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Chapter 59: Showdown, we are CP666

The Navy Headquarters has completed preparations for war, and the Shichibukai under the King have gathered in Marineland, waiting for Whitebeard.

Coincidentally, on Judiciary Island, Renn also received a surprise gift package specially placed on the island by someone.

"Let's go, this time, we're going to make a big mess!"

He stood on the deck of the Lion with his hands behind his back, his blue eyes overlooking the vast expanse of blue sea, and his expression was high.

Everything is ready, and we don’t owe anything to Dongfeng. It’s time to make a vote.

To this world, the King of Guns is undoubtedly a mudslide. The "Celestial Dragon Incident" in the Chambord Islands has just subsided, and he is going to happily cause trouble again.

Either he is doing something, or he is on the way to do something.

If they knew he was so capable, the Congress would have probably sent more people to kill him during the war between Wulaoxing and Buddha.

"Hahahaha...Boss, I can't wait any longer."

Wen Xi was a restless person at heart. He smiled brightly and said to the sailors, "Let's set off and move towards the door of justice!"

He was very excited.

Compared with the things the captain has to do, his previous career as a pirate is nothing to mention, not even a small fight, and not worthy of carrying the boss's shoes.

Once he goes there, he will definitely become famous all over the world as the navigator of the Lionheart Pirate Ship, and maybe he will even be remembered in history (infamous for thousands of years).

The sailors received the order, began to turn the helm, and skillfully controlled the Lion to ride through the wind and waves and pass by the abandoned Judiciary Island.

The outer layer of Justice Island was originally surrounded by an iron fence. The entire island can be divided into four parts, namely the front island, the main island, the Tower of Justice and the Bridge of Hesitation, as well as the Gate of Justice located behind the island.

It was not easy to pass here originally.

Not to mention the iron guardrails, this place is heavily guarded, with the number of permanent troops stationed at around 10,000, including navy and world government officials.

Unfortunately, under the Navy's demon-slaying order, the guardrails, the Bridge of Hesitation and other buildings were destroyed, and most of the defenders withdrew.

Currently, Judiciary Island is in ruins.

As for whether the government will rebuild this place in the future, only God knows. Anyway, it is not being rebuilt now.

"The Navy blew it up really cleanly."

Wen Xi looked at the several broken iron guardrails on the sea and the rubble and rubble piled up on the island, and was speechless.

"Sir Captain, isn't this Judicial Island known as the three most important places of the world government? Why did the navy dare to launch the 'Demon Slaying Order' here and bombard it so thoroughly with artillery shells?

Don’t we need to consider economic losses and negative impacts?”

He could not understand the operations of the navy.

It's just a group of newcomers like the Straw Hat Pirates. Is it necessary to use such a large formation?

The Navy has dispatched five lieutenants and 10 warships. There is no need to bomb the entire island. If three lieutenants are randomly sent to land on Judiciary Island, won't the Straw Hats be left in the cold?

Could it be that after the fierce battle with CP9, the exhausted Straw Hats can still defeat the Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider and Dauberman?

Not to mention, how many shells would be wasted to blow up the entire island?

Could it be that the navy’s military expenditures are all brought about by strong winds...

While Robin was on the boat, Wen Xi roughly learned about the incident on Judiciary Island from her, and became increasingly confused.

At least he felt that it would be enough for the lieutenant generals to rush over and beat the children with one punch each. Isn't this easier than blowing up Judiciary Island?

Hearing Wen Xi's question, Kalifa, Kaku, Gabra and other former CP9 people looked a little unnatural.

Renn even sneered and said teasingly: "Among the three important places of the world government, the Judicial Island is just a few things to make up for.

What is the function of the Judicial Island? The court is used to try and decide criminals.

However, will the world government that claims to be a god talk about justice and fair trial?

In its 800-year history, anyone taken to the Judiciary Island must have been deemed a prisoner, and there has never been a verdict of not guilty here.

Prisoners would just be escorted through empty courts, executed, or imprisoned.

