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Chapter 104: Shocking sword, splitting the island, breaking into the square

The boss takes the lead in the charge, and the effect is different.

"Kill! Kill all the despicable marines and rescue Ace!"

"Rush over! Oh oh oh oh oh ——!"

The morale of the pirates was greatly boosted, and they roared to the sky. A dark wave of people followed Lao Bai's footsteps and poured into the square like a tsunami.


Hearing the noise, in an ice pit ahead, Captain "Diamond" Jozi of the Third Division suddenly stood up and threw away the ice covering his body!

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up, and rushed to his father's side.

"Are you OK?"

Brother Ma looked at his companion with blood on half of his face, feeling a little worried.

"It's okay, I can still fight, but there are others..." Jozi stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood flowing from his nostrils, his eyes a little sad.

Being counterattacked 13 times against 1 almost made his Taoist heart and confidence collapse.

He has a diamond body and can barely resist the damage.

But the other captains were not so lucky.

White Dragon's attack was no joke. The other captains were covered in blood after being cut by the storm blade. Some of the scars were even deep into the bones and affected the internal organs. Some of them almost died.

Because they were too seriously injured and in poor condition, they barely got up but could not keep up with the charge and could not reach the front line.

"Damn it! I'm so unwilling!"

The captain of the Eighth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the fish-man Namuel punched the ice with a very unwilling look in his eyes.

His right leg was bloody and severely fractured, and he was walking with a limp. Naturally, he could not keep up with the charge of his father and the large army.

Even Foil Bista's breath was sluggish, and his chest and limbs were covered in blood from being beaten.

As a swordsman with high attack and low defense, he is far less resistant to beatings than Jozi.

Bista was still calm, supporting his body with his sword, and glanced back:

"Guys, we can't go to the front line anymore. Let's take a rest and intercept the biological weapons in the rear together later. We can't let them interfere with the formation..."

After hearing this, the captains' eyes lit up slightly.

Yes, those killing weapons that look like Bartholomew Bear are a trouble if left alone. Disposing of them can be considered as using the remaining heat...

Finally, under the leadership of Foil Bista, captains such as Izo, Fossa, Namur and Kuriel regrouped and cooperated with the sporadic pirate troops in the rear to face the group of pacifists.

At the front, Whitebeard also successfully joined forces with Ren, Sand Crocodile and others.

The powerful forces gathered together, thousands of troops and horses charged together, the weapons danced and roared to the sky, as if a burst of evil energy was set off like wolf smoke!

Such a huge momentum made the Warring States Marshal on the execution platform twitch his eyelids.

Now, I can't stop it anymore.

Even if it can be stopped, the navy will pay an extremely heavy price.

"Quick, raise the surrounding wall!!"

The Warring States Marshal picked up the microphone and roared, his eyes flashing.


Below the square, the organs of the Navy Headquarters were rotating, and huge gears were engaged and pushed. The defensive walls hidden under the sea broke through the ice one after another and rose up.

The navy's trump card, the siege wall, has finally been activated.

The thick wall is at least fifty meters high, forming an airtight cage layer by layer, separating the execution square from the harbor ice area and dividing it into two!

The few pirates who had arrived at the square were thankful that they ran fast.

But when they looked up, they saw the three navy generals standing side by side like murderous gods. Afterwards, there were almost endless navy soldiers behind the generals.

Pirates: "..."


"Oh no!"

A pirate screamed in despair, but as soon as he uttered his voice, he was torn apart by a dark rain curtain composed of countless bullets, and blood and pieces of flesh flew everywhere!

There was no need for the three generals to take action. The sailors killed thousands of the vanguard of the pirate camp with a round of gunfire and artillery bombardment.

Blocked by the towering steel wall, the pirate army stranded in the harbor was also in a bad situation.

The 50-meter-high surrounding wall is difficult for even giants to overcome.

"Quickly, destroy this wall!" Brother Ma shouted.

Bang bang bang!!

