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Chapter 693 Showdown

Based on Bai Song's observations, he felt that as long as the child gets older, his skin will gradually become normal and the sallowness will fade over time, and sooner or later he will be a fair and fair little boy.

This was the biggest happy event in the Prince Consort's house. Everyone felt at ease, and the servants even forgot about the strange appearance of the young master when he was born.

The time for Chunwei's announcement has not come yet.

There was a thunderstorm in the bank.

At the end of March, Qing'er brought news.

The bank's treasury is emptied. If the money cannot be transferred within a week, the bank will default for the first time.

The thunderstorm in the bank was something Bai Song expected, and the thunderstorm happened ten days later than expected.

Bai Song was not in a hurry about this. He had put all his thoughts on his son during this period, and now it was time to get down to business.

Since the start of the building construction plan, Mobai Bank has not had enough manpower.

Qing'er has been busy all day, and only one-fifth of the land she bought is under construction. Even so, Qing'er has to run around the city without stopping.

Bai Song first wanted to see the construction situation, and then went to the Ministry of Industry to have a showdown with Mr. Zhang.

Qing'er didn't have time to spend with Bai Song, so Mo Zhu was arranged to become Bai Song's temporary female secretary.

Zhuzi was very satisfied with this job and took the coachman to the gate of the Prince Consort's Mansion early to wait for Bai Song.

When Bai Song got on the bus, Zhuzi called boss.

"Who taught you that?"

"Qing'er! Qing'er said boss means boss."

Bai Song was accustomed to the word boss before, but now that Bai Song has integrated into the current society, he feels uncomfortable hearing the title boss.

"Let's call him boss."

"If the boss sounds good to you, just call him boss."

"what ever."

"Boss, where should we go first?"

Bai Song opened the map, and Zhu Zi came over and enthusiastically pointed out this and that to Bai Song.

"Let's go to Da'anfang first."

"Car driver, go to Da'an."

Bamboo yelled crisply.

The carriage moved slowly.

In the car, Zhuzi was holding a bamboo leaf in his mouth, dragging his cheeks and staring at Bai Song, his eyes fixed.

At first, Bai Song didn't think anything was wrong, but later she became a little embarrassed.

"You...why are you staring at me like that?"

"Boss, you are so good-looking. Zhuzi has never seen such a good-looking man. No wonder even Qing'er likes you."

Bai Song had black hair, and he understood what kind of character Mo Zhu was, a beautiful girl with few roots, who was in her own world and didn't care about the opinions of outsiders at all.

Sometimes she looks like a silly girl, sometimes she is an extremely handsome heroine, and sometimes she is a money-obsessed man who sees money.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhuzi asked with a smile: "Boss, if I serve you personally for a day, do you get any wages or tips?"

Bai Song frowned, thinking that if she didn't give him any benefits, she would probably have to use this look all the way.

Forget it, let's save money and avoid disaster.

Bai Song took out a piece of silver.

"for you."

“The boss is awesome.”

Zhuzi chuckled, snatched it away, and put it in his pocket.

I thought that the other party would be safe in this way, but unexpectedly the other party took a step closer and pressed against Bai Song's arm.

"Ouch, what are you doing?" Bai Song was a little confused, because you can never guess what this woman is thinking in her mind.

"Boss, when you were in the carriage with Qing'er before, was it like we are now? As time goes by, you fall in love, and then it becomes natural?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"Why don't you care about my affairs? I am sister Qing'er! Qing'er has a rich husband and doesn't want to help my poor sister. My life is really hard!"

"Don't come near me, you already have Sword Thirteen."

"Little Thirteen? How is it possible? Little Thirteen can be my nephew or uncle. Anyway, he and I are not of the same generation. But the boss is different. The boss is young, good-looking and rich, which is what people dream of.

of money.”

As he spoke, he came closer again.

Bai Song frowned and couldn't push away.

Zhuzi noticed Bai Song's resistance, pouted his lips, and raised his eyebrows: "What! You don't like her? You can't even sacrifice her appearance to gain advantage?"

"I'm afraid that Jian Shisan will come back and kill me!" Bai Song rolled his eyes.

"Huh, I know you like Qing'er to be gentle and obedient."

As he spoke, he imitated Qing'er's tone and shouted in a coy manner: "Ms. sir..."

Don't tell me, I learned very well.

But it’s getting more and more outrageous.

Bai Song covered his head: "Tell me, how much longer do you need to stop?"

He spread his bamboo hands and said: "One hundred and twenty taels, I'm interested in a green bamboo hairpin made of jade. If Qing'er doesn't give me the money, you can!"

"Okay, okay, I'm scared of you."

Bai Song gave all his money to Mo Zhu, and the other party finally became quiet.

It took a full half day for Bai Song to visit various places where construction had begun.

In recent days, only half of the wages have been paid, and workers have become dissatisfied, and some of them are showing signs of going on strike.

The resettlement area outside the city is progressing at a tight pace, and the money from the bank has given priority to this group of people.

Because Mobai Bank's huge project has affected the lives of nearly 30,000 people in Chang'an City.

Common people, workers, material dealers from various places, and even beggars and gangsters in the city.

When the capital machine starts running, there is no turning back.

If work were to stop suddenly, it is unimaginable what kind of turmoil would occur in the city.

After looking around, Bai Song probably had some understanding of the situation.

On the outskirts of the resettlement area, Bai Song told Mo Zhu to reduce the capital injection into the resettlement area and create some dissatisfaction appropriately, but the relocated people should be resentful and not in chaos.

Mo Zhu didn't seem to understand, so he took Bai Song to the Ministry of Industry after writing it down.

The Ministry of Industry has received news that Mobai Bank has not settled enough wages in recent days, and some workers have complained, but they have been suppressed by officers and soldiers.

Zhang Liang did not go to the morning court because he could smell the danger.

Even if Bai Song doesn't come to him, he will go to Bai Song.

Hearing that Bai Song came to visit, Mr. Zhang immediately summoned him.

When he met Bai Song, Mr. Zhang's first sentence was straight to the point: "Tell me, what's been going on in the past few days?"

Bai Song's answer was straightforward: "The bank has no money."

"No money?!"

Master Zhang stood up in shock!

He thought about various possibilities and guessed what difficulties the bank had encountered.

What he thought was that Bai Song would find various reasons and then think of various solutions in private.

I didn't expect Bai Song's answer to be so straightforward.

No money!

How many days has it been starting?

Open your mouth and run out of money?

Where did the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver go?

"Bai Song, this is a very serious matter. I am not joking with you."

"Sir, the common people are not kidding you. The bank is indeed out of money. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to check."


Master Zhang slapped his hand on the table.

"Where did those hundreds of thousands of taels of silver go?"

"The hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were deposited by the people in the bank. The bank had to pay interest. When the people needed it, the bank would naturally take it out. To put it more simply, the bank lent the money to the people."

Mr. Zhang was immediately confused. People of this era had never been exposed to money banks and did not understand the most basic principles of money banks. Bai Song deliberately concealed it before, making the court think that the money banks really had hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

This chapter has been completed!
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