyon, and you can even see the rippling blue water...

This canyon even extended to Area 11, destroying half of the buildings there.

"The sword is still young, old man Lei Li. If I hadn't known that you had quit working for more than twenty years, I would really want to recruit you to my ship."

Ren, who walked back, looked at the sea water under the "canyon" and sighed.

Old man Lei Li can cooperate with his "Divine Avoidance" to perform combos. If he gets on the boat, he will definitely be his right-hand man, but it's a pity...

"Hahahaha...I'm getting older."

Pluto Rayleigh laughed a few times after hearing this, and took out the flask on his body and drank a few sips of wine, "I'm old, I'm old, this is no longer my era, the future belongs to young people."

For One Piece's right bowl, adventure, passion, fame, wealth and power are all things of the past.

He has experienced too many glories and has become a legend. There is nothing worthy of him going to sea again. In the remaining years, he will only witness silently like a bystander, and at most give guidance to the younger generations.

Reilly was in a good mood and smiled brightly: "I have vaguely seen the future that Roger is looking forward to, and I have no regrets."

"That straw hat boy?" Ren shrugged.

"Yes, that is undoubtedly the person who inherited his will."

Reilly nodded, thought for a while, and looked at him deeply, "However, Roger didn't foresee the possibility, and I saw it this time too."

There is undoubtedly no imprint or shadow of any great figures from the past on this young man.

"Oh, more unexpected possibilities, is it a good thing for the successor of Roger's will?"

"Whether it is good or bad is left to future generations to judge, but I think Roger will definitely laugh heartily here. He is just a guide, not a helmsman who controls the specific direction... The unknown is what most adventurous men look forward to.

I'm happy about this too.

It is true that the future Roger is looking forward to is brilliant, but it is vaguely foreseeable, which still makes people less expectant.

It might be more interesting to have more. Maybe one day the era of pirates and navy will pass, but free will, adventurous spirit, people's exploration of the unknown... will never go out of style..."

There was a calm smile on Rayleigh's face that looked through the world.

Having gone through enough hardships and adventures, I have developed a pair of discerning eyes.

He could see endless potential in this young, bloodthirsty swordsman. Even if he did not inherit anyone's will, he could still influence the future of the world.

Hearing what the old man said, a smile appeared on Renn's face:

"Old man, the future is more interesting than you think. Not only are there people who have inherited Roger's will, there are also people who have inherited Rocks' will."

Rocks was the overlord of the sea before Roger, and his will has also been passed down.

"Oh, who is it?"

Lei Li's eyes lit up and he seemed a little surprised.

There is no doubt that the person who inherits Rocks' will will not be a bloodthirsty swordsman.

"One of the current king's Shichibukai, 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach!" The corners of Ren's mouth raised slightly.


Rayleigh was slightly startled and seemed to have thought of something, "No wonder, that's the case. No wonder even Ace, the 'Fire Fist', was defeated. We all underestimated that man..."

His previous thoughts were still a bit optimistic.

I am getting old, and the times are about to run amok. The world government has ruled the world for 800 years. At the time of unprecedented changes, all kinds of monsters and monsters have come out.

"Hey beauty, wake up, have you lost your soul?"

Arriving at Area 13, Ren came to the dark-faced lady who was standing there with a look of despair on her face, and waved her palm.

Robin: "..."

The soul is not lost, but her companions have been destroyed.

"Sorry, I'm just a little confused."

After Robin came back to his senses, he was still mentally depressed, his eyes were red and his voice was choked, "Luffy, Nami and the others..."

"Don't worry, they are not dead, they are just..."

Seeing how sad she was, Ren didn't beat around the bush and told her directly that the Straw Hats were just taking a "Bear Paw Air Flight" to "travel around the world."

Although it is a one-way ticket, the air flight is free, fast, low-carbon and environmentally friendly, but does not include food and accommodation.

"Are you trying to comfort me on purpose?"

Robin was doubtful. After all, she had seen Luffy and Sanji being slapped away by bear paws with her own eyes.

"No need to worry." Reilly also explained, "Bartholome Bear is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, and the Straw Hat Boy has some connections with the leader of the Revolutionary Army..."

Robin: "..."

The leader of the Revolutionary Army... isn't he Monkey D. Dragon?

After the riot on Judiciary Island, "Iron Fist" Garp appeared once in the Capital of Seven Waters and told Luffy his father's identity.

