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Chapter 270

Tired from crying and full from eating, Chen Xirong felt dizzy from exhaustion and really wanted to fall down and sleep again.

Bai Song watched and interjected: "Do you still want to die now?"

Chen Xirong blushed and said nothing, but her expression said everything.

"Okay, let's leave quickly. I don't know how long it will take to get back to the city."

I stood up and looked upstream. I could vaguely see the shadow of a city among the clouds and mist.

Unexpectedly, they were rushed so far in one night, and the surrounding official roads were desolate. The two of them grilled fish and chatted here for a long time, without even seeing a single person.

Chen Xirong steeled herself and struggled to get up.

Now my body has regained some strength, but my feet still sting with pain whenever I exert force.

Bai Song saw that her expression was wrong and asked her to sit down. Then he looked at her legs and saw that her ankles were red and swollen.

"Be patient."

Bai Song reminded him and pinched the red and swollen areas of Chen Xirong's legs and feet.

Chen Xirong screamed in pain. Bai Song took advantage of this and used his hands hard to restore the dislocated joint with a click.

Chen Xirong's eyes and nose were twisted together in pain, and her lips turned blue and trembled non-stop. Fortunately, it was just that moment and it was over before she could react.

Bai Song added: "Okay, it's just a misalignment. You can recover after just one day of rest."

"You...you are a doctor?" Chen Xirong was stunned and a little strange.

Bai Song didn't answer, but moved forward, squatted down and faced Chen Xirong with his back: "Come here."


"What are you doing standing still? I'm carrying you on my back. Your feet can't use your strength now."

Chen Xirong was a little confused and subconsciously threw herself on Bai Song's back.

Bai Song lifted it up. This ancient lady was probably malnourished. Carrying it on her back, she felt so light that she couldn't feel the weight.

Walking onto the official road, Bai Song didn't know where it was. He only knew that he was following the direction of the river, which must be heading south. But this road seemed to be rarely used by people. There was not even a wheel on the ground, so he could only follow it.

Walk for a while and see if you can get to a main road, maybe you can meet the carriages going to Jixian.

An hour passed.

Just as Bai Song thought, the road ahead merged into a larger main road, and through several layers of trees, pedestrians on the road could be vaguely seen.

"It's quick, it's quick! If you meet someone, borrow their carriage and horse, and you'll be back soon."

Bai Song was very happy, wiped his sweat, and put Chen Xirong on his back.

Chen Xirong was as quiet as a lifeless rag doll, saying nothing, just looking at Bai Song silently, watching his sweat flow from his hair into his neck, and then from his neck into his clothes. Maybe he was tired?

"Why did you save me?"

After a while, Chen Xirong finally couldn't help it anymore and asked in a low voice.

"Didn't I say it? It's you..."

"Why are you so nice to me now?"

"I am a big man, I can't leave you alone!"

"Don't think that if you save me now, I won't cause trouble for you when I return to Jixian."

"You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't seek death every now and then."

Having said this, Chen Xirong became quiet again.

Then the two of them arrived at the main road, and after walking for another quarter of an hour, they met a merchant on the road.

Bai Song gave someone some money, and the two of them got into the truck and finally had a good rest.

Bai and Song were swept down the river for more than twenty miles.

The team searching in the city had no idea they would be swept out so far. For a whole day, hundreds of people fished in the rivers inside and outside the city, but found nothing.

At a time when loved ones in every family are heartbroken.

Bai Song was sleeping in the truck and had missed the search team outside the city, and quietly returned to Ji County.

By this time, it was already the second watch, and every household had already lit up lights.

Bai Song knew that his family was worried, so he walked in a hurry. After walking far away, he remembered that Chen Xirong was on the same road as him. When he looked back, he found Chen Xirong walking down the street in a daze, thinking slowly and not knowing what to do.

"Hey, hurry up! Your family is probably worried to death!"

Bai Song shouted, but Chen Xirong made no move.

This woman was fine before, but now that she has returned to the city, she has become weird.

Bai Song felt something was wrong, so he turned back and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Xirong frowned and whispered, "I...I don't know where I'm going..."

"Of course you're going home! Where else can you go if you don't go back?"

"But...but I don't want to go back now, and I don't have the shame to go back again..."


Only then did Bai Song realize that Chen Xirong had been exposed as a mirror polisher and had been defrauded of so much money by the Holy Lotus Sect. There must have been a lot of discussion outside, and the family's face had been drained. She was considered a sinner.

If it were you, it would probably be difficult to go back now, right?

After thinking about it, Bai Song sighed. Seeing how pitiful she was, it was hard to care about the past.

"Okay, okay, come with me and go to my house to stay one night first."


Chen Xirong nodded and glanced at Bai Song gratefully.

The lights in the White House were not turned off, and the whole family was in a state of sadness.

Now a team of hundreds of people are salvaging on the Weihe River, and three domestic slaves have also gone out to search privately. A group of women are left standing at home, unable to help in any way. They either sigh or secretly wipe their tears, and do not dare to speak out when they are sad.

