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Chapter 0018 secretary knowledge

Hu Jiawei smiled and said, "You have been smart since you were a child. I believe you can grasp it well."

"Hey, Mr. Gu, as you said, I am the most honest and responsible person," Yu Yan said shamelessly.

"Haha, I don't know you kid yet. You made trouble for me a lot when you were a kid!" Hu Jiawei pointed at Yu Yan, laughed and cursed, and then continued, "I haven't finished speaking yet. The most important thing is still


As soon as he heard this, he became even more happy. He hurriedly sat down and listened carefully. He was very curious about what other wise ideas he had.

"I joined the party when I was in my twenties, became the public security chief when I was in my thirties, and later became the deputy county magistrate. Speaking of my official career, I also benefited from the profession of secretary," Hu said.

It seems like I remembered something.

After a pause, he continued, "Back then, I worked as a correspondent for the county magistrate of Taocheng County for a period of time. Later, the old leader was transferred to the city to serve, so he let me stay and transferred to the Public Security Bureau. From then on, through

I climbed up step by step with my own efforts and the support of my old leader. Later, the old leader passed away due to illness. Since then, my work has not had much ups and downs."

Yu Yan found that the old man's voice had changed a little without realizing it. It seemed that after so many years, the old man was still brooding about the past and could not forget it.

Yu Yan didn't speak, and he didn't know what to say. After all, there were some things that he couldn't understand.

After a while, Hu Jiawei looked at Yuyan and continued, "Secretaries are a major feature of Chinese officialdom. There are many kinds of secretaries, but generally speaking, there are two main types, one is work secretary, and the other is life secretary

Generally speaking, those below the county level are not qualified for full-time secretaries. Therefore, county-level secretaries are mainly working secretaries, or writing secretaries. They are established in the office and their main job is to write written materials for leaders. Above the city level, they start

With a full-time secretary, this full-time secretary is actually a life secretary, who is only responsible for carrying bags for the leader and arranging the leader's related activities."

After listening to my uncle's words, I began to have a certain understanding of the secretary's job.

Hu Jiawei continued, "Being a secretary does not require you to observe national and international events, but the small things around the leader. For example, you must know when the leader is going to add water. When the leader is going to sign, you must prepare immediately.

Good pen."

Secretaries are very knowledgeable. For example, the leaders are older and have presbyopic eyesight. Therefore, when the leaders read documents, you must give them reading glasses in time. Some leaders were short-sighted in the past.

Now that presbyopia is added, you have to know when to give him glasses for myopia and when to give him reading glasses.

Secretary often rides with the leader in the car, and the leader gets on and off the car. There is endless knowledge there. The secretary should get off the bus first and get on last. Needless to say, when the leader gets on and off, the secretary should block the roof of the car with his hand to prevent the leader from hitting his head.

On the roof of the car, this is also common sense.

There are also more details, such as where the car is parked, where the leader should get off or get in the car, and where the first step should be. If it is a rainy day, and the leader steps down, he will step on water.

You will definitely feel that the secretary is not good at doing things. If the leader is greeted by someone outside the car when he gets off the car, the distance between the leader and the greeter must be careful. If the leader needs to walk several steps before he can shake hands with the greeter,

So, should the leader take these steps or not? If he doesn’t take these steps and waits for others to take the initiative, the leader will appear arrogant. If the leader takes these steps, he will have to walk several steps and lower his status. Therefore, the leader

After getting off the bus, just take one step or two at most to shake hands with the other person, which is the best distance. On the contrary, it is not good if the other party has already come up to you before the leader gets off the car. That will make the leader

He was in a hurry, not calm enough, and lost his manners.

The same is true for leaders getting on the car. If it is in front of a hotel, it is better to park the car at the front entrance. There is not much emphasis on this. But if the car is parked too far forward or too far behind, it will not work. In general places, parking places, and walking with leaders

There may be some steps in the place where you come. At this time, the secretary must fully consider which position is most convenient for the leader to get on the bus.

Yu Yan nodded, he had thought of all these, "There are so many details in officialdom," Yu Yan said with a sigh.

Hu Jiawei said with certainty, "The more careful you are, the better. Details bring success as well as trouble. Whether you can be a good secretary or not depends entirely on the details. Everything is a matter of knowledge and there is no room for carelessness."

After taking a sip of tea, Hu Jiawei seemed to have not finished speaking, and continued, "Leaders are also human beings, and they are one person. They are people in high positions. The so-called high places are always cold. Leaders in high positions are often criticized by others.

