When Xiao Zhe asked the king to send officials to various countries to inquire about the situation, Xiao Zhe and the others were not idle. They immediately recruited some talents to strengthen their own power. And now Xiao Zhe asked Ruth to go back and contact the Dark Holy See.
Xiao Zhe's idea is actually very simple. The strength of the Holy See of Light is unquestionable on the mainland. If he only has such a little power, it may not be enough. Now that the conspiracy of the Holy See of Light has been discovered, he must do his best.
Gather forces.
Judging from various aspects, everyone has had some opinions on the Holy See over the years, because everyone has seen what the Holy See has done over the years, and some of the things they remember are not very just things, and everyone also has some opinions on this.
Very disappointed.
At first, when the Holy See of Light came to the mainland, they did a lot of things to appease everyone's hearts, but then they also fell into depravity and completely deviated from their moral principles. Of course, these things also happened in some branches of the Holy See.
The headquarters of the Holy See still regulates itself and the people around it with its own teachings. However, they are not unaware of what some people in the branch do, but they also turn a blind eye. After all, the branch brings them
There are a lot of benefits coming.
At this moment, when Xiao Zhe saw Ruth coming back, he glanced at her and said, "Are you tired? Take a rest first, and then tell me all the situations and reactions in your Holy See, so that I can prepare well.
, let’s fight the enemy together.”
Ruth also chuckled and said: "It's okay, I'm not tired at all. Now let's talk about the situation in the Holy See after I go back. Everyone's decision is to have a big fight this time. After all, the Dark Holy See has already
I have endured it for so many years."
"Furthermore, my father also said that you should develop your own power outside first, and then we can form an alliance, but that is not possible now. The strength of the Holy See of Light, as my father said, is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. It has a very strong foundation.
Xiao Zhe also nodded and said: "Well, I understand what you said, and I have no intention of confronting the Holy See of Light now. Although they are looking for me now, I can avoid them. You guys
You can rest assured.”
Ruth also smiled sweetly at Xiao Zhe's words. She naturally understood what Xiao Zhe was thinking. She had understood it before. At this time, she nodded and said: "Well, as long as Xiao Zhe is ready, I can always do it."
Go back and mobilize our people from the Holy See."