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Chapter 97

Using a three-dimensional maneuvering device to fly down from the big tree, Ren asked: "Are there any taller buildings here?"

A veteran of the Survey Corps, Videk said: "The abandoned Urtgar Castle is about less than two kilometers away from here, and the castle can overlook this area."

"Just go there!" Renn decided immediately. A giant appeared in this area and he needed to observe the situation.

"But, we were walking too fast, and we seemed to be separated from the main force."

"It doesn't matter, it will be dawn soon. I have very good eyesight. I will explore the way ahead. You can follow me." Ren waved his hand. He was sure of something. The situation might not be that bad. He came all the way to search for most of the night. He only found that

Killed a lone giant.

"All right."

No one objected. Renn's strength was still very reliable. The most important thing was that he didn't see many giants. A group of 13 of them rushed to Utgar City, but the area was surrounded by woods and it was still dark.

It is also impossible to gallop on horseback.

The situation at the castle was very bad and could no longer be supported. Rina and Heininger were killed by boulders that suddenly flew over, and the situation took a turn for the worse!

To make matters worse, more than 30 giants appeared, and Nanaba and Gruga had already run out of gas.

Gruga, who was hit by a stone on the head, could not drink the last sip of wine, and Nanaba lost his gas and was caught by the giant.


She let out a scream when she was caught by several giants. Before she died, she recalled her strict father, shed tears, and whispered softly: "Dad, goodbye, I will never be angry with you again."

No one heard her last words.


Christa witnessed the sacrifice of her squad leader, grabbed a stone and threw it at the giant under the castle. Nanaba always took good care of her, but the battlefield was like this, and life and death came too quickly.

Ymir held her hand, thought of his life, and took a deep breath: "Hrista, calm down, I may die today, there are some things I must say to you..."

"Hey, it seems we don't have to die, someone is coming!" Connie said excitedly.

The morning light is faint, and the sky is already turning white. Dawn is approaching, and the night gradually fades to black.


A figure rushed towards the castle like a sharp arrow, its green cloak flying up.


The sword flashed, and the giant who had just turned his head when he heard the movement trembled, and blood splattered on the back of his neck!

He fell to the ground with a thud, and a large amount of dust filled the air.

Several giants noticed Ren running towards him and turned to attack him.

The expression under the black hair was very cold. He arrived late. He could already see Christaconi and the others on the castle. He seemed to have heard a faint scream just now. It was a bit familiar. No surprise, it was from Mikban.



A "ring blade" swept across and completely cut off the hand bowl of a 10-meter giant who was trying to reach out to grab him!


Ren passed over the side of the giant's face, and the blade scratched the right side of the giant's neck, bringing up a stream of blood.


With a flash of blood, the 10-meter-level giant's head fell to the ground, and its body fell to the ground helplessly.


Flexibly manipulating the three-dimensional maneuvering device, Ren was like a flying swallow in the air. He held two swords in his backhand and flew past the necks of the two giants in an arc!


Most of the two giants' necks were cut off, they fell to the ground and started to steam.

"Ren, is that you? Don't be impulsive, there are more than 30 giants here." Christa shouted at him.

There was no reply. Ren was about two hundred meters away from the main part of the castle. He was unstoppable along the way and cut his way through a group of giants!

When he arrived at the foot of the castle, 15 giants had fallen behind him. Most of them were about 10 meters tall. 8 of them had their heads on the ground, and the remaining 7 were not much better, with only a small part of their necks.

The head is still attached.

Members of the two combat squads followed closely behind, and 12 people were dealing with the remaining giants.

In the second wave of more than 30 giants, Nanaba and Gruga killed a few more before they died, leaving only 32 giants.

Seeing the steaming giants falling all the way, and half of their heads falling to the ground, Connie took a breath of air. Today, Ren's ferocious and powerful performance was an eye-opener for him.

Reiner and Berthold also felt a little shocked and frightened. Just now, Renne rushed all the way, killing half of the giants like chopping melons and vegetables. There was no giant that could stop him.

Seeing Ren who was splattered with blood and whose blood-stained clothes were steaming, Ymir's eyelids twitched, and Christa exclaimed: "Be careful, there are three giants coming."


The two worn blades were thrown on the ground. Ren replaced the two blades and stared at Nanaba's broken body expressionlessly. If she had come a few minutes earlier, she would not have died. Unfortunately, there are no ifs on the battlefield!

