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Chapter 367 Old-fashioned plot

It was getting dark, and there were bursts of frogs chirping from the college pond.

Although the night breeze was cool, there were a lot of mosquitoes. The candidates who had been waiting for a long time lined up and swatted at the mosquitoes anxiously.

Some people yawned, while others were still full of energy.

Bai Song mingled among the crowd, quietly waiting for the statistical results.

"Hey, this Yongxing student is really cumbersome. It's been so long and I haven't even finished the second round of the exam." Xie Yuan complained softly.

Bai Song ignored him. Seeing Xie Shang yawn, he couldn't help but yawn himself.

With this inadvertent breath, he saw a pair of bright eyes staring at him not far away, it was Yu Ji's younger brother.

Bai Song looked around to make sure the other party was looking at him.

After confirming that it was correct, he looked at the other person, only to see that the younger brother had lowered his head and looked to the side, not knowing what he was doing.

At this moment, the examiner in front suddenly said: "The statistics are over, everyone gets their own works back."

When the statistics were finally finished, everyone rushed forward, with Bai Song being squeezed behind.

There was no one around, except for Bai Song, the only one left where he was standing just now was little brother Yu who was peeking at him.

The other party was looking at Bai Song, blushing with guilt, and disappeared into the crowd after being pulled by the good-looking Yu Ji in front of him.

Bai Song felt weird. Why does this little kid always look at him? Is there something unclean on his face?

The little doubts were quickly covered up by the announcement of the results.

Bai Song's sketch was extremely controversial, but he received a lot of votes and ranked 20th, entering the third round of the exam in the middle.

In the second round of exams, brother Xie Yuan and Xie Shang regretfully left the exam.

There were sixty people who also left. There were mostly voices of regret in the college and words of blessing to each other when bidding farewell.

Bai Song, Xie Yuan and Cui Xing sent Xie Shang off together.

Thinking of how many of us had been in trouble together in the village, escaped together, and rescued people together, and now we had just experienced the examination together, I felt a lot of emotions when we parted, especially Xie Shang, who was leaving the scene, his eyes were filled with tears and his voice was trembling when he said goodbye.

He handed over to the three of them and said: "The green mountains will not change and the water will flow forever. We can only meet again in the examination room."

"Heroes don't care where they come from. We all study together in the capital. Even if we are not in the same college, there is still no distinction between high and low. After enrolling, as long as you study hard and read more poems and books, you still don't know who will win in the exam next year. It's not for anything else, just for

Those who look at you coldly must look at them with admiration. Let's see who calls us country bumpkins in the future!" Cui Xing held Xie Shang's hand tightly, feeling a lot and spoke sincerely.

Xie Yuan didn't say anything, he just patted his brother on the shoulder. They had their own time to talk.

When it came to the Bai Song Dynasty, I couldn't say anything.

Bai Song was not very sad about Spring and Autumn. He thought it was just a small entrance exam. There were other academies if he couldn't get into it. What was there to be sad about?

Besides, who says that students from prestigious universities are definitely more promising than students from vocational colleges?

However, looking at the dozens of people around me leaving the venue with regret, without exception, it was such a sentimental farewell.

Bai Song was also a little moved in his heart.

An imperial examination, several years of study, carries too many hopes for students, and the road to success in this era is far more cruel than the college entrance examination.

This feeling and scene fell in Bai Song's eyes, making Bai Song feel a little heavier inexplicably.

If you think about it carefully, why didn't you come here with the hope of your whole family?


There was a small cough from behind.

Bai Song turned around, and it was that little girl Yu Ji!

Bai Song looked up and down, wondering what kind of girl this girl was?

Yu Ji was a little shy and hesitant in speaking: "That...um...that...painting..."

"Painting? What painting?"

"Paintings in the second round of examination."

"Oh, you said that painting, um, what happened?"

"Can...can you give it to me?"

"For you?" Bai Song frowned, a little confused and a little surprised.

Seeing Bai Song raise his eyebrows, Yu Ji suddenly became a little nervous: "I won't take your painting for nothing. What I mean is that I saw your painting and liked it very much. I want to buy it."

When Bai Song heard this, he really raised his eyebrows and immediately imagined the picture in his mind.

Wouldn't this little girl see paintings as people, love houses as much as birds, and love paintings instead of people? Otherwise, she would stutter no matter how she talks?

After thinking about this, Bai Song became interested, smiled and leaned a little closer, and took out the previous sketch from his sleeve.

"What money do you want? Brother Yu is out of touch when he says this. If Brother Yu likes it, just take it and treat it as giving it to a friend."

Yu Ji didn't expect Bai Song to be so free and easy. The reason why he was embarrassed was because he felt it was inappropriate to take the initiative to ask for other people's things. It was not what Bai Song thought at all.

If his sister hadn't begged him in every possible way, how could a young master like him do such a thing?

Yu Ji took the painting, spread it out and took a brief look. After confirming that the woman in the painting was his sister, he gratefully handed over to Bai Song Yi.

Then he turned around and left with his words.

As soon as Yu Jigang turned his face, his grateful face immediately turned gloomy, and he glanced back at Bai Song with a sinister look.

