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Chapter 870 The richest man in Dongying

The gold and silver that Bai Song brought to Japan was limited, so it was enough to open one or two dojos for them.

The return cycle of this kind of Go dojo is very long, and Bai Song cannot always support it secretly.

Besides, Bai Song had a group of assistants to support behind him, and now they couldn't even provide enough food and clothing with the income from selling tea.

Therefore, while helping the old apprentice, he must also find another way out.

In order to solve the short-term life problems, Bai Song took a pair of shoes from space.

Bai Song noticed that Japanese people in this era still wore hemp sandals and straw sandals, but did not see wooden clogs.

Clogs were originally introduced to Japan from China and gradually became popular there.

The time is wrong now, but the living habits should be the same, and there should be no problem if something that will be popular a hundred years from now appears a hundred years earlier.

So Bai Song gave the samples of clogs to his subordinates, and asked his subordinates to find craftsmen to mass-produce them and then sell them on the streets of Kyoto.

I just want to see if there is a market for this thing in Japan.

Clogs were just a gadget invented casually, and Bai Song didn't put any more thought into them.

Helping Mu Zhi open a store is more important now.

After returning from the dojo, Mu Zhi first contacted the owner of the target store, but the reply he received was disappointing.

The other party does not intend to rent or sell the shop, and has no intention of negotiating.

Mu Zhi was just a chess player and had no experience in negotiating business. He ran out of ideas after running into a wall for the first time.

After knowing the situation, Bai Song also felt that he had not thought carefully and should not let Mu Zhi do the operation on his own.

But he couldn't come forward directly now, so he asked Xiaokui to be his representative and pretended to be Xiaokui's subordinate in order to contact the owner of that shop again.

After a day of preparation, Xiaokui waited at the gate of Bieyuan early.

Bai Song put on simple clothes and went to the door. He didn't take Bai Rou with him today. When he went out alone, he subconsciously looked at where the carriage was.

Suddenly I realized that I was in Japan, and there seemed to be no such thing as a carriage here.

Fortunately, Kyoto is not big, so even walking around the whole city won't take long.

In the early morning, the main streets of Kyoto are covered with cherry blossoms. There is a slight drizzle. The petals are morbidly tender in the rain. Just like the whole country, it gives people a strange feeling.

The street is very clean and clear, and there is an indescribable romance in walking side by side with a girl.

But this is just an appearance. As long as you look at the alleys facing the street, you can see mess and filth everywhere.

Today, Bai Song observed this Kyoto very carefully. Every flower, every grass, every scene and every thing here reflects on everyone here.

Although Xiaokui pretended to be Bai Song's employer today, she was very quiet all the way.

She did not disturb Bai Song's observation, but just accompanied him silently.

There has always been a faint feeling of gratitude in Xiaokui's heart. She wanted to thank her but didn't know how to express it. Sometimes when she looked at that handsome face, she couldn't help but feel a little panicked in her heart.

Sometimes I even wonder, if the other person didn't recognize my identity last time at the okiya, or if the other person had a little bit of bad intentions, would my heart be calmer at this moment?

The pilot of the chess academy has arrived.

The shop next to the chess academy pilot is a drugstore.

Bai Song stood at the door, wanting to go in directly.

Xiaokui held Bai Song back: "Sir, it's not here."

"This is what I'm talking about."

"Not the family on the left, but the family on the right."

"The family on the right..."

There are shops on the left and right sides of the chess academy pilot, and the one on the right is a family art museum.

"Why not the family on the left?" Bai Song frowned.

"Because behind this pharmacy is Qiyuan, and this is a pharmacy opened by Qiyuan."

Bai Song understood as soon as he heard this. Since it was Qiyuan's pharmacy, the other party would certainly not sit back and watch a competitor appear.

It seems that if you want to be next to the Chess Academy, you must choose this okiya.

The okiya in front of me looks a bit strange. Firstly, there is no signboard, and secondly, there are no girls soliciting customers at the door.

It looked deserted, more deserted than any other okiya I had seen before.

Xiaokui then introduced: "The location of this okiya is on the main street. It seems to be too conspicuous, so the business has not been good. But for some reason, the owner has always refused to close the shop. Logically speaking, we have to rent his place.

The pavement should be a pretty good thing."

With some curiosity, Bai Song entered the art museum.

After entering, I found that this okiya didn't seem to be open at all. There wasn't a girl in sight, only an old, white-faced woman standing at the counter and yawning leisurely.

"I was talking to her yesterday." Xiaokui said.

"With her?"

Bai Song was stunned, thinking that this person didn't look like his boss.

This is obviously an old bustard who watches the show.

That old apprentice is too unreliable in doing things. How can talking with this person have any results?

Knowing that you want to rent a shop to do other things, won't she lose her job?

Of course this person told you that there was nothing to talk about.

"Go over and ask what's going on. Don't say we're going to switch to other businesses, just say we're ready to invest and want to meet the boss behind her."

Xiaokui nodded and went up to communicate with the other party.

After some exchanges, the half-old woman went out happily.

"She went to call her boss."

"What did you tell her? Why are you so happy?"

"All the girls here are gone. I said we have girls on hand, but we just don't have a suitable restaurant. She heard that new girls were coming in, so she was very happy."

Bai Song nodded, not caring much about this statement.

The two of them waited inside the post house for a long time, and the owner behind the post house finally appeared.

What surprised Bai Song was that the owner was actually a young woman, wearing a white kimono and a red skirt, with heavy makeup on her face, and a pair of naturally charming eyes, which was very attractive.

Holding a white jade pipe in his hand, he blew out a puff of tobacco as soon as he entered the door. The strong smell of smoke made Xiaokui cough.

Bai Song was a little stunned when he saw it, thinking to himself, what is going on?

Is there already a lot of smoke these days?

Xiaokui inadvertently shrank back after coughing, and her expression became a little more serious, as if she knew this young woman.

"Who is this?" Bai Song asked.

"Miss Shixiang... the richest man in Japan... started doing business with the Tang Dynasty as early as three years ago. She never leaves her hand to smoke. This is her biggest characteristic. I didn't expect that she would be the owner behind this okiya!"

Xiaokui's eyes widened and she spoke sternly.

"The richest man in Japan?" Bai Song was a little surprised, "He is actually such a young woman?"

"Who did I think was here? It turned out to be an envoy from the Tang Dynasty. He is more handsome than the rumors said!"

The girl in front of me speaks fluent Chinese with a coastal accent. Her voice is soft and soft, as alluring as her eyes.

Bai Song had dressed up deliberately, but he didn't expect to be recognized at a glance, so he stopped pretending and said with a faint smile: "Young girl really has good eyesight."

[The author has something to say]

Construction has officially started, and there will be two guaranteed updates in the evening to pay off debts...

This chapter has been completed!
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