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Chapter 719

Walking through the reconstruction area that is in need of renovation.

Bai Song took the two girls to see the double-story cement building.

Although there is only a simple foundation, every reconstruction area has complete ironing samples.

The contractor in the reconstruction area recognized Bai Song and came up with his men to greet him.

By the way, Bai Song asked the contractor to introduce the plans and designs of the reconstruction area by the Yong'an River.

The contractor is very familiar with this business, because it has financial support from the imperial court, and there will be many imperial officials to supervise the progress of the reconstruction area.

The contractor was eloquent and explained every detail to the two ladies without any obscure words. The two girls nodded repeatedly.

Lu Yao stood next to Bai Song and patted Bai Song on the shoulder: "When the house here is built, leave one for me. It will be cheaper for my brother."

Bai Song smiled and nodded: "No problem."

"Did you also invent this cement?"

"That's right."

Lu Yao touched the cement wall on one side: "This is stronger than the palace where the emperor lives."

"When you become a high official in the future, you must report to the court and renovate the palace. It must be made entirely of cement."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and they had a tacit understanding.

While the two men were talking, the two girls were still communicating.

Zhang Yuhan was even more surprised. She had only heard that the reconstruction plan had caused unrest to her father, but she did not expect that the reconstruction plan would be such a world-ending one.

"Sister Hou, what do you think of this renovation plan?"

Hou Zheng was also surprised. He looked around and nodded: "It looks quite impressive."

"Will it be a way to benefit the people?"

"I heard that after the renovation, there are more houses here, but they are not sold cheaply. Most people can't afford them."

The contractor said cheerfully: "You two ladies are overly worried. When we built the building, we bought the land from the people with real money. Not only did we give the money, but we also built resettlement houses for the people outside the city. The scale is not as good as

This place is much better than other old houses, at least all the structures are made of cement. We give people free houses to live in, is there anything better than this?"

"Give the people free housing? Isn't that a huge loss?" Zhang Yuhan wondered.

The contractor proudly pointed to Bai Song's side: "Well, who said our boss is such a good person?"

The flattery that came naturally did not reach Bai Song's ears, but it made Zhang Yuhan feel comfortable.

I can’t say why, but I just think this sentence is pleasant to the ears and more in line with the image of Mr. Bai in my heart.

"I didn't expect Mr. Bai to be such a gentleman who cares about the world."

Hou Zheng was a little confused. Why did the girl from the Zhang family change her mood after being alone with Lu Yao for a while? Now she actually said good things to Bai Song. It was really strange.

But Hou Zheng is still unhappy with Bai Song. During the trip, he wanted to make Bai Song look embarrassed, but failed. Now even Zhang Yuhan has changed his mind and is even more depressed.

Hou Zheng glanced at Bai Song, who was walking over, and snorted unhappily: "Why do you care about the world? He is clearly a profiteer in the guise of a scholar, and he only wants to make money!"

"Hey, Miss Hou, this is your fault." Bai Song walked over cheerfully, "You said that I only want to make money, and I admit it, but if you say that I only want to make money, then I can't agree.

.Who said you can’t care about the world when making money? There is no conflict between the two things. This reconstruction plan can benefit the world and make money at the same time, so why not?"


Miss Hou said something in a low voice.

But this attitude is completely different in Zhang Yuhan's eyes.

Open-minded and free-spirited, informal and extraordinary.

Zhang Liang really took good care of his daughter. His daughter admired both heroes and talents, and she admired both the heroes and talents of the Bai Song Dynasty. Once she had the admiration for the Bai Song Dynasty, she looked at the Bai Song Dynasty in all aspects.


"Yu Han." Bai Song shouted softly.

"Ah?" Zhang Yuhan's face turned red when he heard Master Bai address him so affectionately.

"Now that you've seen the redevelopment area, I believe you should have an idea, right? Go back and tell your father what you saw, so that he can rest assured at home."

"Yes." Zhang Yuhan nodded, "Mr. Bai's reconstruction of poor households is the best way to improve people's livelihood that Yu Han has seen. Yu Han believes that Mr. Bai's plan will not go wrong, let alone harm his father."

Bai Song nodded with satisfaction and waved to the two women: "Now that we've seen the construction site, let's go back to the ship. After all, it's a bit messy here. You two look in a mess when you go home, and I can't handle it."

Zhang Yuhan covered his mouth and smiled, nodding in agreement.

Hou Zheng pinched the other person and glared: "Whose side are you on?"

Zhang Yuhan blushed.

Back on the boat, the flower boat continued downstream.

In a blink of an eye, it was already afternoon, and the four of them, with their stomachs rumbling, called on the servants on board to serve wine and food.

After spending just half a day together, the four of us traveling together had a lot of fun.

Although Hou Zheng still doesn't like Bai Song, he doesn't feel alienated. Instead, he speaks whenever he has something to say. His displeasure is written all over his face. He doesn't feel like an enemy, but more like a friend who can't be dealt with.

There is no distance between men and women, and there is no sense of restraint in an empty cabin.

Hou Zheng sat next to Lu Yao, close to the man, and didn't care, toasting and eating vegetables.

Lu Yao seemed a little more reserved. He seemed to be more concerned about his image in front of Bai Song, but he didn't quite refuse and didn't dare to make any move.