I'm afraid it might affect others.

"It's been a whole day now, why haven't there been any news from outside? I'm really anxious!"

"No news is good news. Your Majesty, he is a lucky man and a good man. Everything will be fine."


Bai Rou, who had never lost confidence in her brother, panicked when she heard what happened last night. After thinking about it, she couldn't help crying in the hall.

Bai Rou's cry made others cry too.

Xiang'er was the only one who endured it. Looking at such a grand home, as a mistress, how could she have the right to cry at this time?

Xiang'er looked at the silence in the courtyard, her eyes were red, and she was about to burst into tears. Suddenly she heard her husband calling "Xiang'er".

Xiang'er trembled and stood up suddenly.

Everyone looked at her, wondering what happened?

Xiang'er's voice was trembling: "You... did you hear it? Is it my husband's voice?"


"Sister-in-law, do you miss your brother too much?"

"No... listen!" Xiang'er was extremely sure, her face becoming more and more excited.

Several girls calmed down, and there happened to be another sound.


The sound was closer than before and heard more clearly.

At this moment, everyone in the hall could hear it clearly.

In an instant, the girls flocked to the yard like tits out of their cages, but they couldn't identify the exact direction from which the sound came, so they were so anxious that they circled around the yard.

At this moment, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

"Xiang'er! Xiang'er..."

"Ms. sir!"

Several girls rushed forward and quickly opened the door.

When they saw the man they had longed for come back, they were so excited that they rushed towards him.

Several women in the family rushed over to me. They were covered in the scent of women and couldn't tell who was who. I could only hear them crying and laughing, and my heart was moved.

When you come to this world, not only do you care about others, but you are also concerned about others.

This mutual connection made Bai Song feel comfortable, and he tried his best to comfort these frightened birds, hugging them and sending them back to the courtyard.

"Brother, I told you that you will be fine! My brother is the most capable, how could something happen?"

"Now, let's see, brother, why are there still tears hanging on your face? You've been crying a lot today, haven't you?"

"How... how could... I didn't cry!"

"Master, it's all my fault. If I hadn't taken a good look at the young master, the young master wouldn't have..."

"Okay, okay, what does this have to do with you? Didn't I come back with nothing?"

"Uncle, Xiaocui thought you were dead! Wuwuwu..."

"It's a joke, my uncle hasn't seen Xiao Cui get married, how can he die?"

"Brother Bai..."

Bai Song held Sang Sang's face and touched it gently: "Okay, I'm back."

With tears in her eyes, Sangsang nodded: "Yes."

In the end, Bai Song's eyes hid on Xiang'er.

I saw Xiang'er's eyes were red, but she was standing on the outside of the crowd, smiling demurely, and nodding lightly from a distance away.

Bai Song let go of the girls around him, stepped in front of Xiang'er, pulled her into his arms in front of everyone, held her beautiful face, and kissed her hard.

"Xiang'er, I'm worrying you."

At this moment, Xiang'er just put down the heavy burden on her shoulders. She no longer ignored the gazes around her and responded enthusiastically to her husband. With tears in her eyes, she bit her lip and refused to let go for a long time.

Outside the door, the downcast Chen Xirong looked at the gathering of the family. He felt that everyone was behaving a little strangely, but he was a little envious of such a warm atmosphere. Between them, there seemed to be no restraints of etiquette and education, and they just expressed their true feelings.

With inner excitement and joy.

Even if a man and a woman kiss in public, it doesn't seem out of place.

After a while, Dongxiang noticed someone standing at the door.

After the young master and his wife separated, he came to the young master's side and whispered: "Then Miss Chen's..."

"Oh, right!"

Bai Song suddenly realized that there was another person, and he hurriedly pulled Xiang'er over.

"Xiang'er, this is Miss Chen's family. She fell into the water with me and came back together. Let's arrange a room for her to stay in for the night."

Bai Song's words aroused suspicion among several people, wondering if the Chen Mansion was just across the street?

Why come to live at home?

Bai Song explained it to Xiang'er in a low voice, and then Xiang'er understood the reason.

Both women, Xiang'er saw how pitiful this young lady was, so she personally took Chen Xirong to the backyard to arrange a stay.

Bai Song said to Dongxiang again: "Go and send a message to the Chen family, saying that Miss Chen is safe and doesn't want to go home yet. She is currently living in our house."

Dongxiang got the order and hurried to the other side.

Bai Song didn't have time to rest, so he had to go to the prefect's house to inform him when he went out.

When I came back, I heard that hundreds of people were still out searching, so I had to go and say thank you.

Hearing that Bai Song was going out again, Bai Rou clamored to go with her.

This girl looked carefree on the surface, but in reality she was frightened, fearing that her brother would disappear again.

Bai Song felt distressed and agreed to take Bai Rou out for a spin.

Thinking back, I haven't had a heart-to-heart talk with my sister for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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