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Chapter 149: Golden Emperor, murderous intent, fantasy beast card

Once upon a time, the Shichibukai under the King was so prosperous that it was even called the three major powers of the Grand Line along with the Yonko and the Navy Headquarters.

As for now, haha...

Member 1, Marshall D. "Blackbeard" Teach, was killed by the Demon King.

Member 2, "Seaman" Jinbei, was imprisoned for opposing the public execution of "Fire Fist" Ace, and later voluntarily quit the group during the Summit War.

Member 3, "Pirate Queen" Boya Hancock, was kicked out of the group chat by the government because she was too powerful and ambitious.

Member 4, "Tyrant" Bartholomew Bear, has lost his self-awareness after being transformed and has become a tool, and is automatically removed from the list.

Member 5, Moonlight Moria, was ordered to be eliminated by the government because he was too weak and his performance was too embarrassing. It was Brother Ming who did it. Although he was allowed to escape in the end, he has also been removed.

You know, the four heavenly kings can usually make up to five.

But under the king's Qibuhai, there are only 2 seedlings left.

"Eagle Eye" is still a lone ranger. If the Don Quixote family hadn't still had some influence, the Shichibukai system could be said to have existed in name only.

This so-called one of the three major forces of the Grand Line is in a very embarrassing situation after kicking out the most important empress.

On the main seat, the Warring States Marshal rubbed his eyebrows and thought about the Shichibukai. His face was a little uncertain and he said:

"After removing the Pirate Empress, there are only two members left in the Shichibukai. The government is urging us to fill up the quota as soon as possible. Do you have any suggestions or candidates?"

To be honest, he really hated the system of "The King's Shichibukai", especially after being stabbed in the back by the empress.

However, as the Five Old Stars said, they now urgently need to gather the Qibukai to balance the situation of violence at sea.

Akainu's mouth opened slightly, but he swallowed it without saying anything.

He originally wanted to suggest that since there were only two or three big cats and kittens left in His Majesty's Shichibukai, he might as well just abolish them without doing anything else.

However, the situation in the new world is too bad now.

The Lionheart Pirates and the Nine Snakes Pirates are rising, and the Revolutionary Army is taking the opportunity to cause chaos. There are also three sea emperors, Red Hair, Big Mom and Kaido. There are six evil forces intertwined with each other, which cannot be controlled by the navy at all.


To cope with or balance three of these forces at the same time is the navy's limit.

Even if there is a CP organization that can balance out the revolutionary army, the navy cannot deal with the five big pirates and their minions.

For the sake of the overall situation, Akainu held back, but he would not recommend any pirate to become the Shichibukai, let others decide.

The conference room suddenly became a little quiet.

Garp, Green Pheasant, Kizaru, Peach Rabbit, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Smoker... no one spoke.

In the navy, few people like the system of the Shichibukai. The so-called "legal pirates" are a slap in the face to the navy with a sense of justice.

In addition to not liking this reason, there is also...

"Mr. Warring States, there seems to be no qualified candidate in the sea at present."

Seeing that everyone was silent, in order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming too dull, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel replied.

Everyone: "..."

Indeed, it is difficult to recommend.

Who is qualified to be a Shichibukai?

Can anyone give an example?

As the members of the original Shichibukai died one after another, betrayed one after another, and were removed from membership, there was no suitable candidate to be found at all.

The Shichibukai can't compare to the Yonko, but they can't be any cat or dog.

Even Moonlight Moria, who is a bit of a picky person now, was a figure when he was young and had a PK with Kaido.

After a moment of silence, Smoker raised his eyebrows and said tentatively:

"How about Bucky the Clown?"

He thought Bucky was pretty good, but the food was good, and at least it didn't do much harm.

Warring States Period: "..."

Akainu: "..."

Garp: "..."

The rest: "..."

It's so shabby, the Shichibukai is so depressed that he needs to consider recruiting Bucky the Clown to join his gang.

"Baki's strength doesn't seem to be that great," Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said with a smile.

He was already being polite and didn't say anything about Bucky's foot-picking.

The image phone bug used for the live broadcast this time was robbed by Wen Xi, a clever guy. Now the "big pirate" Wen Xi is famous all over the world.

Bucky failed to shine in the War on the Top, he was just a bastard, and no one liked him.

The beautiful Major General Hina couldn't help but add:

"Bucky the Clown was once a member of the Roger Pirates, and was friends with the red-haired one. The most important thing is that he took away many Impel Down prisoners this time. Although he himself is not very strong, but——


She did not continue, but the meaning was obvious. Although Bucky himself was not very good, he had a wide network of connections and the quality of his younger brother was acceptable.

