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Chapter 989

Every time you leave Chang'an, you need to make some preparations.

Since the family unanimously decided to make the first stop in Jiangnan, Bai Song naturally went to Jiangnan first.

There is probably no one who is more familiar with the Jianghu forces in the Jiangnan area than Qing Yi, the number one master in Jiangnan.

Bai Song was going to get some news from Qing Yi about Jiangnan Jianghu sects.

But Bai Song couldn't ask directly, because Bai Song's mission to Jiangnan was to Zhaoan Jianghu sect. Even if Bai Song didn't want to have a conflict, it was inevitable that a conflict would break out.

Bai Song went there as a hostile force in Jianghu, and directly told Qing Yi that I wanted to wipe out all the Jianghu sects in Jiangnan, otherwise the other party would fall out.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Song decided to ask Jian Shisan to communicate with Qing Yi, as long as the other party drew a map of Jiangnan sects and some simple annotations.

After that, it’s time to consider who to take with you on the mission.

Now there are many people around Bai Song, and there are many people to choose from, but Bai Song wants to go alone.

Firstly, Bai Song wanted to verify his ability. He has always been protected by many experts around him, and this time he acted alone to gain more experience.

The main reason is that Bai Song feels that this trip is relatively safe, and there are not as many risks as before. His strength is constantly improving, and his potential main enemies are no longer in the world.

There shouldn't be any problem if you move alone.

The reason is that Bai Song wants to focus more of his power on monitoring Princess Danyang. The Japanese talent behind Princess Danyang is what Bai Song really wants to be wary of.

Jian Shisan and Long Shanshan take the lead, and the next group of elites from their own dark network will track and monitor every move of the Japanese people.

As for whether to bring my wife with me...

After all, there was no such thing in the Bai Song Dynasty.

Jiangnan is the world of rivers and lakes, and also the world of beauties. Jiangnan accounts for half of the romantic affairs of the Tang Dynasty. It is convenient to live with a wife by your side, but there are few entertainment activities.

Before leaving home, several ladies voted temporarily to let Sangsang go to Jiangnan with them, but Bai Song told everyone in a flurry of words: "You can't favor one and the other. When the business is over, take time to take the whole family to Jiangnan."

On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, it was snowing all over the sky.

Outside Chang'an City, the snow covered the horses' hooves.

Bai Song and Xiao Hei, one person, one horse and one baggage, said goodbye to their families and wanted to go southeast.

Corresponding to this is Princess Danyang's chariot and horse team, which includes hundreds of people.

Princess Danyang and Bai Song chose the same day to leave Beijing.

The two teams formed a sharp contrast. Even Princess Danyang in the team couldn't help but get out of the car in the wind and snow and shout to Bai Song: "Master Bai is so free and easy!"

"Your Highness, a female prostitute must go deep into the world to be truly free and easy!"


Another voice came from the car in front. It was Li Chengqian who was also following.

Li Chengqian looked at Bai Song, his eyes widened, and he was filled with envy.

"Sir, are you going to Jiangnan like this?"

"What if?"

"The students want to go with you too!"

"Follow Princess Danyang! After leaving Chang'an, no one cares whether you are the prince! If you are in danger, I alone can't control you!"

Li Chengqian looked disappointed and kept waving to Bai Song. When he saw Bai Song walking away, he returned to the carriage.

Bai Song walked far away, and could not see the shadow of Chang'an City. There was no one on the official road, only the whistling wind and snow.

In the vast world, there seemed to be a different kind of cloud following him all the way, always above Bai Song's head, and even attracted Xiao Hei's attention.

The horse looked up to the sky from time to time until Bai Song reined in the reins.

No command was needed, Xiao Heixin understood and stopped immediately.

At this time, a familiar voice came from above: "Let's say goodbye here."

Bei Li floated down in white clothes, with a faint smile, very calm.

Bai Song frowned: "Come with me to Jiangnan and disband your Lingxiu Palace."

"Don't be delusional. Even if it's you, I won't be ordered to peace by the imperial court."

"You know, Zhao'an is the best outcome, otherwise there will be greater conflicts. Moreover, your Lingxiu Palace is located in the area that Princess Danyang is responsible for. I'm afraid she won't be so kind."

"After going through the battle in the imperial city, you still don't know my strength? That Princess Danyang doesn't want to offend me. If she really dares to offend me, I will clear up the serious troubles for you."

"Don't!" Bai Song said seriously, "If that day comes, you must hide with your people! Never conflict with Princess Danyang head-on."

Bei Li suppressed her smile. She knew that Bai Song was worried about her. After hearing such words, the woman who didn't feel sad about separation suddenly felt a little sad.

Beili cupped his hands towards Bai Song and said with the courtesy of a gentleman: "Take care."

Bai Song saw Beili's eyes, and the rare sentimentality of this superior woman seemed to touch a certain string in his heart...

Bai Song frowned, got off his horse, and walked up to her under Beili's puzzled gaze. He suddenly opened his arms and hugged the whole white dress in his arms, and then kissed her hard on the cheek with a hint of snowflakes.

Take a sip.

In an instant, the snow on Bei Li's face melted, and he instinctively wanted to break free.

But the voice in her ears gave up all her resistance: "If I have the chance, I will build a house next to Lingxiu Palace and never leave."

Half a day later, Bai Song arrived at the Hanshui Ferry at the Yangtze River.

If you take a merchant ship at the ferry, you can sail directly down the river to Yangzhou, and then take a quick horse from Yangzhou to Hangzhou.

It is said that they want to solve the Jianghu matter, but for Bai Song, the more important thing is to find Bai An first.

The private merchant ship was beginning to take shape. After boarding the ship and paying twenty taels of silver, Xiao Hei was tied up in the stern warehouse.

There were a lot of people on the boat. Bai Song hadn't really gone deep into the lower class society for a long time. Bai Song enjoyed this crowded and noisy environment very much.

Just sitting on the bed and listening to all kinds of gossip on the ship is more exciting than listening to any storytelling session.

The most talked about thing on the ship was the accident that happened in the Imperial City not long ago.

It's just that folk news is limited to various reveries. Not many people know what exactly happened that day.

A batch of tea leaves caught Bai Song's attention.

The tea north of the Yangtze River comes from the tea mountain tea gardens managed by Sang Sang.

Nowadays, this tea has good sales in Datang and has been promoted to many regions.

However, the price of this tea did not meet Bai Song's expectations. It was originally intended to be packaged as high-end tea, but under Sangsang's management, it became a favorite among the people.

It is said that the price-performance ratio exceeds that of any kind of tea, and even the prices of tea in the entire Datang Dynasty have been reduced.

Therefore, tea from Chang'an is not liked by many businessmen.

At the ferry, the tea transporter was stopped, and the ship owner wanted to temporarily increase the price for this batch of tea for some unknown reason.

Several people were arguing with the boat boss at the ferry, and the scene gradually became lively.

Bai Song looked for the sound and followed him to the ferry to wait and see, wondering how to solve the problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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