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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty: Magic Power, Rock Berries, Dogs Don't Eat

The sea is very lively these days.

There are constant disturbances, and in many places it is even more lively than during the holidays.

Newspapers are selling like crazy, and there is a rumor that when the "big news" birdman Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Service, opened a champagne party to celebrate, he almost had a stroke from laughing...

Every time Birdman talks to someone, he always says that the swordsman Wren is the natural center of attention, and every inch of his body is filled with the blood of news...

Not only Birdman, but newspaper owners all over the world were crazy about it.

Because the world is so crazy, the sales volume of newspapers these days is almost more than ten times that of the past. Many people who would not subscribe to newspapers at ordinary times are holding several newspapers in their hands these days.

In just a few days, many newspapers have achieved results that could only be achieved in a month in the past.

The bosses who were counting the money were naturally overjoyed. Many people swore that this era was the spring of journalism...

Wren doesn’t know if it’s spring time for journalism now, but it’s true that the Chambord Islands are very lively.

Even though there had just been a tsunami here not long ago due to the impact of the shock wave, the atmosphere on the island was still very hot.

"Newspaper, newspaper, today's paper!"

The newsboys, wearing loose, ill-fitting work clothes, walked through the streets at a fast pace.

The impact of this war was huge, and people bought more or less newspapers.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere. In the streets and alleys, pedestrians are holding newspapers in their hands, chatting with friends and acquaintances about various hot topics, and many people even get into arguments with others.

A lot of waste is waiting for things to be done, but it can't affect people's enthusiasm for gossip.

Just look at these newspapers with exaggerated headlines.

"Shocked! In order to rescue "Fire Fist" Ace, the strongest man Whitebeard did such a thing. "

At first glance, it sounds like Lao Bai did something crazy.

However, what the newspaper described was:...At a critical moment, Whitebeard asked the "King of the Monsters" Ivankov to inject him with stimulating hormones, suppressing the pain and fighting for the last battle.

Not to mention the melon-eating people on the island, Renn, a person who has experienced the bombardment of the information age, would say he is an expert after seeing it.

Clickbait partisanship is indispensable in any world.

For example, "Big News" Morgans, a birdman, sometimes deliberately exaggerates facts or even fabricates news based on his own subjective wishes or in order to attract people's attention...

It can be seen from this that the media in this world do not have much integrity at all, and they are no better than the BBC in the UK.

Of course, in those mainstream newspapers, there are still a small number of unserious and exaggerated reports, and more of them are interpretations of the major events themselves.

Moreover, even if most newspapers did not praise the navy, at least their views were vaguely on the navy's side.

For example these:

"Unprecedented peak showdown, Whitebeard Pirates + Lionheart Pirates vs. Navy Headquarters + King Shichibukai!"

"Justice will prevail, Vice Admiral Bai Long successfully killed Whitebeard!"

"The "World's Strongest Man" Whitebeard fell, and the Navy once again proved to the world that they are capable of maintaining order at sea! "

The huge influence of the World Government can be seen. Wulaoxing and the others must have done their job, such as putting pressure on major newspapers.

However, this time, public opinion still failed to completely support the navy.

In the early morning, the wind was bright and sunny, and Ren was walking on the street wearing a windbreaker and a hood covering half of his face, preparing to have breakfast.

This is Area 24 of the Chambord Islands. There are restaurants and specialty shops on both sides of the road.

The streets were busy with traffic, and the noisy chatter of pedestrians constantly reached his ears.

"Hahaha... That's great. Whitebeard is dead. This is justice."

"The strongest man in the world has been defeated. It seems that Red Hair, Big Mom and Kaido won't be arrogant for much longer!"

"Yes, long live the Navy! Justice will prevail!"

On both sides of the street, many people were excited, cheering for the navy and celebrating their victory.

It seems that as long as Whitebeard, the great pirate, dies, the world will become safer and more orderly.

There was no need for Lei to speak, and many people immediately stood up to refute.

"Marinfando is almost sinking and yet he is still preaching victory. Can the Navy have some shame?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe the navy is all fishmen and they can set off fireworks and firecrackers under the sea water to celebrate victory."

"Hahahaha... I'm laughing so hard. The navy was almost beaten to death by Whitebeard and the swordsman Ren, and they slapped their faces to look fat."

"Stop talking and save some face for the navy, otherwise their underwear will be stripped clean..."

The naysayers and weird voices soon spread out, and there were quite a few of them, pouring cold water on the heads of those who were cheering.

