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Chapter 123

Miss Zheng left Mr. Bai behind because she wanted to do this, and she was in a very good mood.

After talking like this, I didn't know what to say for a while, so it was a bit inappropriate to continue to stay in the room.

Then he left and left Mr. Bai alone.

Zheng Qihua returned to her small courtyard, exposed under the hazy drizzle, and sang a rare tune.

Dongxiang came with an umbrella and asked a few questions, but saw that her young lady didn't say anything, she looked like she was in a state of wandering, and she didn't know where her soul had flown.

This maid was older and thoughtful. Seeing the young lady being so worried, she whispered, "Miss, why do I think this Mr. Bai is a bit weird?"

"Huh?" Zheng Qihua heard that he was talking about Mr. Bai, and his mind came back, thoughtfully, "Speaking of weirdness, Mr. Bai is really a bit weird. He is much more casual than ordinary young masters, and he doesn't stick to trivial matters."

"Oh, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying that Mr. Bai's origins are unknown... The young lady fell into her hands, and it was as if she was possessed by a demon. The good young master became so embarrassed overnight, and even went to gamble... No matter what you think,

I think it’s inappropriate. I think the lady should be more careful.”

"You!" Zheng Qihua poked Dongxiang with a smile, "Didn't you just see that Mr. Bai and I had secrets that we didn't share with you, so you said Mr. Bai was weird? You were the one who provoked him before, but now

It's you who criticizes him, and I don't know what your intentions are."

"Previously, I saw that the young lady was depressed all day long, and it was rare that a young man of her choice came to visit... I wanted to make the young lady happy, and wanted to be a friend to relieve the young lady's boredom. But when I saw it today, I felt that this young master Bai seemed to have a hidden purpose...


"Dongxiang, don't talk nonsense, don't let Mr. Bai listen to it. Mr. Bai has encountered difficulties today, and it's rare that I can help him. Now that Mr. Bai has forgotten my kindness, to me, it is just a piece of cake.

It’s a good thing.”

"I think this Mr. Bai's purpose is not pure. He already has a wife, and he doesn't care about his dignity to stay in the young lady's house. Could it be that he fell in love with the young lady early on, took the opportunity to get close, deceived the young lady's sincerity, and then forced the young lady to do it?

Marry me as a concubine? This is absolutely unacceptable!"

Zheng Qihua blushed, pushed Dongxiang away, and ran into the boudoir: "What nonsense are you talking about? Go and do your own thing."

Bai Song lay on the bed and stared blankly at the roof tiles.

His injury has improved after his own care.

I just don’t know what’s going on with Niu Da and the others who are with him?

Putting aside the problems of the Zheng family for the time being, the strong man who could not be killed by fire was the source of frustration in Bai Song's heart at the moment.

At this moment, Bai Song was extremely sleepy, but whenever he closed his eyes, various scenes from last night would always flash through his mind.

The bald man fell straight down.

Niu Da dragged his remaining body, using his last bit of strength to attract the enemy.

There were also two or three unknown brothers who fell in the rain.

Caihe cried hoarsely.

Finally, the shocking broken arm fell in front of him...

Thinking of Bai Song hammering the bed board hard, if he hadn't been smart and wanted to kill that person, he wouldn't have ended up in such an embarrassing situation.

The burning man crawling out of the ruins in the dark night had turned into a nightmare and penetrated deep into Bai Song's heart.

In the past, Bai Song must have been frightened to the point of splitting his liver and gallbladder.

But at this time, Bai Song didn't have much fear or retreat in his heart. He didn't know when he had developed courage. He just thought about his friends who were seriously injured because of his decision, so he had no reason to retreat.

Even though he knew he might die, he still wanted revenge!

Must take revenge!

Unless that strong man is really a god and really unkillable!

Bai Songshang was hiding in the Zheng family's residence.

However, a large-scale search has begun outside Ji County.

It's just that the Zheng family never dreamed that the person they were looking for was sleeping in their courtyard at the moment.

The Zheng family has gradually realized the seriousness of the matter.

What happened recently doesn't look like a bunch of gangsters having a little brawl.

From the methods used by this group of people last night, it is enough to conclude that they have careful plans and are bold in their actions. They are not afraid of the Zheng family's power at all.

Even that great man was injured and almost lost his life.

Zheng Tai'a summoned all the clan members in the clan overnight to discuss the next steps.

There were more than twenty elders of the family, all sitting in the clan ancestral hall. The door was closed tightly, not even a fly could fly in.

Zheng Tai'a stood in the hall, pacing back and forth.

"You all already know the matter. Tell us what you think."

"First of all, we have to find the real owner. After all, it is impossible for a little maid to know any important information."

"Finding the real owner? It's easy to say. Now all parties in the county are searching, but there is no news at all. No matter where the person comes from, there is no way he can grow wings and fly away."

"Our Zheng family has been entrenched in Youzhou for many years, and eventually some people will be jealous. I think the people who come this time are not ordinary."

"Just a young boy, what kind of trouble can he cause?"

"One kid is of course not enough evidence, but who can guarantee that there will be someone behind this kid who is adding fuel to the flames?"

"Yes, this is the crux. I'm afraid the masters in the capital are targeting us."