Seeing three giants under 5 meters approaching him, Ren's eyes were cold, and the sacred fighting energy was running wildly, pouring into the double swords, and the super-hard steel swords trembled slightly.

He was very angry. This cruel world didn't give anyone a chance to breathe. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he always watched his comrades sacrifice and was helpless!


The soles of his feet stepped heavily on the soil, and Ren jumped up, and the blade slashed across the neck of a four-meter giant.

Blood spurted out from the giant's headless neck without stopping. Renn rushed towards the other giant, which was nearly 5 meters tall.

While running, he jumped up, his green cloak flying, and kicked the giant in the belly.


The giant flipped backwards and rolled twice on the ground. He supported his body with his arms and tried to get up.


The blade cut across the back of the neck, bringing out a bunch of blood. Renn walked over and killed the giant.


A three-meter giant ran out from behind the tower and rushed towards Ren.


The steel knife trembled slightly, and Renn slashed the giant's chest with a sharp knife. Like cutting tofu, the giant's upper and lower bodies were separated!


Ren held the blood-stained blade. The 3-meter-level giant rolled on the ground. His upper body lay on the ground. Steam was coming from the wound while it was being repaired. He instinctively prepared to get up with his hands.


Ren walked over and stepped on the back of its neck. The giant fell to the ground again with a pop, and invisible fighting spirit clung to the shoes on his feet.


Blood spattered, and Ren stepped into the giant's back neck like an iron stake. The blood stained the corners of his trousers. The 3-meter giant's body shook and lay on the ground steaming.


Connie on the castle swallowed his saliva when he saw this: "We haven't seen him for a few days, and he seems to be more and more like a monster. He actually trampled the giant to death with his feet."

Reiner's eyelids twitched. He felt more and more that Ren was not a normal human being. Berthold thought he was too dangerous and was more careful.

Christa covered her mouth, but there was no fear on her face. Ymir touched her shoulder with his hand, and her heart was not at peace. She was planning to fight for her life.

Not having time to say hello to everyone, Renn went back and killed the remaining dozen giants with 12 veterans of the Survey Corps.

In the time of a cup of tea, the 32 giants here were cleaned up, no one died, one was seriously injured, and three were slightly injured.

Lane killed 20 heads by himself, 11 of which fell to the ground.

There were clouds of steam rising from the ground, and he ordered everyone to stay alert. Renn walked into the castle, preparing to meet the new recruits.

A female investigator was doing a simple bandage for a companion who had injured his leg.

"Feili, do you know? Many people and members of the Gendarmerie in Stehes District witnessed Ren cutting off the giantess's head.

Many people in the market now call him the 'Beheader', which is as famous as the 'Throat-Slitter' in the urban legend many years ago." The investigator whose leg was seriously injured was very optimistic and said with a smile.

Feili, who was bandaging him, subconsciously glanced at the headless giant corpses: "Sure enough, there is no wrong nickname. He has conquered more than 50 giants independently, and now no one will say that he is junior.

But, Videk, this seems to be more of a bad reputation than a good reputation."

Videk chuckled: "Indeed, even though we successfully captured the female giant, the citizens are very dissatisfied with our conduct of operations in the city, and our reputation has deteriorated a lot recently."

Feili shook her head and said casually: "I'm used to it. Whenever we were popular, it was a little better some time ago. Most of the time we heard cynicism.

People are very realistic, haven’t we been scolded since the last investigation outside the wall failed?”

"You are right, but I feel that something is wrong this time. There has been more negative news about us recently, and it seems that someone is adding fuel to the fire." Videk pondered for a while and frowned.

Her expression changed slightly. Feili tied the bandage for Videk and gently stroked Liu Hai: "Have you told the captain about this?"

Licking his dry lips, Videk looked a little confused: "I told you, the regimental leader said don't pay attention to it, he knew it well. To be honest, I have been seeing some people suspected of being members of the Military Police recently."

"The Gendarmerie has been very active recently?" Feili pondered, the situation was a bit unusual.

To be precise, the Central Gendarmerie was somewhat active, and the appearance of the female giant in the mainland further stimulated a certain loving father and certain nobles.

A leaf tells the story of autumn, and green leaves begin at the end of the day. Some things are foreshadowed now.

This chapter has been completed!
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