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Chapter 0031 Ma Zhen's Past

Zhang Siwen glanced at Yu Yan meaningfully. Although Yu Yan was young, he was very smart and could observe people's emotions. Zhang Siwen suddenly felt more favorable towards Yu Yan.

Yu Yan had been afraid to speak. He was not sure whether the secretary was praising him for a job well done or for writing a well-written report. If he didn't understand it clearly, he would look pretentious.

Seeing that Yu Yan was calm and not boastful, Zhang Siwen admired in his heart, "This Wednesday, the city is going to arrange a symposium on the integration of mineral resources. At that time, some experts and scholars from Antai City and the province will be invited to have a symposium. The municipal party committee and

There will be several people from the government, and some reporters from the province will come to visit. This work will be left to you. If there is anything you don’t understand or need to pay attention to, just discuss it with Secretary-General Liu Bin."

Seemingly remembering something again, Zhang Siwen continued, "Oh, by the way, I will also participate in the discussion of your report. I am basically satisfied with this report, but there are still a few areas that are lacking, such as the report.

You only saw the bad side, but did not think of the good side. Of course, it is amazing to be able to complete the report so well in such a short period of time! Let me put this report here first, and I will annotate it. You can also

Easy to make changes”

The secretary's remarkable words made Yu Yan immediately feel that his hard work was not in vain. People are like this, they all hope that they can be recognized by others.

"This is my job as secretary, and I am very happy to be able to share my worries with the secretary," Yu Yan said sincerely.

Zhang Siwen said nothing more and began to look through the materials again, sketching with a pencil from time to time.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Yu Yan hurriedly turned on the light and stepped out.

It wasn't until the end of get off work that Secretary Zhang Siwen gave him the report and a piece of information for him to use as a reference. Yu Yan was frightened when he saw that the surface of the information was stamped with a red "confidential" seal. I jumped and hurriedly put the materials away.

It was already past seven o'clock when He Luhua sent the secretary back to Yingke Pine Hall. It seemed that the secretary had put a lot of thought into the report he wrote.

In the car, Lu Hua asked casually while driving, "Is there anything going on tonight?"

Lu Hua's question made Yu Yan really think of something. Didn't Brother Ma have something to do with him this morning? He almost forgot about it after a busy day.

"Brother Lu, something really happened tonight. I have to go to the Rhine Hotel." Yu Yan looked at Lu Hua and said. It wasn't that Yu Yan wanted to hide it from Lu Hua. He really didn't know what Brother Ma was looking for.


Lu Hua didn't ask anything. He knew that Yu Yan also had privacy, and it was better not to inquire about some things.

"Well, just be busy with your work. The secretary doesn't have many social activities these days. Take advantage of the time to get your own affairs done. Oh, by the way, if you come back late in the evening, call me and I will pick you up.

"Your sister-in-law has already arranged the house. If it's early, I'll show you the house," Lu Hua continued.

Yu Yan glanced at Lu Hua gratefully, "Brother Lu, I'm really sorry to trouble you and my sister-in-law."

Lu Hua smiled and waved his hand, "Come on!"

When Yu Yan and others arrived at the Rhine Hotel, they found that Ma Zhen and a middle-aged man were already waiting there. When Ma Zhen and the middle-aged man saw the car, they looked at each other and smiled, as if they were confirming something in their hearts.

After getting out of the car, Lu Hua and Ma Zhen said hello without waiting long, and then drove back.

Yu Yan didn't recognize this middle-aged man, but he said hello with a smile. Ma Zhen welcomed Yu Yan into a private room upstairs. The room was decorated in a very simple and elegant style, with all antique furniture, antique flavor, and walls.

It was also hung with famous calligraphy and paintings. Although they were fakes, they could still be seen as showing considerable skill. Yu Yan knew that ordinary people would not have the chance to enter this room.

Seeing Yu Yanyan sit down, Ma Zhen hurriedly sat next to him and said, "Yu Yan, oh, no, no, no, Secretary Yu, it turns out you are the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary. Look, I have neglected you."


Yu Yan looked at Ma Zhen and felt funny for a moment. Yu Yan thought to himself, if I told you that I was the secretary of the municipal party committee secretary, how could we have been chatting here calmly before? But he said, "Brother Ma, your name is

Just get better, you were my Big Brother Ma before, and you are still my Big Brother Ma now!"

Hearing these words, Ma Zhen and the middle-aged man next to him felt happy. Ma Zhen continued, "Secretary Yu, I don't dare to do this. I, Ma Zhen, am not a person who doesn't understand the rules. How can I call you Xiao Yu?"

Yu Yan smiled inwardly and said with a serious face, "Brother Ma, you mean that I don't follow the rules."

When Ma Zhen heard what Yu Yan said, he felt a little scared. Although Yu Yan was young, he was still the secretary of the top leader of the municipal party committee. He was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. When he got angry, it was difficult for others to resist him.

Seeing Ma Zhen looking nervous and not knowing what to say, Yu Yan laughed out loud, "Brother Ma, Brother Ma, do you get nervous sometimes too?"