"Hmph! Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart! If he is so free and easy, why is he not deliberately trying to please my little sister?"

After a few minutes, there were far fewer people in the college, and the entire courtyard became empty.

It is worth mentioning that when everyone was leaving the field, someone entered the outside field.

This man was none other than Changsun Huan, who was out repairing fans.

Others failed the exam and left. Changsun Huan did not take the second round of exams, but he was still able to come in swaggeringly.

And as a candidate for the third round of examination.

Everyone knows that Changsun Huan is just going through the motions, and no one cares about his results. He will definitely be one of the fifteen people no matter what.

"Everyone, please go to your places. The third round of exams will begin soon."

The examiner spoke again, and the noisy crowd immediately fell silent.

Bai Song returned to his previous seat and saw the Yu brothers still sitting opposite.

Yu Ji looked at the little girl next to him who was obsessed with paintings. He held his cheeks and saw peach blossoms in his eyes, which was definitely not a good thing.

Turning around, Yu Ji stared at Bai Song with a dark and gloomy look, guarding Bai Song, saying that he must find a way to prevent his innocent and lovely sister from getting on the pirate ship of a romantic boy.

As he was watching, his eyes suddenly met with Bai Song's, and then he felt guilty and quickly lowered his head, his face also turned red.

Bai Song had a wicked smile on his face, and his mouth was watering. He said to himself, little girl, just watch it if you want, why do you need to do it secretly? If you have a chance in the future, I will strip off my clothes so that you can see all you want.

Time passed by, and when the light from the lanterns on all sides was no longer enough, someone brought candles and lit them in front of each candidate.

But there was still no movement in the third round of exams.

Until a bonfire was lit and a large pot was placed in the middle of the courtyard.

Everyone stood up, a little confused.

Xie Yuan approached Bai Song and asked, "What does this mean?"

Bai Song shook his head, thinking how could I know?

The big pot heated up quickly and white smoke came out. Several young people worked together to carry a bucket...a bucket of oil!

Pour it into the pot in full view of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Bai Song was stunned on the spot, wondering why this scene seemed so familiar.

This...isn't this a rustic scene about fishing for copper coins in a frying pan?

Just as he was thinking about it, the chief examiner walked to the pot, untied a bunch of copper coins and threw them into the oil pot, and then said loudly: "This third round of exams is about the word 'brave'. Students who are scholars should not compare their bodies with soldiers."

, but they must also have a loyal and brave heart. Mr. Bosch's students must not only be outstanding in literature, but also fearless. Whoever can fish out the copper coins from this oil pot will be admitted to Yongxing College. A total of fifteen

There is a quota, and only the first fifteen people who fish out copper coins will have a chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, thick oil smoke began to emerge from the cauldron.

Here is a group of pampered young men. Where have you seen such a battle?

Fishing for copper coins in a frying pan?

Are you kidding me?

Everyone was stunned and took a step back when they felt the heat wave around the cauldron.

"Who had the bad idea!" Changsun Huan was the first to shout in the crowd, "Do you know who I am? You are fishing for copper coins in the oil pan. Do you want to kill us? Tell you, don't talk about a little guy.

Wenshu Monastery’s Sesame Official, even if Yu Shinan was present in person, he wouldn’t dare to hurt a hair on my head! Who came up with your third round of exam questions? Believe it or not, I will complain to the emperor and have you all executed.

Got it!"

"that is!"

"that is!"

"I am the only son of the Minister of Rites. You are so brave!"

"My uncle is a young prisoner in Zhongshu Province!"

"I am……"

For a time, the crowd was excited, and the smoke in the oil pan was getting bigger and bigger, and it started to boil.

At this time, an old voice came from the entrance of the inner courtyard: "I am the one who asked the question. If you don't dare, please leave. Some people say they are going to sue me. Just go and don't make any noise here."

As soon as the sound came out, the whole place was silent, and there was no sound in the courtyard except for the rolling of oil and water.

"Mr. Bosch."

"Grandpa Yu."

"Yu Shibo."

These young men were so arrogant before, but now they are so humble.

Yu Shinan, Yu and everyone came forward in person, and everyone subconsciously bowed and saluted.

It was too late, and Bai Song could not see Yu Shinan's appearance. He could only see that he was an old and frail old man. From the sound of his voice, he knew that he was not going to die soon, and he was just holding on.

When the officials of Wenshu Monastery saw Yu Shinan, they also bowed and saluted, and hurriedly went to help him: "Master Yu, you should have rested long ago. How can you leave such a small matter to your..."

"Ahem..." the old man waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, these are my last batch of students, so you should be careful."

The last batch of students!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The various officials and princes from aristocratic families present, even if they don't know it clearly, have heard some comments from their elders.

Yu Shinan had long wanted to resign, but the emperor refused to do so. But now that Yu Shinan is already in his seventies, running schools and enrolling students is just for fun.

The last group of students were undoubtedly announcing that they were about to resign and return home.

But Yu Shinan is a veteran of three dynasties, with a good reputation and deep-rooted power. He has assisted three generations of emperors of Chen, Sui, and Tang dynasties. He has formed his own power in the court for many years. Yu Shinan is old and can leave, but he

The ruling forces cannot leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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