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Chapter 331

For five thousand taels, we will order five branches first.

Bai Song still goes step by step and waits to see how much the financial products he launches can be sold before deciding what to do next.

Bai Song has been very busy recently. Seeing that there is a market for financial products, he gradually started thinking about selling insurance.

The introduction of new concepts such as the most basic medical insurance and pension insurance will surely have a good response.

Bai Song was thinking seriously when he suddenly saw Xiang'er coming back from outside, taking Xiao Cui with her, and she was also a little sad.

Seeing Xiang'er, Bai Song suddenly thought of what Dong Xiang had mentioned before.

Bai Song knew that Xiang'er was a little jealous because he stayed with Qing'er all day long, but he kept his identity to himself and didn't say much.

At first, Bai Song thought of finding an opportunity to talk to Xiang'er, but he didn't want to forget about it when he got busy.

Bai Song rushed to greet her and asked: "Xiang'er, where have you been?"

"Go to the temple outside the city and add a stick of incense."

"Why do you look so depressed?"

"Is there any?"

"You still said no, look at your eyebrows almost forming a line." Bai Song teased and scratched Xiang'er's nose.

Xiang'er finally showed a smile, but Xiao Cui on the side said more: "My uncle spends all day with unclean witches, otherwise he will make the young lady unhappy."

"Stop talking!" Xiang'er pretended to be stern, "Go aside."

Xiao Cui pouted and went to the side. Seeing the little girl leave, Xiang'er whispered: "Ms. sir, don't listen to the little girl's nonsense."

"Really or not, my husband doesn't understand? Xiang'er, you are a little jealous, but it's not all because of Qing'er."

Xiang'er's bright eyes flashed after hearing this, and she was very satisfied with her husband's answer. The sadness in her brows became less. When she came in, she felt that she talked less with her husband. She recalled that there were no great joys or sorrows in the past.

Now that I know that my husband understands me, I feel relieved and a little more at ease.

"My husband would rather find a foreign woman to share his worries than let Xiang'er help him do something. I always think about it, and I always feel guilty and useless. There are not many people in the family, and I always ignore things. If I don't do anything,

If you go out and get some fresh air, you will feel suffocated at home."

"So, my Xiang'er feels like she has nothing to do and is depressed?"

Xiang'er nodded.

"In addition to the bank, I also want to open several schools in Jixian County. I wonder if my wife is interested in helping my husband to manage them?"


Xiang'er's eyes widened and she really couldn't understand why her husband suddenly had such an idea.

My husband is really imaginative. He just made some money from a bank, and then he starts a school again?

"I don't allow Xiang'er to talk too much about what my husband wants to do, but how can there be a woman in this school gesticulating? Wouldn't it make people laugh if it spread?"

"Who said that girls can't be employed in schools? Moreover, my school not only recruits male students, but also female students. These days, it is too difficult for girls to go to school. Except for our young lady who may recruit private tutors, there is no place for girls to study outside.

There are too many miserable women in the world, and I want to teach them some ways to survive through my school. They don’t want to be successful, but they want to have skills to help them. They will not starve to death on the streets, let alone live in the world.”

"Ms. sir, is what you said true? Do you really want to open a class for women all over the world?"

Xiang'er comes from a famous family, but her studies are still very difficult.

Perhaps because she is a woman, or because she has been around Bai Song for a long time, her thoughts have changed subtly. Xiang'er was very moved when her husband's proposal came out, at least she didn't think it was a bad thing.

"Of course it's true. I've been thinking about this for a long time."

"It's good that my husband has this intention, but opening a school for women is different from opening a bank. Women can't go to school. Wouldn't my husband be scolded for doing this? Although Xiang'er really wants to help my husband, she can't give in because of this.

A family is affected."

If he had not experienced what happened in Hekou Town, Bai Song would not have done such a thankless thing.

But now Bai Song is very determined, holding Xiang'er's hand and saying seriously: "If no one breaks the rules, some bad things will never change. And I am the one who is good at breaking the rules. I broke them

There are already a lot of rules, no less this time.”

"Ms. sir, how can I help you?"

"The bank has Qing'er to help me set up an information network, but to run a huge network, we need some reliable people.

It's not enough to just have people from the Mo family there. The Bai family needs to train its own people. When the school is opened, it must recruit all kinds of students and find people worthy of our trust among these students. This is what I want Xiang'er to help

What I have done. These future powers belonging to the Bai family can only be cultivated by you personally, Xiang'er, so I can rest assured, and no one else can."

Neither can anyone else!

With the last sentence, Xiang'er felt as if she had been hit hard, and suddenly felt that the burden on her shoulders was heavier.

The feeling of being treated as one and only by my husband is very sweet. All the previous depression disappeared in an instant, and all I could think about was how to live up to my husband's trust.

School is on the agenda.

After Bai Song made the plan, he was very determined every step of the way.

It's just that opening a school requires some preparations. It's not just the venue. Teachers are the most important face of the school.

A highly respected academic leader can make the school more important.

The first person Bai Song thought of was the old lady of the Chen family.

The movable type printing technology of Shangxian Publishing House has matured in the region, and the prices of books in Youzhou have obviously dropped significantly, so much so that the Three Kingdoms albums have also been affected.

But these are all small things.

Bai Song chose a sunny day to visit him. Chen Laozheng was obsessed with the New Four Books produced using movable type printing. When he heard that Bai Song was coming, he immediately showed it to Bai Song as if to show off and asked Bai Song how he was doing.

Bai Song said a few words to please them, and the two of them went to the stone table in the courtyard of Shangxian Bookstore. Just like the last conversation, an old man and a young man sat across from each other again.

But today there is no hostility like the first time.

Mr. Chen shook his beard and smiled mysteriously: "People say that you were unjustly escorted to the capital this month, but what you actually did, I know as soon as I think about it, it's not that simple. I'm afraid there's nothing good going on here today.


"With Mr. Chen's connections, what can I hide from you? I did see some things last month, which made me change, so I came here today just to discuss with Mr. Chen that I intend to open a school in Jixian County.


"Opening a school? You?!"

Mr. Chen couldn't believe it, because in his opinion, no businessman would open a school.

School is not a business and there is no profit.

This guy Bai Song is always calculating, so how could he make a loss-making business?

"Mr. Chen, I'm serious. I hope you can join my school. You don't need to teach, just become the honorary principal."

This chapter has been completed!
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