Blocked, the voices below cannot be heard. The people below all want the leader to hear the voices they want him to hear, but prevent him from hearing the voices they don’t want him to hear. Therefore, most leaders are selective

Deafness does not mean that the leader has to choose, but that the people below help him choose. The leader is chosen. However, the leader must hear all kinds of sounds, especially the sounds he wants to hear. Where does this sound come from?

Under normal circumstances, leaders will have their own special sources of information. They will even deliberately arrange some people to listen to various voices in order to report to the leaders in a timely manner. The secretary channel is the most convenient and most commonly used channel.

Channel. Therefore, secretaries are often the biggest source of information for leaders. Everyone in the officialdom knows this. What they want the leader to hear is more often than not conveyed directly to the leader. Instead, they find ways to impress the secretary, and then pass it on to the secretary through the secretary.

Leader. Another advantage of this method is that it is delivered through the mouth of a third person, and it is delivered by the person the leader trusts most, which increases credibility and makes it easier to influence the leader. Therefore, the secretary must not listen to the wind or rain.

, you must have your own judgment. Every time you hear something, you must work hard to investigate and collect evidence, use various methods to implement it, and know what to say and what not to say. If the leader asks, you must ask.

Answer, you know everything you need to know. If the leader doesn’t ask, he has to pick out the most important things and say as much as you want. This is a science. If you talk too much, the leader may think you are a scary person and ask about these things all day long.

If you like to make small reports, you have to be on guard. If you say too little, the boss will feel that you are incompetent at your job, do not know what you should know, and do not understand how you usually work."

Yu Yan sat there with his mouth wide open. The Hu family also laughed when they saw his appearance at this time, "Why, Xiao Yu is scared now?"

Hearing this, Yu Yan hurriedly said, "Master Gu, I didn't expect that there are so many things in this. You are really knowledgeable and have unique insights. If you have any other secrets, tell me all. I will do it.

Your descendant!"

"Haha, little naughty boy! You just want to get something out of my mouth!" Hu Jiawei continued, "Promise me something and I will tell you!"

"What is it? I will definitely promise you!" Yu Yan said hurriedly.

"It's been a long time since I've had dinner at home. Let's have a drink together at noon. We're not allowed to leave anymore!" Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was a big deal, but he usually came to visit these two old people.

He didn't stay to eat, as he was afraid of disturbing the two old people's rest.

"Okay, as long as my aunt doesn't talk about you, I will drink with you all the time!" Yu Yan said simply.

The Hu family smiled from ear to ear, looked at Yu Yanyou and then said, "Xiao Yu, have you ever thought about how to call Secretary Zhang?"

"Ah? I haven't thought about this. Wouldn't it be enough to just call him the leader?" Yu Yan said casually. He really hadn't thought much about this issue.

"Haha, no, no!" Hu Jiawei said with a smile.

"Oh? Master Gu, tell me, how should I call him?" Yu Yan was very confused.

Hu Jiawei continued, "It is indeed a great knowledge to address leaders. Are you called secretary? It feels too work-oriented and unfamiliar. Calling a name plus comrade? It puts one's position too high. In fact, in the end,

The best way is to call the boss."

"Called boss? But only capitalists are called bosses. Now calling leaders boss is neither fish nor fowl, and it always makes people feel weird." Yu Yan asked strangely.

"Xiao Yu, you are wrong. Boss does not completely refer to those capitalists. The so-called boss comes from BOSS in foreign languages. BOSS has many meanings in English, foreman, foreman, boss, superior. The main meaning is

, is the boss, the master, the person who calls the shots. The former meaning is close to the capitalist, and the latter meaning is the master. It doesn’t sound good to call the master, but it sounds much better to call it the boss. In fact, it means the master.

If you think about it, calling the boss will immediately clarify the identity between yourself and the leader." The Hu family smiled mysteriously and explained to Yu Yan.

Hu Jiawei said, "But when you reach the department level leadership, you really can't just call the boss."

Yuyan asked, "What's that called?"

"It depends on the environment, situation and emotions. On very personal occasions, and if you have a close relationship with the leader, you can call me boss. As for when and how to call me boss, I'm afraid you have to be flexible. In my experience, more

Several titles are better, but not too many. There are probably three titles that are more suitable, one is official position, the other is chief, and the third is boss." Hu Jiawei continued to persuade Yu Yu.

The more Yan Yan thought about it, he realized that it was really the case. He couldn't help but wonder again, it was too complicated and he really couldn't understand it for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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