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Chapter 139: New ship, leaving Dressrosa

Five minutes later, Lane threw Stussy out of the secret room like trash.

The girl was lying on the ground, rolling her eyes, foaming at the mouth, her limbs were still twitching, her face was smiling and crying, looking like she had been spoiled.

When everyone saw this, they all took a breath. If it weren't for the fact that Stussy's clothes were completely intact, they would have thought that she had been attacked by Ren, seven in and seven out.

Or maybe there is actually more than one man in the secret room, and there are dozens of muscular men lurking in the secret room, taking turns to violently abuse her...

"Okay, next one."

Lane appeared wearing a mask and a doctor's white coat.

Ignoring everyone's strange and surprised looks, he grabbed the cp0 member Lone Wolf by his collar and dragged him into the secret room.

He is very busy. After finishing this "craniotomy", he still has to do research on devil fruits.

Seeing the captain dragging a man into the secret room, Wen Xi suddenly tightened his anus and said hurriedly:

"Boss, you can't do it, the lone wolf is a man!"

After saying that, he pointed at a few charming female killers next to him, meaning that he could just let the boss fuck them.

No matter how hungry he is, he can't attack a man. He can't watch the boss go down the road of no return...

Renn: "..."

(?□-□), you little clever guy, you are the only one who knows a lot.

His head was covered with black lines. He looked at Wen Xi coldly and hooked him: "Come here."

Wen Xi smiled coquettishly: "Ahem, boss, just kidding."

Ren's face was expressionless: "Come here, don't worry, I promise I won't beat you to death."

Wen Xi: "..."

When the boss said this, he didn't even dare to go there.

"You are the only one who plays more!"

When he didn't come over, Ren walked over, raised his hand and knocked Wen Xi's elm head hard several times, knocking out several big bumps.

Wen Xi immediately covered his head and stood aside with an aggrieved look.


Later, Renn carried Lone Wolf into the secret room and closed the door with his hand.

He was not so polite to men, and directly tied up the lone wolf, fixed it, and carved several runes on his forehead that had the effect of communication and transmission.

This kind of rune was originally used by Ren's woman, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, to teach her disciples. It is similar to a kind of "psychic transmission".

In this way, the master can directly transfer knowledge and skills that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words to his disciples.

This is why the Queen of Shadow Kingdom can be called the "hero mentor" in Celtic mythology.

But after being transformed by Ren, he became a "bridge". With his powerful mental power and thoughts, he used this bridge to invade other people's minds and conduct "soul searches".

This is a forced invasion, and the method is very rough. The target of the invasion will be very painful. It is like performing a craniotomy without anesthesia and stirring the brain with a stick...

In the room, Ren's eyes flashed with blue light. Using runes as a medium, his thoughts turned into swords and inserted into the lone wolf's mind!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Opposite him, the body of the lone wolf, which was firmly fixed on a steel frame, began to twitch crazily, his facial features gradually distorted due to pain, and he let out shrill wails.

The intrusion of thoughts will not harm the body, but the mental torture will not be inferior to Lingchi torture.

Even outside the secret room, everyone could hear the lone wolf's screams, so high and shrill that they almost didn't sound like human voices.

They couldn't imagine what the people inside had suffered to be in such pain.

Wen Xi shivered. At this moment, he believed that the boss's sexual orientation was normal. If he just had his anus exploded, he would not be able to make such an inhuman scream...

"Is the lone wolf being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts? It's like killing a pig..." Kaku complained in a low voice.

Everyone: "..."

No, it sounds scary.

Especially the killers, all of them looked pale and did not dare to look directly into the secret room, as if there were devils living in it.

Three minutes later, Master Lane, wearing a white coat, opened the door and walked out, leaving the lone wolf, who was foaming at the mouth and unconscious like a dead dog, on the floor.

"The operation...cough, the torture was successful, next one."

Killers: "..."


Suddenly, they felt like a group of guinea pigs in a laboratory.

Yes, it is indeed an experiment. This method of "soul searching" has never been used by Renn before. This is the first time he has tried it.

The probability of death is low, but if not done well, it may be accompanied by mental and memory disorders, and the risk of becoming mentally retarded or in a vegetative state.






