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Chapter 0100 Family Banquet

The first 100 chapters of "Guan Sheng"! Brothers, give me some flowers and tickets to celebrate!!!!!! Haha...

"What role did he play in it? Tell me your views on this matter." Wang Quanqi decisively expressed his concern about this matter.

Yu Yan continued, "When we were in a stalemate with the gangsters, Fu Xianli and the criminal police arrived immediately. And in an instant, they discovered the drugs under the table. Instead of questioning the gangsters, they suspected that we had hidden them." Although

Yu Yan's words were not too straightforward, but he believed that Wang Quanqi would definitely understand.

Wang Quanqi frowned as he listened, his displeasure evident on his face, "Is this guy such a bastard? Does he think that the country has given him certain powers just to serve him personally?" Sure enough, Wang Quanqi already knew about Fu Xianli.

What role did he play? He is a typical scholar-type official. He is relatively upright. It is obvious that the country's public officials do so many evil things.

"Yes, Governor Wang. At the same time, I feel that this matter is not just about dealing with Fu Xianli or a gangster den. The reason why Fu Xianli formed this way of thinking is not only related to his position, but also to

It has to do with the general environment. Qinan’s economic development in recent years has indeed been rapid, and it can be said that it is changing with each passing day. However, the rapid development of material civilization has not promoted the rapid development of spiritual civilization. On the contrary, with the great enrichment of material civilization, some decay

The declining idea of ​​privilege has begun to rear its head again. This is a big issue that is really related to the future of our party and the country, and must be treated with caution." Yu Yan said, the expression on his face gradually became serious, and his clear eyes

, also became sparkling.

Wang Quanqi was taken aback. He never thought that Yu Yan would "talk about big principles" to him. But when he thought about it carefully, Yu Yan's words were very reasonable and insightful.

"Well, that's true. This is a serious topic that must be carefully studied and analyzed. The construction of material civilization is very important, and the construction of spiritual civilization is also very important." Wang Quanqi nodded in agreement.

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said, "Governor Wang, although you and the government are mainly focused on economic construction, I think it is also necessary to focus on the work in the field of ideological propaganda. Grasp it with both hands, and both hands must be strong. Only in this way can we be more effective.

A good team of construction cadres can better serve economic construction."

Wang Quanqi was even more surprised and couldn't help but look at Qi Yuyan again, "Grab with both hands, both hands must be hard." This was the first time he heard such a theory, and when he thought about it carefully, it was really the same thing!

This young man is indeed not simple.

"Well, it makes sense." Wang Quanqi once again confirmed Yu Yan's opinion and said with a smile, "Xiao Yu, drink tea. Come and eat some fruit." Unknowingly, Wang Quanqi became more friendly towards Yu Yan.

This also expresses recognition of Yu Yan.

"Xiao Yu, you came to Qinan this time probably because of the article on mineral integration." After a while, Wang Quanqi seemed to have thought of something and said to Yu Yan cordially.

Yu Yan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Wang Quanqi to know the purpose of his trip to Qinan. However, he was relieved when he thought that Liu Wei had asked the secretary to use an article to impress Secretary Wang of the Provincial Party Committee. Maybe Wang Quanqi himself was involved in this matter.

The trick given to the secretary was just borrowed from Liu Wei.

After a brief observation, Yu Yan nodded slightly, and then he came to Qinan to ask Professor Luo to correct the article. He also reported the title, theme, and several subtitles of the article one by one. He also revised what the professor said.

The perfect plan was explained in detail.

Yu Yan felt that Wang Quanqi, as the provincial governor, stood tall and had a far-sighted view. This matter involved a huge amount, and it was necessary to refer to his opinions.

When Wang Quanqi heard this, he nodded frequently and said, "Well, that's right! Professor Luo is indeed a famous professor. It's not in vain that the provincial party committee invited him to be the chief theoretical advisor, and it's not in vain that Secretary Wang favors him. His opinions are very valuable.

The key is very important! Everyone can write articles, and each one has his or her own ingenuity. Regardless of Professor Luo’s small suggestions, they can make a huge difference. If you modify them according to his ideas, the effect of your article will be even better.

, our magazine will also take it to the next level!”

