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Chapter 374

Although Princess Runan once lived in the Bai Mansion, Bai Song rarely communicated with her and rarely met her on weekdays.

But Bai Song didn't resent the other party calling the two old friends at all.

The mere fact that Princess Runan came to see Yu Shinan alone was enough to make Bai Song feel grateful.

It's just that when we met today, Princess Runan's impression was completely different from her previous impression.

The princess of Jixian County is still a grass-roots doctor who can go deep into the people. She talks carelessly and speaks her mind as she comes, without any hesitation.

But now, Princess Runan is really a well-behaved princess. She wears luxurious clothes that ordinary people can only admire. Every hair accessory on her body is a priceless and rare item. She is noble and elegant, spotless, and as beautiful as a fairy.

But one very important point is missing.

That is happiness.

Bai Song frowned slightly: "Your Highness, you seem to be worried about something?"

Princess Runan did not hide anything and pointed to the birdcage in the pavilion.

Bai Song looked at it and was confused, but he noticed that a few of the dozen birdcages in the pavilion were empty, but he didn't know what they meant.

At this time, Princess Runan opened a large cage and patted it gently. The parrot inside popped out, flapped its wings and flew to nowhere.

"I come here every day to release a bird."


"When all the remaining birds are released, I will no longer be me, and I will never be able to see you again."

"Huh?" Bai Song became more and more strange.

"The night of the Mid-Autumn Festival is when I get married. I am eager to see you because I want to feel freedom in this last time."


Bai Song didn't know what to say. He should congratulate him on his marriage, but it was obvious that the princess was not satisfied, didn't like it, and was unwilling.

"You have some friendship with the Turks, don't you?" Princess Runan asked.

Bai Song nodded, thinking that he was still the honorary leader of the Aji tribe.

"I have something to ask of you."

"Princess, please speak."

"I hope you can help me find out who the Turkic Prince is before the Mid-Autumn Festival. What does he look like? What is his character like? His literary talent... Hey, forget about his literary talent."

"Is the princess going to marry a Turkic prince? The Turkic people are divided into many tribes, and each tribe has a prince. I don't know who the princess is going to marry..."

Before she finished speaking, Princess Runan shed tears, wiped the corners of her eyes, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

Yes, if you don’t even know who you’re marrying, how can you be happy?

"The matter is a foregone conclusion? Is there any room for redemption?" Bai Song suddenly asked. The princess called her a friend, and a friend should help whenever possible.

Princess Runan shook her head and said softly: "My father conquered the Turks. In order to stabilize the hearts of the Turks, it is imperative to get married. It will also set an example for the people of the world, attract more Turks to live in the Tang Dynasty, and encourage the Tang Dynasty."

Tang people and Turks married together as a long-term solution to stabilize the country."

Bai Song realized the importance of the matter. To destroy this kind of political marriage would probably lead to bloodshed. As a child of the royal family, he could never help himself.

"I have thought about such an ending since I was a child. I thought I was mentally prepared, but when things actually happen, I still feel reluctant and reluctant."

"Princess, don't worry. I will do my best to help the princess find out the news. Let's see who the Turkic prince is and what his character is. If his character is acceptable, the princess does not need to worry too much. If his character is corrupt, I...

I'll find a way for the princess."

"This is the only way right now, but the wedding is coming, and it only lasts ten days, so you have to hurry up. I have no one to entrust you to, I can only rely on you, Bai Song."


Bai Song stood up and felt that the matter had to be handled quickly. He didn't know if there were any people from the Aji tribe in the capital, and he didn't know if they recognized him as the leader of the tribe.

After saying that, Bai Song left the small pavilion and stopped staying.

After walking a few steps, the princess in the pavilion opened the curtain and said after her: "I, Li Xiangnan, please remember this!"

It has been four months since the Eastern Turks surrendered.

Li Jing's army returned to the court, bringing with it a group of Turkic royal prisoners.

After this group of surrendered troops were brought into Chang'an, Li Shimin did not pursue their crimes, but pardoned all the Turks to appease the Turks.

Some of them left the capital and returned to the grasslands, while some stayed in Chang'an and settled temporarily.

There are far more Turks in Chang'an than in Jixian.

This also includes some key figures with high status and reputation among the Turks. These people cannot leave and are under house arrest.

But Li Shimin could not treat them as criminals, otherwise it would arouse the dissatisfaction of the Turks, so he could only temporarily support them as ancestors, and even gave the entire Furong Garden to the Turkic royal family as a royal palace to live in.

Opening up new land and investing money to build buildings are simply more ancestral than serving the ancestors.

The situation in Furong Garden has made the court and the people extremely dissatisfied. Some people even ridiculed that it is better to be a prisoner than to be an emperor!

Comparing Xingqing Palace and Furong Garden, some literati who were not afraid of death were already criticizing Li Shimin verbally and writtenly.

Because of this incident, there is actually an undercurrent surging behind the peaceful Chang'an. Some people are taking the opportunity to create conflicts. Many officials and scholars who were regarded as primordial have been secretly beheaded.