There is no injustice, no justice, no law, not even a complete trial! Although it is called a court, in fact the Judicial Island only acts according to the will of the World Government, there is only "absolute justice"!

Why did the navy dare to bomb Judiciary Island without hesitation?

Because this shabby place is said to be an important site, but in fact it’s not even a face-saving project. To put it bluntly, it’s just a memorial arch built by a bitch!”

Since the bitch built the archway just to show off, then of course the navy would blow it up. What's the pity?

It wasn't his underworld government. That pig, Spandam, accidentally came into contact with the golden phone bug and launched the demon-slaying order.

However, the Navy Headquarters had no intention of investigating. Without saying a word, it gathered the lieutenants, dispatched warships, and started bombing.

Blow it up... Blow it up first and then blow it up.

The most amazing thing is that at that time, including CP9, there were thousands of soldiers and French dog teams defending the island, so the navy launched the bombing without fear of inadvertently injuring one of its own people.

It can be seen that, let alone justice and judgment, in the eyes of God (the world government), human life is not valuable, let alone a mere memorial arch...

If it weren't for the Minotaur Bruno's "Gate Fruit", Lucci and Kalifa would have died without their bodies intact.

Sure enough, when Ren spoke out the essence of Judiciary Island without hesitation, the faces of Kalifa, Kaku, Gabra and others all turned ugly.

The headquarters of CP9 is on Judiciary Island, where each member has his or her own private room.

Originally, they were proud of this. It was CP9's duty to protect Judiciary Island, but when the words "bitch's archway" came out... mmp, it was such a slap in the face.

"No, it's not——"

The cold and charming female secretary Kalifa moved her lips slightly, as if she wanted to refute, but she swallowed the words when she reached her lips.

Gan, she couldn't find any evidence to refute it!

Kaku, Gabra and others also wanted to explain a few words, but when they met Ren's mocking eyes, they felt powerless again.

It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s that I don’t have the confidence to refute.

In the past, they could boast and firmly believe that the Island of Justice was one of the important places of the world government.

But now any excuse is pale and ridiculous. If this place is really important, how dare the navy bosses to blow it up indiscriminately?

Among the three major government agencies connected by the Gate of Justice, the Navy Headquarters Marineford is undoubtedly the real centerpiece.

Of course, Impel Down Prison is also very important.

Although not as good as Malinfando, at least the navy would never dare to launch a demon-slaying order against Impel Down City easily.

"I understand, it turns out that Judiciary Island is just making up the numbers."

Wen Xi scratched his head and suddenly realized, he looked at Kaku, Gabra and others with ugly faces, and grinned.

"Both cadres, it seems that you were not big figures in the government before. You were probably just a little higher than cannon fodder."

Kaku: "..."

You can't tear people apart, you bastard.

Gabra: "..."

A bit more advanced than cannon fodder, could it be that he is a high-level cannon fodder? Ahem...

Lu Qi touched the pigeon's head on his shoulder, came to the guardrail at the edge of the ship's deck, and looked at the ruins of Judiciary Island and the rippling sea water, his eyes were indifferent:

"What the captain said is true. Looking at it now, this island is a bitch's archway."

He had to admit that the value of Judiciary Island and CP9 in the eyes of the navy and government was not as high as he imagined.

At least if the upper management says to give up, then you can give up.

Kaku: "..."

It's over, the boss has completely betrayed the revolution, and actually started to identify with the artillery king.

Kalifa: "..."

Stop calling her a bitch and please consider how she feels as a woman.

I am a woman, guarding a "chastity arch" that is of no use, and I am still complacent...

Damn, this is so embarrassing.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s blown up, the government has no shame anyway, so why are you being such a bitch and building a chastity arch to disgust everyone?”

Master Renn decisively praised the navy.

Good job, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to pass here today.


It's a bitch again, Kalifa's face turned green with anger.

She was squeezing his shoulders and patting his back, and pinched him hard with her jade fingers.

Feeling the change in strength, Ren raised his eyebrows and glanced back at her: "Hey, pay attention, you are sexually harassing!"

