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Chapter 238

I wonder what Xiang'er is thinking now?

I don’t even know if I accept Shu Wang now or not?

Shu Wang gave Bai Song a headache, and now Qing'er comes?

This matter must not be misunderstood. Now Xiang'er is the little ancestor. From now on, the happy life at night will all depend on Xiang'er. If you offend Xiang'er, you have to become a monk.

I don’t know who had seen Miss Qing’er wandering upstairs before. At this moment, there were layers of noise in the flower boat.

There were calls for Miss Qing'er to come forward and meet her.

The cabin was really too noisy, and Bai Song wanted to establish an image in front of Xiang'er, so he took his family to the bow deck of the flower boat.

There are few people here, the scenery along the road, and the spring breeze are blowing, which is also enjoyable.

The water of the Wei River is affected by the water quality of the Yellow River. The water surface is slightly hazy and the flow is also turbulent.

The flower boat went down the river and drifted out of the county town unconsciously. At this moment, it was turning around, and people were about to go upstream and return to the city.

This trip is a small tour, but even if you keep watching the scenery, you can only see a small corner of Jixian scenery.

In the boat, Miss Qing'er's singing voice came, singing the popular song "New Love".

Listening to the singing, even Xiang'er couldn't help but admire: "This girl Qing'er's singing voice is so beautiful. No wonder so many men are following her in the world."

After saying that, he looked at the husband calmly.

Bai Song was smart enough not to interrupt in this matter, so he pretended to be a tree hole and listened quietly.

Returning to the flower boat, the singing in the boat gradually stopped.

Xiang'er arranged her hair and suggested returning to the cabin, and the group turned back again.

I thought everything would be peaceful, but suddenly a person flew out of the cabin and fell heavily on the deck.

This man was a scholar. His clothes were simple and tattered. He fell to the ground and saw many bruises on his face.

It seemed like he had been beaten in the cabin.

Before the man got up, he heard a burst of curses coming from inside: "What a shameless guy, you dare to be rude to Miss Qing'er in public. If I don't kill you, we will act like men!"

"Even if you don't urinate to show off your poor appearance, with your virtue, are you worthy of seeing Miss Qing'er?"

"Beat him to death! Beat this pervert to death!"

The noise inside was overwhelming, and then several people walked out from inside.

The scholar on the ground looked unwilling and struggled to get up, but he was probably seriously beaten because of the scars on his body. When he got up, he fell down again, which was very embarrassing.

This man was right in front of Bai Song. Several girls dodged when they saw him, and all came behind Bai Song.

Bai Song didn't know the situation, so he subconsciously reached out and gave the man a hand.

The man stood up, grabbed Bai Song, burst into tears, and cried, "I squandered all my wealth for Miss Qing'er, and squandered a thousand taels of silver, and in the end I couldn't even see her in person! I regret it so much!"

This man cried so loudly that everyone in the flower boat could hear him clearly.

The person walking towards me yelled angrily: "Miss Qing'er didn't force you, no matter how much money I give you, it's just your wishful thinking! How can the love between a man and a woman be measured by money? You think you can get it if you spend more money."

Have you met Miss Qing'er? Miss Qing'er is a person, not an object! It's not a business! People like you deserve to be disliked by Miss Qing'er."

As they talked, several people stepped forward and saw that they were about to take action against the scholar.

Bai Song frowned. Although the matter was simple, it was still unpleasant to hear.

It was not unreasonable to speak to the person who came to meet him, but seeing the miserable condition of the scholar, he did not just pay money, but he was probably moved by his true feelings.

This scholar was really pitiful. Bai Song stopped him in front of a few people and said in a low voice: "You said it and beat me, so what else do you want to do?"

"Brother, Shi Xi, please get out of the way. You don't know that this guy just rushed in front of Miss Qing'er in public and wanted to tear off Miss Qing'er's veil. Miss Qing'er kindly came out to perform a song for everyone, and she almost didn't take any money. I am offended by this kid. He has caused public anger and he deserves it all!"

Bai Song didn't know how to deal with this matter. He felt it was a little tricky. He looked back, but he couldn't see the scholar.

Then, several women behind him suddenly screamed.

The next second, Bai Song saw a figure rushing out of the deck and jumping towards the Wei River...

Bai Song was stunned. He didn't expect the scholar to jump into the river, so he rushed to the edge and looked into the river.

The water below me is rolling, and the flower boat is flowing against the water of the Wei River. The surface of the river is actually a twilight rolling whirlpool, and there is no trace of human beings anywhere?

Before Bai Song could react, all the women around him crowded around Bai Song and covered their faces. They were all frightened.

Bai Song hugged Xiang'er and his sister and comforted her repeatedly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay."

More and more people came out and stood on the edge, looking at the river.

No one around him was sentimental, just a little shocked, and someone could vaguely hear someone whispering something like "it's a good time to die".

In ancient times, it was not a big deal for someone to die, let alone someone like this who jumped into the river on his own initiative.

The Weihe River has witnessed all kinds of flowers in the flower streets and flower houses, and it also contains countless unknown corpses.

