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Chapter 141 Killing the Desolate Road at Night

Li Shuwang asked Bai Song to treat his grandfather on the front line.

Bai Songzheng needs to go to the front line to find evidence that the Zheng family colluded with the Turks.

In this way, it meets what all parties want.

Bai Song naturally had no objection.

But the most important thing now is to think about how to escape from the Turks.

Fortunately, Li Shuwang brought some rare thousand-mile horses from the army, with the intention of returning quickly after finding Bai Song.

Now it happens to be useful.

Unfortunately, Bai Song was not good at riding a horse. He could simply drive on a carriage, but it was obviously unrealistic to ask him to ride a horse and whip his horse by himself.

Seeing everyone getting on their horses and preparing to leave, Bai Song finally said: "Who can help me? I'm not very good..."

Li Shuwang frowned, a little surprised.

Zhang Shuyuan, the previous guard, stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Bai, I will help you."

"Thank you."

Bai Song responded and was pulled onto the horse by Zhang Shuyuan, then flicked his whip: "Hold on tight, ride!"

A cavalry team suddenly flew away under the sunset. Horses from thousands of miles away formed a cluster, and their speed increased sharply.

As the team accelerated, the figures in the distance seemed to feel the change. They waved their riding whips and arched their bodies, and began to approach Bai Song and his party.

Not long after, the peripheral vision reflected two teams with distinctive characteristics, chasing each other wildly in the endless wilderness.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Ji County was surrounded by low mountains and wilderness.

Before nightfall, no extra human figures could be seen inside or outside the official road.

Bai Song held Zhang Shuyuan tightly and galloped on horseback, which was more exciting than riding a roller coaster. As soon as the horse's hooves fell together, he felt like someone hit his stomach, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone was focused on riding and there was no time to look back.

Bai Song endured the discomfort and quietly looked back.

In the distance is the last trace of light hanging at the end of the horizon. Under the red light is a string of black shadows, which maintain a similar rhythm to Bai Song's group, but seem to be getting closer and closer.

"Is this a thousand-mile horse? Why do I feel like I can't outrun them?"

"The Turks are good at riding and shooting. They are not good for us in this wilderness area."

"Miss, do we want to fight back?"

"Ignore them and go back to the front line with all your strength. Our horses can travel thousands of miles every day. Even though their riding skills are superb, their physical strength is absolutely inferior to ours."

Li Shuwang rushed to the front with one man and one horse. He was dressed in men's clothing and had long hair. He looked heroic under the setting sun on the yellow sand. He did not forget to look back at Bai Song, and then continued to wave his riding whip.

It was obvious that she and her horse still had room to go.

This is a long-term tug-of-war. I don’t know when I will get away and when I will be caught up...

The last ray of light went down the mountain, and darkness gradually enveloped the world.

A thin layer of clouds covered the stars and the moon, and the wilderness stretched out as far as the eye could see, like a deep fog-covered dream with no end.

I don’t know how long it took, but a voice came from my ear: “How are you doing? Can you still hold on?”

Bai Song was agitated, recovered from numbness and confusion, and looked at Li Shuwang, who was riding his horse side by side.

"Ahem..." Bai Song coughed for a while and calmed down, "It's... not bad..."

“As a man, I can’t actually ride a horse!”

Li Shuwang spoke lightly, with a bit of disdain in his words.

Bai Song's journey was not easy, so he had no intention of arguing with her.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Be careful!"

A cold light flashed before his eyes, Zhang Shuyuan drew his sword and swiped it behind him, and heard a crisp sound.

A broken arrow passed between Bai Song and Li Shuwang.

"The Turks are catching up! Watch out for their arrows!" Zhang Shuyuan shouted.

The long-term numbness suddenly changed. Bai Song's face tightened, and then he became nervous.

Looking at Li Shuwang again, this young lady with extraordinary status showed no fear at all. Instead, she looked at Bai Song jokingly.

"Bai Song, watch carefully, let me show you my skills!"

After that, Li Shuwang leaned down, took off the bow and arrow from the horse's belly, then supported the horse's back with one hand, made a 180-degree turn on the galloping horse's back, hooked the reins with his legs, and leaned against the horse's back.

On horseback, he turned around and stared at the darkness behind him, calmly bent his bow and nocked an arrow, ready to go.


Suddenly a wolf howl came from the darkness.

This wolf howl came suddenly, as if it was right next to my ears.

Bai Song turned around again and saw a few pairs of cold eyes with a faint light in the darkness.

It's like a will-o'-the-wisp in the dark night, extremely scary.

When the dim light appeared, Li Shuwang, who had been preparing for a long time, shot out with an arrow.

Another whooshing sound was heard, and a beast's cry came from behind, and the remaining pairs of ghostly eyes disappeared instantly.

Bai Song was dumbfounded, but Li Shuwang kept riding backwards, lying on the horse, and looked back at Bai Song, with the corners of his mouth raised, feeling quite proud.

Then he took out two more arrows, one on the string and one in his mouth.

I can't help but admit that this woman is so handsome. She can remain so relaxed in such a critical moment, and she has a decent identity. I'm afraid I can't find anyone else in the world.

Bai Song's eyes were a little crazy, but they also fell into Li Shuwang's eyes.

For some reason, Li Shuwang always felt eager to show off his enthusiasm when seeing this person.

She knew that she still had some unresolved issues with this person, but she was always particularly embarrassed when she first came into contact with him.

