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Chapter 626 Bai Song's Bird Whisper

"Can the Japanese people trust me? Will they cooperate?"

"There are methods that you can't trust, but you have to make use of this group of people."

Bai Song said seriously, "There is still a force in the end. It's the Miao people!"

After saying that, Bai Song pointed to the Miao man lying on the ground.

"Now a village in Miao territory has been destroyed. The Miao people will never stand by and watch such a big thing. The Miao people have a numerical advantage and are more familiar with this place. As long as the Miao people can unite and form a siege outside Snake Island, there should be no problem.


"New Tang Dynasty, Japan, Miao Jiang..." Uncle Mo thought carefully, "If we can use all available power, even if those people have entered Snake Island, they will not be able to recapture the Julu Sword.

Hope, but where to find these three forces? How to gather people in this dense forest?"

Bai Song smiled and pointed to the side of the Miao village where smoke was still coming out: "Isn't that the best signal smoke? In Miao territory, if you saw thick smoke in the forest on the way, would you come over?

have a look?"

Uncle Mo was stunned and seemed to understand Bai Song's plan.

Bai Song continued: "What we have to do is wait here. Within three days, the person we are looking for will definitely appear nearby."

Another person asked: "What if the people come and they don't cooperate, but fight us desperately? Are you sure they can cooperate with us?"

"Of course I am sure of this. Although our team does not have strong combat effectiveness, its logistical capabilities are definitely not comparable to others."

Bai Songxian pointed at Ayu: "The best hunter in Miao territory, able to gather information from everywhere."

Pointing at Liu'er: "The youngest wizard is proficient in the art of Gu. At least it gives people a lot of psychological stability."

Finally, he pointed at Bai Song himself: "And I, if not talking about anything else, just talk about the poisonous insects and snakes we will face in the future. If anyone is poisoned, it should be no problem to detoxify them, right?"

After saying that, Bai Song looked at Uncle Mo with a smile, meaning to ask, are you satisfied with my arrangement?

Several people in the Mo family looked at each other.

Previously, I was only grateful to Bai Song for saving their lives, and didn't care much about his abilities.

Regarding the Bai Song Dynasty, people in the Mohist family mostly heard rumors.

And those rumors all made Bai Song too powerful and lost their authenticity.

Now they saw with their own eyes not only Bai Song's medical skills, but also the man's judgments and plans for the future in an instant.

At such a young age, with such careful arrangements, it seems that he has a firm grasp of what will happen in the next few days. It is indeed not easy.

Uncle Mo did not speak.

Qing'er, however, looked proudly at the few people who had been a little disdainful before.

"How's it going? Is the young master brave and resourceful?"

The people of the Mo family just bowed their hands to Bai Song: "According to Master Bai's wishes, we will wait for a few days and then make plans to go deep into the sea of ​​insects."

This rest time is very necessary.

At least Bai Song's burns can be recovered.

On the first day, there was no suspicious person outside the Miao village.

The seriously injured Miao people began to regain their mobility the next day.

After the Miao people recovered, they chose to leave, saying that they wanted to tell other villages what happened here and take the initiative to contact other tribes.

What happened in Miao territory this time is enough to draw the attention of the entire Miao people.

The Miao people promised Bai Song that he would unite with other Miao tribes and then enter Snake Island to become Bai Song's backup.

Bai Song did not stop him, vaguely feeling that this Miao man would be a big help in the future.

On the third day, a sharp bird call came from the forest that had been silent for a long time.

The people who were hiding in various places in the dense forest observing the Miao village were startled.

Because they all know that this is the signal Ayu is sending to everyone.

It means that a suspicious person has appeared.

Bai Song and Qing'er were divided into a group and hid in the area closest to the Miao village. They could clearly see the movement behind the abandoned Miao village.

No one was seen, no movement at all.

Bai Song looked at Uncle Mo elsewhere, who was also winking at him, but found nothing.

However, the chirping of birds became more and more frequent and the sound became shriller, indicating that the visitor was getting closer.

No one knew where the person was coming from.

Qing'er was also a little confused. She looked around and was about to ask Bai Song.

Bai Song suddenly felt something, covered Qing'er's mouth, and pointed in front of him.

One meter away, separated by a stone, two people suddenly appeared in front of Bai Song and Qing'er like ghosts.

Bai Song didn't see how these two people came, but these two people didn't seem to notice Bai Song either.

The two men were wearing Miao clothing, but their identities were revealed as soon as they opened their mouths.

They spoke Japanese.

The words that Bai Song can understand are very limited, which are "Da Me", "Fax Di", "Si Guoyi", "Yikku" and so on, which he learned from action movies and animations.

The two of them seemed to be discussing matters in the Miao village.

At this time, Uncle Mo gave Bai Song a fierce wink in the direction, signaling Bai Song to take the initiative.

If you want to cooperate with someone, you don't just go up and talk a few words. You must first show your strength to the other person.

Especially Japanese people who don’t understand these things.

Bai Song looked at it. The two of them didn't realize there was someone behind them. This was a good opportunity.

Bai Song gave Qing'er a look and asked her to retreat.

Qing'er nodded and gave Bai Song room to take action.

At the same time, Uncle Mo and several Mo family members suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of the two Japanese people.

Bai Song suddenly jumped out and knocked down a Japanese man from behind.

The Japanese screamed and struggled, subconsciously drawing their own samurai swords.

Bai Song didn't give him a chance at all, grabbed his hand tightly and stepped on his butt.

That Japanese guy is like a dead fish and can't get away no matter what.

Seeing this, the other man yelled, drew out his knife, and struck Bai Song.

A hissing sound.

A thin arrow flew out of the forest and pierced the Japanese man's ear and hair, frightening him to stop in place.

"If I move again, I won't be so polite."

Uncle Mo said righteously as a reminder.

But Uncle Mo had forgotten this. He was from Japan and couldn't understand Chinese at all.

His words not only failed to intimidate the other party, but actually made him a little dazed, and the movement that had stopped struck at Bai Song again.

Bai Song turned around and shouted: "Fax falls!"

Everyone was stunned, the Japanese sword stopped in mid-air, and the struggling people also stopped struggling, staring at Bai Song with stunned eyes.

Japanese people should think of themselves as one of their own? But in this context, it seems strange to use that word.

Bai Song's teammates were wondering, what can this person say? Can he scold the opponent with the sound of birdsong?

Bai Song regretted it, feeling inexplicable and very ashamed.

This chapter has been completed!
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