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Chapter 140: The collapse of adults is in an instant

The whole world is an enemy and her life hangs by a thread. This is the current situation of the Queen of Happy Street.

In Wen Xi's words, unless she has the status of a great emperor and can suppress all enemies in the world, she can only survive by licking the captain to make him feel comfortable.

If the above two conditions are not met, it is better to commit suicide by wiping your neck as early as possible, at least you can leave a whole body.

Stussy is a smart woman, she chose to put down her arrogance and work as a slave to please Mr. Lei.

She didn't want to be so humble, but after being expelled from CP0, she lost everything she relied on in the past.

She is no longer a civil servant under the World Government, but a wanted criminal with a bounty of 800 million beli. She has also lost her identity as the "Queen of Happy Street". She has been reduced from a man of the hour to a street rat. In addition to joining the Lionheart Pirates,

She doesn't have any choice.

It's a pity that her attitude of being arrogant at first and respectful at the end is not flattering.

Nana looked disdainful, threw the sky-high price reward list issued by the underground world in Stussy's face, and sneered:

"A few days ago, didn't you insist that the CP agency would not abandon you as a veteran?

As a result, after discovering that you were of no use, they immediately cut off the relationship and placed all the blame on you for failing to assassinate Fire Fist Ace and suffering heavy losses in the new world.

The bounty of 800 million beli from the government, and the bounty of 1.2 billion beri from the underground world, haha, it adds up to 2 billion beri, almost twice as much as me. You are really valuable.

When I saw it, I couldn’t help but want to rip off your head and go to the underground world to collect the money.”


The reward note handed over was just a piece of paper, but Stussy still felt a burning pain on her face, and she was miserable.

The CP organization spent decades or hundreds of years to destroy the foundation it established in the New World and the power network it operated. The guilt of this matter is too heavy.

An important member with such seniority as her was abandoned by the CP0 captains and general managers. They asked her to take the blame as a scapegoat, to bear the wrath of big figures such as Wulaoxing and Cyborg Kong, so as to be safe.


However, she was unable to defend herself and was captured again, so she could only watch as she became a victim of the struggle.

Stussy was a little lost as she held two sky-high price bounty orders about herself.

But no one sympathized with her. Barrett looked at Stussy in a maid uniform, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, and said:

"We are about to arrive at Jarbarro Island. If you are dissatisfied with your humble status as a maid, you can get off the ship."


No, no, she is very satisfied, very satisfied with this identity.

The government is offering a reward for her, the navy wants to capture her, her former CP0 colleagues want to kill her, the other emperors of the underground world are trying to get rid of her, and the aunt of the four emperors is angry at her deception and wants to kill her...

The navy, the underground world, CP agencies, the four emperors... there are enemies all over the world, how could she dare to get off the ship.

Even if she has the strength of a naval admiral, she may not be able to escape from such a complicated and dangerous situation.

Feeling uneasy and frightened, Stussy immediately followed Ren's steps after lunch and followed him all the way to his bedroom.

"What are you doing?"

Ren was startled when he looked at the maid who had followed her and closed the door.

Stusy didn't reply, a seductive blush appeared on her pretty face. After taking a few deep breaths, she walked in front of him in a few steps, slowly knelt down, and the hem of her skirt slid to reveal a sexy long black stocking leg.

She stretched out her hands, grabbed the button on the waistband of his trousers, and licked her red lips with her little tongue, making them moister and more attractive.

Renn: (._.), what are you doing? What are you doing?

He is not an innocent boy.

In the bedroom, the maid kneels in front of the male master, unbuttons her belt, moistens her tongue and red lips... Next, of course, she has to show off her technical skills.

To be honest, although he has a girlfriend, he has only seen this scene in short action videos. Princess Kesha is thin-skinned and resists this kind of thing, while the Queen of Shadow Kingdom is reserved and unwilling to do this.

Both women are actually very arrogant and reserved, far from being well-trained, so Ren has not unlocked this knowledge yet.

Now that I look at it, there is some truth in the saying that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers... Ahem.

Maid Stussy's fingers were very nimble. After taking out the belt, she grabbed the waistband of the male master's pants and pulled it down, ready to take it off.

Ren's eyelids twitched, he grabbed her little hand and said seriously:

"Girl, you can't help it, I'm a serious person."

Stussy: “…”


Don't be ridiculous, she has not forgotten how he took advantage of her when he pretended to be Wen Xi.

You little hooligan, a pervert, why are you pretending to be an innocent boy here?

Stussy did not stop. She moved her legs a few times to kneel straight. She grabbed the male master's indescribable place with her two small hands. At the same time, her red lips were slightly opened, exposing the tip of her tongue.

