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Chapter 445 Reeds, Threesome

Reeds escort the lake water, flowing slowly from north to south, like water and grass whispering, as if communicating something. The three people in it are just a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

With water stains all over his body, Bai Song sat down on the ground and carefully pulled the girl Shishi who was soaked in the water to his side. After turning over, he saw that her face was blue and her lips were bloodless, so she quickly gave her artificial respiration.

Behind Bai Song, Miss Xu woke up, moaning and playing with the water plants covering her face.

Fortunately, she didn't see her giving artificial respiration. If she had, she would have screamed.

After a while, Shishi spit out some water, and then started coughing violently. It took a while to calm down. When she woke up and found herself sleeping in Mr. Bai's arms, she felt sore all over, dizzy and dizzy, so she asked weakly

: "Bai...Mr. Bai...here..."

"This is a small island in the middle of the Yong'an River... I don't know if it is a small island, or maybe there is even a land somewhere."

After saying that, he looked back at Xu Peiran: "Miss Xu, how do you feel?"

"It's okay...cough cough cough..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed several times anxiously, probably because he caught a cold.

"Can you move?" Bai Song asked again.

Shishi tried to get up, forgetting her foot injury, and immediately frowned in pain. She pinched Bai Song's arm with her small hands, causing Bai Song to feel pain.

"I can carry you."

Miss Xu also tried to get up, but she realized that her legs were weak and she couldn't exert her strength. She fell down again halfway up.

"If you soak in the water for too long, the blood flow in your legs will slow down, and you will experience hypothermia. But you don't have to worry about it. Just rest for a while and warm the soles of your feet, and the situation will get better."

Xu Peiran's face turned pale. After hearing Bai Song's words, he nodded again.

Bai Song looked at the sky, and there were moths flying around his head. The world seemed a little depressed.

"Let's rest for a while before leaving. Once we get here, at least there won't be any thieves chasing us."

All three fell silent.

Miss Xu thought about Bai Song's words and huddled up into a ball, hoping to stay warm.

However, everyone was soaked to the skin, and their body temperature was still passing by. When they shrank, they felt even colder. Even their lips began to feel numb, making people shiver from the cold.

Bai Song stood up, tried his best to wring out the water on his body, took out the fire stick to light a fire, and found that there were water plants all around. Where could there be anything to ignite the fire?

In the evening, there was no fire and there was river water all around. Not to mention that Miss Xu couldn't recover her body temperature. She was afraid she would freeze to death here in a short time.

Bai Song thought for a while and pointed to Miss Xu's feet: "Take off your shoes and socks and put them in my arms."

Miss Xu was stunned for a moment, but she understood what Mr. Bai meant. Her feet were so cold that she had lost consciousness for a long time. However, the girl's feet were very private. How could she easily hand them over to a man's arms? She still had to take off her shoes and socks!

While the girl was still hesitating, Bai Song had already sat down and grabbed Miss Xu's feet, quickly taking off her shoes and socks, revealing a pair of pale little feet.

Xu Peiran shrank instinctively, but he did not escape. He suppressed his shame and remained silent.

I saw "Master Lu" carefully wiping the water stains on his feet with his hands, then lifted up his clothes and put his little feet on his belly.

Xu Peiran bit her lip and couldn't explain how she felt. Ever since Zhuangzi was beaten, what Mr. Lu did was more and more beyond her imagination.

Lu Yao has some reputation in the capital. He is a standard scholar full of arrogance.

But the "Master Lu" in front of him is different. He possesses a decisiveness and bravery that has never been spread to the outside world. This is not something that a scholar should have, but it is a different shining point in a man.

The current situation was unusual, Xu Peiran didn't think about it in detail, he just calmed down and felt it silently.

Not to mention, the young master's belly felt warm, his cold feet felt a little bit better, and at the same time he felt numb.

Bai Song's mind was not on Miss Xu.

Miss Xu just had poor blood flow, but Shishi beside her actually sprained her foot and fell into a coma all the way down. Bai Song needed to give her a good check-up.

Shishi said nothing, her brows knitted together, and she covered her right foot, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Show me." Bai Song carefully moved Shishi's hand away and moved his feet into his arms.

The two girls, both pairs of feet, were all held in Bai Song's arms. They were both looking at Bai Song directly, their eyes unblinking, which looked a little strange.

Fortunately, there are water plants all around, covering everything. Even if the water flows out and a ship passes by, these three people probably won't be able to see it.

"Sir, is Shishi's foot broken? It hurts so much... Wuwuwu..."

Bai Song looked down and saw the swollen ankles of De Laogao, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I can give you a simple treatment. You won't be able to withstand the wind and grass for the next ten days. Just take a rest and there won't be any problems."


As he said this, Bai Song misplaced his hands and heard a click. Shishi raised her head in pain and grabbed Bai Song's arm tightly, her nails digging into the flesh.

"Okay..." Bai Song said calmly. Shishi also recovered from the severe pain just now. The pain in her feet was still there, but it was not as unbearable as before.

Bai Song took out the silver needle he had with him and applied a few needles, and the swelling in the injured area was obviously reduced.

"Young Master actually knows medical skills?" Shishi wiped her sweat and was very surprised.

