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Chapter 68: Prison situation

After all the trash was cleaned up, Lu Qi, Kalifa, Wen Xi and others stood on both sides of the entrance to the Impel Down City, waiting for the arrival.

The commander of cp666, Ren, was wearing a windbreaker and walked over with his hands in his pockets. He smiled, looked left and right as he walked, and nodded from time to time:

"Not bad, not bad. The sanitary conditions in the prison are not bad."

It's so impressive that if you don't know it, you might think the leader is here to inspect.

Kalifa: "..."

She glanced at the corpse and blood stains on the ground, and her face twitched slightly.

In order to show off, I don’t need my eyes and eyesight. Is this okay? This is not good...

It's a pity that she is soft-spoken and dare not slap her in the face, and the others are also speechless.

Is Wen Xi surprised? Why is the boss pretending to be cool?

Carrying a machete and arrogantly, he rushed to the entrance of the city and shouted: "Guards, guards, come out to wash the floor!"

Look, what does it mean to lead an evil person?

Kalifa: "..."

Gabra: "..."

"No one greets the leader when he inspects it. How is that reasonable? This shows that he doesn't take the government seriously. We must find a way to give him a blow!"

No matter what others thought, Wen Xi snorted and charged the Jincheng side.

This is called a teacher's reputation.

"You are the only one who plays more!"

Renn hit Wen Xi hard on the head, then called on his younger brothers to enter the Impel Down City.

There were actually some troops at the entrance, but unfortunately, they had been dealt with. The swordsman Marcel stood alone at the end of the passage, surrounded by jailers lying on the ground, stained with blood.

He stormed in after Luqi blew down the gate.

"How's your study of Baqi going?" Renn asked casually after he came in.

"Not enough. According to the standards in your "Basics of Dominance", I'm just getting started."

Marcel shook his head and glanced at the cold sword in his hand.

There were still blood stains on the blade, and as the battle ended, a less obvious layer of lavender armed domineering slowly dissipated.


Renn was quite satisfied. It was good to be able to get started in such a short time.

Not to mention seeing, hearing, and color, armed color and domineering are typically easy to learn but difficult to master.

In the new world, many navy soldiers and pirates are equipped with armed haki, but the intensity, quantity, control and utilization of their armed haki are very low.

"Boss, the armed color is a little better, but my knowledge and domineering skills have not yet begun." Wen Xi interjected.

He stretched out his palm and made a fist. A layer of lavender domineering energy wrapped around it. Although the strength was very low, at least he had mastered it.

"Maybe you don't have the qualifications in this area. Don't worry. If you haven't learned it in a few months, let's talk about it." Ren said calmly.

"In a few months, there must be some way to master Wense?"

Wen Xi's eyes were a little anxious. Marcel had successfully awakened both colors of domineering, but he could only use the armed color.

He is the number one horse boy under the Pao King, how can he be thrown away?

"No." Ren glanced at him lightly, "If you haven't succeeded in a few months, then there's no need to study and give up the treatment."

Wen Xi: "..."

Seeing the political commissar who always liked to torture them, Teacher Wen Xi looked depressed, while Khalifa, Gabra and others suppressed their laughter.

They are very confident in themselves and do not worry about not being able to master their domineering power.

The domineering color of the knowledge color is different from the armed color. Although it can also become stronger through training, the requirements for talent are higher.

There are some people with extraordinary talents who are born with very powerful domineering power, which is not necessarily related to their strength.

For example, Princess Otohime, although she doesn't know how to fight, she possesses the highest level of Haki.

She can feel the other person's thoughts and emotions, and convey the user's own consciousness to others, affecting other people's minds and thoughts and making them resonate strongly, and can even change the other person's values ​​​​and ideology...

Even the trash and scum of the Tianlong people were transformed by her.

Her ability to read minds and even "brainwash" her with such domineering power can only be described as terrifying.

In terms of the strength of his aura, Lei is not worthy of carrying the shoes of Princess Otohime of Fish-Man Island, even though the latter's strength is comparable to that of the five scumbags.

He can "predict the future", maximize his vision and experience, and can also slightly feel other people's shallow thoughts.

But it is still a long way from mind reading and "brainwashing".

As for "listening to the sound of all things", to be honest, Renn himself didn't know what it was about.

After dealing with some more jailers along the way, the group came to the iron fence behind the gate.

There are no prisoners on the first floor of Impel Down City. The prisoners are all in the underground levels of hell, that is, under the sea, so it is also called the Deep Sea Prison.

