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Chapter 1105 The Remnants of the Qin Family

Bai Song's observation ability is now very subtle. Once he pays attention to something, no details can be escaped.

The more the policeman dodges, the weirder Bai Song feels.

Finally, Bai Song secretly stretched out his foot and tripped the policeman's right leg.

The policeman had some skills, but there was no movement at first, but Bai Song used his secret strength on his feet, and the man stumbled like a child no matter how good his skills were.

Bai Song immediately went up and pulled him, and when he pulled him, he saw his face.

Bai Song was stunned at first, feeling a little strange.

This kind of strangeness is not about forgetting who it is at once, but it is really rare. A little bit of familiarity in the strangeness is probably due to passing by someone at some point in the past.

"Be careful."

Another messenger from the Secret Order gave a reminder.

The man quickly said to Bai Song: "Sir, I'm sorry."

Then he lowered his head and continued walking forward.

Bai Song has been thinking about it. He must have seen this person somewhere, and not just once. It's just that Bai Song didn't notice him every time they met, so he didn't know who it was.

Bai Song's thoughts were spinning, and in this state of thinking, he actually aroused the reaction of the blue inner elixir. It started spinning all of a sudden, and a cold air seeped out from around the body uncontrollably. The fragments of memory were like a movie at a glance.

Flashing through my mind quickly.

Bai Song didn't notice that as soon as his cold energy came out, the flames on the dungeon wall dimmed, leaving only a little blue spark, and it felt like it would be extinguished at any time.

The little eunuch who had tried all the way was forced to retreat to the wall by the cold air, his back pressed against the wall, as if he was under some huge pressure, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

There are only four in my heart.


At this time, Bai Song's eyes lit up. He finally found a picture belonging to this policeman from the memory fragments!

At Mobai Bank!

He is a clerk at Mobai Bank!

Because he was just a boy, Bai Song would notice him every time he showed up at Mo Bai Bank, but would not deliberately remember him.

However, how could he, a clerk from Mobai Bank, appear in the Miszhao Division?

When Mobai Bank was not incorporated by the imperial court, he was still working there. It had only been a few days, so why did he appear in the Secret Imperial Office?

For a moment, Bai Song felt a bad feeling in his heart, wondering if he was an undercover agent placed by the Secret Order in Mobai Bank?

After all these years, I still haven’t discovered it!

No wonder the emperor knows everything about him. It turns out that he has many undercover secret agents around him.

It's too late to find out now, what else can I say?

Can only accept it!

Bai Song retracted his thoughts and then noticed why the fire in the dungeon suddenly dimmed?

Looking at the people around him, everyone was staring at Bai Song like a monster.

Especially the little eunuch, whose face was pale and looking at Bai Song as if he had seen an evil ghost, he almost lost his breath.

"What's wrong with you?"

As soon as Bai Song spoke, the cold air around him disappeared instantly, the flames burned again, and the dungeon returned to its original state.

Several people also slowly calmed down. It was hard to say anything. They just secretly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and continued to move forward as if nothing happened.

This dungeon seems to hold people from the Qin family alone. There are people in the three deepest rooms of the entire dungeon, all of whom are key members of the Qin family.

An officer was in front, knocking on the fence leading to the cell with an iron rod: "Wake up, everyone, wake up!"

There was a commotion in the dungeon, and an old man with gray hair leaned on the iron railing and asked: "Master, what's the matter? Is the emperor finally going to execute us? Could you please prepare some clean clothes for us all? Our Qin family

If a person wants to die, he must die with dignity."

"Why die? Your Majesty is merciful and has pardoned you. Please clean up quickly and follow Mr. Bai."

"Wha...what? The emperor pardoned us? This...how is this possible?"

"What's impossible? If you have anything you want to ask, just ask Mr. Bai after you get out."

"Master Bai? Which Master Bai?"

"Master Bai Song, the Prince's Young Master, do you know?"

"The one from Beiding Palace?"

"It's me." Bai Song stood in front, "Everyone, this is not a joke. The emperor has really pardoned you. Leave with me quickly. If you have anything to do, we can wait until we get out."

"Bai...Bai Song...is that you?"

A weak female voice came from the depths, and then a petite body was seen swaying to the front.

Seeing this thin and dirty face, Bai Song frowned: "Qin Lanzhi, Miss Qin."

"You...you still remember me?" Qin Lanzhi's eyes instantly became wet and her lips trembled as she wanted to say but didn't know what to say.

She had already given up hope, thinking that this time the Qin family would become history.

It is impossible for everyone here to leave this dark dungeon alive.

But one day she dreamed that a man would come to rescue them, standing in front of the dungeon like now and saying "Follow me" to her.

And that person is really Bai Song!

Qin Lanzhi didn't know why she dreamed of that person with whom she had only met a few times. Maybe he just knew about his power in Chang'an City. Among the people Qin Lanzhi knew, only Bai Song had a one in ten thousand chance of being able to do so.

Save them.

So I had a dream.

When the dream appeared in reality, Qin Lanzhi felt that everything was unreal and reached out to touch Bai Song's face.

This move was frightened back by the police knocking on the iron fence.

Then there was the sound of the door opening.

The Qin family has been in Chang'an for more than a hundred years and has always been the largest noble family in Chang'an.

Their tribesmen are also respected by everyone. Even in the Mi Zhao Division, they are not treated harshly and no one has any shackles.

After opening the door, everyone was even given clean clothes.

At this moment, everyone in the Qin Mansion realized that this was indeed true.

The Qin family members have countless questions they want to ask, but it is difficult to ask them.

According to Bai Song's request, everyone changed their clothes and left quickly with Bai Song.

Chang'an Street was already shrouded in moonlight and silent.

A group of Qin family members stood in the night wind, shivering in the cold and feeling very desolate.

Bai Song sent the young eunuch away, and finally no one from the court was around.

Only then did the thirteen members of the Qin family kneel down and kowtow to Bai Song excitedly: "Thank you, Lord Bai, for saving me! Thank you, Lord Bai, for saving me!"

"Everyone, get up. Get up quickly. This is not the place to talk. Do you want to go to Beiding Palace or somewhere else?"

"I want to go home! I want to go home and see!" Qin Lanzhi said excitedly and grabbed Bai Song's arm.

Bai Song said with some embarrassment: "To be honest, the Qin Mansion has been empty for a month now."

This chapter has been completed!
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