The pirates raised their firearms and hand cannons and fired wildly. The large-scale fire bombing caused sparks to burst from the walls and the smoke filled the air!

But when the wind blows, there are only many small white spots left on the wall. The bullets can't even make a dent. Even the bombardment of the artillery shells can only leave some black marks, which can't shake the surrounding wall at all.

Obviously, the walls have been specially reinforced, and the pirates' guns and hand cannons are useless.

"So strong?"

Yuzhiliu sneered, drew out the demon sword Leiyu, and rushed over quickly.


He slashed at the wall with all his strength, the sword light flashed, and the golden blade lingering with blood struck the surrounding wall, and countless sparks shot out!

This sword left a slash on it, five meters long and as deep as the palm of your hand.

But for a surrounding wall that is 50 meters high and several meters wide, this kind of attack is also scraping.

"Is it mixed with sea floor stone?" Yu Zhiliu took a few steps back and snorted coldly.

The great swordsman's slashes are so overbearing. If an ordinary wall is 100 meters high, it can be smashed with one strike. This wall is so strong that it cannot be made of ordinary steel and stone bricks.

"This is trouble."

Jinbei punched him with fishman karate, but only left a fist mark on the wall, and he couldn't help but look solemn.

"Quick, bombardment!"

Black shooting holes were opened one after another on the city wall, and barrels as thick as a naval gun were exposed, aiming at the pirates below.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of giant cannons aimed at the pirates and blasted them wildly. Expanding fireballs bloomed under the surrounding wall. Many pirates were blown away on the spot!

The flames spread and burned, and countless shrapnel burst out. Almost all the pirates nearby suffered disaster, either being devoured and burned by the flames, or being beaten into sieves by the shrapnel.

In such a tragic situation, even the brave Whitebeard Pirates, who are not afraid of death, can't help but take a breath.

"I don't believe this wall can't be broken down!"

Diamond Jozi roared angrily and rushed over.


He hit hard, and the solid diamond body collided head-on with the wall, erupting with a huge roar like the collision of two steel mountains. The surface of the wall instantly cracked in the violent air waves, and many fragments shot out!

But it was only broken into one layer, a few tens of centimeters deep, and it was not much stronger than the sword of Yu no Shiru.


Whitebeard clenched his fist, and a transparent shock wave emerged. He also punched the surrounding wall with all his strength. The moment the wall was hit by the shock wave, a huge oval was dented, and violent wind swept across all directions!

In the howling wind, the surrounding wall trembled slightly, and a huge roar resounded throughout Marineventor.

However, the surrounding wall was still not breached.

"Damn it, even dad's attack is useless?" Xiao Ma's face looked a little ugly.

Nana tilted her little head and muttered: "Like a turtle shell, this thing is a bit tricky. It doesn't even use shock waves."

She also tried punching and made a dent, but failed to penetrate the wall.

And because this wall was mixed with seastone, the tauren Bruno couldn't put his hand on it to open the door. It would be too narrow to open the door with air.

An army of 50,000 would be too crowded to walk through a door the size of a room door.

Moreover, the air opening space is too small, which is a target. It is estimated that many pirates were killed by a salvo of naval artillery as soon as they passed by.

Neither can little Oz.

Perhaps the injury was not that serious this time, and the blood that flowed out did not seep into the ground and cause the machine to malfunction. His body was pushed down by the rising surrounding wall, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"It's no use!"

"Too solid."

Jinbe the Kaiman, Ivankov the Monster King, Straw Hat Luffy and Sand Crocodile and others tried one after another but were unable to shake the surrounding wall, and in the end they all frowned.

Even the Shock Fruit, which is famous for its destructive power, is useless. Who can break it?

Jinbei, Luffy, and everyone including Whitebeard glanced at Ren subconsciously.

Only his destructive power is higher than the Shock Fruit.

But Renn couldn't take action at this time. Countless cyan wind blades whirling around the world, tearing apart the atmosphere and flying from all directions, were frantically strangling him!

