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Chapter 534

Xiao Wu was in a daze for a long time, as if he had a dream, dreaming of a leaf blowing in the wind, helpless and not knowing where it would fall...

Until a faint figure appeared, gently caught the leaf, and held it carefully in the palm of his hand...

Xiao Wu felt very warm and at ease, and there was a familiar smell all around.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized that she was back in her room and lying on her bed.

Recalling everything he experienced at night, Wu Xiaowu was really in a trance, feeling like he had really had a long, long dream.

There was no one in the room, and no servants could be heard outside.

Wu Xiaowu got up from the bed and walked out of the room with small steps, a little tiredly, and found that it was already noon.

She walked all the way and arrived not far from the living room, where she saw her father sitting there holding tea.

Wu Xiaowu was about to speak out, but saw his father frowning, shaking his head and sighing, as if he was saying something.

Wu Xiaowu put away his thoughts and walked quietly to the door of the room. He immediately saw the brother who looked strange and familiar at the same time.

The outline of this brother was exactly the same as the shadow she saw in her dream, and she felt close to him from a distance.

Wu Xiaowu was about to go in again, but he saw his father suddenly kneeling in front of his brother. He burst into tears for a moment: "I am incompetent and cannot protect my daughter. The Wu family can no longer accommodate Xiao Wu. Please wait for me to take care of my daughter."

, it is better to be a slave and a maid from now on than to stay in the Wu family and become a dead soul..."

Upon hearing this, Wu Xiaowu felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He froze at the door, his eyes widened in disbelief, and his eyes instantly became wet: "Dad... don't want Xiaowu anymore?"

In the room, Bai Song was also inexplicably shocked. He never thought that Warrior Xun would suddenly have such an idea and actually want to entrust Wu Xiaowu to him?

After what happened last night, Warrior Xun had clearly seen the situation. Not only the Holy Lotus Sect, but also the emperor could not tolerate his daughter. Not only was Wu Xiaowu's life in danger if he stayed in the Wu family, he might also implicate other people in the family.

The samurai Yu is willing to risk his life for his daughter, but to involve dozens of members of his family because of one daughter is something that no one can accept.

Samurai Xun thought about it all night and knew that Xiao Wu could no longer stay, but he couldn't let his daughter go out alone. She was less than eight years old. Wouldn't she be willing to die if she went out alone? Only by entrusting it to a person of faith could he let her go.

Don't worry, dad.

The warrior Xun didn't know Bai Song's identity, but he witnessed the young man saving his daughter twice in one night, which showed that he had a close relationship with his daughter and was a kind-hearted person. The key point is that this man actually dared to steal from Mi Zhaosi.

He robbed people and succeeded! This shows his courage and ability to protect himself.

If Xiao Wu is not entrusted to Xiao Wu today, it will be difficult to find a suitable candidate in the future.

Therefore, the warrior Xun did not hesitate to kneel down and plead, and he was bound to get the young man to agree.

"I'm just an incompetent criminal. The Wu family can't deal with the forces of the Jianghu, let alone the court's investigation. The young master rescued me twice. I believe that the young master doesn't want to see anything happen to Xiao Wu. I once again beg the young master to take Xiao Wu in.

, just be a maid next to you, just give her a place to stay."

"This...this matter is a bit sudden. How can we make a hasty decision? Besides, we still don't know what Xiao Wu thinks?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps at the door, and Wu Xiaowu walked in with a pale face and tears.

"Xiaowu..." Samurai Yu stood up hurriedly, with a slight embarrassment and embarrassment on his face.

Wu Xiaowu's temperament is far superior to that of women of the same age, and she is more mature and sensible than her peers. At this moment, she knelt down and kowtowed to her father. After three times, she resolutely walked to Bai Song and grabbed Bai Song's sleeve: "Xiao Wu

I am willing to leave with my brother... When Xiao Wu grows up, he will go back home to fulfill his filial piety to his father!"

Wu Xiaowu's words were light, a little lonely, and his mature look coupled with his loli face made Samurai Yu blush and unable to face his daughter.

Wu Xiaowu looked at Bai Song again, raised his head, and said seriously: "Brother, Xiaowu will be very good if he follows you and won't cause you any trouble. Although Xiaowu doesn't want to leave home, if Xiaowu stays, the family will

There will be a lot of trouble, so Xiao Wu has to leave. Brother, can you take Xiao Wu in?"

Bai Song had never seen such a sensible little girl, and he really couldn't bear it. This time it was no longer because of her special status, but because she really wanted to protect her.

"You have to bear so many unreasonable disasters at such a young age..." Bai Song sighed, "That's all, I will keep Xiao Wu for a few years. When things calm down, I will definitely send Xiao Wu back to you intact."

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much, sir!" The warrior Xun beamed with joy and held up his hands repeatedly.

Bai Song interrupted and became serious: "But before that, Mr. Wu must confess something to me."

"Hmm? Sir, please tell me?"

"According to my observation, Xiao Wu is not an ordinary person. Mr. Wu has a lot to hide about this. Please tell me what is different about Xiao Wu."

Hearing this, the warrior Yun looked troubled, and after several hesitations he finally made up his mind.

In the meantime, the warrior Xun looked outside the house very cautiously. After making sure that there was no one else, he walked to Bai Song and lowered his voice and said: "Several Taoists have seen Xiao Wu's face. Without exception, they all said that Xiao Wu is the descendant of a demon star.