Listening to Governor Wang's words of praise, Yu Yan was completely relieved. Originally, Yu Yan was worried that according to the tradition of Chinese literati showing contempt for each other, Wang Quanqi, as a scholar-type cadre, might not agree with the opinions of a university professor. Unexpectedly,

In these two people, there was a miracle of mutual respect between scholars.

Of course, how did Yu Yan, the secretary of the Antai Municipal Party Committee, know that Governor Wang and Professor Luo were classmates at Beijing University and had been in close contact with each other for decades. The two classmates took advantage of this special and undisclosed relationship to

The platform of "Shanlu Live" builds momentum for each other, compliments each other, and often engages in benefit sharing and win-win cooperation, which not only reaps a lot of benefits, but is also difficult for outsiders to detect.

Speaking of this, Yu Yan was inspired by Wang Quanqi's emotions and told the professor's suggestion about organizing a seminar on his works. However, he still regretted it after saying it. According to Yu Yan's usual style of doing things, he always told the professor about his suggestions for organizing a seminar on his works.

Things that have been approved by the secretary will generally not be disclosed easily.

After hearing this, Wang Quanqi did not immediately express his position. Instead, he suppressed a smile and pondered for a while, then slowly said, "This is a good idea. Hold a seminar on the work, use the power of newspapers, TV and other news media to widely hype it.

It will definitely have a greater impact. But——"

Another but! Yu Yan knew that the professor's but often had the element of selling things off, and even became a mantra, but Governor Wang did not seem to have this habit.

Just as Wang Quanqi was about to finish talking, a person suddenly came from the living room. She was about 50 years old, wearing a simple sweater and trousers, with a rosy face and black hair. She had a kind face and kind eyes. No need to guess, she was Wang Quanqi's wife Tian Yue.

"Xiao Yu, right? Welcome. Welcome." Tian Yue nodded to Yu Yan with a smile, "I heard Liu Wei say just now that you became the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary at a young age. I was very curious and wanted to see it.

What's Secretary Zhang's taste like? This meeting is really good."

"Hello, Auntie." Yu Yan bowed slightly, and when he saw her smile, Yu Yan felt like he was taking a breath of spring breeze.

Tian Yue smiled and nodded, and said to the two of them, "dinner is ready, come, eat!"

Just as Yu Yan was about to refuse, Wang Quanqi patted his shoulder lightly, "Come on!" After saying that, Wang Quanqi stood up and came to the restaurant. A table of sumptuous meals had been set up in the restaurant. Except for Tian Yue and Liu Wei, there was no one else.

For others, it can be regarded as an authentic family dinner.

Yu Yan felt happy and moved in his heart. The Wang family treated him to a family banquet. This was not only for the secretary's sake, but also because Wang Quanqi was an approachable and unassuming person. Of course, he also knew that even the conversation just now would not make him happy.

If he is satisfied, Wang Quanqi will also treat him to dinner. But it will definitely be just this one meal, and there will be no next time.

The Wang family's food style is on the lighter side, and they obviously have a tutor who eats silently. During the meal, almost no one spoke. Yu Yan also has the habit of eating in silence, so he had a light meal that he will never forget.

Although it was a light meal, it was a sign that he had integrated into the Wang family for the first time. He did not know that there were only three or five people in the entire Lu Province who had come to the Wang family to have a family dinner. And Yu Yan was the youngest and lowest-ranking person.

of one!

After the meal, Yu Yan followed Wang Quanqi to his study room to talk. Yu Yan was worried about Wang Quanqi's unfinished "but". After sitting down, he asked, "Governor Wang, about the seminar.

, is there something wrong?"

Wang Quanqi took a sip of tea, savored the moment carefully, and then said, "For a leading comrade like Zhang Siwen to write an important article of this weight, hold a seminar on his works, and organize some follow-up comments, it is not a big deal.

It's a big deal, but have you ever thought about it? Mining integration is a very sensitive issue even for the upper management. If the hype is too much, will it have the opposite effect? ​​It is probably not calm at Antai, and we must not cause any trouble.

What happened? As for whether Secretary Wang will attend in person or make a written speech, I'm afraid the variables are relatively large and I'm not very sure. My opinion will be discussed based on the specific results after the article comes out."

This chapter has been completed!
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