"Is there no one? Are all the guards scared away?"

Wen Xi looked at the empty corridor and grinned.

Unfortunately, the next second, he was slapped in the face.

"Alarm! Alarm! Another... someone invaded Impel Down City again!"

"Attention all departments, please pay attention to all departments! The intruders are spies from the original CP department, and the bloodthirsty swordsman with a bounty of 1.8 billion Baileys─Francis D. Lane!"

"Warning, intruders are extremely dangerous, and the highest level of alert is now issued! All guards in Impel Down City..."

There is a telephone bug hanging on an inconspicuous wall somewhere, with a speaker strapped to its back, and it is emitting a piercing alarm sound.

Wen Xi: "..."

Hey, people here are not slow to respond.


five minutes ago.

In fact, when Ren walked into the entrance of Impel Down City without any disguise, the first floor of the sea was in chaos.

On the first floor, in the office.

This is the command and communication center of Impel Down City, and in the center lies a special telephone bug as big as a bison.

There is a display screen hanging on the wall, which shows images from various places in Impel Down City.

It can be said that except for the fifth level of extreme cold hell, which does not have any phone bugs installed due to the low temperature, this prison is monitored everywhere.

"That man is... the king of artillery. It's over, he turned out to be that lunatic!"

A jailer looked at the screen, his lips trembling.

After a lot of effort, they had just tidied up the Straw Hat boys who were causing chaos in the city.

As a result, before I could take a breath, an even more ruthless one came.

Someone panicked:

"What's going on? Why can't all the signals be sent out? The guards on the first floor can't stop the gunner at all!"

"Call the Navy Headquarters, call the Navy Headquarters, this is Impel Prison, please answer... Damn it! Still can't get through! There is serious interference with external communications!"

Panicked, the jailers and guards in the office were also panicked.

They were all sweating profusely as they looked at the unstoppable Lion Heart Pirates on the screen.

Just when they were at a loss, on the screen, the famous swordsman Ren suddenly raised his head, grinned, and made a gesture of wiping his neck at them...


That smile looked very scary to the jailers. Some people screamed in fright and sat down on the ground.

A person's name, a tree's shadow, who doesn't know the bloodthirsty swordsman now?

Even the admiral can't impose sanctions, how cruel is that? Even with the presence of Administrator Magellan, he can't give them much sense of security...

"Quick, call Director Magellan!" someone shouted.

"But he's having diarrhea..."

Everyone: "..."

Director, I have diarrhea again...

"Ahem, we can't control that much at this time! Let him come out of the toilet quickly... The troops on the first floor of the sea and the several levels of hell below can't stop the artillery king and his gang!"

The jailers looked at each other and had no other choice. They jumped several levels and dialed the director's phone number.

The city was heavily guarded and there were many troops.

But whether it's ordinary soldiers, blue orangutans, or beasts from the second underground floor... these things obviously can't defeat the Artillery King.

Deputy Director Hannibal, Deputy Warden Domino, Chief Jailer Satie, Chief Prison Officer Saludes... these people are not weak, but even they themselves do not believe that they can defeat the bloodthirsty swordsman.

The only one with hope is probably Magellan.

After all, our great and invincible Director-General also claims to have the strength of a general...


The fourth underground floor, the scorching hell.

As the name suggests, the temperature on this level is very high. The center is like a huge iron pot, full of boiling blood pools and seas of fire. There are also kitchens and granaries here.

The office of Director Magellan, the most powerful man in the prison, is on this floor.

He is usually not on the first floor of the sea, but directly stationed on this key floor.

After Magellan finished beating Straw Hat Luffy, he squatted leisurely in the special toilet dedicated to the Director.

After receiving an emergency call from the first floor of the sea, he had no choice but to pull up his pants and rush out.

The bloodthirsty swordsman leads the invasion of Impel Down City!

The communication has been interfered with, Impel Down cannot reach Malevando...

Even with Magellan's determination and knowledge, his heart skipped a beat after hearing these two extremely serious news.

Gun King...

"Hey, think of a way quickly, my Impel Down City is about to... well, my ambition is exposed."

Seeing that Magellan was stunned, next to him, Deputy Director Hannibal was about to say something, but mid-sentence, he coughed and stopped.

This man is also a weirdo, unable to hide his ambitions and unable to keep his mouth shut.

He coveted the position of director and thought about how to overthrow his superiors every day.

If it weren't for the bloodthirsty swordsman's notorious reputation, Hannibal felt that he couldn't suppress it at all. He would have wanted to let him cause trouble first and then deal with it, and then blame Magellan for his negligence...

