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Chapter 131 Trading

The death of the Turkic prince was particularly threatening.

Even if everyone in the Zheng family knew that Bai Song was behind this, they still lost their pride as a noble family.

If you want to talk to people who are above you on an equal footing, you have to hurt them first, and then they will bow their heads.

There is no one here, and it is hard to imagine that a young man would be able to provoke the Grand Duke of the Zheng family in front of him.

Even though the grandfather of the Zheng family knew that there were many unkind words in the other party's words, he still smiled and showed no signs of anger.

The old man heard what Bu Sang said and thought that the other party had a grudge against the Turkic prince and also learned that there was a connection between the Zheng family and the Turks, so he vented his anger on the Zheng family.

Now that the Turkic prince is dead and the boy has expressed his resentment, it should not be difficult to resolve the resentment between the two families.

The old man was not afraid of a young boy, but he was afraid of the Bai family in Shuzhong who did not know the depth behind this boy.

The old man has lived for decades and has never seen a boy as bold as Bai Song. He can develop such courage. I think the family behind him is also quite impressive.

He has asked someone to go to the capital to inquire about the Bai family in Shuzhong, but he wants to see who is the big shot behind the Bai family in Shuzhong.

It's just that the transmission of messages in ancient times was slow, and it would take a lot of time to get a reply from the capital.

Fortunately, the patrol censor is about to arrive in Jixian, and maybe he can get some information from the patrol censor.

Before getting the exact news, the old lady decided to stabilize this kid first.

"Boy Bai, even if you don't look at other people's faces, you still have to look at my face, right? Now that the Turkic prince is dead and you have vented your anger, boy Bai, our two families don't have to fight against each other anymore, right?


"The personal grudge is over, but what you Zheng family did secretly in Jixian County, do you really think that you can resolve it with just one or two sentences?"

The old man frowned: "Boy Bai, since you have spoken out your words, you must have already made a plan. Just tell me what you want to do."

"Do you know what hush money is?"

"Hush money..." The old lady breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It's okay that this kid asked for something, but he was afraid that he wouldn't want anything.

The old man thought about it and said with a smile: "We are all working together for the Tang Dynasty, so there is no need to make things difficult for each other. Since the Bai family has something to ask for, the Zheng family should do their best to satisfy it. But you, Mr. Bai, are traveling abroad, and you don't have to worry about external things like money.

It must be more troublesome to keep it with you. I don't think it's better than this. Zheng Liangqiu, the youngest daughter of the Zheng family, has passed her eighteenth grade and is in her prime to get married. Boy Bai is a talented person, so I have already thought of betrothing him to you."

Bai Song was shocked when he heard this and frowned.

The old man smiled and said: "I know you are already married, so it doesn't matter. The Zheng family is not a family that doesn't know how to adapt. Being able to marry the Bai family in Sichuan is a happy event that is good for both families. The women of the Zheng family

Being a wife or a concubine is not important. What is important is that the two families can become one family, and they will no longer be separated from each other. Isn't it a beautiful thing?"

Bai Song thought for a moment and realized that the old man was worried that he would not be able to rest assured if he simply gave money. If the two families were to marry each other and depend on each other, then only the secrets Bai Song knew would never be leaked.

The old man had already made this plan today. He didn't want to offend a large family who didn't know the details at this juncture.

Using one woman to resolve the family's crisis and win over a large family at the same time is a very cost-effective business deal.

"Boy Bai, don't worry. As long as you agree to this marriage, my Zheng family won't ask for a penny as a betrothal gift, but I can give you a very generous dowry, which is guaranteed to satisfy you and the Bai family."

Bai Song pursed his lips and did not agree immediately. He only felt that the plot was too bloody and he did not like it.

But Bai Song also had Bai Song's plan, and his purpose of coming was also to stabilize the Zheng family.

Killing the Turkic prince will definitely make the entire Zheng family nervous. If the Zheng family is always on guard, it will not be a good thing for Bai Song's revenge.

He needs to make the Zheng family relax their vigilance, so that they can find better opportunities with the inspection censor who comes later.

No matter how much trouble there is in Jixian, everything will be in vain unless the court knows about it.

Agreeing to the Zheng family's conditions was Bai Song's inevitable choice.

At the same time, thinking of that woman Zheng Liangqiu, Bai Song couldn't help but feel good about her. It would be a relief to take advantage of this incident to tease this young lady who looked down on her humble family.

After all, Bai Song was a bit of a chicken-bellied person, without the air of a man. However, any slight displeasure he had could always be recorded in his heart and would never be forgotten.

"I heard that Miss Zheng is one of the most beautiful women in Ji County. I wonder if she is really that good."

"Of course it won't disappoint." The old lady explained with a frown.

Bai Song disagreed: "I can't agree to this yet. I won't choose a woman I don't like just to get married between our two families. Let's find an opportunity to make arrangements and let the young ladies of the Zheng family meet me one by one.

Let’s see if there’s one I like.”

"You..." The old lady almost bit her tongue. Who expected to hear such ridiculous things?

Asking all the girls of the right age from the Zheng family to come out and choose one by one? I thought I was choosing a girl in a flower house! This is the Zheng family! This is a naked humiliation.

