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Chapter 52: Irretrievable, out of the cage of the beast

When people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky. This sentence is the best interpretation of CP9.

Faced with Spandam, who lost control of his emotions and went into a rage, everyone looked confused.

CP9 actually colluded with the bloodthirsty swordsman. The navy soldiers were so surprised by this shocking scandal that many people ignored what Spangdam accidentally said...

Ren heard his "confession" and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

It was extremely stupid, but when he thought that Spandam had made an even more stupid and stupid operation when he was on Judiciary Island, such as accidentally touching the demon-slaying order, he was not surprised.

Don't be like a loser. This person is a typical person who fails to achieve anything but fails more than he does.

Moreover, Spangdam, a guy who only eats corpses, was so excited and angry that he didn't even bother to ask for confirmation, and directly blamed CP9 for colluding with the artillery king.

But this is a good thing for Rennes. His teammates are like pigs, but on the opposite side, they are god-like supports.

Of course, this is bad news for cp9.

After being stunned for a while, Kalifa came back to her senses. She even forgot to struggle out of Ren's arms and said hurriedly:

"No, Spandam, this is a misunderstanding, we don't know him at all!"

She also tried to save her.

They must not be found guilty of colluding with the bloodthirsty swordsman, otherwise they would be completely doomed.

However, Lucci, Kaku, Gabra and others next to them had gloomy or worried faces and remained silent.

In this current situation, it is too difficult to tell right from wrong.

How do you explain why the bloodthirsty swordsman ran from the Chambord Islands to the City of the Queen of Spring to save a group of government spies?

Why does he know that CP9 is hidden in the City of Spring Queen?

Why did he come to help just in time of crisis?

There are so many coincidences, doubts and weirdnesses that the truth is not important at all.

From the moment Ren hugged Kalifa and wiped out most of the navy with one blow to help CP9 escape from danger, everything became irreversible.

This incident itself will create a rift in trust between the world government and CP9 that will be difficult to mend.


Spandam glared at Khalifa fiercely and said emotionally, "If you are not from the Cannon King, why would he save you?

Could it be that I just happened to be passing by and chose to mind my own business? What a coincidence!"

In his impression, the artillery king and cp9 have no intersection at all.

This is the problem. Under normal circumstances, there is no possibility that the bloodthirsty swordsman would come to the City of Spring Queen to rescue CP9, unless there is a secret connection...

Kalifa: "..."

She was speechless and anxious, but she didn't know how to clear her suspicions.

There is no basis for what you say. If the explanation was useful, there wouldn't be such a desperate matter.

Although Ren's method of recruiting people to join his pirate ship is not particularly clever, it is undeniable that the effect is pretty good.

Few people will often help others for no reason, unless they are friends or accomplices.

This concept can be exploited, as the Japanese underworld is a good example of.

You will find that they have "friends" all over the world, and almost all Japanese celebrities are involved in the underworld. This is not because of the strong communicative skills of the underworld. What they rely on is "helping others."

When an artist held a concert, someone caused trouble in the audience, and the gangsters helped him settle the matter.

10 times there was trouble, and 9 times the gangsters helped the artist settle the matter.

So, in the eyes of people who don't know the truth, this artist must be involved with the underworld...

What, what if no one causes trouble at the concert?

It doesn't matter, can you just arrange for others to cause trouble, and then send another group of your own people to deal with it?

He wrote, directed, and acted, just as Ren planned the navy and Spandam to surround and kill CP9, and then he "came to help".

Regardless of whether this kind of thing is true or false, you can't explain it to anyone except the person involved.

Artist A (no gangster background): Please believe me, I have nothing to do with the gangsters. I don’t know why they want to help me...

Artist B (specialized in laundering money for the underworld): Please believe me, I have nothing to do with the underworld, and I don’t know why they want to help me...

I would like to ask, as a melon-eater who has no way of knowing the inside story, how do you differentiate between artist A and artist B?

There's no way to tell the difference at all.

At most, you believe either one or doubt everyone, and cautious people often believe no one since they can't tell the difference...

Khalifa: Really, I didn’t betray the government. I don’t know why the gun king wanted to help me...

Renn: That's right, Kalifa, Lucci and the others are loyal and have never betrayed the government. I just passed by with enough food to support others. I am simply helping others. Lord Wulaoxing, you must continue to trust CP9...