Then, the experiment was repeated and controlled, and a group of killers were used as guinea pigs.

The continuous wailing and screaming were too frightening. In the end, Nana, Barrett, Wen Xi and others all felt a sense of discomfort, and they all said goodbye, not to disturb the captain's "elegance".

Ren never tired of it. After searching the souls of five people, he finally caught some tips. After improving the method, he could reduce the pain of craniotomy by about 10%...

Killers:?(;′Д`?), please be a human being.

To Wren's regret, the experiment was terminated halfway through.

It's not that he didn't want to continue, but that the remaining half of the killers chose to confess and be lenient. They confessed everything without torture.

The killers all answered every question and rushed to answer it.

Seeing this phenomenon, the female secretary Khalifa called it an expert.

At four o'clock in the morning, before dawn, the torture work was all over.

More than an hour later.

As the morning dawned, the sky turned white, workers loading and unloading goods began to work, and the Dressrosa dock area slowly became busy.

Later, Bello Betty, commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, mingled with the mixed crowd in the dock area and quietly came to the Lion.

On the second floor of the cabin, inside the library.

Ren sat at the table and handed her a large pile of information that had been sorted out.

Bello Betty first winked at him, then flipped through the intelligence materials disclosed by several killers, and found that the content was very detailed, so detailed that some people even told the truth about the color of their underwear...


Incredibly, she was prepared that the Lionheart Pirates would not be able to pry open the mouths of the killers, so she used this as an excuse to beat the snake with a stick and take the opportunity to bring all these prisoners over.

Betty looked surprised and asked: "Ren, how did you do this?"

She brought several professional interrogation craftsmen, and the result...

"It does not matter."

Renn did not talk about the interrogation, but said, "The important thing is that you must act quickly. Although you have tried your best to block the news, the movement of the Holy Inquisition is too great... Before the enemy can move their base and personnel, they must be strangled."

"No problem, I will fax these information using the phone machine soon. Long has already summoned several military commanders and cadres in advance. With this, we can start immediately."

Betty said a little excitedly.

If this wave of sweeps continues, the power of CP organizations in the new world will be hit harder than ever before, and they will not be able to recover for several years to come.

"That's good. If you don't hide the loot, Kaku and Gabra, as our supervisors, will act with you and participate in the financial review."

Ren slapped the table, and outside the door, the werewolf Gabra and the ox-niu fruit giraffe form user Kaku came in.

Betty rolled her eyes when she saw this, and leaned on the table. Because she was not wearing underwear, her plump peaks were leaking out, and she said in a slightly resentful tone:

"Brother, can't you trust me? Our revolutionary army has always been honest. How can we hide the trophies secretly?"

"Haha, is that right? If you really want to be honest, you should have fulfilled your promise last night and lie down on my bed and let me sleep."


"So, this is necessary supervision. Please understand that the Lion Heart Pirates will not take more, but the half that belongs to us cannot be less."

"Well, he is really a carefree, stingy and stingy man."

"That's better than a woman who pretends to be bold, likes to take advantage of others, and is petty."


Bello Betty was speechless and gave him a hard look.

This young, bloodthirsty swordsman was completely different from what she had imagined before coming here.

In his eyes, freedom and dreams are bullshit, far inferior to real money and silver. He has the habit of greedy and lustful men, but he is very cautious in his actions. He is also stingy and will not let her take advantage of almost anything...

The next step is to select the prisoners.

According to the previous agreement, the Revolutionary Army can take away several CP0 members from the Lionheart Pirates.

As Lane said, Betty may seem bold, but she is a shrewd and capable woman. She quickly chose the Queen of Happy Street and the Lone Wolf.

"These two, I'll leave the other four CP0s to you. The Revolutionary Army asked the Lionheart Pirates to take double the number of prisoners. Isn't that loyal?"

"Haha, I think you are thinking about shit."

Betty: "..."

( ̄? ̄;), well, it’s not realistic to take away the two most valuable sheep at once.

"Then this woman + any cp0. This woman is so beautiful that she looks like a vase at first glance. She is useless... I will leave you with the more valuable middle-aged man."