In the Bai Song Dynasty's view, preferential treatment of the Turkic royal family was a helpless act at the moment. The emperor also had the helplessness of the emperor. Conquering a country was far simpler than conquering a nation. To achieve long-term peace and stability, it was not enough to rely on killing.

On this point, Bai Song also admired Li Shimin's approach.

But this does not mean that Li Shimin can put his father under house arrest in Xingqing Palace so casually.

In the southeast corner near Furong Garden, there are obviously more Turks in various activities.

Bai Song went back home first, took the list given by Qing'er, and found that there was a place on the list called Yingyue Tower in Quchifang, right next to Furong Garden, and there was a girl named Mingyue in Yingyue Tower.

Qing'er's chosen Mid-Autumn Festival candidate.

Since they were all there to inquire about information, Bai Song decided to visit the flower building in the southeast corner first, to see if there were any suitable singers and dancers, and to inquire about the situation of the Turks in Chang'an.

After getting the list at home, Qing'er was not there, so Bai Song had to go back to Dongshi. He took Qing'er out of the bank, put on a young man's clothes, and used him as a guide to take Bai Song to visit the flower house.

While walking through the afternoon market, the bustling city of Chang'an slowly unfolded like a splendid picture smeared with ink. The playful children, the shouting vendors, the companions of the literati, and the graceful young ladies all combined to form the folk fireworks of the ancient city.

Everything here conforms to all the illusions of the ancient times in the Bai Song Dynasty. People's lives are orderly. Even if there are occasional beggars begging on the street, we have to admit that these days, food and clothing are abundant and the people's morale is stable.

The prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty has begun. This is the luck of the Bai Song Dynasty and the people of the world.

Upstairs in the Yingyue Tower, looking at the river, are you worried?

As soon as he arrived in Quchifang, Bai Song heard someone reciting such a small poem on the street.

Qing'er explained: "This Yingyue Tower is undoubtedly the largest flower tower in the southeast. The pattern of the flower tower is unique. It is a circle of double-story buildings surrounding a four-story building. Among the people, there are not many four-story buildings. Even if

It is a high-rise palace in the imperial palace, and the Yingyue Tower is no less generous. Therefore, the Yingyue Tower is famous for its towers, so there is a saying that the Yingyue Tower has a building above the building.

And "Looking at the River Sorrow" is a famous ditty by Miss Mingyue, the leading lady in Yingyue Tower. It tells the story of the benefactor, who is holding Mingyue in her arms and listening to the ditty about looking at the river, but when looking at the Qujiang River in the distance from the Yingyue Tower, she thinks

Watching those Turkic people enjoying the royal gardens of the Tang Dynasty, I don’t know whether I should feel anxious or not.”

"That's all there is to it." Bai Song chirped, twitching his fingers at Qing'er, "It's all about whether Qing'er can sing well. Who cares about these?"

Qing'er was not a shy girl, and she was well acquainted with the young master. Her expression was indifferent, and she ignored the young master's teasing. Instead, she explained seriously: "This Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival is not only about singing skills, but also about fame. Being famous.

As a girl, even if she does nothing, as long as she stands on the stage, countless people will send lanterns to her.

This Mingyue girl has been integrated with folk poetry, and is naturally deeply rooted in the hearts of Chang'an. In addition, the girl has some singing skills, so the combination should be good."

"Okay, you can suffer whatever you want."

The carriage stopped at Mingyue Downstairs.

The two of them walked in tandem and soon a girl soliciting customers came forward and asked, "Are you two gentlemen here to drink or to listen to music?"

"Meet people."

"Hey, the young master is really a cheerful person. I wonder which girl I want to meet?"

Bai Song looked back at Qing'er, who said in an unfamiliar male voice: "We want to see Miss Mingyue."

After that, he took out a piece of silver.

His eyes lit up when he was soliciting customers, and he quickly called the few who were idle at the door to come over. The four or five girls coaxed the two of them into the building without saying a word, and all of them talked sweetly.

This building within a building is truly a building within a building.

The first thing I saw after entering was the door of an attic at the back of the hall, with all kinds of lights and constant laughter. I don't know how many patrons and girls lived there.

The layout of the entire flower building is like a circle of garlic cloves clustered with garlic stalks, which is a bit strange and novel.

The girls first arranged for the two of them to sit down at a table, and then the leader said: "It's not very convenient for Miss Mingyue now. She is waiting for guests above! How about I ask other girls to come and show it to you two masters?"

"We can wait." Qing'er grabbed it before Bai Song could say anything, "We don't have enough money, we can add more."

With that said, two hundred taels of cash were placed on the table. He looked at everyone with a faint smile, "The silver is here to see if you have the ability to earn it."

Boss Qing is now very wealthy, and in the eyes of the girls, he is still a young youngster, and the key is that he still has money.

The money will definitely be in place, and the treatment will definitely change.

The girl called the old bustard. When the old bustard saw the battle, he hurried upstairs to hurry up. He called some girls to accompany Bai Song and the two of them, chatting and laughing. She also said that it was free, just to see how good-looking the two young men were.

Really like it.

This chapter has been completed!
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