However, this time he did not dare to delay. As soon as he received the request for help from above, he notified Magellan and asked him to make a decision.

There is no way, Hannibal doesn't think he has the strength to be a general...

Magellan glared at this guy who always wanted to be on top, but at the critical moment, he had no time to argue with him, and said solemnly:

"Give it to the jailer on the sixth floor and release Hiryu of the Rain!"


Hannibal was startled and instinctively retorted, "That murderer is too dangerous and doesn't obey the rules at all. We can't count on him..."

Next to him, Domino, the deputy warden, a striking blonde beauty, also frowned.


Magellan punched Hannibal on the head and said with a cold face: "Then what do you think we should do? Do you think it's up to you to turn the tide?"

Hannibal: "..."

He wasn't very unhappy, but...

Magellan's tone was cold: "I don't think I am better than Porusalino. I want people to release Shiliu. Now I need his strength to push forward the city, so that I can be sure of victory."

He is not afraid of anyone, even if the enemy is the artillery king, he dares to fight against the four emperors.

But he is not so conceited that he is stronger than the general Kizaru. It would be difficult for him to suppress such a powerful enemy by himself.

If he and Yuzuki Shiru join forces, they will at least be able to defeat the bloodthirsty swordsman.

Magellan's idea was good and sound, but he ignored Straw Hat Luffy.

"Oh no, Straw Hat... Luffy... Luffy has reappeared in the fifth level of extreme cold hell! There are also many prisoners who have disappeared inexplicably... The situation has completely gotten out of control!"

At this time, another jailer came running in panic.


Hannibal: "..."

Isn't Straw Hat boy too cold?

Domino: "..."

Impossible. How can you still be alive and kicking after being poisoned by a mixture of toxins?

Magellan's "Superman Type Poison Fruit" is not in vain. A single toxin has an antidote, and mixed toxins will definitely lead to death...

There was silence for a while.

Regardless of the reason, the Straw Hat boy did survive the mixed poison and ran out to cause trouble again, and it was at this critical moment.

House seemingly endless rain.

Even Magellan found it difficult. Fortunately, because of Lieutenant General Bailong's proposal, "Fire Fist" Ace was sent to Marinefando by the navy two days ago...

"Have people release Xi Liu quickly. I will go to the fifth level of the extreme cold hell to deal with the Straw Hat boy first. You two will gather all the troops on the fourth level. When I come back, we will go up together to deal with the bloodthirsty swordsman..."

Magellan thought for a while and came up with a specific plan.

Deputy Warden Domino frowned: "Shouldn't we deal with the bloodthirsty swordsman first? He is more dangerous."

Magellan's face was expressionless: "However, the Straw Hat Boy's goal is the sixth level of infinite hell, where there is absolutely no room for error..."

"Fire Fist" Ace has secretly moved away a long time ago, but very few people know about it.

Hearing about the sixth floor, Hannibal and Domino felt chilled in their hearts.

If something went wrong there, the consequences might be more serious than if the Artillery King invaded Impel Down City.

After all, there are too many big pirates there, including World Destroyer, Red Earl, Oni's Heir, Kaisha Jinbei, Sand Crocodile Crocodile... Once it gets out of control, the entire Impel Down City will have to be destroyed.

Luffy will definitely not release all the criminals, but Hannibal and the others don't know this, and they can't afford to gamble...


The first underground floor, Red Lotus Hell.

In the corridor between the cells, the sound of gunfire, the fierce clash of swords, and the sound of wailing were almost non-stop.


Marcel took the lead and rushed to the front. The sword blade in his hand was dyed lavender with domineering energy. The sword light flashed, and every time he slashed, he would bring out a stream of blood!

The jailers along the way screamed and poured a large piece of it.

When he got tired, he would switch to Lu Qi at the front, then Kaku, Gabra... and so on.

Yes, Renn intends to train them.


When it was almost done, he raised his hand and shot out a blue electric beam. A group of blue orangutans and jailers were hit, and fell to the ground screaming in the rolling plasma, their bodies almost roasted.

"Tsk, tsk, isn't there anyone here who can fight?"

It went so smoothly that Wen Xi couldn't help but feel a little proud and smiled.

"Interesting, bloodthirsty swordsman?"

Suddenly, a terrifying murderous aura came from the front, as if the god of death covered in blood had arrived, and the air seemed to be frozen.

It was also accompanied by a strong smell of blood, which made people feel chilly.

This chapter has been completed!
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