Today’s scholars are just a drop in the ocean. No one cares about them, let alone discusses them.

It just broke the beauty in front of me and made the atmosphere that should have been a joyous celebration much duller.

Half an hour later, the flower boat docked at noon.

As if to inform the world that summer is coming, the sun is particularly hot today, making the crowd a little restless.

Moving little by little with the flow of people on the ferry, Sangsang said a rare word: "Brother Bai, why don't you go home and drink sour plum soup, it's so hot."

"Yes! Xiao Cui doesn't want to play anymore. She's so vicious today. If I had known, I wouldn't have worn a lining."

Xiang'er slapped her on the head with a straight face: "Girl, you are not ashamed at all, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Bai Song looked at the sky, squinted his eyes, and nodded helplessly.

Just as I was thinking about it, someone from behind shouted: "Those in front should go faster, don't stop Miss Qing'er."

It was Qing'er again. As soon as they heard Qing'er, the crowd looked back.

Bai Song also looked back and saw Miss Mo walking at the end of the crowd, with three people around her blocking those around her from approaching.

The eyes above the veil shone with a hint of exhaustion, but they also noticed Bai Song, and in a rare moment, they curved the corners of their eyes and made a smile.

"Ms. sir, what are you looking at?"


Bai Song held one person on each hand, squeezed into the crowd, and gradually left the ferry.

There are dense crowds here, but there is a small open space among the crowd.

There was an old man standing under an old tree. Everyone took a step back unconsciously when they saw the old man.

It seems that no one dares to get too close.

There were also many people who gently cupped their hands and saluted before leaving.

Bai Song felt a little strange, so he walked in and took a look, and found that it was the old lady of the Chen family.

Old Mrs. Chen's face was livid, he was holding a cane in his hand, hunched over, and facing Bai Song menacingly.

Bai Song's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this old man wouldn't come here to cause trouble for him, would he?

But how does he know he is here?

Bai Rou also saw the other party and became nervous instantly: "Brother, what should I do? The old man won't hit someone again, right?"

"Ms. sir, what's wrong?"

Bai Song frowned and waved his hand to signal them to move away: "Don't be nervous, I'll go ask."

"Brother Bai, don't go. That old man is so fierce. Sangsang is a little scared."

"You are here, you can't afford to offend us and you can't afford to hide? As long as he makes a move, we will run home directly."

After saying a simple word, Bai Song walked towards Old Mrs. Chen. He was about to say something, but saw something wrong in his eyes.

The other party didn't seem to be looking at me at all.

Bai Song was stunned, but at this moment Old Mrs. Chen came over with a cane.

Old Mrs. Chen didn't see Bai Song at all. He passed by Bai Song and walked behind Bai Song.

When the passers-by saw Old Mrs. Chen moving, they all moved out of the way.

Bai Song also looked at it, wondering what the old man was going to do.

Seeing that the pedestrians at the ferry were about to disperse, Old Mrs. Chen stopped at the end step by step and stood in front of Miss Mo.

No one thought that Mr. Chen's target was Miss Qing'er. The pedestrians who were about to leave all stopped and watched silently.

"Who is it?" A person standing next to Miss Mo asked in a deep voice.

"Chen Jihai!"

After saying these three simple words, even the three middle-aged people couldn't help but take a step back.

Grandpa Chen is known as a literary sage in Youzhou. He is highly respected and known to everyone.

The middle-aged man who spoke earlier also softened his tone and bowed his hands: "It turns out to be Mrs. Chen."

"I'm not here to find you, but to see her!"

Old Mrs. Chen pointed his cane at Mo Jiqing and narrowed his eyes slightly, arousing hatred.

Under the veil, I don’t know what Miss Mo’s expression was, but she winked at the people around her and took a step forward: “Mr. Chen, do you have any instructions for finding the little girl?”


With a low shout, everyone present felt their hearts skip a beat. Although the name was simple, it proved that something must be happening here.

But how did this girl Qing'er get involved with Mr. Chen?

Miss Mo frowned lightly, but she still did not dare to show any dissatisfaction in front of Mr. Chen, and still said calmly: "Mr. Chen, what can I do to offend this little girl? Why does Mr. Chen feel so dissatisfied?"

"I heard that there is another person seeking death for you. Is this true?"

Mo Jiqing nodded, with a bit of sadness on his brows.

"In one month, two people have died for you, and you still say that you are not a witch?"

"Mr. Chen is wronged. My little girl has never had any intention of harming anyone. It's just that those young masters were too obsessed with Qing'er. Qing'er tried to persuade her in every possible way, but she still couldn't make her look back. A young master died for me, and Qing'er also blamed herself in every possible way.

, I really don’t want to let this happen.”

"Don't be so pretentious in front of me! Do you know who jumped into the river today?"


"This is my favorite disciple Chen Rui! Chen Rui has always been studious and has a prosperous family. It's all because of his acquaintance with you. In less than ten days, he squandered all his wealth and ended up in a life-or-death situation! It's obviously because of you.

This witch is so confusing, otherwise there would be nothing like what we are doing today!"

This chapter has been completed!
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