Seeing the old lady's expression change, Bai Song laughed: "Don't be nervous, it's just a joke. It doesn't have to be that every lady comes. I just want to see Miss Liangqiu first. This request is not allowed."

As for going too far?"

There has never been a saying in the Zheng family that a girl should be shown to the man first before marrying her. Blessings that other families can't even imagine, good things that can't be dreamed of, how can there be much to say? But this boy is still acting like one.


But compared with the previous request, this request is much more reasonable.

Instead of being angry, the old man felt a little relieved and nodded: "It's okay if you want to meet me first."

"Very good, I will visit you personally tomorrow."

The old man returned home and told what happened today.

It also disturbed the Zheng family's peace.

It is said that the boy from the Bai family is trying to get more and more. The head of the family is so noble, how can he be allowed to meet him casually like a commodity?

However, after everyone talked about it, no one objected.

After all, everyone knew that the other party could kill the Turkic prince. If that kid hadn't done it himself, there would have been strong help behind him.

At least things won't be as simple as the butler said.

Controlling thunder and lightning is still too illusory.

The news that Zheng Liangqiu was getting married soon spread throughout the Zheng family.

Zheng Ke returned to his home after discussing with his host.

When I arrived at the door of my daughter's boudoir, I asked my servant to unlock the door.

In the room, Zheng Qihua's eyes were dull and she was sitting at the table, wondering what she was thinking.

Zheng Ke didn't really care that his daughter didn't say hello today.

The day before yesterday, Zheng Qihua discovered the secret of the family. He saw with his own eyes that the uncle of the family had colluded with the Turks and handed over the salt stored in the family to the Turks for transportation.

The doubts that had been lingering in my mind for a long time were finally solved.

Bai Song could see the problems in those account books, how could Zheng Qihua not know about them.

Zheng Qihua was also suspicious. He didn't know why his family's life suddenly changed for the better. Since July last year, the family has had inexhaustible money. It turns out that the family has been secretly trading with the Turks.

This is why she is only allowed to see the accounts but not the income.

When I met Mr. Bai, there was something fishy everywhere, Dong Xiang reminded me many times.

Zheng Qihua looked disdainful on the surface, but he already had suspicions in his heart.

I also feel that Mr. Bai contacted me to investigate the affairs behind the Zheng family.

Zheng Qihua can naturally guess that the root cause of everything is those private people.

She just didn't want to admit that Mr. Bai had other motives, and at the same time, she became interested in the secrets of the Zheng family because of the suspicion in her heart.

Relying on the family's convenience, I knew the family's actions in advance, so I followed them all the way, and finally discovered that a large amount of salt was shipped out from the main family.

This is no longer as simple as selling private salt.

This is a serious crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, which will bring disaster to the whole family.

Fortunately, he was caught by Zheng Ke on the way and was taken directly to his house and locked up.

Zheng Ke knew that this matter was of great importance, and only a few people in the family knew about it.

Once this matter is leaked, even his own daughter will be silenced.

So Zheng Ke locked his daughter at home and locked the room directly.

"Has the matter been suppressed?" Zheng Qihua asked in a low voice in a daze.

"Not yet."

"I heard that the Royal Censor is about to arrive in Jixian County. I'm afraid we can't handle such a big incident."

"Daughter, don't underestimate the Zheng family. In the Zheng family's territory, even if they do something more outrageous, the Zheng family will not fall easily."

"Collaboration with the enemy, treason...is there anything more outrageous than this?"

"This is a last resort for the continuation of the family. You and Dad have endured a lot of hardships, and you should know how difficult it is to live the life you have today. Dad hopes that you can think about the family."

"My daughter is just curious and curious about what the family is doing. Now that she knows it, she will not be stupid enough to tell these things."

"You know the biggest secret of the family. If it is leaked, even dad can't save you. Just keeping the secret is not enough, you have to do something for the family."

"Didn't it count as doing things for the family before?"

"Not enough!" Zheng Ke said in a deep voice, "The old man said, I hope you can investigate the details of Bai Yutang."

"Investigating Bai...Mr. Bai?" Zheng Qihua was startled and finally raised her head.

"Yes, everything is caused by Bai Yutang. The family needs to know the details of Bai Yutang and see what kind of forces are behind him? Look at the foundation of the Bai family in Shuzhong? Who did he accept?

The order came... In short... everything, as long as it is about him, we must know."

"Dad, what are you talking about..."

Zheng Ke smiled: "Daughter, do you really think that your father doesn't know what's going on at home recently? Don't you really think that Bai Yutang approached you because he likes you? He approached you to understand the problems of the Zheng family.

He had ulterior motives from the beginning."

"No...it won't happen. Mr. Bai won't..."

"You don't know yet? The old man has reached a deal with Bai Yutang. As long as he marries Miss Zheng as his concubine, the Zheng family and the Bai family can get married and resolve all the previous grievances. When Bai Yutang heard this,

I agreed immediately, I don't know how happy I am. And that Miss Zheng family is not you, but Zheng Liangqiu."

This chapter has been completed!
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