It is useless for the government and navy to just make articles in newspapers.

Don’t forget, this live broadcast will not be interrupted.

Although only the phone bug in Wen Xi's hand was working in the back, and the battle picture was not complete, people around the world still knew the general situation.

The public's eyes are sharp, and the navy's performance this time cannot be said to be very beautiful.

From the beginning to the end, except for the three links where White Dragon appeared and defeated the 13 captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, the ruthless baptism of magma bombs behind the surrounding wall, and the shocking blow of the holy spear that killed Whitebeard, the rest of the time the navy had the most

He is evenly matched with the pirates, and has been defeated many times.

In particular, the man who was dubbed the "Demon King" by the World Government was extremely powerful and domineering, and repeatedly slapped the navy in the face.

Therefore, although there are more people who support it, there are also many people who don't buy into the Navy's performance.

"You...how can you do this? You actually speak for a bunch of rubbish pirates. The navy is..."

Being thrown cold water on him, on the street, a middle-aged man who supported the navy turned red and looked at the young people around him angrily.

As a result, before he finished speaking, a young man with yellow hair sneered and threw several newspapers in his face:

"Uncle, stop being so sanctimonious and preachy. It's you who can't recognize the cruel reality!"


The old man grabbed the newspaper and looked at the title. He blushed even more and his neck became thick.

"The "Demon King" Francis D. Lane has arrived and the Navy Headquarters has been destroyed. It is reported that most of the Malinvando Island has sunk to the bottom of the sea and is expected to disappear completely within a week. "

"General "Akainu" was defeated by the Demon King. He is still being rescued and is not out of danger yet."

"The highest combat power was defeated, the darkest day in naval history!"

Even among the many hot topics surrounding the war, the popularity and sensation of Akainu's defeat is almost second only to the death of Whitebeard.

The defeat of a naval admiral, and even the defeat and even nearly death in public, is extremely rare even if we search eight hundred years of history.

As the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters and the highest combat power of the World Government, the Admiral has always been the anchor of the sea to maintain the order of the sea. Each admiral has a great reputation and extensive influence.

Therefore, Akainu's defeat greatly shocked the world, and I don't know how many eyeballs were shocked.

Akainu is 53 years old this year. He is at his absolute peak. There is no aging or illness. His past performance and record are also very impressive. However, he still failed...

This incident had a very bad impact, emboldening the arrogance of pirates around the world and shaking many people's confidence in the navy.

In short, people no longer feel safe in their hearts.

Moreover, the picture accompanying the newspaper titled "The Darkest Day" is also very interesting.

Above, Ren is standing on the bow of Moby-Dick's ship, with waves of light lingering in his palms. He is laughing arrogantly as he lifts up the tsunami that will cover the sky and is about to flood Marinelvando.

Below, in a ward of Mariejoia, General Akainu is covered in bandages, unconscious, and receiving emergency treatment with a sling bottle.

This kind of strong style, vivid scenes, and a hint of ironic contrast give readers a very strong impact.

Moreover, in the black and white picture, the word "Devil" is highlighted on the top of Ren's head. The tsunami covering the sky on both sides is as dark as ink and has been artistically processed to look like devil's wings.

It really looks like a demon king from hell has arrived in Malinfando.

The middle-aged uncle looked at this picture in the newspaper and suddenly felt a chill in his body.

Ren stood proudly in the thick shadow, with the devil's wings covering the sky and covering the sun. He was still grinning crazily. Darkness, domineering, arrogance, madness, evil...all the factors together rendered a unique and eerie feeling.

sense of terror.

The impact was so strong that the middle-aged man seemed to be able to hear the crazy and evil laughter through the picture, and a trembling fear was awakened.

His eyes were frightened, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the flushed face with anger disappeared, followed by a pale look of fear.

Devil, this man is a devil!

The middle-aged uncle felt terrified when he thought that this kind of terrifying monster was still alive, or even from the Chambord Islands.

He originally wanted to refute those young people, but he decisively shut his mouth.

Don't think your uncle is timid. When Aunt Four Emperors first saw this newspaper from the World Economic News Agency, her eyelids jumped.

The completely demonized image of the swordsman Ren reminded her of her former captain Rocks...

The artistic effect of this picture is indeed very strong.

In the beginning, this picture of Wren was only used in a few newspapers.

By the next day, as if they had made an appointment, almost most mainstream newspapers would use this black and white picture called "The Coming of the Devil" when publishing Lane's picture.