Bai Song withdrew the needle again, held Shishi's injured foot with both hands, and massaged it gently: "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I say I'm a doctor."

"What else can't you master?"

"Those who don't know Qimen Dunjia, fortune telling, and feng shui, but they should be able to master it soon."

Bai Song said with a faint smile, thinking of Yuan Tiangang in the academy. If everything goes well, he should start learning physiognomy.

I don't know if I can learn it.

The reed marsh gradually became quiet, and the two girls handed their little feet to Bai Song without any reservation.

Bai Song kneaded Shishi and couldn't feel the bones. It was as soft as batter mixed with too much water, but as soft as a shelled egg.

It was the first time for Shishi to be touched by a man, but because she was born in a brothel, she was not as shy as Miss Xu. She enjoyed it peacefully and soon forgot about the pain, feeling only indescribably comfortable.

The two girls were stunned for a while. Miss Xu saw Shishi twisting the water out of her clothes, and she followed suit.

The dusk gradually fades, the night slowly unfolds like ink, and the reeds gradually become dim.

The two girls each recovered their strength, quietly and no one spoke.

Xue Peiran still felt very cold, but his little feet gradually regained their color and senses through the warmth of the man's body.

They had been resting here for two-quarters of an hour. Miss Xu wanted to try to see if she could walk. She was about to take her little feet out of the young master's arms. Suddenly, there was a slight movement, and her little feet moved in the young master's arms. I don't know what happened.

I kicked something, and I thought to myself that there was a rotten wood branch blocking the young master's legs by the water. It would be bad if the young master accidentally stepped on it or scratched it, so he subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

Bai Song fancied that he was locked in a reed marsh with two wet girls, and he held two pairs of weak and boneless feet. The man who was so confused in his arms had already started to count the goats.

Unexpectedly, a small hand came over and squeezed it impartially. Bai Song whined and raised his neck. Just like the moment when Shishi was in severe pain, he squeezed Shishi's injured foot with both hands and gave Shishi a hand.

He groaned in pain.

In the reed marsh, the voices of men and women floated across the water into the distance.

Not far away, a black horse was passing by the reeds. When the black horse heard an indescribable sound coming from the water, it snorted immediately.

The man on the black horse also pulled the reins and stopped the horse's hoofs instantly.

All 70 people in Xiangjiazhuang were arrested, and more than half of them were related to the Holy Lotus Sect.

The Ministry of Punishment and the Secret Order Division launched a surprise attack and completely destroyed the largest hideout of the Holy Lotus Sect in the capital.

However, due to the inhumane behavior of Zhuangzi of Xiangjiazhuang, he ordered the warriors in the village to massacre the people, resulting in the tragic death of countless people, and the Ministry of Punishment and the Secret Imperial Examination Department also lost more than 20 people. The final death toll is still being counted, the emperor came down, and the six ministries jointly dispatched

To appease the people, they distributed money and food as soon as possible as a gesture of sympathy.

The chaos in Xiangjiazhuang continues, and Li Jing shoulders the heavy responsibility. On the one hand, he must calm the frightened people, and on the other hand, he must also screen out whether there are demons from the Holy Lotus Cult mixed in. Finally, he must search for the caught fish, such as Xu Xun's daughter Xu Peiran.


Beside the reed marsh, Li Shuwang stopped his horse and frowned, looking at the endless aquatic plants in front of him, patted the horse's neck, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Hei, did I hear it wrong, or is that voice really his?"

The horse moved its hooves at the water's edge, but there was no movement.

A man and a horse stop by the water, like a freehand landscape painting, the only color is the bright moon above.

While Li Shuwang was hesitating, there was another rustling in the water plants. She didn't wait any longer, got off her horse, and tied the horse to a tree stump on the bank.

"Miss, the general wants you to go back."

One man and one sword suddenly appeared and stood in front of Li Shuwang.

This is an acquaintance whom I haven't seen for a long time. Li Shuwang's personal bodyguard, He Fangzhao.

This man had several sword wounds on his body, apparently from a fight with a demon from the Holy Lotus Sect, but the injuries were not serious and were not serious.

"There is someone in the reed swamp. He may be a remnant of the Holy Lotus Sect. Don't let him go."

"Miss, go back first, some people will search inside."

Li Shuwang frowned slightly and hesitated.

Thinking about hearing Bai Song's breathing in a trance earlier, I wondered if he might be inside, perhaps captured by the demons of the Holy Lotus Sect? Or maybe I heard it wrong?

No matter what it was, she had to go and see it, otherwise she would really feel uneasy.

"The reed marsh is vast. How long will it take for one person to search? You and I will go in together to see if anyone is there. Maybe the lady from Xiangjiazhuang is here!"

As he spoke, Li Shuwang raised his hand and pointed at a few rotten bamboos that were gradually sinking on the river surface.

"Miss, today's matter is over. You'd better go back. The general finally agreed to let you participate in this operation. If you don't obey, you won't have such an opportunity next time."

"You tell the general that I am obedient!"

After saying that, Li Shuwang had already plunged into the reeds, and there was a commotion in the grass, accompanied by the sound of water.

[The author has something to say]

It's late. Sorry, I'll have more later.

This chapter has been completed!
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