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Chapter 774: Prairie Wolves

Before coming here, I thought it was a pack of more than a dozen wolves.

After arriving, I found that it was completely dark at dusk.

After two minutes of marching in the northeast direction, Qin Bei's leading horse stopped suddenly. The horse neighed, raised its front hooves, and turned around. Qin Bei couldn't control the horse.

Bai Song's horse also became confused and stopped, refusing to move forward.

At first, Bai Song didn't know what was going on. When he saw the dark shadow in front of him, his scalp felt numb.

What kind of wolf pack is this?

It’s clearly a wolf tide!

As far as the eye can see, there are all black figures.

Watching from a distance, countless yellow and deep eyes are shining.

I can't even count how many there are, hundreds? Thousands?

Bai Song was stunned.

Isn’t this too much?

How come there are so many wolves gathering in the grassland?

"Go quickly!"

Qin Bei shouted.

When encountering such a pack of wolves, rushing up is seeking death.

Even though their elite team is capable of fighting, there is no need to cause damage unless necessary.

Just as a group of people were about to turn around, a voice calling for help came from the front: "Help! Help!"

This is standard Chinese, not like a Turkic accent.

Qin Bei felt strange and abandoned his horse and rushed forward. After a few ups and downs, he came back with a Han man in military uniform in one hand.

I saw that this man was covered in blood and had countless wounds from wolf bites. Half of his arms were missing and the wounds were full of bite marks. It was shocking to see.

"Whose subordinate are you?" Qin Bei asked.

The man was dying, and he opened his mouth with difficulty: "General on the right...hou, Lord Hou is gathering."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"What happened to General Hou's team? Why were you attacked by the wolves?"

The man wanted to speak, but his eyes suddenly widened, but his pupils shrank little by little.

"Hey! Hey! Speak clearly!"

The other party never heard back.

No one gave instructions, everyone slowed down in unison.

"What should I do?" Bai Song asked.

Qin Bei looked back at the dark wolf pack, which seemed to be approaching them.

"It seems that General Hou is in trouble. I wonder if there are any survivors in the direction of the wolves."

Qin Bei's intention was obvious, he wanted to go deep into the wolf pack to see the situation.

But the danger of this matter needs no elaboration, everyone is well aware of it.

It is undoubtedly unacceptable to lose a few people among the wolves before reaching the battlefield.

While everyone was hesitating, Jian Shisan took his sword and dismounted, leaving two words: "Wait a moment."

Jian Shisan has learned to keep a low profile around Bai Song in recent years, and has always been dressed like an inconspicuous old servant.

When everyone in the secret edict saw this, they didn't know what it meant. They saw the opponent's sword unsheathed, and the man followed the sword, which instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed into the wolves.

There is a faint zhenqi left in the air of the grassland, and there is also an invisible sword intention.

Qin Bei's heart tightened and he couldn't help but take a breath.

This person's true energy is not strong, but his sword intention is as real as substance. If he can cultivate to this level, he is probably a super strong person.

Sure enough, in the dark shadow in the distance, sword light suddenly circulated, and a group of ferocious beasts were like mowing grass under the sword intention of Jian Shisan. The howling of the wolves was replaced by howling, but in a blink of an eye, the black wolves fled towards the end of the field of vision.

, a few minutes later, everything returned to calm.

At this moment, dusk faded and night fell, the night enveloped everything Jian Shisan had done. No one knew how many wolves he had killed in the blink of an eye. Everyone just saw him come back covered in blood and became a bloody man.


But there wasn't a single wound left on his body.

Qin Yuxiao whispered to Qin Bei: "The number one sword guard of the Mo family, Jian Shisan, I met in Jingzhou and has been following Mr. Bai. It seems that this person is loyal to Mr. Bai. After four years, he is still...


"Mo Family Sword Thirteen..." Qin Bei had heard of this name and knew the opponent's strength.

Don't say that you are severely injured now, even at your peak, you were no match for this person.

In the entire Mi Zhao Division, only the two strongest combat powers, Jianshou and Daoshou, can compete with it.

Such a god is actually lurking next to Mr. Bai. Does the emperor know about this?

As Qin Bei's thoughts changed, Jian Shisan wiped the blood on his body and pointed to one end: "There are two people alive over there and they are coming over."

While talking, two figures appeared and limped over. One knelt down and the other sat down.

"What happened to you?" Qin Bei asked in a low voice.

"No hurry, the whole team stops, I will treat them first." Bai Song interrupted, got off his horse, took out his medicine box and treated their wounds.

Seeing that it was already dark, everyone had no suitable place to rest, so they could only stay here for one night.

Several bonfires were raised, and there was finally some light in the team.

Bai Song was still treating the wounds of the two of them.

Someone in the team went to the place where the wolves were in front and came back with the carcasses of several wolves, preparing to eat wolf meat tonight.

As a result, when several people were dissecting the wolf carcass, they discovered that there were undigested human hands in the wolf's belly.

It made several people sick and vomited.

At this time, the two soldiers who were gradually recovering said: "We encountered a small group of Tuyuhun Khanate troops who were looting the grassland. General Hou asked us to send a team of a thousand people to intercept. Who would have thought that the troops would see

He seems to have a small number of people, but he is leading an army of wolves.

Our team was surrounded by wolves, and many people were eaten by wolves. I dispersed with the large team and arrived here. Many of the wolves here eat people, and the minced meat in their bellies belongs to our brothers..."

As they spoke, they both wiped away tears at the same time.

Who dares to eat this wolf meat?

Everyone felt disgusted and threw them into the fire, and distributed dry food instead.

Encountering a pack of wolves was premeditated.

Judging from the descriptions of the two soldiers, the other side must have used people as bait to lure the army into splitting up, and then used wolves to surround and eat them.

But how many wolves would there be that could surround a team of a thousand people?

The two soldiers added that what they saw now was only a small part of the wolf pack.

When they were surrounded by a team of thousands of people, the number of wolves was probably in the tens of thousands.

Everyone's heart is tight.

Including the people from the Secret Imperial Examination Division, most of the people here have never experienced a battlefield.

They have all had some experience in the arena. Whether they are killing people or being killed, it is just a small fight in the arena. Compared with the real war, their experiences are insignificant.

No one can accurately imagine what a pack of tens of thousands of wolves would look like.

I don’t even know how well my martial arts skills can be used in a real battlefield?

On the second day after entering the grassland, everyone had already noticed the cruelty of war. Even Jian Shisan had a solemn expression.

That night, he did not stay by Bai Song's side, but silently looked at a girl hidden under a military uniform.

The girl was holding a bamboo leaf in her mouth, and she also stayed up all night.

This chapter has been completed!
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