The advent of the Demon King, the destruction of Marinefando, the fall of the Four Emperors Whitebeard, and the defeat of General Akainu and his life-threatening situation have become the three most sensational hot spots in the War on the Top.

The second is the uncertainty about the life and death of Ace, the "Fire Fist", and the birth of the "Daughter of God".

Of course, these are hot news related to people.

Above the hot-button events involving the five characters, the most controversial topic is who wins or loses, the pirates or the navy.

Not only on the noisy street, when Ren quietly entered a restaurant to eat beef noodles, he could hear the fierce quarrels among the diners.

"Of course the Navy won!"

A passerby put down his chopsticks, stopped eating, and glared at the diners opposite, "The navy's purpose is to deal with the great pirate Whitebeard. Now that Whitebeard is dead, they have achieved their strategic goal."

At first glance, this statement makes sense.

"Haha, according to you, the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates is to rescue Fire Fist Ace... Now that Fire Fist has escaped, the pirates have achieved their strategic goal and won a complete victory." Passerby Yi said with a smile.



It hurts so much to be slapped in the face by someone else's own logic.

The goal of the White Group is indeed to save people.

Therefore, from the perspective of strategy and goals, the navy can say that it has won by killing Whitebeard, but the pirates can also say that they have won by rescuing Ace...

Passerby A was very annoyed: "You... are simply unreasonable! The navy obviously won."

This bastard actually supports a group of pirates and scum.

"What a win, even Marine Fandot has sunk... I just can't bear to see how the navy is playing." Passerby Yi looked disdainful.

What kind of justice must prevail? It's extremely hypocritical. If the navy has the ability, just take care of the "noble" Tianlong people? That pig of Charles Luo Sheng is really disgusting...

Ren sat in a corner, eating noodles in silence, and listening to their voices with a sense of perspective, as a daily exercise.

At this time, someone else interrupted: "Why are the pirates so arrogant? The newspaper said that Fire Fist Ace was fatally injured and may be dead now. He saved people, saved people, and finally saved Lonely!"

This guy obviously supports the navy.

"The newspaper also said that Admiral Akainu is in critical condition and is being treated urgently. Maybe he is dead now... He trumpets victory every day. In a few days, the top navy officials will go to Akainu's grave to hold a banquet to celebrate the victory!"

An irritable old man slapped the table and yelled.

I just don't like the Navy.


The grumpy old man's words directly made the previous supporter of the Navy shut himself up.

"Stop fighting."

There are also centrists who do not support either side and sneer, "There is no winner in this war!"

"That's it, is it fun to fight over who wins every day? How about letting Akainu and Fire Fist Ace reunite in the underworld and let them fight again?"

"Pfft hahahaha... What kind of hellish joke is this? I'm laughing so hard."

Navy supporters: "..."

Pirate supporters: "..."

The speeches of the neutralists, or those who supported the lose-lose view, silenced the supporters of the navy and pirates.

The fact is that there are many supporters of these three arguments.

Even if there are more people supporting the Navy's victory, they cannot suppress the other two voices.

From this we can see why the Warring States Marshal, Wulaoxing and CP0 must kill "Fire Fist" Ace before they give up.

Assuming that "War Victory" is a person, then Whitebeard Death and Fire Fist Ace Death are his legs.

If you walk on one leg, will others believe that you (the Navy) can stand firm?

This is the dilemma that the Navy is facing right now. Akainu's defeat means that the "war victory" man has had his arm chopped off again, making matters worse.

There are several remedies.

The first was to behead Whitebeard in public to scare the pirates, but unfortunately it failed because of the interference of Red Hair and Ren.

The second is that "Fire Fist" Ace can be found and killed within a week or two, or if he dies, the news of his death will be announced immediately after confirming the authenticity of the news.

Otherwise, if the dispute lasts for a long time, the historical event of the Dingding War will no longer be concluded.

You don't need to think about it to know that at this time, the CP department and the Navy's intelligence department were frantically searching for the whereabouts of Fire Fist Ace.

Ren En listened to the diners in the noodle shop scolding Fang Qiu and pointing out Jiang Shan. After finishing two bowls of beef noodles in silence, he paid and left.

When he reached the street, he pulled his hood tighter again, covering half of his face.

"Pirates are all scum and rubbish. They all deserve to die. Admiral Akainu should be more ruthless and use volcanic bombs to burn all those pirates to ashes!"

"Haha, it's a pity that he couldn't do it, but the devil didn't disappoint us and beat Malinfando to a pulp!"

"The most powerful man in the world, the Fourth Emperor Whitebeard was shot to death by White Dragon!"

