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Chapter 151 Summons

Blood transfusion!

Have people who lived during the Zhenguan period ever heard of such a statement?

When Bai Song walked out of the military tent and expressed his thoughts, the military camp became noisy.

Cheng Yaojin scratched his head and frowned: "The so-called blood transfusion means giving another person's blood to Li Jing?"

Bai Song nodded: "This method is a bit dangerous. I don't know if it can be successful."

Bai Song was very honest. Under such simple conditions, even if he did it himself, he might not be able to successfully transfuse blood.

Once it fails, Li Jing may not be able to survive.

It can be said that I will also be jointly and severally responsible.

The idea of ​​blood transfusion was too bizarre, and everyone was uneasy.

Cheng Yaojin took the opportunity to look inside, and when he saw that Li Jing could sit up now, he muttered: "Isn't Old Li already well? Why do we need a blood transfusion?"

Bai Song didn't answer at all, and it was a waste of time and energy to communicate with Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin was a little annoyed when he was ignored. Just as he was about to say something, Li Shuwang suddenly said firmly: "I believe you, just do whatever you want!"

Inside, Li Jing was also saying: "This kid... has already saved me once, I believe in him!"

"But where does the blood come from now?" someone asked.

Bai Song didn't say anything, but someone outside shouted: "With my blood! I am willing to trade my life for the general's life!"

"I do too!"

"I would also like to..."

"Use mine!"

"Use mine!"

The crowd outside the tent was excited, which deeply touched Bai Song.

With the army officers and soldiers working together, it is no wonder that Li Jing can have such a reputation and leave an inspiring history to the world.

How can such an army be worried about not being able to win with a stick?

"Blood transfusion doesn't require anyone's blood, it must come from a close relative." Bai Song said lightly, tilting his head to look at Li Shuwang.

There is no way to test the blood type at the moment. In terms of probability, Li Shuwang, who is the granddaughter, has a high probability of matching Li Jing's blood type.

This is also what Bai Song was worried about and was not sure about.

But Li Jing was the backbone of the Tang army. If Li Jing died, there would be no one to lead the Tang army to defeat the Turks, and history would be wrong.

Bai Song didn't want to watch history go wrong, so he was willing to take a chance.

"No!" Cheng Yaojin interrupted, "How can we let Shu Wang... Shu Wang is still young..."

"Grandpa, I am willing to save grandpa!"

"This won't work either!"

"Don't be so nervous. It's just a blood transfusion, not a life change!" Bai Song explained, "The risk I'm talking about is that General Li is at risk. The person receiving the blood transfusion is only temporarily weak, and there is no risk to his life."

Cheng Yaojin was suspicious: "Really?"

"Of course!" Bai Song said, "How could I make fun of Li Shuwang's life?"

Li Shuwang felt a little guilty, lowered his head and bit his lip gently.

Bai Song looked at her: "Believe me, nothing will happen."


After a brief explanation, Bai Song began preparations for blood transfusion.

After taking a nap earlier, Bai Song not only prepared powerful anesthetics, but also simple blood transfusion tools, as well as necessary simple medicines such as normal saline.

Bai Song asked Li Shuwang to lie next to Li Jing, and then started tinkering with needles, medicine bottles and other things.

The few soldiers in the tent were very curious. They had never seen everything Bai Song brought out.

Li Shuwang was even more curious and kept staring at Bai Song: "I didn't see these on you when I came here. When did you get them?"

It was difficult to explain this matter, so Bai Song laughed and changed the subject: "Forgot the cumin and salt? There are many things in me that you have never seen before!"

Li Shuwang blushed, and subconsciously glanced at Bai Song's body, wondering in his heart what else he hadn't seen before?

Blood transfusion is a long process.

By the time everything was over, it was already late at night.

General Li Jing's body showed no signs of rejection and the blood transfusion was very successful.

But the general is still very weak and needs to rest for a while.

Li Shuwang had to undergo a lot of blood transfusions. He felt dizzy and his face had lost its rosiness.

When I think back to when I was sleeping in the tent, the comparison makes me feel a little distressed.

The military camp was very quiet, and there was no sensation caused by Bai Song's blood transfusion technique.

What everyone is concerned about is when the general will recover.

This kind of result is also what Bai Song is happy to see.

Bai Song never wanted to cause too much trouble because of some technologies that were beyond the times. If everything could be handled in a low-key manner, naturally he would prefer to handle it in a low-key manner.

The blood transfusion supplies were burned by Bai Song, leaving no trace.

The soldiers in the military camp arranged for Bai Song to rest in the military tent, but Bai Song refused because he needed to take care of Li Shuwang.

In other words, there is a reasonable reason to continue to be with Li Shuwang.

For some reason, Bai Song felt that being with Li Shuwang would be more practical.

Just like Li Shuwang felt.

Li Shuwang was lying in the tent, and Bai Song asked the soldiers in the military camp to cook a bowl of red date and pigeon soup for Li Shuwang late at night.

For this bowl of soup, the military camp officers hurried to Yunzhong City to buy ingredients. They also purchased many supplements for the general's health.

"Here, let's have some soup."

Bai Song came in with a bowl of hot pigeon soup.

A small oil lamp can't illuminate much.

Li Shuwang struggled to sit up: "The moonlight is beautiful tonight. I want to go outside to see the moon."