Explanation, is the explanation useful?

"Baby, don't panic, I will save you. It doesn't matter if you don't want to go with me. People's dreams will never end! I support you to return to the world government and become cp0 to realize your ideals in life!"

Renn obviously knew the essence of the Japanese underworld, he hugged Kalifa and said with a smile.

These words almost add fuel to the fire and act as eye medicine for Hong Guoguo.

Kalifa: "..."

Shut up and stop talking nonsense!

Lu Qi: "..."

Spandam: "..."

Navy soldiers: "..."

"Asshole, you framed us!"

Kali's pretty face turned red with anger. At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten even the phrase "You are sexually harassing."

She struggled, but she couldn't break free from Ren's hand, which was like a vise. She became furious and shouted:

"Swordsman Ren, you are deliberately plotting against us. This is your conspiracy! You are despicable and shameless... We don't even know you personally, Spandam, we are wrongly accused!"

She is still struggling, not wanting to be labeled as colluding with the bloodthirsty swordsman.

The navy soldiers looked at each other in confusion when they heard this, and Spandam's expression changed unsteadily next to him.

"That's right, honey, you were wrongly accused. I actually don't know you at all."

Ren suddenly let go of his hand and let her go.

Without caring about the confused looks of CP9, Spandam, and the navy soldiers, he turned around and walked away.

No one dared to stop him. Along the way, the navy soldiers all automatically gave way.

Anyway, the leader did not give the order to attack the artillery king.

Spandam glanced at CP5 and a group of naval soldiers who were still lying on the ground, with frightened eyes. He wished that this god of death would get out of here, so he would not stop him.

He still had some strength, and knew that the few troops under his command were not enough to give the artillery king a gap in his teeth.

"Everyone, what happened today was an accident. I wanted to take revenge on the government and the navy, so I attacked you. These people did not betray the government. Please believe in them..."

As Ren left, he suppressed his laughter and explained again (stabbed a knife).

Kalifa: "..."

No, please stop "excusing" us.

She has realized what it means to be more helpful.

Lu Qi: "..."

He stared at Ren's back, took a breath, and already made a decision in his heart.

Almost no one noticed that when he looked at Spangdam and the navy soldiers, his eyes became particularly cruel and ruthless...

Kaku, Gabra and others all had uncertain expressions.

"Sir, what should we do?" A soldier asked with a confused expression after swallowing his saliva.


Looking at cp9, Spandam frowned. His mind went blank for a while and he didn't know what to do.

The atmosphere at the scene became very strange and depressing, and no one said a word.

Seeing the gunman reaching the end of the street, Spangdam took a deep breath and made up his mind.

This incident may not be a bad thing for him. In this way, all the blame can be "reasonably and well-founded" dumped on cp9.

Based on the idea that "a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist", Spandam took a few steps back, stared at Lu Qi, Kalifa and others, and said with a cold expression:

"Traitor, do you have anything else to say?"

Hat on!

As long as there is "conclusive evidence" that CP9 colluded with the bloodthirsty swordsman, then his previous mistakes of lying to blame, or even accidentally letting slip just now, will be nothing!

He can make up nonsense even if there is no accusation, let alone suspicion.


Faced with Spandam's malicious questioning, Lu Qi, Kaku and Gabra all remained silent in response.

Even Kalifa didn't try to explain anything anymore.

No matter how much they say, they can't clear their suspicions.

Spies or special agents are not entertainers. This special and shady profession is inherently sensitive. What is most needed is to experience "innocence" and the trust of superiors.

And now they have a "life-threatening" friendship with the bloodthirsty swordsman, a wanted criminal who has committed a heinous crime.

This is too fatal, far more serious than artists colluding with the underworld.

for example.

An American spy who was defecting was almost killed by a group of thugs in the Middle East. At this time, a terrorist leader stepped forward to save him and returned him safely to the United States...

I would like to ask, will the CIA trust this spy again?


The problem is so serious.

Because in the eyes of the Five Old Stars and the World Government, Renn is the same terrorist as the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon.

Think about it, Long suddenly rescued a group of spies from the CP department for no reason... What would the government think?

"Now, take action! Breakout!"

Without warning and no longer trying to defend himself, Rob Lucci took the lead in breaking the calm with his actions.


He turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the weak point of the defense line. He raised his leg and swiped at the soldiers, and the arc-shaped sword light pierced the air!