From time to time, golden lasers would bombard him indiscriminately.

When everyone looked up, they discovered that Kizaru and Bailong were floating above the surrounding wall, attacking the Cannon King.

The two of them worked together to suppress him firmly.

Buddha's Warring States Period obviously also considered that the unreasonable and destructive power of the Cannon King might break the siege wall, and specially sent people to target him.

"Quick, stop them! Let Ren come over and try..."

Brother Ma's face changed, and he reacted quickly. His hands burned with blue flames and turned into phoenix wings, instantly rising into the sky!


Nana's back also burned with red dragon flames, and her dragon wings flew high into the sky.

Unfortunately, it's a step too late.

On the execution platform, the Marshal saw the success of the siege wall plan, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

This wave of blood profit.

When the war is over, promotions and salary increases will be guaranteed.

Although he is about to step down as marshal of the navy, he has to be particular about how he steps down.

If the battle is not fought well, those who take the blame and resign will either retire or sit on the sidelines.

And if he wins a big victory, he will be promoted and make a fortune. From next year, he will be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the most handsome boy in the government agency...

Sengoku lowered his head and shouted to Akainu under the execution platform:

"Sakaski, do it!"

After receiving the order to surround the wall, Akainu immediately raised his arms.

He had a murderous look on his face, his arms twisted and expanded, and balls of black and red hot magma spewed out. The red and hot magma dripped on the ground, and the billowing heat waves spread out!

"Meteor Volcano!!"

Akainu let out a low shout and launched his ultimate move. The temperature in the air immediately increased. Lava flowed down his temples and face like sweat, and then countless volcanic bombs were suddenly ejected from the lava arms!

Bang bang bang————!!

Just like a dormant volcano began to erupt, huge volcanic bombs burning with dark red flames quickly flew over the surrounding wall and fell from the sky, hitting the bay like a rain of meteorites!

The magma rolled down, the ice surface cracked and exploded, and countless ice cubes turned into water vapor before splashing. Some pirates were instantly melted by volcanic bombs, or their flesh was melted, or they were ignited with human-shaped torches!

The pirates who escaped the volcanic bombs also fell into the water one after another, and screamed when they were burned by the high-temperature steam or the scalding sea water.

The magma made from rock berries can easily melt even steel swords at temperatures of thousands of degrees, let alone ice.

Thick smoke billowed, and the red lava spattered and spread, quickly melting nearly half of the ice in the harbor, and countless pirates died.

It is indeed the devil fruit with the highest attack power, and it severely damaged the pirates in one wave.

At this time, Brother Ma flew into the air. His huge wings jumped with blue flames and turned into a shield shape. He blocked the eight-foot magatama released by Kizaru for the Cannon King. Countless golden light bullets hit his body and deformed him, but Qingyan suddenly

Burn and return to its original state!

"It's such a troublesome ability." Kizaru shrugged, a look of helplessness on his face.

Phoenix is ​​annoying because of this, even if you are stronger than him, you still can't defeat him in a short period of time.

"Long Yanyu!"

On the other side, Nana took off like a rocket, and the burning red fire could condense and compress in her mouth.


She faced Artoria, opened her mouth and spat out, and the red dragon flames compressed into a ball of light as bright as the sun and shot towards her. It was very fast like a blood rainbow cutting through the void, and the atmosphere along the way was burned and distorted.

stand up!

The terrifying killing move is as destructive as the Nine-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade next door.

Dragon flames can even burn steel, and their lethality is no less powerful than Akainu's rock berries.

Even Kizaru took a breath when he saw it. In the last mission, Aokiji said it was difficult for him to win over this girl, but he still didn't believe it and thought he was being lazy...


Arturia did not dare to be careless, and immediately formed two large azure storm handprints to take a picture, blasting the Dragon Flame Jade, and a loud noise that resounded through the sky instantly erupted in the void!

