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Chapter 145

"Quick, hold the reins, don't let her get closer!"

The situation was critical. Li Shuwang turned around in front, handed the reins to Bai Song, then took off his bow and arrows, bent down under Bai Song's armpit, and shot three arrows in a row at the man and wolf approaching from the side in an extremely uncomfortable posture.


The three arrows were not accurate enough, but they forced one man and one wolf to get no closer.

Bai Song figured out that the reason why this female Turk could keep up with them or even run ahead of them was because of the help of the Wolf King.

Only a female Turk came after me, so the situation didn't seem that serious.

But the ever-present wolf pack is a greater threat.

I don’t know if it’s the previous wolf pack or the wolf pack that exists in Yanglin Bay. If we go all the way, I’m afraid we’ll be surrounded by wolves sooner or later.

The horses' speed was limited in the forest, and it was difficult to get rid of the female Turk behind them.

He had just forced her back, but within a moment he was approaching and chasing her.

The two women looked at each other, a spark was wiped out in the air, they bent their bows and arrows almost at the same time, and wanted to shoot at each other at the same time.

Two whooshing sounds.

There was no collision between two arrows like in the TV series.

Because Li Shuwang was hiding under Bai Song's arm, his posture was quite awkward, and it was not smooth to bend the bow and draw the arrow, resulting in insufficient power.

One of Li Shuwang's arrows just landed lightly in front of the female Turk.

But the female Turk's arrow made a sound of piercing the air, chasing Li Shuwang head-on like a venomous snake flying in the air.

"Not good!" Li Shuwang exclaimed, but the two of them were riding on the same horse. It was too difficult to face the enemy on horseback. Even if she knew how to hide, she could hardly change her current posture. She could only watch the arrows rushing towards her.

Facing the door, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing that he was about to suffer a serious injury, Li Shuwang's body was violently pulled.

Bai Song held the woman under his arm and swung it forward, almost throwing Li Shuwang away. Fortunately, Li Shuwang reacted quickly and wrapped his legs around Bai Song's waist. He leaned back and pressed his back against the horse's belly.

The situation is extremely dangerous.

Li Shuwang Yinya was worried. He looked at his long hair that was lying on the ground. He sat up again with strength on his waist, turned around and hugged Bai Song tightly, and his face was pressed against Bai Song's face.

"Don't block me!" Bai Song pushed Li Shuwang's face away from her, looked at the road ahead, and tried his best to control the horse.

"Thank you!" Li Shuwang took a long breath, feeling as if he had walked through the gates of hell.

But Bai Song frowned and shouted: "Don't thank me! Look at my back, I seem to have been hit by an arrow, it hurts so much!"

"Ah?" Li Shuwang was startled and quickly looked to see a Turkic arrow stuck in Bai Song's back!

Li Shuwang knew that this was the arrow aimed at him!

In order to save him, Bai Song used his body to block an arrow from himself.

Li Shuwang's heart tightened: "How are you?"

"How do I know how I am? I can't see, so I let you see!" Bai Song complained.

Li Shuwang felt a little calmer. Hearing how confident this guy was speaking, it looked like the injury was not serious.

But the previous arrow was extremely fast and powerful, and ordinary people could not catch it.

Logically speaking, Bai Song should have been seriously injured.

Li Shu looked around and found that there was no blood on the heavy arrow on Bai Song's back. It was just that the arrow was hanging on his clothes and was about to fall. It seemed that it had not penetrated Bai Song's body...

"How is this possible? You are not injured!"

"You still want me to get hurt, don't you?"

"No, I'm talking about how come the Turks' arrows didn't pierce your body?"

"Damn, I feel like someone punched me in the back and my bones are about to break! Since there's no bleeding, I'm relieved."

As he spoke, Li Shuwang glanced at Bai Song and glanced at Bai Song's collar, as if he noticed something: "Your inner lining saved you and blocked an arrow for you! Could it be the legendary golden silkworm armor?"

"What golden silkworm armor! This is a body armor!"

Li Shuwang had no time to pay attention. His pupils shrank and he saw an arrow flying towards the back of Bai Song's head.

Wearing a body armor can save your life, but if your head is pierced by an arrow, even the gods will not be able to save you.

"Get down!"

Li Shuwang shouted while violently pulling Bai Song down.

Bai Song's neck sank, and he suddenly leaned forward, pressing Li Shuwang's entire body underneath him.

At this moment, the two of them were face to face, unable to get any closer, even their eyelashes were fighting together, their rapid breathing collided, and each could clearly enjoy the other's body fragrance.

"This is not the way to go!" Bai Song spoke seriously against Li Shuwang's face. Every time he moved his lips, Li Shuwang could feel the gentle friction. He didn't know whether he was talking or kissing.

"Sooner or later we will be surrounded by wolves. As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king. That female Turk is the leader of the wolf pack. If the wolves don't come after her, it's better to give her a try. She's just a person. You put on my

Bulletproof vest, be careful, I'll help you lead the big wolf away on horseback. How about that?"


Li Shuwang's heart surged, he took a breath of manly scent and felt full of strength.

Bai Song immediately threw away his coat, took off his body armor and put it on Li Shuwang.

"Remember, body armor is not invulnerable. It can only prevent you from being killed by one blow at critical moments. Be careful!"


"You must hold on, I will help you after I deal with the wolf."

"Hmph! Just don't die!"

"the same as you!"

The two of them told each other, Li Shuwang put his bow on his back, drew out his sword, threw Bai Song away, jumped off the horse and faced the female Turk from behind.