Bai Song sat across from him and smiled, winking at Lu Yao repeatedly, gesturing for him to grab the girl's waist.

Lu Yao was thin-skinned and pretended not to see it, but Hou Zheng saw it.

"Mr. Lu, please stay away from Mr. Bai from now on. Don't imitate others, otherwise I won't like you anymore."

Our girl said the word "like" in front of everyone, which was really out of line.

Zhang Yuhan was startled, covered his mouth and was speechless, worried and happy, thinking that such a drinking party was exciting.

Lu Yao made a big blush.

Bai Song shook his head and thought, "Do you have a plan?"

This puts you in a trance. Do you have to wait until the monkey girl Ma Yue to take down the waiting girl?

Zhang Yuhan, however, secretly glanced at the seat next to Bai Song and secretly wondered whether he should sit there.

But Zhang Yuhan obviously doesn't have Hou Zheng's personality. She maintains the reserve of everyone. Although she really wants to seek excitement, she can't take this step when buying.

The drinking party at noon was very ambiguous, and the flirting and hints became more obvious as the wine got stronger.

Hou Zheng was drunk in Lu Yao's arms, and Lu Yao finally put his hand on Miss Hou's waist and caressed her secretly.

Bai Song was drunk and hazy, but he still stood up straight. He watched the men and women opposite him seriously, and found it very interesting.

After all, Zhang Yuhan did not have the courage to take any more extraordinary actions.

Just seeing Mr. Bai being able to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor in such an environment makes me admire him even more.

Only then did she recall the poem, but she couldn't remember it completely after hearing it in a hurry.

"Mr. Bai, do you still remember the poem you wrote when you boarded the ship?"

Bai Song nodded.

"Have you ever read it again for Yuhan?"

“A red face is like a blooming lotus, and a plain skin is like gelatin.

It's graceful and graceful, light and not self-sustaining.

Taste the unparalleled beauty, and rely on the allure of the city.

When Zifu came to serve as a servant, Feiyan returned to the palace."

Zhang Yuhan's cheeks, filled with alcohol, were covered with the sultry sunset glow, and his eyes were shining with fluorescent light infatuatedly.

Only when one is drunk and hazy can one easily enter the essence of poetry.

On this side, Zhang Yuhan listened, got into the poetry and paintings, and suddenly wanted to dance for Mr. Bai.

It also lives up to the saying "Flying swallows return to their time".

"Young Master is talented enough to live up to Chang'an's reputation. Today's friendship with him is a blessing in Yu Han's life."

The girl's soft voice is endearing.

Thinking about what happened to the girl makes people feel even more sympathetic.

Bai Song has this kind of nature, and under such circumstances, he will always say something heart-warming in line with the ambiguous atmosphere.

"It's not the result of talent and thought, it's the girl's beauty that surpasses it, and the poem should be done by itself."

Little did he know that this moment was heart-warming, but it also aroused people's emotions. The love roots he had planted would be no wonder others would harass him in the future.

In this way, Zhang Yuhan understood Mr. Bai's thoughts.

The other person appreciates you.

Zhang Yuhan's face turned crimson, his heart was beating, and he felt that today's trip was not in vain.

After a drink at noon, Hou Zheng was completely drunk.

In addition, the boat was bumpy and I vomited several times in my sleep.

As a last resort, Lu Yao helped him into a room in the cabin to rest.

Zhang Yuhan was not much better. She was not that courageous, but she deliberately got herself drunk so that she could be supported and hugged by Mr. Bai all the time.

Indeed, Zhang Yuhan achieved his goal. After getting off the table, he stayed close to Bai Song, holding Bai Song's arm and refusing to let go.

Bai Song took Zhang Yuhan to the bow of the boat to get some fresh air, which might help him sober up early.

Lu Yao staggered to Bai Song and smiled mysteriously at Bai Song: "You stay here with Miss Zhang, and I'll go stay with my Hou Zheng. If you hear any noise later, don't come over. Do you understand?"

Bai Song's mind was in a state of confusion. He nodded groggily and subconsciously: "I'm not interested in your Hou Zheng. It's up to you to do whatever you want."

Lu Yao turned around and walked away.

"Sir, the wind is so strong outside and the jade is so cold..." The intoxicated girl murmured. Her thin clothes and shawl were left unknown where, and there was a layer on her snow-white neck and smooth jade arms.

Clearly visible goosebumps.

"Then let's go back."

"No! Master, please hold Yuhan, okay?"

Bai Song was still hesitating. Zhang Yuhan pretended to be brave and got into Bai Song's arms while there was no one around him. He curled up, enjoying himself and being comfortable, and murmured: "This time, it's a secret between Yu Han and the young master. Never let it happen."

Tell others."

Bai Song couldn't control himself, just as Zhang Liang thought, he tried to protect the child in his arms even more tightly.

The body of the person in his arms was obviously more relaxed and no longer trembling. He just let Bai Song hold him without any unnecessary movements.

"Where does the Yong'an River go? Why does it never end?" The man in his arms asked in a low voice, not knowing whether he was talking in his sleep or awake.

Bai Song looked ahead and whispered: "The Yong'an River will merge into the Yellow River, right? I don't know either..."

"What's the Yellow River like? Yu Han has never seen it... has Young Master seen it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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