These words barely moved some people, and Warring States nodded:

"Put Bucky the Clown on the waiting list."

If you have no choice, just make do with it, it's better than nothing.

When Garp heard this, he picked his nose in an indistinct manner and muttered:

"Times have changed, the red-haired kid has become the Yonko, and even the circus clown can become a Shichibukai."

Everyone: "..."

( ̄□ ̄;)

Let's just make do, there are a total of 5 vacancies, maybe Bucky won't even be at the bottom in the end.

With Bucky's example in front of them, the others' thinking suddenly broadened a lot, and they were no longer limited to the famous big pirate.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said: "We can consider the Golden Emperor, Gilder Tezolo, although he is not a pirate."

"His strength and influence are enough." Mootu frowned, his face a little solemn, "But there are rumors that the supporter behind him is the Pirate Empress!"

At this time, those CP0 who had been listening but had not spoken suddenly interrupted:

"There are rumors that he is the spokesperson in the underground world supported by the empress."

The power network of the Nine Snakes Pirates is very large, and is far from limited to the Daughter Island in the Windless Zone. The Empress, like Tenyasha, is also one of the big bosses in the underground dark world.

"you sure?"

Sengoku originally wanted to put Tezoro on the candidate list for the Shichibukai, but after hearing this, he stared at the CP0 sharply.

"I'm not sure, but the Golden Emperor Tezoro still needs to be investigated... It won't take long. With the current formation of Nine Snakes' army, if he is really one of them, he will take action soon."

CP0's tone was very cold, without any emotion.

The naval generals present frowned when they heard this.

Tesoro is an independent country recognized by the world government, the king of the world's largest entertainment city "Grand Tesoro", a first-class entertainer, the world's leading business wizard, known as the "Golden Emperor", and a person with the golden fruit ability.

He claims to own 20% of the world's Baileys, and he can control both black and white. He is a golden emperor who dominates the dark world with money, and his power spreads all over the world.

If such characters are all members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, then it can only be said that the empress has been hiding too deeply over the years.

This news also shocked the top brass of the navy. Sengoku, Akainu, Garp and Aokiji all had surprised expressions on their faces.

If CP0 suspects it and is investigating, then the possibility is really high.

The empress and her two sisters, collectively known as the "Three Gorgon Sisters", have long been famous throughout the world.

She herself is the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and her two sisters are the top cadres. They are a very powerful combination. However, compared to Kaido, who has three disasters under his command, and Big Mom, who has four generals, they are still a bit weak.

But with the addition of the Golden Emperor, it's completely different.

Kizaru picked up the tea cup, took a sip of hot tea, and said:

"It's so scary, Empress. If this is the case, the Beasts Pirates will have no advantage, and Wano Country might change hands."

Everyone: "..."

But no, the Daughters Island army is gathering, most likely to attack Wano Country.

Originally, in the battle between the Nine Snakes Pirates and the Beast Pirates, the navy was estimated to be about 40 or 60, with Kaido's side having a better chance of winning.

Now, I really don’t see what advantage the Beasts Pirates have. Maybe if they continue to fight to the death, the strongest creature will be on their knees.

Kaido invaded and occupied Wano. His rule may not be very stable. There must be resistance forces in the country, so it will not be particularly stable.

The empress's rule on Daughter's Island is as stable as Mount Tai. As the strongest emperor in history and a great king in the prosperous times, she has pushed the kingdom's national power to the world's first-class monarch in one fell swoop. Her prestige is incredibly high...

Warring States's heart skipped a beat, and he became extremely vigilant and fearful.

He realized that it was necessary to re-evaluate the war potential of Amazon Lily. When a cannon is fired, gold is worth ten thousand taels. War is actually burning money. The Nine Snakes Pirates may not be short of money...

He decided to immediately send Garp and Peach Rabbit to take charge of the G1 branch in the New World.

It would be too bad if the Empress had a brain attack and attacked the naval base instead of Kaido.

After that, everyone continued to discuss the topic of the Shichibukai, but regardless of the situation of the Golden Emperor, they could not gather 5 people.

Seeing this, a CP0 said in a cold voice: "We propose that Edward Weibull, who calls himself 'Whitebeard II', become the Shichibukai."

Warring States Period: "..."

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ, the picture appears.

Zefa: "..."


The rest: "..."

Σ(°△°|||)︴, is it true or false?