Bai Song continued riding and looked back.

The target of those Turks is indeed themselves!

Seeing that the man did not stop, the female Turk immediately jumped off the wolf's back to confront Li Shuwang. The wolf king then bypassed Li Shuwang and chased Bai Song.

Bai Song turned around and waved the reins: "Drive... drive!"


The howling of wolves in the mountain forest came closer, and a wolf king followed closely behind.

Bai Song suddenly changed direction and rode his horse towards the south where the wolf howling came from.

On the other side, Li Shuwang was also secretly paying attention to Bai Song. When he saw Bai Song heading in the direction of the wolf howl, he couldn't help but frowned, thinking to himself, wasn't he going to die?

But she naturally has no time to pay attention to others now. The female Turk is extraordinary and is the most powerful guard around the Turk Khan.

Any carelessness will result in death!

Li Shuwang took a deep breath and raised his sword.

The female Turk didn't take him seriously. She drew out the scimitar from her waist and rushed straight towards Li Shuwang.

Li Shuwang's pupils shrank, he put his right foot back on the ground, raised the sword in his right hand, and swept the sword on the back of the short sword, making a crisp sound instantly.

The female Turk did not retreat at all. She pressed down on her dagger to block the sword's power. With a flick of her wrist, she swung the dagger sideways and thrust forward in an instant, heading straight for Li Shuwang's heart.

Li Shuwang flicked his right hand, and changed the sword held in his right hand to his left hand. The long sword drew an arc along the short sword as the center point. Where the sword blade swept, it made a cut on the female Turk's wrist, and a few drops of blood spattered instantly.

The female Turk's eyes widened, and she was obviously angry. However, even though she was injured, she still did not change her offensive. It was bound to kill the Han woman with one blow.

The two women competed fiercely, and neither one of them was willing to take a step back.

Seeing that the female Turk was about to stab Li Shuwang in the heart, Li Shuwang didn't want to retreat. He stabbed forward with the sword in his left hand, aiming at the female Turk's throat.

At this moment, no one knows who will succeed first, or whether they will all die together in the first round.

At the critical moment, the female Turk finally became timid and turned her head to avoid the position of the sword, causing her own sword to deviate as well.

The two women suddenly collided physically with each other, making a muffled sound.

Li Shuwang's right foot kept pushing on the ground, and his foot had already stepped deeply into the mud. He was well prepared for this collision, but he was suddenly knocked away by a Turkic woman a foot away.

The female Turk stood up from the ground in embarrassment, looked at the sword wound on her arm, and finally narrowed her eyes.

Li Shuwang stood with his sword in hand, standing in the previous position, motionless as a mountain, cool and resolute, and graceful.

"Women, don't underestimate women!" Li Shuwang said coldly.

The female Turk did not speak, but tightened her scimitar in her hand. She was indeed smaller than this Han lady.

The whole Han lady is different from other Han girls. She has courage that even Turks have to admire.

Gently, the female Turk took out the small scimitar from the side of her leather boot with her left hand, holding the tip of the knife with two fingers, eager to try it.

Li Shuwang's pupils shrank, knowing that this Turkic woman was serious. Uncle He suffered a loss and died with this hidden weapon, the scimitar.

The female Turk suddenly took action, and the knife shot out quickly, like lightning. Before the knife could hit, she took the scimitar and rushed towards Li Shuwang again.

Li Shuwang flashed to the side, and the tip of his sword touched the ground while he was in the air. He lifted it lightly, sending up a burst of fine sand and gravel on the ground.

The female Turk was disturbed by the fine sand and her speed slowed down. Li Shuwang seized the opportunity and stepped on it in the air.

The female Turk grabbed Li Shuwang with her left hand and caught Li Shuwang in the air, and also grabbed Li Shuwang's feet.

Li Shuwang didn't expect that the Turkic woman was so strong. She was able to catch his own kick in the air with just one hand, and was unable to get away.

The situation suddenly became urgent, and the female Turk's scimitar swept over, intending to cut off Li Shuwang's leg!

Li Shuwang struggled violently and broke free of one of his shoes, only to escape from the female Turk's grasp.

On the other side, the Wolf King was already chasing behind him, and his claws had left several marks on Xiao Hei's body.

If it had been any other horse, it would have fallen to the ground. Fortunately, Xiao Hei was tenacious and unyielding, holding on to protect his master from falling.

Bai Song would not be stupid enough to confront the Wolf King head-on, so he could only drive his horse all the way to look for the sound of the wolf howling.

The sound of howling wolves was very close at hand, and Xiao Hei's steps began to stagger, and he almost fell down several times.

Suddenly, the Wolf King behind him stopped chasing, and Xiao Hei also stopped walking uneasily.

Five pairs of eerie eyes appeared in front of them, and five more wolves slowly walked out of the forest.

And Bai Song was instantly surrounded.

Faced with such a situation, Bai Song was nervous, but not desperate. He was even slightly excited, paying attention to the movements of each wolf.

The five newly appeared wolves just stared at Bai Song for a while, then suddenly turned their eyes to the wolf king behind them, and then let out a warning growl.

Bai Song was overjoyed when he saw it, just as he expected.

This wolf king is not from the same group as the wolves in Yanglin Bay. They just follow the instructions of the female Turk.

Now that the female Turk is being restrained by Li Shuwang, the two waves of wolves have no one to give orders, and their animal nature is revealed.

The wolves in Yanglin Bay will definitely reject this outsider. If two waves of wolves fight, they will be able to escape!

This chapter has been completed!
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