"I see……"

Robin understood the cause and effect and breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not stupid, and understands that the big bear's attack on the Straw Hats is most likely some kind of arrangement made by Long, the old father, for his son.

On the surface, the Straw Hat Pirates have been destroyed. In fact, the members have been temporarily scattered around the world. This is indeed a good way to avoid this crisis.

"In the final analysis, we are still too weak."

Robin regained his composure, glanced at Rayleigh, his eyes stayed on Ren, and smiled slightly, "Unlike the two of you, who humiliated the Dracos, attacked the admiral and admiral candidates, and still walked down the street with arrogance."

She found that the passers-by around her were looking at Pluto Rayleigh and Swordsman Ren in awe, and they didn't even dare to approach them.

The naval soldiers patrolling among the crowd were even more trembling.

Not to mention arresting people, everyone crouched down or tried their best to hide behind others, for fear of being discovered by the two pirate bosses, who would pull them out and kill them.

"You think too highly of me, old man."

After hearing her words, Pluto Rayleigh shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Next, I will also go to avoid the limelight."

In the past, he had a "tacit understanding" with the navy that he would not cause trouble and the navy would not arrest anyone.

But this time, because of the artillery king, the so-called "Dragon Incident" completely became a big issue. Instead of dealing with Kizaru twice and it would be over, even Rayleigh planned to hide for a while.

The Celestial Dragons were beaten, and the main culprits, the Straw Hats, were "annihilated".

However, the artillery king who openly insulted the Celestial Dragons, attacked and injured the admiral was still free and easy. Will the World Government and the Navy simply swallow their anger without taking any action?

"What does the bloodthirsty swordsman plan to do?"

Robin smiled when he heard this, stared at Lei, and said in a teasing tone, "The general has already been attacked, will he attack Marine Fando and attack the navy marshal next?"

Renn: "..."

Don't make trouble, he's not that arrogant yet.

Ren's face twitched and he spread his hands: "What to do next? Of course, clean up and run away!

Otherwise, do you still want to fight against the entire Navy Headquarters by yourself?"

Reilly: "..."

Well, it's very straightforward. A man can bend and stretch.

Robin: "..."

She thought he was going to continue blaming the sky, the earth, and the air.

It turns out that I knew I had to run away.

The three of them didn't waste any more time. Ren hugged Robin and charged with Pluto Rayleigh in a few flashes before disappearing from the sight of everyone nearby.

Regardless of whether the Navy Headquarters directly suppresses the situation with its troops, or chooses to tolerate it temporarily, the Chambord Islands will not be a place for him to stay for a long time.

There's no way, it's too close to the Navy Headquarters.

Akainu, Aoki, Kizaru, White Dragon, Garp, Sengoku, Zefa, Peach Rabbit, Crane, Tea Dolphin... Damn, there are too many masters.

Renn's strength is not yet able to conquer everyone. If he really had to fight against the two admirals, he might not be able to get any advantage.

So, slipped away...

He was going to find more helpers and then come back.


Next to the ruins in Area 11, there is a warehouse, and the door has been gently closed.

"Poruboru...long, the mission has been completed."

Bartholomew Bear came to the corner of the warehouse, took out a phone bug from a box containing food and water, and reported the situation to the leader.

"Very good, things are getting serious... avoid the limelight, so you can at least escape."

Monkey D. Long's voice was very calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger.

"I need to explain something special about Jianhao..."

Then, Xiong specifically explained that the artillery king had suppressed and wounded General Kizaru, thus gaining the upper hand in the battle.

He can control projectile weapons, is also very strong in physical skills, can use the power of thunder and even elemental transformation, and can also use Gol D. Roger's moves... He has reported all the information about the artillery king.

"...25 years old, with such strength and ability, he is really a terrifying person. He is destined to become a maritime overlord in the future..."

Monkey D. Long's voice sounded a little more sighing, and he was obviously a little surprised.

Not only was he surprised by Ren's powerful fighting power, he was also curious about the mysterious, unknown and powerful devil fruit he ate.

It almost combines superhuman and natural elements into one, which is so rare.

And from the intelligence point of view, Francis D. Lane is a "hexagonal warrior" with no shortcomings. His physical skills, sword skills, domineering, devil fruit... are almost all first-class or even the best in the world.

