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Chapter 353

Banditry is rampant in Qingfeng Gang, and the court has been suffering from it for a long time.

In the past three years, several encirclement and suppression campaigns were carried out, but nothing was gained and a lot of men were lost.

The reason for this is that its leader Wang Dali is extremely brave. It is said that he is as strong as a thousand catties, invulnerable to swords and guns, and can break mountains and break rocks with a thousand catty hammer. He has a courage that is unmatched by ten thousand people.

The imperial court once wanted to recruit him to surrender, but no one could surrender him. It was rumored that Wang Dali was eight feet long and weighed three hundred kilograms. His body was dark and he looked like a bull.

People who have traveled to the intersection of the three provinces near Qingfenggang all know that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Anyone who dares to stop here will most likely be arrested by bandits.

This is the reason why although there were many merchants seen along the Bai Song Road, not many stopped here.

The dozens of people arrested today are all businessmen who have entered Yongzhou for the first time without exception.

The mountain in Qingfeng Gang is not high, but it is well-connected in all directions, with lush forests, shade trees, and layers upon layers. Not only at night, but also in the blue sky and daytime, you will get lost if you are not careful.

After an unknown amount of time, a group of more than 200 people passed through several forests. The terrain in front of them suddenly sank, and there was actually a hidden mountain col.

Under the moonlight, you can see a camp in the southeast corner of the mountain. There is a fire inside, rows of large and small sheds and wooden houses, and several decent sentry towers. It looks like a very secretive cottage.

The group of people stumbled into the mountain col, lying in the mountain stream, begging for mercy all the way, and finally arrived at the entrance of the village.

Wang Dali whistled, and a large number of people, both men and women, came out of the stronghold, no less than two hundred people.

"The boss is back! How was your harvest today?"

Wang Dali pointed behind him, and everyone whistled happily when they saw the crowd of prisoners behind them.

Days like this have long been the norm. Wang Dali didn't take it seriously and said to the person in front of him: "Follow the old rules, lock people up first and interrogate them one by one. As much profit and water as possible can be squeezed out."


The bandit who spoke smiled and nodded, calling the people behind him to take everyone to the village first.

Wang Dali held Bai Song's hand and dragged him all the way inside.

The village is not small, and it can be seen that it has been a den of thieves who have been here for many years.

A group of people had just been captured and the whole village seemed in chaos. After Bai Song entered, he was quickly dragged away from the noisy crowd and arrived under a dark awning.

On one side of the awning was a large room with a lamp lit inside. Two middle-aged women came over holding oil lamps. When they saw Wang Dali, they shouted respectfully: "The boss."

Wang Dali pushed Bai Song under the awning and called to the two women: "Go, bring some clean hot water to give this little girl a good wash."

The two women had obviously never encountered such a situation before. They were a little confused at first and looked at Wang Dali in surprise.

Wang Dali threw the hammer away, and it fell to the ground with a muffled sound. Then he said impatiently: "Go get water as soon as I tell you!"

The two women then lowered their heads and went down to do their business.

While he was fetching water, Wang Dali rubbed his hands and sat on the fence without any hesitation.

Bai Song didn't react at all. He watched silently, thinking about how to leave.

At this moment, Bai Song suddenly noticed that the other party suddenly took out a piece of paper, which looked like a face. Wang Dali looked at the portrait while looking at Bai Song, as if the person in the painting was Bai Song himself.

Bai Song was very surprised: "What are you looking at? Is it me in the portrait?"

"Hey, you're smart! You really didn't disappoint me. You look even better than in this portrait. I've captured no less than five hundred literati, but I've never seen anyone as good-looking as you."

"Where did you get the portrait?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up later. I'm still waiting to marry you!"

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth each have their own place. As a woman, you should do women's things. You can't become a man by treating yourself as a man. The wedding night is the most beautiful scene in life, but it is not what you said.


Wang Dali frowned and felt a little unhappy: "You don't know how to pretend to understand in front of me, isn't it just a wedding, what's so big about it? I have never experienced a man's love for a woman, but I have also seen that my brothers like women.

, I, Wang Dali, like men, especially good-looking men like you."

"So, in fact, you don't understand anything, but you just saw the men under your command snatching other people's women, so you are just curious and want to try to snatch men?"

"Don't talk nonsense here. I said that I just like you, but other men don't like you."

"But I don't like you." Bai Song said lightly.

Wang Dali didn't care: "As long as I like it, it's none of your business!"

"Don't think about the bridal chamber. I heard you said that this village lacks a tent. I can help you with this, which is considered as the price of being a prisoner."

"I don't like negotiating terms with others."

"Hehe..." Bai Song smiled, "There is a difference between men and women. Men can force women to do some things, but women cannot force men to do some things. Just like a key can force a lock, but a lock cannot force the key.