But I know that this is not the case. I have a secret that I have never mentioned to anyone. On the day Xiaowu was born, I fell into a dream that night. In the dream, nine five-clawed golden dragons were entrenched around the little girl.

The dragon roars continuously, and the heaven and earth are shaking... I don't understand its meaning, but I know that Xiao Wu is not transformed by a demon star, but is the auspicious sign of heaven and earth, and he will definitely do great things when he grows up. "

When Bai Song heard this, his face remained calm, but he felt a little emotional in his heart. It turned out that heaven and earth had given warnings.

Bai Song took a good look at Xiao Wu and thought to himself that this must be the cause and effect given to him by God.

Today, she has been protecting Xiao Wu for several years. She will wait for Xiao Wu to fly into the sky and become a dragon. She will be the most powerful person in the world!

I may not be able to travel around the world during Li Shimin's time, but when Xiaowu grows up, perhaps future generations will be able to enjoy the emperor's favor forever.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem to be a difficult thing to have Xiao Wu with you.

Bai Songyi handed over his hand: "Okay, I have no doubts anymore. I will do my best to take care of Xiao Wu from now on, and I will not let Xiao Wu be bullied by others."

Warrior Xun felt relieved and winked at Xiao Wu: "From now on, you will listen to the master. If you are no longer our young lady, you must learn to serve and take care of the master."

"Yeah." Xiaowu responded crisply. In a short period of time, the little girl had overcome the haze of loss. She had been bullied by others at home, and it didn't seem so bad to follow her brother in the future.

"From now on, I am the brother and you are the sister. I don't need you to take care of me. You are a young lady at home and you are a young lady after me."

Bai Song looked at Xiao Wu and said solemnly, and then handed over to the warrior Xun: "Master Wu, I have been staying here for a long time, and it is time to leave."

"I would like to send you my son."

Bai Song looked at Wu Xiaowu again: "Xiaowu, is there anything that needs to be packed?"

Wu Xiaowu shook his head: "I can follow my brother now."

"How about saying goodbye to your parents, brothers and sisters?"

"It's enough for Xiao Wu to say goodbye to his father. I don't want to say goodbye to them."

Bai Song frowned slightly.

"If brother insists that Xiao Wu go to say goodbye, Xiao Wu will go."

"Then... forget it."

"Yeah." Wu Xiaowu's mood improved instantly, he smiled and bent his eyes to save Bai Song's arm.

Just like that, Bai Song had a little girl next to him, but who could have imagined the potential of this little girl in the future?

There was a carriage parked outside Wu's house, Long climbed the mountain to lead the horse, and Jian Shisan was meditating inside.

Both of them suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Last night, Long Shanshan was entangled by a master from the Holy Lotus Sect. The young man was good at martial arts, but lacked experience in martial arts. He was injured by the hidden weapon of the man in black and almost died.

Fortunately, Long Shanshan came to the rescue. He blocked four people by himself and tried his best to kill the four of them. For this reason, Long Shanshan also suffered some injuries.

This is much better than Sword Thirteen.

The power of the opponent's poison technique was astonishing. Even after some treatment and some poisonous blood was released, Jian Shisanren was seriously injured.

Now Jian Shisan can only use luck to suppress the poison. If he takes action forcefully again, his life will be in danger.

Bai Song had never treated an injury caused by poisonous Qi. This was the first time in ancient times that he was at a loss.

The most important thing for the three of them now is to find someone who is good at removing the poison of internal energy.

Early this morning, Long Shanshan disguised himself as a martial artist and went to inquire outside Jingzhou City. He learned that in the Medicine Man Valley, twenty miles west of Jingzhou City, there was a famous doctor who had retired from the world of medicine. He was good at all kinds of strange medical skills, and was especially good at treating internal injuries.

Bai Song naturally decided to put down everything he was doing and go to the Medicine Man Valley first.

When the three men from Bai and Song arrived in Jingzhou City for the first time, their troubles had already caused a considerable impact. Bai Yi could no longer be seen in Jingzhou.

People who were isolated in the martial arts world also restrained themselves a lot and each hid their weapons.

No one knew what happened last night. They didn't know that the two gods of murder who had frightened them had been seriously injured.

Jingzhou City has quietly returned to its previous routine.

When Bai Song came out of Wu's house, he saw several officials driving away a group of Jianghu people who were making trouble in the restaurant. The Jianghu people who were used to being arrogant today were like deflated rubber balls, not even daring to fart.

, walked away in despair.

The shopkeeper and the waiter of the restaurant kowtowed to the official to express their gratitude, and the official assured them that no one would dare to cause trouble in the city in the future.

Seeing this scene, Long Shanshan showed a happy smile and spat: "Oh, it's not in vain. I have been fighting with all my life these days. It finally has some effect."

Bai Song smiled: "Humph, doesn't Great Hero Long disdain to associate with the imperial court?"

"Uh..." Long Shanshan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

"Jianghu wants freedom, but how can the world give you freedom? If everyone is free, the world will be in chaos. No matter where you are, it is important to have rules and restrictions. If there are rules and restrictions, there will be evil people. In your eyes, the court is evil.

, but he has also done a lot of evil things, but he can make the world have rules. In terms of this alone, it is not comparable to this unorganized world."

This chapter has been completed!
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