This kind of strength is not to say invincible, but at least it is firmly ranked among the top three in the world.

And Rennes is only 25 years old, there is still room for improvement, and he will be at his peak for more than 30 years...

"What should I do with the Lamp of Revolution (Robin)? She seems to have some kind of deal or agreement with the swordsman Ren, and I can't decide whether to send her away."

The bear's voice was a little hesitant.

He is not afraid of danger, but he can't make up his mind.

For a ruthless man who dared to give himself to Dr. Vegapunk as a test subject and was not even afraid of erasing his consciousness, Gun King's death threat was of little use.

"...You made the right decision by staying there for the time being."

Long's voice was still calm, "It has been found out that the parents of the swordsman Lane are involved with O'Hara, so they will not kill Nicole Robin..."

"But what if Ren wants to use her knowledge to awaken ancient weapons?"

Da Xiong said something that made him feel a little hesitant and afraid.

Anyway, in his opinion, a tycoon like Cannon King could only be looking for Nico Robin because of ancient weapons like Pluto and Neptune.

It is not necessarily a good thing for weapons that destroy the world to fall into the hands of arrogant and unscrupulous pirates and careerists.

"...It doesn't matter. Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is not the Revolutionary Army's turn to worry about this kind of thing. It is the Navy and the World Government that should have a headache."

Long pondered for a while, and a sneer appeared on his face.

The swordsman Renn's attitude towards the Celestial Dragons and the World Government is already obvious.

Ancient weapons are not that easy to obtain, otherwise the Revolutionary Army would have gone to find Nico Robin.

Even if the King of Artillery really obtains ancient weapons, the first one to be stabbed will not be the revolutionary army. It would be good to use his hand to weigh the World Government's trump card and trump card.

Anyway, as long as the revolutionary army doesn't provoke Ren first, it won't be their turn to be unlucky. They can just sit back and watch the show.

"The matter in the Chambord Islands has come to an end. It seems that the Navy cannot deal with the swordsman Ren for the time being. You can go to the Shichibukai Conference later. The public executions are about to begin. That is a major event that will change the world pattern.


Long's voice was still calm.

He expected that during the Buddha War, the country would be patient and deal with the Whitebeard Pirates first.

Of course, the Navy and the World Government will never make it easy for the King of Guns to do such audacious things, and they will stab him in the dark even if they don't use force.

It can be predicted that if the artillery king does not restrain himself, life will not be easy.

"I see……"

Seeing that Long had already made up his mind, Xiong nodded without asking any further questions.

The two sides exchanged important information about pacifists, Vegapunk and the "Life Design", and the room fell into darkness and silence again.

The swordsman Renn can act unscrupulously alone, but the Revolutionary Army is still lurking in organized groups and has no plans to confront the Celestial Dragons and the World Government now.

All the IQ of Luffy's family is focused on the dragon. He is well aware of the principle of "don't waste your time in development" and has no plans to show off now.

The revolutionary army will really show off their swords when the time is right. Maybe they can also cooperate with the artillery king...


Area 27, the dock area, is filled with cold air and the sea is still a glacier.

"Come on, Qing Pheasant, eat marshmallows." Nana smiled brightly and handed Qing Pheasant a bunch of marshmallows.

"Huh? It's okay, but it's a bit sweet for adults."

Aoki took the marshmallow, made sure it was okay, and took a few bites, "Nana, are you sure you don't want to join the navy?

Based on your conditions, you can directly join the Navy Headquarters and start as a lieutenant. Accommodation, first-class food, paid vacations, and a pension after retirement will be provided. You can even recommend relatives and friends to work as soldiers for free... (here

(omitting a few hundred words)... If you have any requests, I will convey them to the Warring States Marshal..."

He cheated, he tried his best to cheat.

If he succeeds, he will have done a great job.

Nana: "..."

She was a little moved by what she said.

A look of hesitation appeared on Nana's face. She and her master had a dragon-human contract. As long as they were not far apart, they could communicate directly.

Nana: [Master, can I join the navy for fun?]

Renn: […]

No way, how long has it been since you were deceived so that you can’t find your way back?

Nana: [Speaking?]

Ren: [Get back quickly, or I’ll break your legs!]


Bad master, bad master.

After the communication, Nana puffed up her face and turned her head away angrily without looking at Qing Zhi's expectant eyes:

"Don't go!"