Bello Betty ignored the Queen of Happy Street's eyes that wanted to devour others, and while belittling her, she boasted about being a lone wolf.

"Sorry, I just like beautiful vases, they are pleasing to the eye."

"Don't be like this, Renn. Young people must have ambitions and not be obsessed with beauty all the time. Otherwise, you will go astray. This vixen sister will take her away for you."

"No, I will keep her, train her, and let her wash her hands in the future." Ren said confidently.

Betty: "..."

Stussy: “…”

Thinking of the tragic fate that she would end up being reduced to a toy on the bed, the female killer almost fainted as her vision went dark.

In this way, Ren and Betty argued for a while, and even though she talked a lot, she still failed to win the Queen of Happy Street.

Stussy's value is too great and cannot be compared to that of a lone wolf.

The emperors of the porn industry are not just rich.

Men cannot live without women, especially pirates, gangsters and criminals. Prostitutes, red light districts... are very easy places and ways to obtain all kinds of intelligence and information.

Renn has no intention of getting involved in the three promising industries of pornography, gambling, and drugs.

However, Stussy's value is still great. As one of the emperors of the underground world, she knows too many secrets, has extensive contacts, and controls a relatively complete intelligence network.

Even if she loses these in the future, her rich experience and ability will still be there.

Apart from anything else, Stussy, as a veteran CP0, has a good fighting ability. She can hold on for a few times against the dark sword Haoyu Shiru. It is more than enough for her to train the original CP9 members such as Lucci and Kalifa.


Unlike Lone Wolf, who was instantly killed by the Dark Swordsman in a single encounter, although there was a reason why he was restrained by the Dark Fruit...

"Think about it again. At worst, no one else will, and the revolutionary army will want her."


No matter what, Renn will not give up talents like the Queen of Happy Street.

To put it bluntly, no matter how bad Stussy is, she can still act as a female secretary and rbq. Can a lone wolf do it?

In the end, Bello Betty, who had no choice but to look at the Queen of Happy Street with regret and salivation, took the Lone Wolf and another CP0, and left accompanied by Kaku and Gabra.

"I'm leaving. The revolutionary army will take action soon... If you need anything, you can use the phone bug to contact me."

"Well, remember to send the first sum of money quickly. The development of the Lionheart Pirates needs Bailey."

"Haha, I got it."

Bello Betty is gone.

After she got off the Lion, without any delay, she took the prisoners and two of Lane's crew members and boarded a small cruise ship secretly controlled by the revolutionary army.

As soon as the sky dawned and the morning light first appeared, the cruise ship sailed away from Dressrosa and disappeared into the distant sea.

Not surprisingly, in the next few days, the forces controlled by the CP organization located in the New World region will face a nightmare.

After another half an hour, the Don Quixote family vacated a medium-sized replica warship equipped with many cannons and steel plate armor, which was full of firepower, and gave it to the Lionheart Pirates for free.

Tianyaksha himself came to the dock area to bid farewell to his "friend" swordsman Ren.

The scene was very lively, very loving, and deeply touching.

Brother Ming's face was filled with a warm and cheerful smile the whole time, asking for help, shells, medicine, fruits... If there was any supplies missing on the allies' ship, he immediately sent someone to deliver them without saying a word, and sincerely wished the Lion Heart Pirates a safe journey.

, be crowned emperor as soon as possible.

Facing a group of friendly troops who were so generous and helpful, Wen Xi burst into tears and was deeply moved.

He grabbed the hand of Diamanti, who had brought boxes of guns and ammunition, and choked out:

"Friends and brothers, thank you for your support. The Kingdom of Dressrosa is a beautiful place with simple folk customs and warm and hospitable people...

Don’t worry, the current separation is only temporary, this is our second hometown, and we will definitely come back to visit often in the future.”

Diamanti: "..."

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ, ah, there are such shameless people in the world.

Brother Ming: "..."

Roll quickly, (?ε(#((o==(▔ Pan▔╬)?

Don't come back. It's best not to come back in this life. This is forever. He never wants to see the ugly faces of these people again...

Thinking that it would be difficult to see the generous Tianyaksha in the future, Ren was also a little reluctant to give up.