With a few puffs, the sharp edge instantly cut across the necks of a group of soldiers, blood spurted out, and the heads were thrown high with the blood splashing from the broken necks!

Extremely cruel and merciless.

"Lucci!" Kalifa was shocked by the bloody scene.

She was not frightened. As a female killer, she had killed many people.

It's just that they were a little merciful in their previous fights with naval soldiers, and they didn't aim at the vital points if they could. After all, they planned to return to the CP department...

"We'll talk about that later, let's break out first."

The werewolf Gabra took a deep breath and followed closely.


He transformed into a werewolf and jumped over at high speed. The wolf melon turned into an afterimage and flashed, tearing several soldiers into pieces, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere!

Not only them, Kaku, Owl and others also showed no mercy and killed the navy soldiers.

They chose the direction where Ren had slashed them.

The bloodthirsty swordsman's terrifying slashes across mountains and seas tore apart the defense line here, severely injuring four to five hundred soldiers and destroying all the forts along the way.

Even if the soldiers on both sides are replenished, this is the weakest point.

When the killing started, maybe they understood something. The CP9s completely let go of their hands and feet, using deadly moves, specifically targeting the enemy's neck, heart and head. Blood was flying everywhere, limbs were flying everywhere, and the wailing sound was almost non-stop!

Under the leadership of Lu Qi, CP9 forced its way out of the encirclement.

"Damn it! By killing the navy, are you no longer hiding your evil nature?"

Hiding on the other side, Spangdam gritted his teeth and punched his arm hard.

The cooked duck flew away, which made him very unwilling. If cp9 could be executed today, everything would be settled.

A dead man cannot speak his mind.

Unfortunately, the power of the bloodthirsty swordsman's slash was so terrifying that it not only knocked down a group of soldiers, but even the CP5s were seriously injured.

Coupled with Lucci, Kaku and others using all their firepower, the encirclement and killing was a bit forced.

Of course, this may not be what Ren did intentionally.

He can completely eliminate all the enemies at once, but he leaves behind only a few people who need Lu Qi, Kaku and the others to go all out to successfully break through...

But this is a conspiracy. As long as CP9 does not want to die, today must be stained with the blood of the navy.

The so-called being unable to control oneself and being forced to climb up a mountain is probably this kind of operation.

Looking at CP9 who was about to escape from the siege, Spandam said bitterly:

"Lucci, Kaku, bastards, wait and see, where do you think you can go? Betray the government, kill the navy... There is no hiding place for you in the whole world!"

Hearing his words, Lu Qi suddenly stopped.

He was covered in blood, both from his enemies and his own. His clothes and skin were dyed red with blood, and he looked horrifying, just like a devil.

He glanced back, and his cold, ruthless, bloodthirsty and cruel eyes made Spangdam's body shiver and his hair stood on end.

"you you……"

Spandam pointed at him, his lips trembling and his face pale.

He keenly noticed the difference between Lu Qi. If Lu Qi had been a beast before, he would have at least been shackled.

But now, it is a beast that has broken free of its shackles. The difference between a domestic dog and a wild wolf is several times more ferocious and terrifying!

"Escape? No hiding place?"

Lu Qi stared at Spandam, with the corners of his mouth raised, and his smile was so ghostly and evil, "Only poultry needs shelter, my good commander, the sea is very wide, but it is a pity that the bloodthirsty beast sharks can roam freely."

"Are you crazy? Are you going to become a pirate?!" Spandam was shocked.

It seemed to be an illusion. Lu Qi now made him feel more dangerous than ever before. In his eyes, he even vaguely overlapped with the unruly posture of the bloodthirsty swordsman...

"Who knows? What I pursue is blood."

Lu Qi had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were indifferent, "In the name of the World Government, killing is legal when performing tasks.

I have never thought about betraying the World Government before, not for any other reason, just that as the CP department, I can carry out dark justice and have the maximum freedom to kill.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible.

Spandam, wait, in the final analysis, it all started because of you. There is no chance today, so I’ll leave your head alone for the time being..."

After saying that, he rushed into the vast night without hesitation.

Watching the leopard escape from the shackles of "Dark Justice", Spangdam sat down on the ground.

He had a premonition that Lu Qi, a bloodthirsty monster, would become very scary in the future...

This chapter has been completed!
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