Ma Zhen smiled awkwardly, "Brother Yuyan, don't scare me, I'm a coward, haha." Unknowingly, Ma Zhen changed his title.

Yu Yan poured water for Ma Zhen and the middle-aged man and said, "Brother Ma, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but you also know that my identity is sensitive, so it would be wrong to tell you."

Zhang Zhen and the middle-aged man stood up in a hurry when they saw Yu Yan pouring water for him. Who was Yu Yan pouring water for? The Municipal Party Committee Secretary!

Yu Yan didn't force it. He also knew that this kind of thing was very helpless. It was okay if he didn't know. Once he knew it, the taste might change. But fortunately, he and Ma Zhen got along quite happily before.

"Yes, yes, brother Yuyan, you are visiting incognito!" Ma Zhen's words amused the three of them.

Ma Zhen looked at the middle-aged man, then at Yu Yan, and then said, "Brother Yu Yan, let me introduce to you. This is my good friend Ji Changfa."

Yu Yan has been paying attention to this middle-aged man since just now. He should be young, with strong short hair, good facial features, and a bit tall.

The two shook hands gently and said, "Hello, Secretary Yu!"

"Hello, big brother with long hair." Although Yu Yan didn't know who this person was, for Ma Zhen's sake, he still cared about politeness.

After the two of them sat down, Ma Zhen kept laughing, and Yu Yan wondered, "Brother Ma, what good things do you want to do to make you so happy?"

Ma Zhen stopped smiling and said to Yu Yan with a serious face, "Brother Yu Yan, let me tell you something. Don't be angry, okay?"

Yu Yan was a little confused by Ma Zhen. Why was he laughing and angry at other times, "Brother Ma, it doesn't matter, what's the matter?"

Ma Zhen pointed at Ji Changfa and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Yu Yan shook his head in confusion, and Ma Zhen saw that the heat was coming, and then said, "He is Ji Xiaodong's father!"

Hearing these words, Yu Yan and Ma Zhen laughed at the same time. Only Ji Changfa was sitting there, neither laughing nor laughing. It was very embarrassing.

"Secretary Yu, I would like to apologize to you on behalf of my little girl. Xiaodong offended Secretary Yu before, so please forgive me. Now I'm giving you tea instead of wine to keep you company!" After that, he drank the tea.

Yu Yan really didn't expect that the person in front of him was Xiaodong's father who had teased him before. Yu Yan smiled and waved his hand, "What is Xiaodong guilty of? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have known Brother Ma. If it weren't for her,

We can't sit together today, it's fate, we all have to thank her!"

Yu Yan relieved Ji Changfa's embarrassment with just one sentence. He couldn't help but glance at Yu Yan and thought to himself, this person knows how to take care of other people's emotions when speaking, and he also has a tolerant heart. He is not simple and is worth getting to know. He then said, "Yu Yan

Secretary, with your words, I feel relieved. We don’t know each other without fighting. I will give the secretary a few drinks at dinner later."

Yu Yan smiled and nodded, then asked, "Brother Ma, you are very well-informed. How did you know that I am in the municipal party committee?"

Ma Zhen glanced at Ji Changfa and said, "I am not well-informed, but I saw the license plate of the car you were riding in last night. Everyone does not know the municipal party secretary, but his license plate number is still well-known to everyone."

As soon as Ma Zhen explained, Yu Yan figured out the link, and then smiled helplessly, he still didn't do a good job of keeping secrets.

After a brief chat, the food was put on the table. Ma Zhen specially took out a bottle of fine wine and prepared to have a drink with Yu Yan.

During the meal, Yu Yan always felt that Ji Changfa was hesitant to speak, as if he had something on his mind that he wanted to tell him.

Yu Yan picked up the wine glass and said to Ji Changfa, "Brother Changfa, since you and Brother Ma are good friends, don't be polite to me, and don't call me Secretary Yu. Work is work, life is life, and you have friends."

We come from far away, it is fate that we meet together, I offer you a drink." After saying this, Yu Yan drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing Yu Yan drinking the wine, Ji Changfa didn't dare to lag behind and drank it all in one gulp, so happy!

Ma Zhen had been watching the interaction between the two people. When he saw them finishing their drinks, he said to Yu Yan, "Brother Yu Yan, do you remember what I told you before? In fact, my restaurant is a place where people can grow their hair."

It started with the help of Xiaodong, who and I had never met a few years ago. Later, Xiaoyun went to high school and became good friends with Xiaodong. Xiaodong was kind-hearted and told Changfa about my family's situation. Changfa

After knowing about it, he contacted me through Xiaodong and helped me free of charge. At that time, the situation at home began to improve, and we became good friends from then on." After saying that, Ma Zhen's eyes were a little moist, and the man couldn't help crying.

It's a flick, but it doesn't reach the sad point.

When Ji Changfa heard Ma Zhen mentioning the past, his face moved slightly, "Brother Zhen, it's all over. Don't keep it in your mind."

Yu Yan gently comforted Ma Zhen and looked at Ji Changfa. At this time, he also began to admire the middle-aged man in front of him for being able to take the initiative to help a stranger. This kind of mind and this noble quality made him proud.

People were in awe.

This chapter has been completed!
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