Flames as red as blood erupted and surged, intertwined with the storm, just like the end of the world!

Although blocked, her interference with the Cannon King also stopped.

Without hesitation, Ren turned into lightning and fell to the ground. He dragged the black knife with his right hand to draw a trace on the ice, and rushed towards the surrounding wall at full speed!

"Get out of the way!!"

He roared angrily, and the evil energy on his body was overwhelming. Thunder, shock waves and dark red arcs condensed on the black knife, causing the blade to emit a faint blue death light. The blade also overflowed with a pounding force like thousands of troops charging with blood.

Murderous spirit!

Possessed by the God of Death, such power is really frightening.

Jinbei, Sand Crocodile, Barrett, Whitebeard, Luffy and others all changed their expressions instantly, stopped attacking the wall, and moved away from the side and back.

"What a terrible murderous aura..." Jinbei's face turned pale and the hairs on his body stood up.

Luffy nodded, looking shocked, and even subconsciously covered his ears.


The next second, Ren rushed to the surrounding wall with great momentum like the god of death, Yama. He raised his black knife and pointed it at the surrounding wall with all his strength, slashing down with all his strength. A faint blue death light-like sword light bloomed in full bloom, like

The terrifying edge that created the world instantly split the wall into pieces!

The sword light shocked the world, and along with the loud trembling sound in the void, countless steel fragments flew!

Then, behind the siege wall, the sailors looked horrified.

This ray of light-like sword light did not stop, tearing through the earth like the light tearing through the night. It passed through the side of the execution platform, cut through the solid naval headquarters building behind the execution platform, and then broke through the Ma Linfan behind it.

Those buildings in many small towns reach to the end of the sky!

On the trajectory, the row of standing sailors, the Yijiao headquarters building, as well as the houses, streets and walls in the town were instantly wiped out!

The entire Marineland trembled under this sword. Beyond the limits of everyone's vision, the sea surface at the end of the distant island was silently divided, and the sea water surged...

Finally, a dark crack more than three meters wide and bottomless, like an ugly scar, split the island in two from the harbor.


A sailor was stunned and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

He looked at the dark ravine beside him, his lips moved slightly as if he wanted to say something, but half of his body suddenly turned into blood mist and disappeared with a pop, and the other half of his body fell to the ground, with his internal organs and blood spilled all over the floor!

After the sword was struck, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence.

On the execution platform, Buddha Zhizhi was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt pain in his cheek. He stretched out his hand and touched it, and there was blood on his fingers.

Just now, the sword light passed by his side, and a little bit of the aftermath cut his face.

Warring States was silent, with cold sweat on his forehead. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Fire Fist Ace who was kneeling on the ground with his mouth wide open and a look of shock on his face.

He knew that if "Fire Fist" Ace hadn't been on the execution platform, the bloodthirsty swordsman's sword probably wouldn't have been deliberately deflected at an angle...


Kizaru took a breath of air and resisted the urge to retreat. The photon was shining, and he secretly lowered his right finger aimed at the Cannon King's head.

Forget it, just keep a low profile.

Otherwise, it is not impossible to die later.

In the bay, Whitebeard, Luffy, Jinbe, Sand Crocodile, Bucky, Ivankov, Ponyboy and Barrett looked at the broken wall and Ren standing with a knife at the entrance.

in silence.

It's strange that no one said anything like it was awesome or scary this time.

Even the little pirates in the White Group didn't speak, but from time to time you could hear gasps and the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

Ren held the black knife and looked at Akainu with his cold eyes across the broken wall, raising his hands to release the magma bomb.

Akainu: "..."

His body became cold and he stopped releasing the magma bomb. His face was very solemn and his muscles were tense as he stared at the young man with black hair and blue eyes.

Da da da……

The sound of footsteps echoed in the silent square. Ren held a knife and moved forward over the surrounding wall. He stood in front of the three generals Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji, and said with an indifferent expression:

"Good morning, everyone."

This chapter has been completed!
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