Just lick, just lick, go to bed, just to survive, don't be shabby.

Ren was startled, quickly squeezed her hand, and said righteously:

"Girl, this can't work, I have a girlfriend."


Si Guoxi was a little surprised to hear that the bloodthirsty swordsman had an official girlfriend.

Not for her profession as a black pirate, almost none of the successful male pirates have a family, and none of them can be considered a good husband.

Roger knew that he was about to die, but he still went to get rich women's bellies. He didn't take care of them and was not responsible. Whitebeard had adopted a bunch of godsons, but he didn't have a wife to raise his own sons. Edward Weeble didn't know what was going on.

; Kaido's wife is missing, and his daughter is a filial daughter; Aunt's husband just throws it away after use, and her children are all tools; the red-haired butt is not clean; the dragon is also, and I still don't know who the hell Luffy is...

From the perspective of boyfriends and husbands, big pirates and criminals are almost all trash.

No one has a truly perfect family. It's either messing around or being irresponsible and "father is kind and son is filial".

If Weibull wasn't Whitebeard's son, then Lao Bai would be in the clear, but just like that, he had also been struck by the sword of filial piety...

Stussy didn't care about the fact that Renne had a girlfriend and said:

"It doesn't matter, Ren, I don't want you to be responsible. I just ask you not to drive me away."

What’s wrong with having a girlfriend?

She didn't even care if they were asked to come over and serve him with her.

She, the Queen of Happy Street, has seen this kind of thing a lot. Which big pirate doesn't have a few beautiful women around him?

Referring to the original Blackbeard, he became the four queens, hugging a bunch of beautiful girls on the left and right, singing and singing every night, and being as happy as a god.

A harem? A stud?

So what's the matter, the Sea Emperor is called in vain?

Tiqi is so ugly, but as long as he is the Yonko, there will be a bunch of beautiful women coming to him and recommending themselves as pillows without him opening his mouth.

Don't think that everyone is a straw hat kid and doesn't want to be lewd.

No matter how angry and scolded everyone is, the situation is the same in every world. It does not affect the billionaires who club young models every day, nor does it affect a certain young man who is more diligent in changing his internet celebrity girlfriend than changing his clothes.

"Forget it, I'm not used to it." Ren was a little moved, but still grabbed Stussy's hand to stop her from sacrificing herself.

"Why, do you think I'm dirty?"

The Queen of Happy Street smiled, her smile was like a flower, but crystal tears welled up in her eyes, "After all, in the eyes of many people, I am just a bitch, and it is normal for you to look down on me."

"No, absolutely not."

"Haha, that's what you mean, men are all so hypocritical."

Renn: "..."

"Beauty, I think you are not emotionally stable right now. The Queen of Happy Street should not be so rude and lose her sense of proportion."


Tears streaked down her cheeks. Stusy lowered her head and did not look at him. She smiled and said in a bitter voice, "You overestimate me. I have worked for the government for 50 years, and my life's hard work, hard work, honor and belief are all in it.

After losing all this, even I don’t know what I am.

Yesterday, I was so desperate that I wanted to commit suicide, but I failed because... I was very afraid of death."

Renn: "..."

This woman is a bit broken.

Don't blame her, as she said, after losing her CP0 status and becoming a criminal, everything she had in the past was over.

This kind of blow is like a police officer who reaches middle age and all his relatives, including parents and children, are dead, his family fortune is gone, he lives on the streets with no food to eat, he is wanted by the authorities, and is hunted down by the underworld with knives... Normal people would go crazy.

Ren felt a little ashamed when he thought about how badly he had tricked her.

He changed the subject and comforted:

"I thought a female killer like you, who is used to life and death and has experienced countless storms, would be more open-minded."


Stussy was startled, then shook her head, "I have experienced countless life and death tests, seen a lot of ugliness, and my hands are stained with blood. But because of this, I have become...even more afraid of death."

Renn: "..."

(?_?), wait a minute, did you remember the lines incorrectly? Aren’t you more bearish about life and death?

"Isn't it funny?"

Stussy's eyes were red and she laughed at herself, "If this happened to me a few decades ago, I would definitely wipe my neck and commit suicide, but now, I would rather kneel down and lick you than I would to survive."

This is what I realized when I committed suicide yesterday. The longer a person lives, the more he wants to continue living."

Renn: "..."

It made so much sense that he couldn't refute it. He immediately thought of the old bug he had crushed to death twice.

Many people have an online game mindset.

The more experience a character has, the more he upgrades to fight monsters, the better the equipment, and the stronger the combat effectiveness...

However, people not only grow, but also regress. The longer they live, the more they go back and become more wasteful and stubborn. This is normal.