Humph, this woman actually tried to attract his attention.

Kalifa: "..."

w(?Д?)w, bastard, don’t imitate her tone!

The face turned red after being criticized, and the female secretary's plump and attractive breasts rose and fell. She stopped patting her back and turned her head away.

Renn didn't mind either, this woman was greedy for his body, she was despicable, and she was too lazy to coax her.

Anyway, as long as he was in a good mood, during this period of time, he daily hacked the world government, attacked CP9's belief, and also angered the female secretary, and he lived a happy life.

Discussing the government bitch erecting a memorial arch, the ship rode the wind and waves and soon arrived at the Gate of Justice.

The "Gate of Justice" is made of steel and stands in the whirlpool of the sea. This giant steel wall can be said to be majestic and indestructible. It intercepts the sea like an insurmountable chasm, blocking any ships and pirates.

"Boss, why do you have to sail here?"

Kalifa looked at Ren, with a look of ridicule on her pretty face. She teased, "Don't try to take shortcuts. It is impossible for the navy to open the door of justice for you pirates."

The female secretary is a bit of a joke.

CP9 still doesn’t know what the Lionheart Pirates are planning to do, but they just heard that they are going to make a vote.

"What do you mean a gang of pirates?"

Wen Xi curled his lips and said, "Kalifa, don't forget, you are also a female pirate now and you want to use us!"

Kalifa: "..."

(??д??), Well, the Navy will not open the door to justice for "us" pirates!

Thinking that she had lost her job, lost her job, and even boarded the gunner's pirate ship... the female killer felt sad in her heart.

During this period, Wen Xi, as a good teacher, kept reminding her that she was a traitor and a pirate, and beat her to pieces, which can be described as "well-intentioned"...

"So, great captain, how are we going to get over this door of justice? Is it possible to fly over?"

Kalifa held back her resentment, crossed her arms, stared at the gunner's back and said in a somewhat provocative tone.

The "Gate of Justice" cannot be bypassed because the sea currents on both sides of the door are reverse vortices caused by whirlpools, and the ship cannot move forward.

Either let the garrisoned navy open the Gate of Justice, or simply abandon the Gate of Justice and sail through the vortex further away.

As for other methods?

The Cannon King himself could turn into lightning and fly over, but the Lion couldn't, so the female secretary was happy to watch the joke.

Ren grinned: "Didn't you say so yourself? Let's fly over."


Kalifa, Kaku, Gabra and others suddenly looked confused.

Fly over, how to fly over?

"Tsk, tsk, you are uneducated, it's really scary, you don't even know about electricity and magnetism."

Ren shook his head, walked to the front of the Lion, and opened his arms.


He seemed to be possessed by the God of Thunder, with lightning bursting from his body, opening up the electromagnetic field and surrounding the Lion. He deliberately adjusted and controlled the changes in the magnetic field, and suddenly many of the armor and steel plates covering the bottom surface of the ship began to tremble slightly!

In the surprised eyes of Kalifa and others, the water on the sea rippled and the Lion soared into the sky.

Ignoring gravity, the ship continued to rise, as if a pair of invisible giant arms were pulling it from the current into the air.

Ren stood proudly on the deck, overlooking the sea, his windbreaker rustling in the cold wind at high altitude. With a slight wave of his arm, the Lion, which had lifted into the sky hundreds of meters above the ground, suddenly accelerated forward, as if

It passed through the towering Gate of Justice from the sky like a spaceship!

This scene is just like Magneto lifting the Golden Gate Bridge across the sea in X-Men, it is full of force.

"Can this still happen?"

Wen Xi's eyes widened, he held onto the guardrail with both hands, looked down at the sea from a high altitude, and exclaimed, "Damn, what a technical job, long live the captain! King of artillery, you can do anything!"

Even he, a top student who graduated from Caliton University, doesn't understand the principles. What kind of profound knowledge is this?

It was so scary, but that didn't stop him from flattering the captain.

"Long live the captain, the king of artillery, omnipotent!"

The sailors of the Lionheart Pirates were very excited. It was their first time to ride on a "ship" and they all started shouting.