It's cold.

It was completely cold. There was silence in the conference room. The navy generals present had different expressions. The scene was like "The Last Supper".

Who is Edward Weibull?

The pirates may not know who this guy is, but the naval generals present know it clearly.

Weibull claimed to be Whitebeard's son and had a bounty of 480 million beli. Seven years ago, he cut off the arm of "Black-armed" Zefa and almost killed all the naval cadets on the train ship.

Zefa stood in the corner, head slightly lowered, expressionless.

"This... can't do it! This guy, absolutely can't do it!" Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel slapped the table and stood up, feeling a little excited.

Are you kidding? You chopped up a former general and killed a boatload of naval cadets. How can the navy ignore such deep hatred?

No matter what, Weibull should not be recruited and allowed to go unpunished.

"I disagree!"

"...Let's change someone else. Edward Weibull's behavior is too bad."

Many people shook their heads and objected. Among the naval generals present, who is not a student of Zefa?

Except for the elders of his generation, the three current generals were all taught by Zefa.

Even Kizaru, who always likes to confront Zefa, didn't say a single sarcastic word at this time.

Some young and energetic admirals, such as Smoker, glared at those CP0s fiercely, threatening to take action at any time.

"This is what it means."

The masked CP0 ignored everyone's dissatisfied attitude and some murderous glances, glanced at Zefa who was standing in the corner, and said, "Being able to cut off the arm of the former general, Weibull's strength is fully capable of killing seven people."

Wu Hai."

He didn't hesitate and directly opened other people's bloody scars.

Everyone: "..."

An unspeakable silence.

"You bastard! Do you know..."

Smoker suppressed his anger, and finally couldn't help it. He turned his face on the spot, raised his ten hands of sea tower stone, and stepped towards CP0.

He is a thorn in the side, otherwise with his talent and natural fruit ability, he has been intensively cultivated and trained by the Navy Headquarters, how could he be left on the bench in East China Sea Rogge Town.

He couldn't bear to face this kind of thing.

Major General Hina next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly grabbed him.

Zefa raised his head, glanced at CP0 coldly, and said:



Facing Zefa's cold and piercing gaze, several CP0s were unmoved. They were indifferent to everything and ruthless.

As the strongest intelligence agency directly under the Celestial Dragons, they are directly responsible to the world's nobility.

He has the right to kill anyone who hinders the mission, whether he is a naval officer or a prince or noble, he can kill him at will.

Not to mention a former general, they don't even need to give face to a current navy general.

The atmosphere in the conference room became extremely depressing and dull.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Zefa did not yell hysterically, but was very calm.

He looked around with no expression on his face, paused for a moment at the faces of Warring States, Crane and Garp, and then walked away.

Ta-ta-ta... The old man's footsteps echoed in the silent room.

Zefa, who was already old, walked to the door, opened the door, paused slightly before going out, turned back, grinned at everyone, showing his white teeth, and said:



After saying that, the door was slammed shut.

From the beginning to the end, Zefa did not question anything. He knew very well that this would only bring humiliation to himself.

Men don't need to rely on words to prove themselves.

There was a frozen silence in the conference room, and the old man's weather-beaten smile before leaving remained in the minds of these naval admirals, leaving them silent for a long time.

"Sorry, let's go first." Garp immediately stood up and chased after him with long strides.

Although he knew it, it would be useless to chase him away.

Now that he has said "goodbye"... a man like that will no longer miss this place, even if he has worked conscientiously in the navy for most of his life and spent almost his whole life here.

Afterwards, several CP0s left.

Warring States felt exhausted both mentally and physically. He smiled bitterly in his heart and continued to preside over the meeting, which had become extremely boring.

He is really old and unable to do what he wants. Thinking of Zefa's hard work for half his life, he has ended up with no dignity and no fig leaf. He even loses his firm belief in justice, so he should retire as soon as possible...

Tonight's meeting has a great impact. Not to mention the World Conference, the Shichibukai selection and other arrangements, the most important thing is that it kicked off the battle for the new marshal, and the naval generals began to take sides.

At the same time, it also intensified conflicts among all parties.

It is said that after Karp's attempt to retain him failed, "Black Hand" Zefa left the Holy Land of Mariejoia that night. It is conceivable that he will officially retire from the navy soon.

This was a year and a half earlier than when he originally quit the Navy.

Due to the butterfly effect, in order to balance the situation, the Five Old Stars were eager to replenish the members of the Shichibukai and imposed orders without giving the navy any room to object.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, after the meeting ended, many naval generals stood up and left with various thoughts.

