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Chapter 344 Bai Song's Exam Paper

The last question aroused Bai Song's thinking.

I was also thinking about the flood I just experienced, and I felt something in my heart.

Regarding river management, Bai Song only put forward some ideas based on his own knowledge.

When writing his answer, Bai Song forgot about the exam and just copied out his content on modern river management in as much detail as possible.

In addition to urban drainage, we also explained aspects such as afforestation, diversion of tributaries, dam design, and water storage in river channels, and even made schematic diagrams with prepared charcoal pencils.

Bai Song's input gradually restored calm in the examination room.

After an autumn test, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Song handed in the test paper, packed up his things and prepared to leave.

This year's autumn test is completely out of luck. If you only answer the last of the four questions, you will definitely not win.

As soon as Bai Song's papers were collected, Princess Runan, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly stepped forward and picked out Bai Song's papers.

The reason why she came to the examination room was because she had been in Jixian for too long. She had no time to wait for the results to be announced and wanted to return to the capital after reading Bai Song's test papers as soon as possible.

Princess Runan frowned when she saw the Bai Song paper and saw that the first three questions were all blank.

"What is he doing? Why didn't he answer the three questions?"

Princess Runan was a little impatient, feeling that the person she had been waiting for for a long time gave a very disappointing paper.

But when she saw the fourth question answered by Bai Song, she became more serious.

The candidates had all left, and all the examiners in the examination room stood aside seriously, waiting for the princess to speak.

Regarding the issue of river management, Princess Runan didn't quite understand. She just vaguely felt that Bai Song's answer was different. The combination of pictures and texts was very detailed and very easy to understand.

In order to make a comparison, Princess Runan took out two more papers for reference.

The first three questions on other people's papers are densely written, but the fourth question only contains a few sentences, and they are all nonsense. Many sentences cannot be read, let alone understood.

The princess looked at it for a long time, frowned, and simply handed the paper to the examiner and said: "Sir, let's see how he answered?"

When my examiner took the test paper, he had the same expression as the princess. He frowned when he saw the first three questions, and then fell into deep thought when he saw the fourth question.

But the examiner didn't look at it for long, and then put down the test paper.

"How?" the princess asked quickly.

The examiner asked back: "Does the princess want to hear the truth?"


"The answer to this question is too straightforward, superficial, and lacks literary accumulation. It seems to be a combination of pictures and text, and the answer is detailed, but in the end it does not have the charm of an article. In fact, it can only be regarded as average."

"Generally..." The princess was a little disappointed, "Then he must have failed the exam?"

The examiner still said truthfully: "You can only answer one of the four questions, and this question is mediocre. If you use this as a basis, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"That's it..."

The princess herself didn't know why she felt disappointed over this matter. Perhaps she had gone through too much with Bai Song. She walked around the streets every day just to get to know Bai Song.

After learning more about him, the princess firmly believed that this man was different, so she naturally looked forward to his amazing performance in the imperial examination.

As a result, after waiting and waiting, what she got was a mediocre sentence, which shocked the princess very much.

When a group of examiners looked at the princess, didn't they clearly show that they were dissatisfied with the examiner's answer?

The examiner wiped his sweat and quickly added: "Actually, there are merits in this student's answer, such as this sentence..."

The examiner blew a rainbow fart on a paper that he couldn't even understand, trying to restore his image in the princess' mind.

As a result, the princess fell silent in her own thoughts and did not hear a word.

The princess frowned and thought, and suddenly thought of something. She straightened her expression and said, "That's not right! You said that his article was not well written, but what he talked about was how to manage rivers. I want to know if the method he said is useful.


The examiners looked at each other in confusion. They were all literati and not supervisors who managed waterways. How could they know this?

When the princess saw it, she knew she had asked the wrong person. She put Bai Song's test paper into her clothes and said, "I'm going to ask someone from the Ministry of Industry."

The Ministry of Industry of each province has a water department, and when it comes to floods in Ji County, the water department supervisors are busy repairing rivers.

The princess took Bai Song's test paper to the officials who knew waterways and asked them to see how Bai Song's answer paper was.

Several officials gathered around and took a closer look, and all of them looked horrified. They only said that the designer was a man from heaven who came down to earth. The various control methods mentioned above were all symptoms of frequent floods.

With Bai Song's plan, it won't be so difficult for them to manage the river in the future.

On the edge of the Wei River outside Jixian City, the carriage returning to Beijing was already on its way. The official from the Ministry of Industry returned the answer sheet to the princess and bowed in salute: "Princess sent this to open our eyes. It is to give us help in times of need. There are all kinds of things in it."

The lower officials have recorded it one by one. In the future, when the river is managed, the lower officials will act according to the instructions."

The princess was extremely excited and couldn't believe it. She vaguely felt that what Bai Song said was reasonable, but she never thought that she would be praised so highly by the officials of the Water Division.

"Is what you said true? Is what it says really that important?"

"If we reform the Water Department in Datang as mentioned in this article, and after more than ten years of operation, there should be no more floods in Datang in the future."

The princess's eyes widened in surprise. She was in disbelief. Without saying anything, she got on the carriage back to Beijing.

The guard outside was driving the horse responsibly, but the princess inside was still unfinished: "Did you hear it? I said that this Bai Song is not an ordinary person. Unexpectedly, he is still a great talent hiding in the city. When he returns to the capital, I will tell him

The letter is presented to the emperor and he is asked to grant him a high official position. How can such a person live among the people? He should come and serve my Li family."

The princess was very proud, recalling that her summer outing was not in vain.

But I heard the guard outside say: "Your Highness, I'm afraid things are not that simple."


"You have also heard that the examiners said that his articles were mediocre and difficult to convince the public, and since he is a merchant, the emperor will not value him even more."

"What others say is very useful, so what if the article is not good? Isn't it enough if you have the ability?"

"The princess thinks so, but the world doesn't think so. They will only think that this son was promoted to the throne because of the princess's favor and will not be reused."

"After all, it's because he has no fame."

"Yes, the emperor is committed to promoting the imperial examination, and he must give top priority to everything he does. Although I don't understand articles, I have read a few sentences. That person really can't write articles and has no taste for articles, just as the examiner said

, it lacks some literary precipitation.”

The princess pondered for a while and then suddenly snorted: "If you don't know how to write, then go study!"

After saying that, the princess looked serious: "Stop the car and pass on the imperial edict from this palace to order Bai Song from Jixian County to go to Beijing to study in two months."

This chapter has been completed!
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