"Thunder... fruit, let's just use it as a thunder fruit. Can it be used like this?"

Kaku took a breath of cold air, not realizing it.

Even in this unscientific OP world, the principles of electricity producing magnetism and magnetism producing electricity are valid.

Of course, most people in this world, even if they are literate, are biased towards history and culture, and very few people understand scientific principles.

At least cp9 can't understand Lei's operation.


After crossing the Gate of Justice and flying several hundred meters, the Lion fell from the sky to the sea, causing some waves.

Renn then turned off the electric field, glanced back, looked at the stunned sexy female secretary behind him and said:

"You have long hair but short knowledge, why don't we just come here? Next time you dare to question the captain's decision, I will wait for you."

This woman is so petty that after she was forced to join the gang, she tried to make excuses for him all day long.

Kalifa's face turned red with embarrassment and aggrievement: "..."

Why is she always the one who gets hurt and gets slapped in the face?

"Captain, what is going on?" Gabra looked curious.

"Don't ask, you won't understand even if I tell you."

Ren was too lazy to explain anything. It was a piece of cake and not worth mentioning.

That is to say, he doesn't want to make too much noise, otherwise he might be able to forcefully collapse the Gate of Justice with a powerful version of "Shenra Tianzheng"...

Or use the black knife to chop it into pieces, or use the Armed Fruit to project the magic weapon to shoot the door open... In short, he has no less than 10 ways to solve this level, and now he just chose the most convenient one.

After crossing the Gate of Justice, the Lion took advantage of the correct whirlpool current and headed towards Impel Down City at great speed.

In order to keep a low profile, he also ordered the crew to take down the skull pirate flag with a lion's mane and replace it with a brand new flag.

The new flag is five balls connected by a cross.

Yes, this is the flag of the world government.

Unlike the King of Guns, who is famous all over the world, the members of the Lion and the Lionheart Pirates are almost unknown.

Hanging this flag can still slightly paralyze the passing navy warships.

After Wen Xi personally changed the flag of the Lion, he smiled and said to the confused CP9s:

"Are you surprised? It's a showdown, cadres. We actually belong to the most mysterious organization in the CP department - CP666! Our boss, the artillery king, is actually Francis Saint, who is the father of Saint Roswader, Charles.

Ross Saint his grandpa…

Thank you for your hard work, Lu Qi, Kalifa, you are all the pillars of the government. The injustice you have suffered is already clear to the Lord Five Stars, and Spandam will definitely be severely punished!

Okay, without further ado, congratulations on returning to the embrace of the warm family of the World Government!"


Kaku: "..."

I almost believed what you said...what a ghost.

Seeing Wen Xi's serious look, even Rob Lucci's face twitched. One can imagine how speechless he was.

Seeing that the CP9's faces were very dark, Wen Xi scratched his head and said with a "confused" look on his face:

"Well, aren't you happy to be back in the CP department? Come on, smile, the government dad has always loved you!"

Kalifa: "..."

Gabra: "..."

Too bad.

Kaku and Owl both cursed in their hearts, and even Lu Qi helplessly reached out to cover his forehead.

Wen Xi, the political commissar, is indeed competent and will not miss any opportunity to undermine their beliefs and ridicule the government.

Kalifa had a black hair, she pointed to the World Government flag hanging high on the ship, and asked a little confused:

"You... cough, what are we doing?"

A group of pirates flying the government flag seems to have bad intentions.


Ren put his hands behind his back and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "As the highest officer of CP666, I accepted the assignment from Master Wulaoxing to inspect Impel Down City.

Take a look at the health conditions of the prison and see if there are any abuses, lynchings, etc. of prisoners."

Kalifa: "..."

You are kidding me.

Gabra: "..."

Stop being funny.

They didn't react for a moment and just took it as a joke.

Only Lu Qi's eyes widened slightly, his expression was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead:

"You actually plan to invade Impel Down City Prison and release those prisoners!"

This...how audacious is this?

This chapter has been completed!
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