He stepped forward, held his good brother's hand, and shook it a few times:

"Joker, I have made a promise to be your friend. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, he will tell me my name."

Brother Ming: "..."


He didn't say anything because he was so moved that he was speechless and choked with emotion.

In the future, the four emperors said that they would protect the Shichibukai, and the five old stars wanted to beat them after hearing this...

After a touching farewell blessing, the Lionheart Pirates left.

The two ships, one behind the other, rode the wind and waves, leaving the port of Dressrosa and heading towards the vast blue sea in the distance.

Brother Ming stood in the dock area, looking at the pirate ship that gradually turned into two small black spots on the surface in the distance, and exhaled a heavy breath.

I was finally gone, feeling relieved and overjoyed...cough.

However, he still couldn't be too happy.

"Once you go and come back... you are the Four Emperors."


The sea is endless as far as the eye can see, and there are more than 300 people on board the replica warship.

Out of curiosity about this new ship, most of the cadres including Nana, Barrett, and Kalifa were on the ship for sightseeing.

It has strong firepower, fast speed, and a solid hull... It is expensive to build, and almost all the facilities are brand new. It is said that it is a new car prepared by Tenyasha for himself, and it was given to the Lionheart Pirates after only a few uses.

Everyone is very satisfied with the ship.

"It's great. Objectively speaking, it's much better than the Lion." Wen Xi told the truth.

"It's too scumbag to like the new and hate the old. The Lion is so pitiful and unkind to others."

"That's right, I still like our original ship, it has more feel."

"Stop arguing, I just have time. Officers, why don't you give this ship a name." A sailor suggested.

There is no doubt that this sparked the interest of almost everyone.

Nana crossed her arms and said with a bright smile: "How about the Fire Dragon?"

"This is not always good, it just looks too much like your personal car."

"That's right, we should have a more symbolic nickname."

No doubt, although Nana was a little unhappy, the Fire Dragon was passed.

Wen Xi patted his chest and said, "There is a male and there is a female, so why not call her the lioness?"

Everyone: "..."

(¬_¬;), you can pull it down.

"It's inappropriate. Forced matching is not advisable. What's there to hear about the Lioness?"

"That's it, have you asked the Lion for its opinion? Change it."

As expected, Wen Xi's proposal was ruthlessly rejected by everyone.

Barrett touched his chin and said: "The Brave One."

“Too ordinary.”

"so so."

Another suggestion was shot.

Even Yu Zhiliu came to join in the fun and said calmly: "The Sword Hao."

Everyone: "..."

This one is more general.

"Stop arguing and decide quickly."

Female secretary Kalifa adjusted her glasses and reminded her expressionlessly, "The boss just told me that if there is no result after one day, I will call him Lion No. 2."

Nana: "..."

Wen Xi: "..."

Yu Zhiliu: "..."

Barrett: "..."

Everyone on the whole boat was silent.

Sure enough, there is no worst, only worse. A name like Lion 2 that has reached a new level of badness is rejected by everyone.

Subsequently, a more intense dispute broke out. In order to quickly decide on the name of the new ship, the crew quarreled fiercely.

Second floor, quiet room.

On the bamboo mat, Ren was sitting cross-legged. There was an orange placed on the small bench in front of him. The surface of the orange peel was covered with "Arabic-like" spiral patterns.

This is the superhuman-type Shock Fruit after transfer and regeneration.

The blue of his eyes faded and became silver. The "Eye of Deception" stared at this orange. In the extraordinary vision that broke the boundaries, he could see countless complicated colored lines, intertwined and mixed together.

The matter, energy, rules... everything is transformed into analyzable concepts.

The door was closed and the room was very quiet. Renn stared at the "Shocking Fruit" with all his concentration and slowly stretched out his right hand.

The projection (creation) ability is activated.

"Structure of matter, energy attributes, principles of action...interpretation, reproduction, projection..."

He muttered softly, and brilliant colored light suddenly appeared in his empty palm. These colored light spots were arranged and combined to form lines, gradually outlining an orange-shaped outline, contrasting with the shaking fruit beside him.

However, just looking at the structure of the replica, it is only about one-tenth of the original.

This chapter has been completed!
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