The pinnacle of knowledge for many people in this life is their senior year of high school, and then they start to decline.

When I was a teenager, I watched a ghost movie. I was not afraid at all. The light of materialism shrouded me. As an adult, I watched a ghost movie. Damn, it was so scary. I didn’t dare to turn off the light when I went to bed at night... The longer a person lives, the more courageous he becomes.

The younger you are, the more cowardly you are.

This is the case with Stusi. After she lost her identity as CP0 and Queen of Happy Street, she was surprised to find that she was far from being as strong as she thought, and her courage was not even as good as when she first debuted...

She is confused, she is scared, and she is very insecure.

She desperately needed some support to keep herself from collapsing.


Therefore, Stussy did not give up. She knew that men are hypocritical and can be in heat 24 hours a day. They use their own thinking animals. When he refused to let her take off her pants, she pulled hard and tore her top to pieces.

Pieces of cloth fluttered, revealing her black lace underwear. The plump outline of her chest was very attractive. Her collarbone skin was as white as smooth and delicate as milk. Her golden hair fell down. She raised her head and smiled at him, licking her red lips with her tongue...

"Good master, do you like it?"


Ren swallowed and secretly cursed the little goblin, "What kind of welfare is this? If you have the ability, give it more..."

The next second, he took off his coat and covered her body, blocking the spring sunshine.

Stussy was startled, and Ren reached out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and cheeks. He looked directly into hers with his deep blue eyes, smiled slightly, and said:

"Okay, I understand what you mean. From now on, you can continue to be responsible for the intelligence aspect. Teach Lucci and Kalifa their six-style advanced skills, such as the flying finger gun, and train them to be in line with CP0 members.


Also, I won’t refuse to sleep with you. When I can swim across the sea, I will dare to ride on any woman."


Stussy's eyes lit up a little when she heard that she was asked to train new people.

It's good to be valuable, and it's good to be able to ask her to do things. It may be an occupational disease. As a killer, she is most afraid of losing her value.

She wrapped her coat tightly, buttoned it and stood up, touching his cheek with one hand and smiling contemptuously:

"I really can't tell that someone like you has some determination and grace."


Ren swatted her hand away unceremoniously and said with disdain:

"You look like a poor stray cat. I'm too lazy to ravage you. Go away. If you don't meet my requirements, strip naked and lie down on my bed."

"At your beck and call, my false master."

Stussy smiled brightly and had charming eyes. She raised her hand and blew him a flirtatious kiss, then opened the door and left.

After sending the maid away, Ren sat down, took a few deep breaths, and slowly calmed down the restless hormones in his body, his eyes became clear and cold.

He raised his hand to open the space door and took out the Superman-type Shock Fruit. His blue eyes faded and turned pure silver.

To be honest, he just wanted to have sex with Stussy and press her against the wall to have a good time.

He was a little surprised that he could restrain his desire.

The reason is probably that he has been very busy recently and has vented his excess energy. Turning on the "Eye of Destroying Delusion" for a long time consumes a lot of energy.

Don't think this reason is strange.

Men are like this. Whether they have strong concentration or not, sometimes what matters is not their personality and temperament, but their state, that is, their own and environmental factors.

If you have something to do, if you're busy, your mind won't be occupied, that's all.

If you don’t believe it, you could go to work on the floor tiles for a few days and be so exhausted that you would fall asleep and not even use your arm strength to meet the needs.

"The schedule is too full and I can't even do anything serious if I want to. It's too difficult for me..."

Ren held the Zhenzhen Fruit in his hand, thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

No wonder everyone says that behind every successful man there is a woman.

It makes so much sense. If there are just a few women, there will be no time to succeed!

Especially an outstanding young man like him who is young, wealthy, handsome, has good character, and is powerful is particularly easy to attract bees and butterflies, so you must protect yourself when you go out.

Princess Kesha, whose motives were impure and greedy for his body, and the Queen of Shadow Kingdom, who was even more shameless, always eating young grass... It was all their fault, which affected the speed at which he drew his sword.

The captain's retreat does not affect the sailing of the pirate ship.

Half a day later, at dusk, the Lion arrived at the quiet Jarbarro Island under the sunset. This was the edge of Whitebeard's territory, and further ahead was Lao Bai's original territory.

In addition, Barrett's ship, the "Catapult" filled with various weapons and equipment, was placed here.

The sky was filled with red clouds, and the cold sea water was lapping against the rocks. The navigator Wen Xi stood on the bow of the ship, looking at this small island with only one village, and shouted excitedly:

"Here we are, here is the beginning of our journey to the Four Emperors!"

This chapter has been completed!
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