"It's so cold..."

"It's okay, the soup is warm."

Li Shuwang said calmly and walked out of the tent on his own.

Then he thought the scenery here was not good, so he walked all the way to a sentry tower in the camp, drove away the soldiers on duty, and sat on it himself.

Women are very willful when they are weak. Bai Song chased her all the way with a bowl of soup and tried to persuade her all the way, but it had no effect at all.

There was no choice but to let her lean against the tall sentry tower, wrapped in a cloak, and let the cold invade her.

Li Shu looked at the starry sky and asked with a smile: "How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

"Auntie, drink the soup quickly."

"How can I drink if you don't feed me?"

"You have the strength to climb the sentry tower, but not the strength to drink the soup?"

"Yes! I ran out of strength!"

Li Shuwang sat down willfully, and Bai Song felt like a completely different person. He was even more difficult to take care of than everyone else!

Think about how it looks like catching fish in Yanglin Bay. Is this still the chivalrous woman?

There was no other way, Bai Song could only feed her.

The woman frowned after taking a sip: "It doesn't taste good, add salt, your kind of fine salt."

"The soup needs to be fresh, adding salt is unnecessary."

"If you want to add, you must add!"

"Ha..." Bai Song smiled helplessly, not bothering to think about it.

Although I felt a little helpless, I didn't realize that I was already enjoying it.

Since Yanglin Bay, Bai Song and Li Shuwang have never slept separately.

Both of them seem to be familiar with each other's existence, and they feel at ease when they can feel each other.

On the towering sentry tower, I didn't know why I fell asleep, but at dawn when the rooster crows, I saw each other wrapped in a cloak, hugging each other a little tight.


A cough broke the silence between the two of them.

A soldier climbed up the guard tower with a surprised look on his face, and then said with a slight smile: "Miss, we didn't see anything."

"You...what are you here for?" Li Shuwang stood up and straightened his clothes in a panic.

The soldier raised the lantern in his hand: "The marching captain ordered us to hang up the lantern."

"Hang a lantern?" Li Shuwang frowned, confused.

"Miss, don't you know? Tomorrow is New Year's Eve."

"Ah! New Year's Eve!" Li Shuwang suddenly realized that there were so many things happening along the way that he completely forgot about celebrating the New Year.

Bai Song was also a little surprised. Thinking of New Year's Eve, he naturally thought of his relatives in Mang County.


younger sister……


Now, look at Li Shuwang.

If we separate one day, maybe we will still be worried about each other, right?

Obviously, I can't be with my family this year.

Thinking about it, Bai Song felt a little disappointed.

Li Shuwang saw through Bai Song's thoughts and whispered: "I haven't spent New Year's Eve in the army yet, so it should be very lively, right?"

"Doctor Bai, the general is calling you."

Someone below shouted loudly.

Li Jing summoned him, and it seemed that after a night's rest, his spirits improved.

Bai Song was about to meet Li Jing, and he wanted to tell Li Jing about the Zheng family's collusion with the Turks.

From Li Jing's perspective, after hearing such news, he would definitely hate the Zheng family, right?

"Bai Song." Li Shuwang suddenly shouted.


"As for the Zheng family's affairs, can you wait for some time before telling Grandpa?"

Li Shuwang seemed to be asking for help.

Bai Song instantly understood that Li Shuwang was afraid that the news about the Zheng family would cause Li Jing to be furious and cause his injuries to become unstable.

Bai Song realized that he had not thought carefully and smiled: "Don't worry, I will leave this matter to you and find a suitable opportunity."

Then one person got off the guard tower.

Then we went to the Chinese army tent, where a circle of generals sat.

Seeing Bai Song coming, they all stood up and bowed to Bai Song Baoquan: "Thank you, Doctor Bai, for treating the general."

A group of generals were loud and powerful, which startled Bai Song. He looked at Li Jing who was sitting among them and Cheng Yaojin who was sitting next to him.

"The general still needs to rest, but he can't worry about anything else."

Li Jing's expression was still very bad, but he tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "Doctor Bai is overly worried. I have my own sense of discretion."

"I don't know how to imitate Guan Yu..." Bai Song couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

The sound was neither loud nor quiet, and the scene was a bit awkward.

Cheng Yaojin slapped the table: "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, okay..." Li Jing waved his hands, unable to argue, "You saved my general, and I will be rewarded heavily. Tell me, what do you want?"

The Bai Song Dynasty wanted the Zheng family to decline, but with just one word from Li Jing, he probably couldn't do it, right?

As for the other things, Bai Song was not demanding, so he said solemnly: "It is the duty of a doctor to treat illnesses and save people. He does not ask for rewards."

"Hey!" Cheng Yaojin was amused, "This guy is so interesting! He doesn't want a reward."

Li Jing was also a little surprised, and then nodded with satisfaction: "It's rare... This way, I can feel more confident about keeping you in the army."

"What?" Bai Song was surprised, "Stay in the army?"

"That's right, Doctor Bai's medical skills are unpredictable. And our army is at war with the Turks. Doctor Bai's medical skills are of use, and this is the time when I am employing people. If Doctor Bai can stay in the army, he will definitely become a member of our army.

A great help, Doctor Bai will definitely stay with me to conquer the Turks."

This chapter has been completed!
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