Artoria packed up the documents and did not leave in a hurry. She walked to Sengoku who looked tired and said:

"I heard that you want to send someone to investigate what happened that night in Dressrosa... I'll go there."


Sengoku was slightly surprised, but remembering the identity of Tenyaksha Shichibukai and the former Celestial Dragon, it would be good to let the daughter of God go. He was not afraid that Tenyaksha would dare to refuse and the navy would be rejected, so he nodded, "Okay, please come and go."

"Understood." Artoria accepted the task and left directly.

Because he was worried about Zefa, Warring States didn't think much about it. Instead, He frowned slightly.

What is she doing in the New World at this time?

Back in her office, Artoria sat down and sent a message to her brother.

[You are going to attend Whitebeard’s funeral, right?]

Ren: [Well, on the way...what's wrong?]

Bailong: [I heard that Edward Weibull is in that area. He has repeatedly attacked the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates recently. Please help me keep an eye on his location.]

Ren: [No problem, why are you looking for him?]

Bailong: [Nothing, just give him a ride.]

Renn: "..."


Although I don't understand what happened, I sent Weibull a cool song.

Whitebeard is Whitebeard, and Weibull is Weibull. Even if they are really father and son, there is no comparison. Renn respects Whitebeard a little, but he doesn't care about Weibull's life or death.

A mentally retarded six-year-old boy, he always followed his mother, Miss Ba Jin, to do evil everywhere, even killing innocent civilians, even if he died.


It's one o'clock in the morning, the night is sultry, and a lone moon shines brightly outside the window.

In the hotel room, Ren held one hand on the corner of the wall. His tense body suddenly trembled a few times. His face was a little red and there was sweat on his forehead.

The empress who was squatting on the ground immediately stood up and rushed into the bathroom.

The sound of clear water flushing was very rapid, which showed that the faucet had been turned to the maximum.

"...cough cough...gulu gulu...poof..."

Then, the woman vomited and the sound of gargling could be heard, over and over again, a dozen times, without stopping.

Ren exhaled a few breaths, put on his belt, and felt refreshed.

He sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, reached out to pick up the wine glass on the table, took a sip of the sweet and refreshing red wine, and shouted into the bathroom:

"Beauty, just get used to it."

Empress: "..."


"Rogue, bastard, shameless... go to hell! Go to hell!" the woman yelled, emotionally.

That guy actually asked her to do that kind of thing just now.

Ren had just enjoyed the service and was not angry at all. He sighed and said, "Oh, there is still a long way to go."

There was no problem in the communication process tonight, but it was a bit energy-consuming. Fortunately, he was strong and able to hold on.

A quarter of an hour later, the empress walked out of the bathroom. When she saw him, her face turned a little red and she lowered her head and said nothing.

"Don't resist, let me connect the contract." Renn raised his hand, and the tattoo symbol on the back of his hand shone brightly.


This time, although Hancock looked unhappy, he did not resist anymore and allowed the countless red threads of rules released from the master-slave contract to be injected into her flesh and blood, and even into her soul.

[Contract reconnection, 85%...91%...95%...100%.]

After the contract was completely connected, Ren raised his hand, and the pirate empress in front of him immediately turned into a purple light rain and was absorbed into the tattoo pattern on the back of her hand.

Then, a purple light flashed in his palm, and a card with an elf pattern appeared.

Name: Goddess Gorgon (Medusa)

Card type: Effect monster

Star rating: 10

Attribute: God

Race: Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack power:4000

Defense: 4000

Rarity: gold UR

Effect: This card must be specially summoned using a master-slave contract.

1: The summons of this card will not be invalidated.

2: When this card is summoned successfully, the effects of magic, traps, and monsters cannot be activated.

3: This card will not be the target of the effect.


The Gorgon in Greek mythology in the Moon World has fully evolved into a god, possessing powerful mobility and resistance, as well as powerful attack and defense capabilities.


As an elf, the strength of the goddess Gorgon will increase with the strength of the host, but it cannot exceed it.


Renn: "..."


He couldn't figure out why elves were cards in "Yu-Gi-Oh".

Is it possible that in the future he will have to wear a hair style that makes him crazy and go to that kind of world to play cards?

I don’t know if this is the bad taste of the system boss or the bad taste of the big boss who built the system, so I can’t complain.

However, the Medusa card has indeed become a lot stronger and is worth buying.

This chapter has been completed!
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