Open it. As long as I don't want it, you can't even think about the wedding ceremony."

Wang Dali frowned and thought, as if he was seriously understanding Bai Song's words: "What do you mean?"

Bai Song rubbed his crotch: "The key is here with me. I have the final say on which lock to open. A yellow-haired girl who doesn't understand anything is still trying to imitate others in robbing men?"

"You!" Wang Dali was furious, as if someone had poked a sore spot, and he was very dissatisfied, "What's so great about you, I don't believe it!"

"The boss..."

At this time, the two women fetching water came back.

Wang Dali pointed at Bai Song: "Help this girl get cleaned up. I'm just here to keep watch. I want to see what great things you men have!"

"Ah?" The woman was greatly surprised. She turned around and looked at Wang Dali in surprise, "Head of the house, men and women do not have any physical contact with each other..."

"From now on, this will be my wife Yazhai. No matter whether we kiss her or not, I will kiss her everywhere!"

After saying this, the two women finally understood and said that it felt wrong to meet the boss today. It turned out that they had finally found their sweetheart.

The two women walked up with smiles on their face and smiled mischievously at Bai Song: "Oh, he is so handsome. No wonder the head of the house has taken a fancy to him. He has become our wife of Yazhai. He must take good care of her in the future.


"Hey, please keep your hands and feet clean, this is my daughter...my man!"

It seems that after being spoken to by Bai Song a few words, Wang Dali changed his mind and changed the names between men and women. He really didn't want to be talked about by a scholar about the order of yin and yang.

You don’t have to have culture, but you still need face.

"I can just wash it myself." Bai Song stopped the two women with a firm attitude.

The two women looked back at Wang Dali. Wang Dali hesitated for a moment and waved his hands to the two women, indicating that they could leave first.

The two women left, and Bai Song was bathing in the awning, being watched by this crazy woman.

Bai Song also showed off, washed casually, and put on his clothes again.

Wang Dali was careless and immediately grabbed Bai Song and dragged Bai Song into the room impatiently.

The door was closed, and Bai Song took advantage of his unpreparedness and grabbed Wang Dali's neck.

With Xuan Pu's skill, Bai Song's strength was countless times greater. He waited for an opportunity because he didn't want to be discovered outside. He also believed that as long as he had the first opportunity, he could easily restrain this crazy woman.

"Let me go and we won't interfere with each other. Otherwise, no one will have an easy time."

Wang Dali frowned, put a small hand gently on the back of Bai Song's hand, and said coldly: "You are quite courageous! You are the first one within a hundred miles who dares to attack me like this."

Bai Song didn't want to talk nonsense, so he put more force on his hands, but he was afraid of strangling the guy directly, so he didn't use all his strength yet.

"What? Just this little strength? You can use more force."

Bai Songting spoke without changing her breath, and she suddenly became cruel and a little stronger.

At this time, a huge force suddenly came from the little hand on the back of the waving hand. Bai Song didn't react at all. She was pulled away directly. Then she moved her petite body, faced Bai Song directly, and pulled Bai Song away.

He pressed it hard on the table!

Where is this strength that a woman should have?

Just kill a black bear!

Bai Song knew that he had completely underestimated this person. He had injured Bai Feng with a previous move, and the hammer that came with him looked scary, and it was not something that ordinary people could handle.

How can I still care about being a woman at this time?

Thinking about it, Bai Song tried harder with his hand, but there was still no movement. He was still held down by the opponent and unable to move.

But this time, Wang Dali was a little surprised and looked at Bai Song seriously: "Xiao Nizi, you are quite energetic!"

Bai Song was very unhappy and said to himself that he had inherited the power of the greatest master in the world. How could he lose to a woman in terms of strength alone?

The next moment, the desktop began to vibrate, and Bai Song seemed to be able to feel a force in his body that was beginning to change with his emotions.

Wang Dali's pupils gradually became larger, and he turned his head to look at the big hand on the table that was pressed by him in disbelief.

This man actually raised his hand by an inch!

Don't look at this mere inch, this is absolutely impossible!

In Wang Dali's understanding, this is impossible to happen.

Because no one can beat me in strength!

Wang Dali has been gifted with supernatural powers since he was born. He is a unique martial arts prodigy. He has practiced boxing, kicking, and breathing skills for several years, and since then he has become invincible in the world, at least in the Qingfenggang area.

In the entire Qingfeng Village, the ten strongest men working together are not as powerful as Wang Dali alone.

But today, this seemingly weak scholar actually felt that he was slightly stronger than himself.

How is this possible?!

At this time, Bai Song pinched Wang Dali's wrist again, imitating Wang Dali's previous tone, and said with a sneer: "Xiao Nizi, you are quite energetic."

This chapter has been completed!
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