"Hmph, the World Government's highest combat power is even more ridiculous. General Akainu was beaten by Demon King Ren and almost died on the spot!"

"Shit Yonko, they are all rubbish."

"You're just a general, you're just picking your feet!"

"Zhenzhen Fruit, the strongest superhuman type is just bragging, and you won't be crushed by the power of the storm of the daughter of God in a fight."

"I suspect that you want to blackmail the bloodthirsty swordsman. He also uses shock waves."

"The shock wave is nothing special! I don't even want the shock wave fruit if you give it to me."

"Haha, here comes another brainless god... Then why is the general Akainu kneeling down? Dogs won't even eat rockberry berries!"


On both sides of the street, the sounds of people quarreling clearly reached Ren's ears.

He, an otaku who once worked as a keyboard warrior, would twitch his face when hearing the retarded remarks made by some melon-eating people.

Zhenzhen Fruit, I don’t even want it if you give it to me.

Dogs won’t eat rockberry berries.

How dare you brag? Ren would be jealous if he saw these two Devil Fruits.

But when it comes to pointing out the country and promoting words, the mouths of passers-by A, B, C and D, who are thousands of households in the past, are just two rotten watermelons.

After listening for a while, Ren took the trouble and couldn't help restraining his emotions.

There was nothing he could do, he couldn't stand listening any more. The people's comments were getting more and more outrageous. The White Dragon had already killed the Four Emperors in an instant, and the Demon King had defeated the three admirals of the Navy with one hand.

Of course, there are also demon kings whose shock waves can only scratch the daughter of God.

Or, the daughter of God is strong on the outside but strong on the inside, and is not worthy of holding the shoes of the King of Demons.

It's all noise and mental pollution.

Shrews scolding the streets, online confrontations, and forum debates are nothing more than that.

The truth, the facts, are not important at all, and this is not what the melon-eaters care about.

This is a carnival, a feast. These days, people always have endless topics to talk about. Just grab a newspaper and you can find someone who is willing to discuss and argue with you.

From the end of the war on top to the publication of the newspaper, this phenomenon has lasted for nearly three days.

In a world where the entertainment industry is relatively scarce, or in a world where print media is still the mainstay, the residual heat of this major event may last for another two or three months.

After all, if there are no mobile phones, no TVs, no computers, what else can people do if they don't argue with their neighbors about this in their free time?

Walking in the middle of the street, even if he restrained his emotions, Ren could still hear all kinds of weird remarks and shake his head slightly.

They are so energetic, these people.

Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead.

Immediately afterwards, the passers-by stopped talking, spread out to both sides of the street skillfully and quickly, and then knelt down together.

The whole street became silent because the Celestial Dragons were coming.

Charuliya Palace, Holy Roswader, and the mentally retarded six-year-old Charles Rose, the three Celestial Dragons were riding or leading strong slaves, followed by a bunch of guards and bodyguards, swaggering through the city.

In the middle of the street, only Ren was still standing and continued to move forward, which was very conspicuous.

"you this……!"

Saint Roswader was about to open his mouth to scold him, but suddenly he swallowed back the word "untouchable" as if something was stuck in his throat.

Opposite him, Ren took off his hood, his black hair dancing, revealing his angular white face, with a look of indifference in his blue eyes.

He said coldly: "Good dog, stay out of the way. Get out."


Saint Roswader's face instantly turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He jumped off the slave's back, without saying a word, grabbed Shalulia Palace, who was also shaking with fear, and ran towards the back.

As for Charles Luo Sheng, there is no need for him to take care of it at all.

As soon as he saw the other person's face, the mentally retarded six-year-old's face was covered in cold sweat, his lips were trembling, and his whole body was trembling.

He immediately abandoned the slave, held his head in his hands... hugged the ridiculous bubble hood, and ran back.

He ran very fast, as if he was running for his life... No, he was running for his life.

Nearby, the Celestial Dragon guards were stunned for a moment. After they came to their senses, they followed their master and retreated without saying a word.

Only the bodyguard wearing sunglasses and suits said with a trembling voice:

"...Sir...please spare my life..."

His forehead was dripping with cold sweat. While begging for mercy, he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket. With trembling arms and fingers, he untied the collars of the slaves and released them.

Then, before Ren could speak, he rolled and crawled away.

In less than a minute, the three world nobles, the self-proclaimed noble Celestial Dragons and their henchmen all ran away cleanly.

Only the confused and shocked slaves and people were left in place.