"Okay!" Zheng Tai'a was a little impatient and interrupted with a scolding, "I'm asking you to express your opinions, I'm not asking you to play riddles. Don't let it all have nothing to do with you. You can have the glory you have today, but if something happens tomorrow, none of you will be able to do it.

Don’t think about it.”

"Tai'a..." an old man said with a smile, "you don't have to be too nervous. After all, this is Jixian County, and not just anyone can suppress the storm here. This matter is also simple, just look closer.

Within a month, everyone who came in and out of Ji County said he was a young master, so it is not impossible to find the suspicious person."

"Suspicious people coming and going in Jixian County..." In the corner, a clan member looked puzzled, "Speaking of suspicious young masters, a few days ago, one of my students said that outside the city of Jixian County, I met a man who claimed to be in Shuzhong.

The boy from the Bai family spoke extremely arrogantly, did not take the Zheng family seriously at all, and even beat my student in public."

"What?" Zheng Tai'a said seriously, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"My student made some rude remarks and used the name of the Zheng family to cause trouble outside. When I first heard about this, I didn't pay much attention to it. I just thought that he was just a wandering scholar who would leave in a few days. But he was a bit arrogant.

, it’s not like they beat up our Zheng family. Besides, the Bai family in Shuzhong have never heard of it and don’t know where it came from.”

"Sichuan Bai family?" Zheng Tai'a frowned in thought and repeated it again.

Then he turned his attention to the rest of the people present, asking if anyone had heard of it.

Everyone present looked at each other in confusion.

Earlier, the old man said: "The Sichuan-Sichuan area is thousands of miles away from Youzhou. We have rarely heard of things in Shu. I have never heard of the Bai family in Shu."

"If it is true, how could the nobles in the Sichuan and Sichuan areas target our Zheng family?"

"This is just a conjecture. Whether it is the Bai family in Shuzhong that is behind this or not, we can't make a conclusion yet."

"No matter how you say it, this can be regarded as a clue. I'd better ask someone to find out about this person named Bai..."

There was still discussion in the room, but suddenly a voice came from outside: "Leave this matter to me."

Following the sound, the old lady of the Zheng family opened the door and came in.

Seeing the old lady, everyone in the hall stood up one after another and saluted the old lady respectfully: "Old lady."

The old man waved his hand and walked directly to Zheng Tai'a: "I have seen the white boy you are talking about."

Zheng Tai'a was surprised: "Master, have you seen him before? Do you think there is anything weird about that person?"

"This boy has a relationship with me and has had some exchanges with me. He is an outstanding junior, but it's a pity that he is not from our Zheng family."

Zheng Tai'a was confused: "Master, do you have any juniors that you value?"

The old man frowned: "That boy is very talented, but I don't know yet whether he is here to target our Zheng family. I will wait until I meet him again and see where he comes from. But, I

I think that person is not very suspicious, so you should take a longer-term view. The key now is not to find a kid, the key is to serve our guests well."

"Yes! Master, please walk slowly."

The grandfather of the Zheng family came and went in a hurry. Two sentences concluded the small gathering at the ancestral hall.

Being able to have a meal with the person you love before the flowers and under the moon is the most romantic desire in the heart of a boudoir.

It's just that the night wind is too cold, so I can't go to the garden pavilion with my son to enjoy the scenery. I have to prepare three taels of side dishes and a pot of wine in the small guest room, and look through the window at the bright moon after the rain. There is only one

Wintersweet with stamens comes in through the window, adding a touch of mood.

Dongxiang poured wine on the side, sometimes confused, sometimes frowning, vaguely feeling that the young master she had attracted was like a heart-eating succubus, and she was afraid that she would push her young lady into a pit of fire.

Look at this young man’s flirting skills. It’s very inconsistent with his age.

The lady is in the palm of his hand. He can laugh when he makes her laugh, and worry when he makes her worry. She is like a little kitten, don't squeeze her too hard.

Dongxiang was worried in her heart, but she couldn't speak. Her own lady couldn't listen at all. She couldn't tell anyone about this matter. If it spread, it would ruin her innocence.

After much deliberation, I could only pretend that nothing happened, and just pray silently in my heart, hoping that Mr. Bai would be sincere towards the young lady and not have any evil intentions.

Bai Song looked at the young lady intently, but forgot about the maid behind him.

After the first glass of wine, although the taste was mediocre, there was still a look of great enjoyment on his face: "Tsk tsk...it's such a good wine. The wine in Youzhou tastes better than the wine in Sichuan."

"Mr. Bai, this is the wine of the Xia family in Mang County, Youzhou. It is quite famous."

"Is it the one who couldn't get rid of the remaining wine after a heavy sleep last night when the rain was light and the wind was strong?"

Seeing Mr. Bai's surprised face, Zheng Qihua found it interesting, covered her mouth and smiled softly: "That's right."

"Last night it was rainy and windy... tsk tsk tsk... it's quite relevant to me. A deep sleep will not consume the remaining wine... It's rare to be with a beautiful woman tonight. Adou will have to have a few drinks with me before we can have the strong water and the remaining wine, right?"


Zheng Qihua's face turned red and she didn't say much. She looked back at Dongxiang and said shyly: "Pour some wine for Mr. Bai."

This chapter has been completed!
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