Now that I was completely healed, I wanted to show this man my true abilities, and I didn't want to leave an impression of being worthless in this man's mind.

Li Shuwang was very satisfied with the look in the other person's eyes.

The entire team, except for Li Shuwang, was not so relaxed.

Li Shuwang's guard slowed down, suddenly came to Li Shuwang's side, and then patted Li Shuwang's horse.

The horse was startled and suddenly accelerated. Li Shuwang screamed, quickly turned around, clamped the horse's belly again, and tried hard to control the horse: "What are you doing?!"

The guard said: "Miss, go in front, I will stop you from behind!"

While he was talking, two arrows passed by Bai Song's ears. Bai Song was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head.

Several more weapons flew past the guard, but they were all blocked by the long sword in the guard's hand.

The last arrow flew over the guard's head. The guard suddenly stretched out his hand and caught the arrow in the air!

He took off the arrow with his backhand and placed it on the bow that had not yet been taken off from the horse's belly.

I saw the guard holding a sword in his right hand, pulling the string with his left hand, stepping on the bow with his left foot, leaning against the horse's belly and shooting an arrow toward the rear.

I heard a horse neighing in the darkness, and a horse fell!

Bai Song's mind was buzzing. This magical skill that could not even be seen in TV series could actually appear in front of him.

How powerful is this guard?

Thinking that he could be protected by such a powerful person, Bai Song suddenly felt that the Turks behind him were not so scary.

As soon as this thought occurred, someone beside him shouted: "No! Mr. Lu has been hit by an arrow!"

"Go! Go...don't worry...leave me alone..."

In the darkness, Bai Song couldn't see Lu Xiaochen, but he could hear that his voice was weak, and the arrow must have been uncomfortable.

"No, Mr. Lu can't ride a horse by himself. I need help."

The situation suddenly became critical. In the darkness behind, the disappeared eyes appeared again, and the wolves were approaching quickly.

"Bai Song, come to me!"

Li Shuwang's voice came from ahead.

Zhang Shuyuan also said: "Mr. Bai, just get on the lady's horse and I will take Mr. Lu all the way."

"Ah? How...how can I get there?"

This is not an area that Bai Song is good at. Being among this group of people is a complete drag.

Before Bai Song could figure it out, Zhang Shuyuan grabbed Bai Song by the collar.

"Mr. Bai, I'm going to throw you over, you have to be careful."

"What? Throw...throw it over? You...please stop joking, okay?"

Bai Song shouted repeatedly, but Zhang Shuyuan ignored him at all. He just looked ahead and asked: "Miss, can you catch me when I throw him over?"

"Hurry up!"

"Hey! Wait... I'm still, I haven't..."

Before Bai Song finished speaking, he suddenly felt his body light up and flew out in an instant.

This was supposed to be a stunt, but Bai Song, a scholar, was asked to complete it.

This floating in the air almost scared Bai Song to the point of peeing.

Fortunately, Li Shuwang was very good at it. He was doing rabbit kicks on the horse, using his feet as cushions to accurately press against Bai Song's lower abdomen. Then, after a little release of strength, he grabbed Bai Song's arm, pulled it hard, and lifted Bai Song's belly.

Song left behind.

"Light, like a woman." Li Shuwang left a comment coolly, turned around and held the reins, pressed Bai Song's hand on his waist with his other hand, and shouted to the back, "Speed ​​up, get rid of them!"

Changing positions again, Li Shuwang waved his riding whip. Even though there was an extra Bai Song, the horse under him still rushed out like an arrow, and the speed of the entire team suddenly increased.

The wind howled on his face, and Bai Song felt that he was going faster than riding a car.

The Turks in the rear were gradually thrown away, and no more arrows came after them.

"Hold on tight, don't get thrown off."

Li Shuwang was considerate and reminded me from time to time.

However, in Bai Song's view, this kind of concern seemed to treat him as a woman, which made people very uncomfortable.

But what can be said?

I am indeed a drag on myself now.

However, this heroine's waist is really thin, so I don't dare to use force when holding it, for fear that it will break if I use force.

Gradually, the surroundings returned to calm, and the tension gradually dissipated.

"How is Mr. Lu?"

"Miss, Mr. Lu is seriously injured and has fallen into a coma. I wonder how long he can last?"

"We have to find a way to stop this."

"No! The Turks haven't given up yet. Stopping this would be tantamount to death."

"There are towns nearby with troops garrisoned!"

"Miss, there is no resting place nearby. Twenty miles ahead is Yanglin Bay. There is a patrol of the general headquarters. Follow Yanglin Bay and walk fifty miles along the Yinshan Gorge Road to reach the general headquarters camp."

"Twenty miles... Can Mr. Lu make it to Yanglin Bay?"

"Miss, you take Mr. Bai and leave first. We will take care of Mr. Lu."

"Nonsense! Of course those who came together must go back together! No one can be left behind!"

Unexpectedly, Li Shuwang was a loyal woman. Bai Song hugged her slender waist and whispered, "You can try walking on the mountain trail. This is a wasteland, and the other side has a better view. It's difficult for us to get rid of them."

"Take the mountain trail? They are followed by wolves, are you sure?"

"If this continues, Mr. Lu will either be dragged to death, or we will be overtaken by the Turks. We must take the risk."

"Okay, let's take the mountain trail!"

This chapter has been completed!
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