No one exclaimed, no one spoke, the scene remained silent and deathly silent.

Ren didn't say anything. He raised his hand and pulled up his hood, covering half of his face. He stepped lightly with his feet and disappeared in a few flashes.

It's just so cruel.

Just curse and go away, Tianlong people don't even dare to say harsh words.

The sensational title of Demon King comes from the Draco group and the Five Old Stars.

Originally, the admiral was the strength of the Celestial Dragons.

However, the general has been defeated... This makes them feel very insecure when facing the devil.

Although he is usually arrogant and domineering, he is frightened and uneasy when he meets Ren.

Renn awakened their fear of the D clan and reminded them of the terrifying lunatic (Rocks D. Gibek) who dared to attack the Valley of the Gods and plunder the Draconians decades ago.

Coupled with the picture of "The Devil Comes", his image in the hearts of many Tianlong people has been demonized.

Just like Rocks, his image, in the eyes of many people, is like a devil with waving hair, and has been demonized.

Even though he had not looted or killed any Celestial Dragons, Ren now enjoyed the same treatment as Rocks, because in terms of force, he was even stronger.

After discovering that he had left, people on both sides of the road stood up in surprise.

"There are rumors that that person is still staying in the Chambord Islands, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"No, and he is from here. It wouldn't be strange to appear here at any time."

"We just met, so let's not talk about that person. I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

A fat aunt said in an old-fashioned way, "We have watched Mr. and Mrs. Francis' children grow up. Have you ever seen him bully anyone? Unless it is those scum, such as gangsters, pirates, human traffickers, loan sharks, and the world's richest people."


When she mentioned the Tianlong people, the husband of the fat aunt beside her hurriedly covered her mouth.

They are just ordinary people, not demon kings. They can scare the hell out of the Celestial Dragons just standing there. It would be better if they don't say a few words.


Area 13, Aunt Xia’s rip-off bar.


Ren came to the door of the bar on the hillside, which still had a "Closed" sign, and knocked on the door. After a while, Ma Ge opened the door, let him in, and immediately closed it again.

In the bar, in addition to Phoenix Marco, Foil Bista, Pluto Rayleigh, Red Hair and Ben Beckman, the four of them were sitting around a sofa at a long table.

The last person standing behind the counter was Xia Qi, the charming female bar owner.

"Hey, rare guest, the devil king is here to make the shop shine."

Xia Qi put down the newspaper titled "The Defeat of the Highest Combat Power, the Darkest Day in Naval History!" and joked with a smile.

"The five old guys in power in Marie Joan are just trying to please others. Besides, this title is no more bluffing than Hades."

Ren rolled his eyes and said angrily.

King of Demons, who are you trying to bluff?

"King of Hades" Rayleigh, "King of Demons" Ren, and Sauron who will become "King of Hell" in the future, are all related to the underworld, death and the devil.

Coincidentally, the three of them seemed to be strong swordsmen.

Ren was not polite, opened the refrigerator, took out a stack of fried beans and a few bottles of red wine, and found a seat to sit down.

"Don't say that. This picture of yours is much more domineering than our old master Leili..."

Xia Qi pointed at the newspaper and said with a smile, "Brother, I have become the notorious King of Demons. Do you have any comments?"

"The picture is too ugly, I'm too lazy to talk about it."

Ren stuffed beans into his mouth with a look of disgust on his face.

What a shabby picture, it made him look like a ghost or a ghost, but it still became popular. It was the most quoted picture in newspapers, which made him a little unhappy.

Xia Qi: "..."

Well, one ugly thing ruins everything.

This picture is indeed so demonized that it is difficult not to make people wonder whether it was intentional.

Rayleigh took a sip of beer: "Haha, don't say that, maybe you really scared the Five Old Stars... They came from the era of Rocks."

"Hmph, I didn't entertain them with torture." Ren snorted.


Rocks was crazy and went too far back then, and did not give face to the Draco and the government at all. Even the Valley of the Gods, the home base of the Draco at that time, was destroyed.

Now, Ren has made another move to destroy Malinfando and defeat the general. Tianlong, who has repeatedly offended, has an arrogant attitude and shows hostility. It is no wonder that they have transferred the remaining fear to him.

To a certain extent, he took the blame for Rocks.

Ren chatted with a few people for a while, then thought of business, turned his eyes to the red-haired and Ben Beckman, and said:

"We have something private to discuss, could you two step aside for a moment?"

For the next thing, it would be better to exclude the red-haired pirates.

This chapter has been completed!
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