She felt bitter, but she didn't say it.

"Don't refuse in a hurry." Qing Zhi felt a little regretful. He condensed a popsicle in his palm and handed it to her, "Here, eat a popsicle first.

Don't be sad, the artillery king is not a good person. He deserves to be caught by the navy. You should not anger the navy."

She said well and suddenly became unhappy. She must have thought that the swordsman Ren was in danger.


Nana reached out and took the popsicle with a confused look on her face.

What did the old popsicle say? Can the master still be arrested? Wasn't Kizaru about to be beaten out...


At this time, the phone rang, and Qingzhi took out the phone bug. The phone bug soon turned into an image with a vulgar smile and a flat face.

"Kuzan, what are you doing here?" Over there, Kizaru's voice sounded a little angry.

He and Taotu both ran away, but their teammates were still nowhere to be seen.

Qingzhi stretched out his hand and scratched his head. He was embarrassed to say that he had just kidnapped a little lolita, so he said with a relaxed face:

"Something happened here, but it's not a big problem and will be solved soon... I believe that with the strength of you and Zhu Yuan, there will be no problem at all.

Swordsman Ren has been caught, right? Congratulations, you have accomplished a great feat this time, don't forget to treat us when you get the bonus."

Kizaru: "..."

Do you know that I am tying a bandage and applying gold wound medicine?

Zhu Yuan was in even worse condition. He was lying on a hospital bed inside the warship, injecting a syringe.

He was originally full of resentment and wanted to question him, but after hearing Kuzan's confident words, he suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

He had no idea what was happening here.

Although Kizaru also knew that something might have happened over there.

Kizaru looked shabby and said tiredly: "Forget it, the mission has failed anyway, retreat, we have something to report back to the Navy Headquarters."

The non-combat crime is the inability of teammates to do their best.

When he goes back, he must file a complaint with the Warring States Marshal and report Kuzan for his cheating and cheating.

Qing Pheasant: "..."

(′?_?`), Mission failed?

He had just made up his mind. After kidnapping Nana, he was going to have two drinks to celebrate the victory of the artillery king, and the navy had another top combat force with unlimited potential...

The mission failed, and now the atmosphere on the glacier is a bit awkward.

Nana: (?w?), your teammates are friendly.

Aoki: (°ー°〃), there’s no reason to fail, it’s unscientific...

"The navy is too good. I don't like Sister Na. Goodbye." Nana said with a proud smile.

Although the master is bad, he is awesome.

Qingzhi rolled his eyes, a little speechless: "..."


Then, the dragon wings behind Nana suddenly spread out and turned into a flame like a rocket tail, rushing into the distance at high speed!


Qing Zhi waved to her and watched her disappear, with a bit of regret and pity on his face, "Next time we meet, we will be enemies."

He knew that if he failed to deceive and abduct him this time, he would have no chance next time.

If the artillery king was arrested and she had nowhere to go, he should be able to convince Nana to join the navy, but it's a pity...

The next time we meet, she will be a wanted criminal. She attacked the admiral and has such power. Even if she is only eight or nine years old, she will be rewarded by the world government.

Regardless of whether she has done other bad things or not, the starting point for stopping him is four to five hundred million beli.

Really, he was almost successful, but Kizaru and Momotu failed to successfully take down Nana's boss.

For non-combat crimes, it's all due to the inability of teammates.

Zhu Yuan was very serious about his work. It must have been that guy Porusalino who paddled again and accidentally let the enemy escape.

When he goes back, he must complain to the Warring States Marshal, saying that Porusalino’s bad habits are hard to change and he cannot do his job well...

With the withdrawal of Qing Pheasant, the Tianlong Incident has come to an end.

But the real turmoil had just begun. Just one day later, it was revealed that "Fire Fist" Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, would be publicly executed at the Marine Headquarters in Marineland, causing an uproar.

Colleagues also reported the "Dragon Incident".

Straw Hat Luffy violently beat the Celestial Dragons, One Piece's right-hand "Pluto" Rayleigh reappeared, swordsman Ren vs. Navy Admiral Kizaru... these things almost appeared in the newspapers at the same time!

The two bombs detonated together, causing a great sensation in the Grand Line and around the world.

Many knowledgeable people realize that troubled times, or a new era, are coming.

This chapter has been completed!
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